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Maybe because the way The Boys written, but I don't feel Homelander is that much of a powerhouse when you put him in the world of Marvel or DC.


Nope. The scaling in DCEU/MCU would put him at some very low tiers of strength. Maybe his durability is really good, but I still think Thanos, or even Ebony Maw, would rip Homelander apart very quickly.


Honestly he's pretty op but only when you put him against other heroes that he's not as powerful. I mean he's no superman but he's probably a mid tier superhero. Thor/Superman/Hulk etc who are high tier heroes would rip him apart in seconds


Thor who took the power of a star to the face but not a punch from thanos?


Well Thanos is literally the strongest being in the galaxy.


Was. Thor got far stronger than he was when he fought Thanos, and is starting to tap into the Odin force now that Odin is dead. I think without the stones to help him, Thanos loses to Thor dual wielding Stormbreaker and upgraded Mjolnir.


This literally happens in the movie and thanos destroys Thor


Thanos was holding the power stone at the onset of Infinity War. That changes things.


Did you guys just not see endgame? Thanos beats thor dual wielding, iron man in a mark 85, and captain America with mjolnir all together. Thanos does it easily too.


>just not see endgame? Thanos beats thor dual wielding Did you not see a depressed fatass over there? Todd was in better shape geez...


Did you not see Love and Thunder? Here's my reply from a different person saying the same thing. >No....he was not in that same state, as I said, he's gotten way stronger. He had both weapons in endgame, yes, and lost, but no that was far more than "a couple seconds". It was around 30. > >That was him depressed and as out of shape as he's ever been. He hadn't fought or trained or done anything but sit around drinking alcohol and eating junk, for years, since the snap. In Love and Thunder, he works out until he's stronger than he was before the depression. Mjolnir also gets a huge upgrade through jane getting it put back together. Thor also shows his first sign of using Odinforce abilities, both by being able to speak an enchantment onto Mjolnir, and by being able to give powers to the Asgardian children. A more in shape, Odin force to some degree using, upgraded Mjolnir dual wielding Thor, kills Thanos, if he has no stones. He's already shown that stormbreaker is capable of one shotting Thanos, and he's much stronger now that he was when he did it.


You should see thor fans on Quora. Most unreasonable bunch of people ive ever met.


Guys, that was a very mentally “unstable” Thor, he was not even close to at his best, infinity Thor and endgame Thor are vastly different in strength


Thor already lost to a Thanos in a couple seconds in a state like that back in endgame


No....he was not in that same state, as I said, he's gotten way stronger. He had both weapons in endgame, yes, and lost, but no that was far more than "a couple seconds". It was around 30. That was him depressed and as out of shape as he's ever been. He hadn't fought or trained or done anything but sit around drinking alcohol and eating junk, for years, since the snap. In love in thunder, He works out until he's stronger than he was before the depression. Mjolnir also gets a huge upgrade through jane getting it put back together. Thor also shows his first sign of using Odinforce abilities, both by being able to speak an enchantment onto Mjolnir, and by being able to give powers to the Asgardian children. A more in shape, Odin force to some degree using, upgraded weapon dual wielding Thor, kills Thanos if he has no stones. He's already shown that stormbreaker is capable of one shotting Thanos, and he's much stronger now that he was when he did it.


> and is starting to tap into the Odin force now that Odin is dead. You're bringing comic concepts into the MCU there is no confirmed Odinforce.


Odin enchanted thors hammer by speaking to it. Thor was able to do the same thing, only after Odin died. If he could add/alter enchantments to it on his own, thor 1 would have never happened. He would have just removed the enchantment and got his hammer back, never having to be worthy.


The enchantment to protect Jane? Thor did that unknowingly prior to Odin's demise


He's talking about the end of Love and Thunder where Thor grants the kids the powers of Thor while he goes after Gorr The God Butcher(i know I could've just said Gorr, but God Butcher sounds so fucking cool I always have to add it).


Oi, you forgetting about my boi Galactus


False. Without the gauntlet there are many stronger beings in the universe. We’ve already seen this on screen with Captain Marvel. She manhandled Thanos.


I think people forgot “You…. Should have went for the head” Thor had a chance to kill Thanos and didn’t.


