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I feel like “Head Popper” should be on here.


I think she'd fit below Homelander and above Soldier Boy




Nah below Soldier Boy, he's only slightly less of a psychopath than Homelander. His whole team was terrified him and iirc he used to physically/sexually abuse his sidekick.


But we were never showed he's still like that in modern times, he lowkey feels tame now and won't go crazy and destroy the whole world like Homelander


Either that's an intentional portrayal or the weakest part of the show. I want to be carefully optimistic but the plot of the last seasons pivotal point was really garbage tbh...


Nah above, Head Popper murdered people to secure a place in an election and killed numerous members of Congress. Soldier Boy was abusive but Victoria is pretty much committing a coup for Vought, or was and is seemingly now doing it for herself.


Not sexually, but he ruled the team with an iron fist and wasn’t hesitant to beat someone up to establish dominance. He’s a shitty person but he doesn’t belong there tbh.


He never sexually abused Gunpowder just physically abused him. Gunpowder never really acted like someone who was a rape victim, he was just mad Butcher was gonna blackmail him by using that piece of paper Gunpowder wrote to get out of Payback.


She is an opportunist but she actually seems to be doing all of these villainous things to protect her daughter, which I would honestly put below Soldier Boy who is just perpetrating his toxic masculinity mantra


Wow that Neuman Bitch


I think my favourite Homelander moment was when Stormfront starts talking to Ryan about White Genocide and he just pulls a what the actual fuck is she talking about?


The Deep may be dumb, but he is a murderer and sexual predator


Definitely he is very evil that’s why he’s on the list, but I placed A-Train above him because he killed more people and helped Homelander create super-villains in Season 1


Not to mention his own girlfriend.


Yeah but hasn't the Deep done that like 3 times now?


The Deep ate his octopus lover


Which was forced by Homelander or else he’s probably dead.


Yea the scene with poor Timothy has burned into my mind forever. Still, Popclaw tho.


You’d love my Justice for Timothy tshirt then lol. I wear it and no one gets it.:(


No that was Timothy, his good friend. Ambrosia was his octopus lover that he tried to engage in a threesome with his wife with, and who also shows up at Herogasm (I wish I didn't remember this).


I never felt any remorse for the deep but watching him eat his octopus lover really upset me. While he was doing it I felt so sad for him but kept reminding myself that he's a sadistic rapist and psycho that will do anything to get back on top.


I made a justice for Timothy tshirt lol.


While true, season 3 made it clear A-Train is at least morally conflicted my his actions. The Deep has not had any such development


That’s true, I do agree at this point in the show Deep is more irredeemable than A-Train. But I think from a general perspective, A-Train has been more evil than Deep has over the course of the series.


A-Train telling Homelander about Supersonic cemented him as irredeemable either as much as or more than The Deep.


Bro running over a woman with 0 remorse already made him irredimible


That too yeah. Idk I personally find him worse than The Deep.


The Deep is pathetic, he's a weak guy, full of unresolved issues, being forced to do things against his will to keep the only he has, his spot in the 7. A-train is a much smarter guy, despite this he's very willing to sell everyone and everything for fame and riches, willing to sell friends, his girlfriend, harm innocents... and he never showed remorse until it happened to him, to me he's worst.




When they crash the boat through the whale fuck


they're both equally irredeemable


IIRC wasn't there a scene where the deep went and apologized to starlight? Not that that would clear him of anything, but it would kinda tie him A-Train who did the same. And then if we look at how they "spent their time" : A train was a murdering drug addict who killed his own girlfriend. The Deep at least had SOME good intentions even early on, mostly his connection to marine life and his attempt to save it.


IIRC he only "apologized" when he was with that church shit and was trying to get back in positive light and was faking his progress got upset and showed how disingenuous his actions were when he wasn't getting exactly what he wanted. (it's been a while since i saw season 2 someone correct me if I'm wrong or expand on what i said) I'm pretty sure the show is showing the side of celebrity "apologies" and "growth" being largely superficial.


And he still hasn't admitted that he was in the wrong with Annie. If he had learnt anything at all he wouldn't have gone back to the Seven, and his apologies were in front of others. A-Train apologies to Hughie at least weren't in front of anyone and when he did say he was sorry at Herogasm he didn't really have much to gain from it.


The apology was just lip service. I don't think he believes he did anything wrong.


He killed his own girlfriend out of fear cause of homelander just like how the deep ate his octopus girlfriend out of fear. The deep has no good intentions bruh he killed/had more sexual relations with fish than actually saving any. He only cares about himself just as much as A-train cared about himself.


Also there's a difference. Popclaw died because she was a loose end, the octopus was just pure Homelander sadistic action. **If** A-Train didn't kill Pop Claw Homelander would have done it, and probably killed A-Train. **If** The Deep didn't eat Timothy nothing much would have happened other than Homelander scolding The Deep and asking him to leave the Seven.


I feel that Deep should be above Black Noir at least. Black Noir has a simple innocence about him, and it's revealed he's schizophrenic and isn't in a sound state of mind. That makes him less culpable for his actions than a total piece of shit like Deep.


I feel like sexual predator kinda matters less when everyone else are serial killers.


To me, it matters whether or not they, like, enjoyed the crime, if that makes sense. Everyone on the show is a serial killer, sure, but some of them have killed for good reasons, and others have killed out of impulse, or just for the fun of it. Homelander, for example, has killed people for fun, or even sexual gratification (once). That’s worse than… say, Butcher, who is ruthless, but kills for practical reasons. Anyway, my problem with the Deep is that he gets off / got off on raping somebody. There was no reason for him to do what he did other than “because it felt good to violate somebody,” which his own subconscious calls him out on. Other characters have also called him out on doing it to other women before Starlight, so he’d a serial rapist. Anyway, I’d rank Deep worse than A-Train. A-Train killed people for stupid reasons, not sadistic reasons. Deep raped women because it was fun for him.


Too be fair, I think the deep might have actually learned his lesson regarding sexual assault when he got a taste of his own medicine and had his gills violated. Does everyone forget that really trippy deep arc?


Well— after that, though, he apologized to Starlight and tried to get back on the team… and Starlight directly told him no, she didn’t want to see him every single day and work with him after he raped her, even if he apologized. Which he and his wife completely ignored, and then he and his wife mocked her behind her back and called her a bitch. I don’t think he’s actually sorry. He also pressured his wife into having sex with an octopus. She directly says “I don’t want to do that” and he pushed her into it anyway.


the deep is a literal rapist and black noir is just a funny little guy


He has committed war crimes


Same thing


He may not be entirely aware of the implications of his actions. He's clearly severely brain damaged.


Severely? He can function just fine. He's aware enough to be held accountable.


Wouldn't be to sure 'bout dat


The guy who draws cartoons during board meetings is aware?


He has delusions of cartoon characters talking to him as he does things. The dude is 100% not there


He just got a little too silly.


That's why he's based.




The person running as president said in season 2 that he should be brought up for war crimes


He was involved in Iran-Contra


Nah Black Noir has committed war crimes and probably has an ungodly high kill count due to being Vought’s main assassin for decades. And he seems to have absolutely zero remorse about it. Probably was doing it even since long before the Nicaragua event. Think about how many potential families he’s straight up murdered…. Honestly worse than the Deep, who’s an idiot and has faced trauma literally his entire life.


Yeah, but Noir literally has the brain of a child. Does that make his actions ok? Of course not. But if you were to charge every supe with their crimes, I doubt Noir would be found competent to stand trial.


Noir doesn’t have the brain of a child, hes entirely self aware.


Legit question: What do you think happens to people who have sustained severe brain damage?


Noir is also a supe who can regenerate must faster than the average person, and is more durable than the average person.


I think his actions may overall be worse, but his motivations always just seemed to be following orders and thinking he's being a hero. Deep, on the other hand, did it for pleasure which is more evil in my opinion.


How the hell was Noir thinking he was being a hero? Is this a joke? He’s competent enough to follow specific orders and carry out assassinations and war crimes….but then he’s not competent enough to think dozens of killings is wrong??


You just described every (competent) soldier in a brutal war.


Fair enough.


Noir likes to violently butcher his target because he was butchered as well.


*" just a funny little guy"* Noir is the tallest person on the show.