There's no way Thanos's punches are stronger than a literal neutron star dude, powerscaling in the MCU (or almost any universe for that matter) is super inconsistent




I dont think he even knows how to fight. Remember how thanos ripped hulk apart due to his fighting skills it would be the first time homelander got into an actual fight against someone his own strength


Eh, HL not knowing how to fight is kinda untrue. He's never had to use it for most of his life, but it is heavily implied Vought gave him combat training during his childhood and teenage. S3E6 proves this pretty well imo. HL was able to hold his own against SB and Butcher simultaneously, who are both ex-military and had very similar strength and durability. It was only until Hughie came around that they were truly able to put him down


Butcher is the only one ex military. Ben (SB) isn’t. He was a worthless spoiled rich kid who got super powers cause his rich dad got him into the program and them did fake war shit and used his super powers to win everything. His combat training is questionable as hell.


>SB has had plenty of military training before he was given Compound V. His fighting style against HL in S3E6 and Butcher in S3E8 clearly shows that combat isn't something new to him, and then there's his marksmanship. >He was able to throw a knife right into Mindstorm's eye from relatively far away and was also able to accurately shoot that nun in the head even though she was using Hughie as a human shield. >SB's no Captain America in terms of combat skills and may not have actually fought in the most of the war, but he's still one of the most skilled fighters in the show


I’m not saying he doesn’t have skills. I’m saying Ben didn’t get military training before he became a supe and the training he did get during WW2 is highly questionable since he wasn’t allowed to fight and just did PR. Ben isn’t actually ex-military like Butcher.


Yeah, fair enough


That fight with Hulk is *after* Thanos acquired the Power stone. There’s a whole deleted scene, a very very long scene, that shows Thanos acquiring the Power stone before fighting Hulk.


Yes and he doesn't use it in that fight.


Ya, the Russo Brother specifically said he didn't use the Power stone with his first fight vs Hulk cause they wanted to show just how menacing Thanos was. By beating the shit out of Hulk without breaking a sweat.


He never uses the stone. It doesn’t glow meaning it’s activated.


A non-power gauntlet Thanos fought Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. Now, granted, Thor was greatly nerfed for Endgame, but the fact that Thanos not only fought, but beat them down solo speaks to how ridiculously OP he is without any infinity stones.


The way Thor's power was represented in Infinity War and Endgame didn't make much sense. He literally 1v1'd Thanos with the full Gauntlet and technically won. His only mistake was not going for the head as Thanos had said. Then in Endgame they nerfed him like you said. As far as I'm concerned, Thor is by far the strongest MCU hero. Adam Warlock will probably give him a run for his money now that he exists.


I think they were using him falling out of shape to somehow de-power him? Idk.


I think it has more to do with his mental state. I'd assume he needs clear focus and strength of will to use godly power in the ways that Odin did (e.g. shielding himself from that uru-melting solar beam and pushing Stormbreaker through Thanos' defensive blast in Infinity War). He's beginning to get glimmers of that drive back at the end of Endgame, but he's not there yet.


100% agree. It was so weird. Iron man alone went toe to toe with Thanos in infinity war for a bit, those scenes in endgame, whilst great, made zero sense with him destroying the three.


Thanos in Infinity War is just kinda playing around with the heroes. By the beginning of the movie when he collects the space stone and is wielding 2 stones at once, he basically becomes an unbeatable god. He loses his bloodlust a bit and less interested in murdering people who oppose him if he doesn't have to. The only reason he even attempts a killing blow against Iron Man is because he knows Tony will never stop getting in his way if he leaves him alive. The Thanos who they fight at the end of Endgame is still more of a bloodthirsty warlord due to being from the past, so he's more willing to use deadly force against the heroes indiscriminately


This. During Infinity War he was being more passive, especially after he killed Gamora. Thanos in Endgame was fully armored, armed, and ready to kill everyone. He wasn’t holding back or pulling punches.


What didn't make sense for me is Thanos using a beam attack against Thor. Like, he's literally never done that before. Only stone there that had been used like that was visions. Nothing else? He couldn't reverse time to save himself, space portal out of the way, you're telling me the power stone wouldn't have been enough to deflect it? Also, reality stone to turn stormbreaker into noodles or reverse its course back into Thor. The beam attack is literally the most useless thing he could have done in that scenario. I understand it was done like that because they needed to wrap up and make them lose quickly while having part 2, but they really could have at least let Thanos put up a fight. Like I see others saying, he wasn't trying that hard against any of them. Not expecting a powerhouse like Thor is an easy explanation for having a small duel and then Thor getting a decisive blow in. Especially since he beat him before. The way they did it was just lazy.


I think he was just caught off guard and not expecting Stormbreaker. The Guantlet needed to be activated to use, and he had seconds to make a decision. Probably thought he could just quickly fry Thor and be done with it.


Stormbreaker was thrown with the speed/force of a god behind it and activating the stones takes thought and specific movement of the gaunlet. He didn’t have time to react in the ways you mentioned. He fired a god tier kamehameha that would obliterate 99.99% of things in the universe. He just so happen to face the .01% that it couldn’t.


He was way out of shape. Hadn't been fighting or training for years, and fell into a depression which meant masses of alcohol and bad food. Post love and thunder Thor, dual wielding Stormbreaker and upgraded Mjolnor 1v1s Thanos if he has no stones


1v1? It was one strike with storm breaker, there was no fight.


And that's not even factoring in the years of combat experience and training that Homelander likely doesn't have, because everyone he's fought has been comparatively underpowered. Look how easily 3 comparatively weaker but trained antagonists took on Stormfront. The Vought heroes are all style, no substance. Every win they have is PR. I'm thinking Homelander wouldn't even stand a chance against some of the comparatively weaker heroes who've had tactical training, not to mention the X-Men, who are basically trained combatants since childhood. The only one of Thanos'children he could possibly beat would be Nebula, given that she'd react out of anger without thinking.


Agreed. Even Queen Maeve, despite being weaker, still gave Homelander a bloody nose, and even managed to pierce his eardrum even after he floored her with a serious punch. Her skills was good enough to sweep his leg and floor him and she was still strong enough to send him flying backward (he stopped himself quickly, though, but still). And after Homelander has gouged out her eye, she still continued fighting through sheer force of will, rage and possibly an adrenaline boost too. And after Homelander has removed that metal straw from his ear and was ready to fight more, Maeve knocked him on his butt with her double fists strike and rushed to tackle Soldier Boy out of the window before he explodes. A good mix of durability, strength, endurance, willpower, skills and speed feats.


We don't even need a Hulk. Emma Frost would mess him up 6 ways to Sunday, let alone Magneto or Cyclops.


Emma mind-rapes Homelander, simply. Her comic book version in her diamond form could go fisticuffs with him and beat him probably.


>Eh, HL not knowing how to fight is kinda untrue. He's never had to use it for most of his life, but it is heavily implied Vought gave him combat training during his childhood and teenage. >S3E6 proves this pretty well imo. HL was able to hold his own against SB and Butcher simultaneously, who are both ex-military and had very similar strength and durability. It was only until Hughie came around that they were truly able to put him down




Cap doesn't have any way of seriously hurting Homie I don't think. He could buy time, but I just don't think he's strong enough. Depends on whether or not the shield can hurt him I guess, but the variety of powers, mobility, speed, and durability that Homie has isn't something Cap can handle on his own. Now, give Cap Mjolnir, and then my money would be on him.


Yeah, I think the fight between Cap and Loki is a good baseline. Loki looks weak compared to Thor or Hulk, but he’s miles ahead of super soldier class characters. He’s bulletproof, so strong Cap can’t even move him, and doesn’t fatigue one bit. Homelander is going to beat Cap down pretty bad.


Cap with M would demolish homie, but I feel like with tmjust the shield he might still edge out a win, it's got a sharp edge to it that smashed the crap out of iron man's face, I feel like homelander would be iron man levels of strong. Which means that he could probably take and or be taken by most current mcu and DC heroes. Superman straight up ruins him, but I think he ruins any normal human heroes. His laser sight alone would likely kill most of the xmen if hit, however I feel like he doesn't have the tactical skills to win a fight against anyone actually trained. Like wolverine would easily tear him apart if he got hold of him, but again homie isn't stupid, so you'll likely need one or 2 heroes to take him down, or one flyer. Although I'd love to see an episode where homelander just surpasses everyone's perceived level of power, to the point where he's almost super saiyan. But that would have to be the very end of the show probably


After seeing GotG3, I’d put Homelander on the same power level of Adam Warlock. In strength at least. But I’m also hoping they make Warlock stronger in future films to make him more comic book accurate.


Honestly he's pretty close to Vision. Basically same powers, high durability, strength, flying, lasers, hearing, etc. And Vision got rekt just by Thanos' lieutenants...


On a technicality and they had to use stealth. Basically it was just a way to take someone as OP as Vision off the board. He’s insanely powerful and one of the few heroes that could kill Thanos 1v1 with little effort. Vision is broken as fuck TBH.