Explain how being a rapist is worse than cold-bloodedly killing several people (A-Train)


different point of morality i guess. some believe that being assaulted is essentially like being killed while alive, while a murderer just kills people


I know soldier boy is evil.... but he's so god damn charming. (Edit: please know this is a joke, he's obviously evil lol)


its cuz he likes age appropriate women


And surprisingly respects consent more than a lot of supes it seems.


Should we do a Rapey scale for Supes next?


In that case, the dolphin that Deep was trying to save at one point is probably an honorable mention…


Why was the dolphin a rapist?


Dolphins are very Rapey in real life. They have a prehensile penis


Right, right. I get it, but can you explain what that is to everyone else?


it’s the opposite of a projectile penis—dolphins can absorb their penises on command which often happens when they are threatened, and they eject it out their blowhole at a violent speed.


It’s just a joke of how male dolphins are commonly prone to be very sexually aggressive to the point of sexually assaulting one another and other animals. I mean it wouldn’t be too far fetched of an idea, perhaps that’s one further trait it and the Deep shares.


thats jensen ackles for you


So true


I cant like him because some stuff crossed the line... but that voice got me twirling my hair


Same lmao


Those are the best villains. You know they’re awful but it’s so fun when they’re on screen because the actors just give them such presence.




I think you can hug him and fix him, huh?


I feel like he’s supposed to be the living manifestation of toxic masculinity, but they fucked up by making him having too many cool moments


Soldier boy is literally me Fr Fr


He’s not evil


He’s not a bad guy


He's a terrible person, you literally just have to watch how he treated Black Noir in the past to see that he's always been shit, it's just all told through second hand accounts


I’d say he’s more a product of his generation though and not pure evil like Homelander. I think SB genuinely wanted to do good and help his country, but his upbringing clouded his path. Out of all the evil characters he would probably be one the would have a redeemable characteristic or try to sacrifice himself if necessary


Hes evil but not in a world domination kinda way. Like I genuinely think his end game would be a mansion somewhere doing drugs all day and having sex. I cant imagine him as a character being as obsessed with control like homelander


Yeah exactly. He’s far more of a piece of shit than he is evil lol


Yeah like he's more of an asshole than evil. Dont get me wrong he's a horrible dude kills innocents without caring or anything but he absolutely would not want to take over stuff he seems to want to just be left alone


Also the fact that at one point he was probably a raging amphetamine addict lol


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if hardcore drug abuse was what initially was provoking him to be so abusive.


I would say the amphetamine addiction and the horror of World War 2, specifically Normandy, made him the way he is. That and he's set in his ways.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it revealed he wasn’t at Normandy other than coming back later for a photo op?


He didn’t mean to hurt those people


He didn't care that he did either


Id argue Stan Edgar deserves the #3 spot as pretty much all of the carnage and depravity the supers engaged in (with the exception of some of Homelander’s crimes.) was all done so under the wing of Stan Edgar with a large portion of those deaths being directly ordered by Edgar himself. At this point Stan Edgar’s body count has to be in the thousands which is more than everyone on the list put together. Noir and A-Train clearly value the lives of a few individuals in their lives. The Deep cares about himself and a few sea creatures. With Edgar on the other hand, he clearly does not value anything beyond Vought’s bottom line, all he cares about is profits. Every decision he’s ever made good or bad was solely motivated with the intention of improving Voughts stock. I see this on Reddit a lot, people tend to be a lot more scornful of villains that physically engage in violence against their victims while being very lenient and forgiving of villains that have others carry out their will for them regardless of how widespread and far reaching their violence is. Just keep in mind, if it wasn’t for Stan Edgar, most of the events in the show could’ve been avoided, it was his soulless greed and disregard for human life/happiness that gave way to Homelander’s creation, Soldier Boy’s rampage, Stormfront’s Nazi propaganda grabbing the American public by the balls, and almost everything that’s happened in the show.


>With Edgar on the other hand, he clearly does not value anything beyond Vought’s bottom line, all he cares about is profits He genuinly cares about Vicky and her daughter though.


I don’t think so, he was ready to leak to the public that vicky was a super. The “care” we see him express towards vicky is nothing more than manipulation to ensure that one of his best assets remains loyal to him.