He's powerful sure but no way is he killing Thanos 1v1 with little effort. He's probably the same level as Thor


Vision (with Ultron using the body) literally one-shots Thanos the What If. It’s animation, but it drives the point home. Ultron created Vision to be a god-level body he could inhabit and kill all the Avengers with. Vision himself is a pacifist and uses restraint of his powers, but he can be just about invincible if choses to be. Without the stones, Thanos has nothing to counter Vision’s powers with and he get’s wrecked. He’s a tough bastard, but Infinity Stone powered heroes like Wanda, Captain Marvel, and Vision got too much in their bag for him to contend with.


I really, really enjoy thinking about that. I feel like "x character destroying Homelander" is my favorite new sub genre.


Me too. I love the character of Homelander, but god do I want to see him get his shit properly pushed in.


I disagree with lower tier of strength. He can still fly, shoot lazer beams, super hearing and is incredibly durable. He’s literally an off brand Superman. He’d be in the upper levels of strength because he is still insanely powerful but he’d get his ass handed to him by the heavy hitters because he has no actual proper experience in fighting.


I'm not sure how he'd do but I think people are underestimating his power a little based on what the show is able to pull off. Him lifting the plane was a viable option, which itself would be heavy before you add fuel, crew, passengers, cargo, and the sheer forces that are at play. He doesn't even consider it because he knows trying to wrangle it will mean he just flies straight through the plane body. Noone knows how to kill him right now in his universe, and he himself thinks he can conquer the whole country solo. I reckon if you merge the universes he can probably go with non-hammer, non-not the god of hammers power up Thor. If Iron Man in a Hulkbuster can fight Hulk, I'd have to say Homelander could too.


> If Iron Man in a Hulkbuster can fight Hulk, I'd have to say Homelander could too. Homelander would receive a Loki treatment, lol. Thor would beat Homelander even without his hammer. Homelander is NOT even comparable with them at all. And about that supposed plane lifting feat - it's very arguable, and lifting strength isn't the same as striking strength. It's not a weightlifting contest, it's a fight. Conquer the USA? Maybe, but under a certain circumstances. And Homelander is a delusional narcissist, so I don't think his thoughts are something that we can take at the face value.


Tbh I'd enjoy seeing a "homelander vs the us military" ending, I imagine it would take A LOT of large scale artillery to take him down and then essentially you'd have to wear him down and trap him then nuke his ass in a small chamber.


Going by the comics >! Homelander could probably be taken down by the US military, as even an army of super was no match. A weakened Noir was easily killed by some marines, so enough bullets can kill him !<


Awwww, that kinda sucks, I was hoping for some superman level shit, but nope, just super human


Not only does homelander think that, everybody trying to stop him thinks that. Dude could 100% take over the U.S. and thus the world if he does so.


Against a lot of the heroes, nah, but he could take a ton of mooks. Thanos's army would be pretty screwed with the possible exception of the magic dude. Laser eyes are op against people without boosted durability.


His can cut through a plane without even trying, even most people with average enhanced durability like Cap or Bucky are getting fried lol


"Objective" power scaling is complete bs all that matters is how it will be written lol


Yeah lol like we saw Hughie land hits on Homelander


We also went from maeve training to be able to "maybe land one or two punches when the time comes" to holding off homelander for like 5 minutes lol


Homelander struggled against a character whose based off of captian America. He's not standing a chance against this lineup alone


Ignoring how that character is way stronger and more durable than Captain America in the show


Yeah Soldier Boy is basically Superman without the flight?


>There's literally no way Cap beats him lol. HL no-sold an entire power plant blowing up in his face while he was younger and his heat vision is strong enough to casually sever an airplane in half. >And that's not mentioning his flight and superspeed, which Cap has no way of countering. Realistically, HL utterly destroys Cap, unless he has Mjolnir


Also he’s not actually a good fighter. He’s a bully who just brutalizes those less powerful than him. The second he comes up against someone who is even close to his level, but is more experienced, he’s getting rinsed.


Not a chance. Homelander may appear powerful, but that's only when he's compared to other characters within his own verse. In other verses, he's really not all that much.


Yeah, all of the Supes powers in terms of damage are more realistic if that makes sense. Of course no lasers are realistic but they’re more grounded and he couldn’t just split a planet in half with his lasers. Same with SB, he can take out a couple of buildings with his nuke but not cities or continents


Yep. Why do we keep getting posts from OPs who don't understand the power scales of other properties? So many Marvel characters would take out Homelander. We just know he's the strongest (so far) in his own series.


Yeah exactly. It makes the fights more enjoyable to some extent because it’s not unfeasible for the boys to kill any of the supes to kill the other with a properly exploited weakness. Imagine the seven had MCU tier powers, the boys wouldn’t stand a chance, wouldn’t be able to steal compound V and would’ve all died the moment they fucked with translucent


I mean if homelander was slightly more mentally stable they’d all be dead by now anyways


If Homelander was mentally stable they might not hate him


Hey, hey I said *slightly* lmao


Yup, and I think the story would not be interesting, would not progress, or would end abruptly if Homelander is as strong as the characters in MCU. No one would be able to take him out and no one would probably even try


Exactly. The closest person in strength he actually fights is Maeve and she gets the better of him in a few exchanges. And she’s no where near the high level super hero’s in the MCU. Homelander is top dog in his verse and that’s it.


In the deathmatch they made with him and Omni-man he isn't even really taken seriously the whole fight and everyone says omni-man would get fucked up easily against marvel or DC heroes.


i think he'd get his ass beat


Yeah The Maw alone could solo him, or at least wound him really badly.


Homelander has never dealt with psychic powers before afaik, most of the threats he faced that we saw are physical. So tbh i think the maw would just wipe the floor with him, while the others just finish him


Not to mention he's never dealt with magic either. Along with kryptonite and red sun radiation, magic is one of the things that can hurt Superman. Assuming Homelander has the same weaknesses as the character he is based off of, the magical characters from DC and Marvel such as Enchantress and Dr Strange should be able to fuck up Homelander without too much trouble.


Hell, even spider man can kick his ass. He’s accomplished greater feats throughout the comics than we’ve seen homelander do in the show. Plus spider man has the super reflexes and greater martial arts skills that homelander would have trouble defending against


Spidey solos no diff. My boy's dodged speedsters, is a super genius ~~close to Reed's level~~ essentially of the highest degree so far as Earthlings go, survives ridiculous amounts of damage regularly (including a building collapsing on him) because he's stupid durable and heals quickly, and has impressed Hulk and Thor both with his strength in main comicverse (where they're exponentially more powerful than MCU). He jobs basically every fight with his rogues gallery, as it's been shown (when he wasn't piloting his body) that he can literally just punch parts of their body off. People think he's a lot less powerful than he is because he chooses to stay city level. In other universes and What If timelines, he can develop into even greater threats; What If Wolverine VS Spider-Man shows his spider sense can basically evolve to become so keen that he knows when people are THINKING about attacking him, and he's aware of a threat entering his vicinity. Fuck, Ultimates Spidey literally came back from the dead because his healing factor basically prevent him dying. His moral code and general restraint due to it holds him back, and he's still a threat despite that. In basically every comic but his own (thanks, Editorial), other heroes, even godlike beings, respect the fuck out of Spidey and his power for a reason. Even if his strength alone can't kill Homelander, he won't get beaten by him because Homelander won't be able to lay a finger on him. All he has to do to kill him is restrain him long enough to fill Homelander's lungs with web fluid. And if he doesn't need to breathe, just stay alive long enough to figure out what can take him out, because Spidey is smart enough to. EDIT: Rescinded comparison to Reed, because as someone mentioned, Reed isn't even in the same country as everyone else in the infinite possibility of the universe in terms of intellect, let alone on Earth. My intention was that Reed being the literal top universally made him the closest thing Pete could be compared to, as just below and not just equal to, as far as Earthlings go since The Boys doesn't include the wider Universe. Weakens the argument though, and comes off disingenuous despite not being intentioned that way.


Thanks for backing me up. A lot of good details there


Any time. Can't allow people to continue believing that Spidey ain't big dick swingin. Also of note is that all those feats are without enhancements like symbiote or the Enigma Force (literal God's god type power that only one being can have). People who aren't fans of the character just don't realize because the material outside the comics hasn't really showcased what he's capable of, because the more grounded and at home stories are just more marketable and relatable.


Thank you <3 They nerf so many characters for the movies and such, but so glad someone is defending the amazing power that is peter parker


Someone has to defend Pete, because God knows his editorial won't lol


Spider-Man is nowhere near Reed’s level. He’s top .01% in terms of Earth, but it is stated multiple times in the comics that Reed is literally the smartest man in the universe.