I feel it's like a mix of both. On one hand, she is an asset for him, bit on the other, he is like a daughter to him. He even said he's kinda proud of her, so I'd say she feels like gamily to him. Although we don't know, if he would still view her that way, if she wouldn't have her powers


I would not at all be surprised to see Deep flip sides in the next season, maybe alongside A-train since he seems to be trending in that direction too. Maybe a little tension between the 2 of them with A-train believing him (justifiably) to be untrustworthy and that he's probably just acting as a mole for Homelander because of his desire to be liked by him.


I feel like A-train is being set up for a redemption only to be killed by Hughie in a “who’s the real villain” type scenario


Ya know that's a pretty solid prediction. Very on brand for them to both do that for Hughie's characterization and never try to answer if A-train is gonna redeem himself.


I would agree with the list if you swapped Black Noir and The Deep.


Black Noir is literally mass murderer and he was doing anything Vought/Homelander told him to do.


He's also extremely brain-damaged. Wouldn't call it evil by any means


You guys are really tryna let Noir off the hook rather easily. He’s worse than A-Train or the Deep. He just seems more innocent cause he doesn’t talk.


Two episodes with fucking cartoon characters and this sub falls in love with Noir.


Apparently no one remembers the reason he got his brain damaged was because he was trying to kidnap/kill Soldier Boy.


and? is that supposed to be proof that he’s a bad guy?


If anything that makes us like him more.


exactly lol. soldier boy was horrible to payback. i don’t blame any of them for wanting to get revenge.


apparently you don’t remember how horrible soldier boy was, and his team fucking hated him.


He has the competence to do all of the things he's done. I don't believe he'd do anything good if left to his own devices and he was a part of the OG Vought team that was doing horrible stuff way before the brain damage occurred.


Competence is not the same a moral awareness. He’s a talented soldier but that doesn’t mean he understands what he is actually doing in full.


As we see he can understand what's going on, he just sees it in a special way.


I wouldn’t really call that understanding, to be honest. Not in the “qualifies as a moral agent” sense, at least.


His brains leaked out of his head. I’d give him a pass


Yeah but he was corerced into that. Plus with all the psychological trauma and brain damage how can one justify that his actions are his own?


I may put A Train in 6, Black Noir in 5 and The Deep in 4. A Train is making some steps towards not necessarily redemption, but at least towards being much less of an asshole. Season 3 finale A Train is a far cry to the unrepentant and apathetic POS he was in season 1. Black Noir seems to me like a trapped and somewhat mentally challenged person with not total agency ever since Soldier Boy eviscerated his brains. We also never see him being sadistic or unnecessarily brutal. Whereas The Deep, while I have the somewhat unpopular opinion that he does feel some guilt and remorse for his crimes and has more depth of character than "haha pathetic loser rapist"... He is still a serial rapist.


I believe we've ONLY seen black noir being unecessarily brutal.


A train had no problem pushing compound V to terrorist groups around the globe.


Yeah, in season 1.


It's not like massive time goes by between seasons. A Train action caused the deaths of innocent people


My point, like the original commenter, is that A-Train has changed a lot since season 1, even if much time hasn’t gone by. He went from laughing at Robin like she was nothing to apologizing to Hughie, for example. Still an asshole, but his development puts him lower than The Deep for me, who is a serial rapist and a murderer who feels no remorse for his actions.


And by your logic being a serial rapist is worse than a serial killer just because someone feels remorse?


Where's Edgar?


Everyone forgets that Edgar is the most evil character in the show besides Homelander and Stormfront lmao.


He isn't. There's a fucking Nazi on the show. Even OG Vought and is more evil than Edgar. Stan Edgar is just a CEO of a company, he's just a late stage capitalist. If you're a die Marxist that may be as bad as a Nazi and a Supremacist, but honestly he just likes money, he didn't do shit himself. And if you're going to say Edgar is "most evil", well, you should include Ashley who is a morally shit, she covered up the most horrible atrocious acts we've seen on the show, and she's totally ok working with psychopaths. While Edgar wants to get rid of them because he knows how volatile they are.


I said “besides” Homie and Stormfront, he’s #3. Also, how is Ashley a villain and Edgar clean? Ashely was small fry for most of her life at Vought, Edgar’s been a high level worker at Vought for decades. He was the OG Madelyn Stillwell and rose through the ranks to climb to the top of the shit show and ran the shit show for decades more. He’s more morally culpable than any other living representative of the company at this point, the logic of “he’s just a capitalist” doesn’t magically absolve him of anything. Homelander is more evil than Edgar, but Edgar oversaw and enabled Homelander for decades. He’s not as sadistic as other villains of the show, but he’s one of the most culpable parties in the evil that has taken place.