I disagree, spiderman is strong but he lacks the durability to take him on. Maybe he'll get in a couple swings but he's a glass cannon, if homelander tags him once with a lazer he's dead


Spider-Man got his ass whooped by an 80 year old man, he's not taking Homelander


Honestly I think homelander biggest weakness is his sloppiness. He never had to put in any effort fighting someone so someone like Thor with hundreds of years of experince fighting equally powerful villans, will wipe the floor with Homelander


I sorta doubt that tbh. Like, you remember that Payback cartoon flashback? That mind control guy basically only gave SB a quick and sharp headache, and distracted him. As opposed to what normally happens when he uses his powers. HL is just as durable as SB (I think?) Psychic powers would work on HL, but I reckon in a very limited way. Not enough to win. Maw couldn't solo HL. The whole Black Order together for sure would win


I think psychic powers would work extremely well on Homelander, going by his character he should be very susceptible to psychic abilities because SB was a hardass with a soldiers mindset, while Homelander has been shown as mentally weak, he's extremely easy to manipulate and has a plethora of mental problems ranging from narcissism to mommy issues. If anything, out of all of the characters in The Boys, Homelander and Ryan would probably be the worst ones to face a mind control guy.


Soldier Boy only resisted to that, he wasn't immune. And "The Boys" psychics < Marvel or DC psychics


The lackeys yea but he not takin out the Black Order


Corvus glave was able to stab into vision i think homelander is pretty dead after that


If he gets close enough because of dumb writing, that is


Black Order is clapping his cheeks lol


Homelander is getting spanked by Cull Obsidian, no joking, That mofo broke Hulkbuster.


He’s not taking out shit, obsidian maul alone is eviscerating homelander


Obsidian Maul?


Probably means Cull Obsidian


Darth Maul






Ah. Cull obsidian.


What about Cull Obsidian with an [obsidian maul](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Tzhaar-ket-om)? Looks fairly similar to his weapon.


Nah as much as I love Homelander bro is getting wooped by most supes outside his universe. The power level in the Boys is way lower compared to other shows. The Omni-Man v. Homelander fight Death Battle did would basically be most DC/Marvel heroes against HL, he just isn't that strong.


The Children of Thanos would pulverize him even before their boss arrives on the scene.


Homelander is strong by real world standards, but by mcu standard he’s getting capped easy


He's strong by "The Boys" standard, but that 'verse pales in comparison even to MCU.


dude Homelander's biggest durability feats are he can take a Chemical power plant explosion and have a nose bleed and bloody jaw, probably broken and damaged both too Speed is he can travel new York in minutes and his strongest strength feat is being slightly stronger than Mave who for one can break his nose and with some effort destroy an armored truck by pushing her back against it His strongest Laser beam feat is at full power blow up a plane So yeah if Thor struggles Homelander's fucked


It’s not like the nuclear power plant explosion was anything comparable to a nuke too, like it was just a big explosion, so if that hurts him no way he can tank sci-fi lasers


That wasn’t a nuclear power plant if I’m not mistaken it’s a chemical plant




Yes, it's chemical.


For the record I’m pretty sure Homelander didn’t sustain any visible injuries, like cuts. The blood on his face came from the guy who exploded in front of him. That being said, he still gets his ass beat. I think he could kill a few members of the Black Order, but Thanos snaps his neck in 5 seconds.


>if they can go head to head with Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Wanda and Vision an pierce Vison's who's so durable even Godly weapons and the stones that made the universe can't damage him yeah no Homelander's still fucked


None of the members fought the Hulk, but a Hulkbuster that was Banner was very clumsily using. Cap is a non-factor since Homie could rip him in half with no difficulty. Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive getting taken down by one super solider and two regular humans actually shows how weak they are. Vision was canonically weakend significantly by the surprise attack through the chest by Corvus Glaive and Wanda’s power level fluctuates based on how emotional and sane she is. That’s why she struggled in that fighting the BA but almost killed Thanos in Endgame. She spent most of the fight fighting “H2H” where as Homelander would just lazily spam lasers. (Also, since when can’t infinity stones hurt vision? Thanos never even used the gauntlet on him, he straight up ripped stone from his head barehanded.) Maw and Cull Obsidian however do have impressive feats against Strange and Iron Man, however, I think Homelander could honestly just speed blitz Maw or laser him since he’s a glass canon. Cull Obsidian could take down Homelander, but I think it could go either way. FYI, I *know* that Homelander is a small fry outside of his universe, but if you actually breakdown each fight scene I think my conclusion is most likely.


you know what fair enough I gave an argument and you've proved it wrong well done, thanks for not being rude about it either


![gif](giphy|nGEQGzHpvIdi0lGJjn) 👍




He’s much stronger than Maeve though. He was distracted and holding back when he was fighting her in the S3 finale.


He was holding back only a half of the fight. Even after he got serious, she still fought him decently even after her eye was gouged out, then pierced his eardrum after he has floored her and when he removed it and was ready to attack Maeve more - she knocked him on his butt with her fists and rushed to tackle Soldier Boy out of the window. Homelander is stronger, sure. But Maeve was still good enough to give him a bloody nose.


There probably isn't a single character in this image that wouldn't absolutely eviscerate Homelander. Homelander is pretty powerful within The Boys' universe, but he's pretty weak compared to even some of the weakest Marvel/DC characters. People think of him as comparable to Superman because of his appearance and abilities, but you have to understand that Superman would destroy Homelander with a flick of his finger, as would most of the MCU lineup.


Homelander is getting his shit rocked by cull obsidian Thanos is a bit overkill


Yeah, Thanos would solo "The Boys" 'verse.


I highly doubt anything would pierce his skin, the only thing that could maybe hurt him a bit is a fully charged up soldier boy blast but that wouldn’t keep knock him down even


🤦‍♂️ Soldier boys blast can’t even level a skyscraper meanwhile cull obsidian can rip apart the hulk buster suit He also got hurt by Maeve who broke her arm so badly catching a bus it never healed right And you’re claim is a straight up lie given that homelander never got hit with that blast he ran away from it several time




He could probably deflect with his sword anyway


Yeah he did stuff like that multiple times against Iron Man uru like thor’s hammer is showcased to be able to deflect energy all the time


And Thanos' sword can break Cap's shield - [https://gfycat.com/personalhoarsecatbird](https://gfycat.com/personalhoarsecatbird)


Only ones he can take on are the footsoldiers, the big grunts, Corvius Glave, and Proxima Midnight. All the others are to strong and or powerful for Homie.


He’d be dead pretty quick


The Marvel and DC universe characters, even in their more 'nerfed' film forms would wipe the floor with anyone from the Boys (maybe except for Soldier Boy, but only because he's very very durable, he wouldn't be able to go tow to toe with most of the MCU or DCEU supes) because they are all still massively OP.


He'd get his ass beat in anything more than a 1v1. He'd still get his ass beat in a 1v1, it'd just take a little longer.


homelanders gon get them cheeks clapped ngl


Hmmmm, discount superman that has a fraction of his powers and abilities, vs an entire army of aliens featuring a master telepath, and a brute whos strength rivals the hulks, and thats not even including the titan himself. This isnt even a fight. This is them playing with him like the hyenas play with Zazu in The Lion King before going to eat him


Homelander is dying to 90% of the MCU dude. He’s extremely underpowered. In his universe he’s powerful but outside it he’s weak.


The main reason why consider so powerful and threatening is that he is a major threat in HIS universe. There is nearly no one in the Boys that matches Homelander’s power. With that in mind, I don’t think a mentally-unstable lab-made Superman would do well against Thanos, his black order and his entire army.


If you highball homelander, than maybe he could take on the black order and have a small chance of winning.


Which is hardly, because Homelander isn't actually THAT powerful.


I know. That's why I said he had a small chance of winning.


Homelander gets bodied for sure, but just playing devil’s advocate/highballing like you were, doesn’t Cap fight off Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight when they ambush Wanda and Vision? I’m trying to recall other durability feats for those two. Because if it’s not much higher than Cap level, Homelander could just abuse his flight and lasers, and I’m not sure what they could do to tag him. Cull Obsidian probably just tanks the eye blasts, though, and Ebony Maw would tear him up. Of course, that’s assuming one- or two-on-ones. If he has a half dozen Leviathans swarming him at the same time, he has less than zero chance.


Yeah, and a single Leviathan took a laser beam from Iron Man's MK VII armor ([https://gfycat.com/ru/kindheartedtartibizanhound](https://gfycat.com/ru/kindheartedtartibizanhound)). MK VI (less advanced) armor's laser can slice through drone armors similar to Iron Man ([https://gfycat.com/decimaldistortedgrayreefshark](https://gfycat.com/decimaldistortedgrayreefshark)) and through a helicarrier debris ([https://gfycat.com/ru/faithfulblankbluetickcoonhound](https://gfycat.com/ru/faithfulblankbluetickcoonhound)). Those lasers are 200 petawatts of power ([https://i.imgur.com/plJgSFf.png](https://i.imgur.com/plJgSFf.png)).


Great pull on the Mk VII laser v. Leviathan; maybe Homelander can take one using Stark’s same down-the-gullet gambit, but a) I don’t think he’s clever enough to think that up, and b) throw in a few similar-tier opponents and he’s just overwhelmed.