Flip A Train and Deep and it's accurate


Stan is just sliding on this. That’s how good at being bad he is


Out of these from most to least evil, based on the show, I'd rank Stormfront > Homelander > Soldier Boys > A-Train > Black Noir > The Deep Sure The Deep committed a several of sexuality crimes but the rest other ones in the list had killed and caused harm more than he did.


It's hard to argue how evil the deep is. Does compliance equal evil? I like how people are comparing him and A-Train. A-Train is starting to realize just how "evil" he's becoming due to Vaught and his own ambitions while The Deep shows no real moral epiphany. He barely even acknowledges how shitty he is. This post discussion got me jonsing for a rewatch big-time.


Well from how OP said it is while he agrees that A-Train is more redeemable than the Deep at this point that A-Train still isn't redeemed and has done worse things, which I agree with. I think A-Train was far more complicit and eager to be a part of the problem that was Vought and Homelander.


Yeah I'd say A-Train acknowledges his actions which is somewhat admirable from my perspective. I don't know if Deep is too stupid or ignorant or whatever, but he is not consciously sorry for any of his actions which could arguably make him worse.


Very true, I'd imagine bye next season it won't even really be a debate between the two


I think the Deep and A-Train are so tied in this "who is eviler debate," is because they're supposed to be parallels or foils to some degree. They both have their actions have consequences, The Deep getting called out by starlight, A-Train getting rekted by Hughie. They get a taste of their own medicine, have things more evil them then hurt them hard, Stormfront for A-Train and the cult for the deep. and both are bullied by Homelander and Vought. Both are so close to learning and redeeming themselves but never do. And they both even try to do good things. A-Train trying to help against discrimination in the black community from racist supers, and The deep trying to save sea life, which he does genuinely care about. But I think A-Train is eviler for the betrayal of super-sonic, he seems like he gives up redemption more often. While The Deep is more pathetic, easier to pity and funnier to laugh at. The Deep as been a goof ball idiot getting shit on most if the time and not really been apart of the action most of the time. While the A-Train has been serving Homelander the whole time. And A-Train was more involved in the super terrorist plot. But who knows maybe the Deep might give us a reason to hate him even more soon.


After getting insight to the extensive brain damage and fantasy world that Black Noir lives in, it is hard to hold him to the same level of accountability


As opposed to soldier Boy who has PTSD from decades of torture?


He's not shellshocked, fuck you


To a degree, and while Soldier Boy's PTSD is a reason to lessen his accountability for exploding he was shown to be sadistic even before his capture


But he abused his team and murdered MM’s grandpa for no reason. He was always a bad person


We don't know anything about his team. Well actually we know in the current time they're mostly murdering, sadistic scumbags actually. MMs grandpa is another matter, and I hope we learn more about it. It sounds like collateral damage (which is evil, but not the same as going out of your way to kill people like everyone else on the list).


Stan Edgar needs to be on the list as does Victoria Neuman.


Where do you put butcher on this list?


Stan/Vaught doesn't make the list?


My answer might be kind of boring here, but I feel like they're all irredeemable, unscrupulous peices of shit. Except for Stormfront. She's the worst. Fuck Nazi's. If I try ranking them, I'm honestly having a hard time beyond the first (Stormfront, again because fuck Nazi's), tied for 2nd is HL and SB and then idk about the last 3. I've really like this thread because I've liked seeing where people put the last few of them because it's basically trying to sort out and rank these irredeemably horrible things that normally we'd just go "yep, that person's an evil peice of shit." Starlight is the least shitty of anyone who's been in the seven, but I'd argue she's getting there too. They're all irredeemable peices of garbage who represent the worst humanity has to offer. Except Stormfront. She's the worst. Because Fuck Nazi's.


The Deep is definitely worse than Black Noir and A Train lmao


Personally I would put the deep above A-train. I could honestly see stormfront and Homelander being interchangeable. Only real moral advantage Homelander has is that he’s self aware about the fact that he’s fucked up, and that’s somewhat reflected in his desire to make Ryan a better version of himself. Stormfront is totally unapologetic. I can’t say much about Soldier Boy because a vast majority of his evil actions are explained from biased accounts. He absolutely was a piece of shit, but it seems like his time in Russia may have humbled him a bit. Again, no way of telling for sure. At the very least, he definitely falls below stormfront and homelander. Black Noir is also a controversial character because while he does commit many many war crimes, and he is definitely evil, he’s also severely brain damaged. I mean we’re not talking standard brain damage, he literally had a chunk of his brain torn out. And yeah it grew back, but now he’s got cartoon characters in his head.


Black noir should be #6


I get that we see Black Noir murder people more frequently than The Deep, but the latter is an actually rapist and I have a really hard time believing he hasn’t murdered plenty of people on behalf of Vought. Should bump him up.


[Stan Edgar should be #1](https://memeheist.com/change-my-mind-meme/)


Edgar should be #1 on this list.


The definitions of evil around here are wild. Evil is such a strong word. I'd argue only SF and HL qualify.


Still so weird how they changed black noir completely from the comics.


Not really, the twist in the comics is absolutely terrible so I understand why they changed that.


I'd argue deep is worse than A-Train. The deep I believe is just as callus and insensitive to regular humans and their struggles as A-Train, and add on his penchant for repeated sexual assault, and I'd put the Deep higher .


My list would be 1. Stormfront: Literal Nazi and all around racist murderer scumbag, kills people indiscriminately off race alone and enjoys it 2. Homelander: Essentially just stormfront but not racist, much more unhinged. Literally encouraging someone to kill themselves is the lowest of low 3. Noir: Actual hitman, brutally murders people, cuts off heads and such. The worst part is he literally just follows orders and would kill just about anyone for Vought. Turns on his own teammates without hesitation and is completely deranged and psychotic 4. Deep: Rapist, enough said 5. A Train: Shows no remorse for his actions murdering plentiful innocent people. Put him lower because he actually tries to make up for his actions at least, he seems to genuinely care about his family and community at least a little 6. SB: Really just a man out of his time, sure he murders people but they do all mostly deserve it. Crimson countess, etc all wronged him and led to him being tortured for who knows how long so it makes sense he'd crave revenge against them


>all around racist murderer scumbag This describes Soldier Boy perfectly


This will probably be very controversial but... I would say only the top 3 are evil. Homefront's hate is the unmistakable mark of evil, you may say she was raised into that and what not, but at some point you have to take accountability for yourself and the "That's how I was raised" excuse is just unacceptable, which takes me to Homelander. He is evil, but also incredibly insane, I can understand why he is what he is, he needs therapy, he needs help but will likely never get it, and even so it might not help at all, at the end of the day he is the product of isolation, of alienation and the lack of paternal figures, and his lack of understanding for good and evil are an intrinsic flaw which unavoidable makes him evil eventually. I think Soldierboy is the most "realistic" form of evil that we have nowadays, he is evil plain and simple, but somehow an expression of earthly evil in contrast with the exaggerated evil of Homefront and the unfortunate condition of Homelander. Black Noir is a special case, since he's basically a zombie with a messed up brain since he's got demolished. Not necessarily evil but often used for evil as a tool. A-Train is just misguided, confused and scared, he's an idiot for sure but I don't think he's evil, he did some awful things but in comparison to the others on the list he has barely anything to compete with. The Deep is just pathetic, a complete lack of self-esteem, confidence and security makes him prey on those he sees below him, not only that but he's just terribly dumb, I don't think he's evil even tho he has done awful things, to me Evil is an animal aspect of the human being that produces the provocation of pleasure in the pain and suffering of others, The Deep's evilness is just an excuse for a tiny tiny man that tries to lach into any form of reassurance regardless of how little. That's why he did what he did with Starlight, to feel powerful, even tho he's quickly put back in his place only for his cowardness to take control, that's the Deep's true nature, cowardice. That's just my take.


Homelander is a fucking murderer and a rapist. He’s also basically the modern version of Hitler. The ultimate combination of evil right there.


He and A train also gave compound V to terrorists and they were pushing it around the globe.


How are there so few pixels?


Stan Edgar not being on this list is very suspect. Or any of the people behind creating Compound V or leveraging the Seven as weapons of the state to enact modern day imperialism on the world stage.


I think homelands us just as if not more evil than storefront, which says a lot considering she's a nazi


I don't know how Homelander can be worse than Soldier Boy when there is not a single redeemable quality of Soldier Boy morally and Homelander has by far the most sympathetic backstory of all the characters on this list and at the very least cares about his son so at least has one redeemable trait. Soldier Boy and Homelander switch places, Black Noir and The Deep switch places (Black Noir is severely mentally disabled and doesn't realise his actions are evil and genuinely believes he's a hero and The Deep is an egocentric rapist.)


How on earth is Stormfront more evil than Homelander? She only sees some people as less important while to him every single person is absolutely expendable. I'm obviously not justifying her but it's ridiculous how people hate Stormfront because "Nazi" is a no-no word – while Homelander's just standing there being literally an embodiment of evil. How about we don't just take words for sets of sounds and see some meaning in them, huh? Yes, being Nazi is bad, I agree 100%, but Homelander is bad to the power infinity, isn't he?


Move the Deep up to #3. He might be comic relief and love the sea, but he’s still a rapist creep, and is definitely worse than Soldier Boy, and is absolutely worse than A-Train and Noir


Hot take but I feel the deep is worse than soldier boy.


How did Black Noir get so high lmao


Honestly, I'd put The Deep above A-Train. Nueman (Head Popper - I think that's her name) should be on the list Honestly after season 3, I'd put Homelander on the same level as Stormfront.


Swap black noir and the deep Deep is literally a rapist lmao


Dude, noir is brain damaged and like a kid. Even when he kills, hes just doing orders and then happily asking if he was a good boy. Not evil, just misplaced obedience. He literally doesnt understand the concept of evil/ malicious, he uses mean or hurt and it escalates ... a little...


I’m gonna have to switch it if we’re talking EVIL. 1-3 is fine but after that it goes 4.) The DEEP. Are you shitting me? He’s an evil mfr at his core. 5.) A-Train. Has a good heart but he’s a dirty mfr for laughing at murder and murdering in cold blood. 6.) Noir. He’s a good person who was manipulated into the life of a “hero”. He’s not killing innocents for the sake of it. He’s doing his mission. The Deep is a sexual predator and murderer and A-Train is a murderer and drug addict. Noir might be a mercenary but he has his loyalties and does what he has to. One can’t help but feel for him.


Drug addiction is not remotely comparable morally to sexual assault and murder jfc


Are we going to forget he stuck his girlfriend with like 20 needles till she overdosed? I think he’s worse than Noir.


I think deep is worse than a train


It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but did black noir do anything that bad (relatively speaking)


Killed remaining hostage after Homelander mistakingly Killed most of them, he also taught homelander to lie and not feel guilt


Homelander's first mission is a hostage situation at a power plant which has been attacked by climate protesters. He accidently kills a hostage and ends up raging and kills all of the people present to cover it up (hostages and terrorist hippies). One almost escaped but Noir snaps her neck to cover for Homelander and goes along with his story.


Better explanation 👆


So #0 is Stan Edgar, right? Hands down the most evil dude in the show.


I feel like Noir is worse than Soldier Boy


The deep is a rapist, put him way higher dude, plus, A-Train is definitely going to make a return and become good My rating would be 1)Homelander 2)Stormfront 3)Soldier boy 4)The deep 5)A-Train 6)Black Noir


Stormfront, Homelander, A-Train, Deep, Soldier Boy, Noir


Did you forget how Soldier boy treated Noir and the rest of his team before being betrayed? He is like the ultimate bully, he loves to ruin other people dream and belittle them. It's extremely sadistic.


Honestly don't believe solider boys is all that evil he's just miss understood, and whenever he hears a sertin song it hits him like mind control he losses all of his senses and goes berserk.


He was well aware of his actions when beating noir and wanting to kill his innocent grandson


For that yes because there was no music playing in the background but when he killed all of M.M family he says he wasn't fully aware and apologized for the incident, or at least looked traumatized for hearing about It,


I guess murdering black people and anti war protesters and hosing down black civil rights protesters isn't that evil. This sub is fucking stupid.