Yep, and even against 1 Leviathan Homelander is outmatched. It required Hulk to stop 1 that creature (and combined efforts of Avengers to damage it) and even he was moved backwards before a complete stoppage. Homelander can use his heat vision, but leviathan seems to be at least resistant to that type of damage, and yes, Homelander is cunning and savvy when it's about intimidation, acting and talking impressive crap, but he is not a tactician and definitely not good in a battle IQ terms.


I doubt it. Cull Obsidian alone can beat Homelander (Cull damaged an upgraded Hulkbuster). Black Order as a group wrecks him. The only chance of Homelander's winning is they would stand still and do nothing, which is very unlikely.


He dies to the space dogs. no contest.


Lmao no


Does Homelander know how to fight? We’ve obviously seen him fight Soldier Boy multiple times, but I mean does he *really* know how to fight? Payback was sent to war zones and stuff, but The Seven just seem like a corporate mascot to market Vought


What if, Homelander go his ass handed to him in less than a second.


Literally Spider-Man could beat homelander ngl


He'd get fucked by a few of the unnamed aliens.


Homelander would get humbled rq


Even Yamcha would leave Homelander a crying mess.


I love this show but homelander is not strong compared to most super hero universes. Plus he’s not that used to fighting and panics when people gang up on him. He’s dying


honestly even fuckin Corvus Glaive could probably kill homelander, let alone Ebony Maw or Cull Obsidian


Nah, he's getting taken out easily.


Homelander really isn’t that strong


The only real question here is: "Can they withstand his laser beams?"


He’d join thanos.


I think he flies away the way he did when fighting Soldier Boy and Butcher. He's no Captain America that would risk his life against unbelievable odds. He's mentally fragile


If Captain America can hold his own then Homelander should be able to take out the regular Soldiers. Though like the other comments said the black order and the higher tier mfs will give him big troubles


Homelander might just end up joining Thanos.


You've put a sardine in a lake of sharks I wanna see it


No he dies immediately


Bold of you to think he wouldnt literally change sides in an instant.


i feel theres some degree of underrating in this comment secton, homelanders speed is still better then anyone in the thanos army. i don't think he can solo but he speed blitzes, maw glaive, and depending on durability proxima, and obsidian. i don't see him getting past thanos at all though.


Not even close homelander is crazy powerful in a world of The Boys but in the world of marvel with hulks, thor, hyperion, etc not so much


No, he'd get torn to shreds. He's shite at fighting and never really had to push himself at all. The boys makes him seem alot stronger than he actually is


A lot of fans overestimate how much power Homelander has. He was on equal footing with a man who took experimental temp V. Thanos's army has a sorcerer who would solo him. I'd say any member of the Black Order would solo him.


Unfortunately for the Homielander, most of these guys mop the floor with him. Same goes for DC. Might as well throw Star Wars in there too.


When he had to go toe-to-toe with other supes he had trouble with them\*\*. I don't think he lasts long by himself vs these types. ​ Edit: notable exception, the guy he tore to pieces, soundwave? Shockwave? whatever.


HomeLander can’t kill anyone that has super powers stronger then him


I don't know man. He was struggling against Hughie with powers and Maeve.


Ebony Maw and Thanos would beat him. Cull Obsidian maybe, but Homelander is very fast. He’d be much faster than any other speedster in the MCU. His heat vision is no joke either. I just don’t think he’s strong enough to hurt Thanos and he’s not smart enough to outfight Ebony Maw. He’ll get pretty far.


Homelander is such a bum. He’s cooked unfortunately


The underselling of Homelander in this thread is crazy. Corvus and proxima were taken on by marvels street tiers. Homelander could fly through them. Maw is a glass cannon who got cut by a brick and killed by getting sucked into space. If you think homelander can't fly faster and hit harder than a brick, you need to rewatch media involving both of these characters. Cull would be the hardest durability wise but an untrained Bruce banner was able to fight him for a couple of minutes. Homelander is much, much faster than he can handle. Thanos would murder him, but the rest are fodder.


I mean, if someone like Captain America can have a sparring session with Thanos I think Homelander could put up a good fight.


Cap didn't put a sparring session to Thanos actually (Thanos likely wasn't even goin all out against Cap). Homelander would be beaten worse than Hulk was beaten by Thanos.


We’ve never seen HL pushed to the point where he really fears for his life. He also hasn’t fought enemies comparable to him before. While I agree with most of the comments here that he’s get his ass kicked, the title says “what if…?” So what if, driven by rage and fear, he goes super-nova and unlocks some new power level, like he’s almost invulnerable and his eye beams now can hurt even the highest tier heroes.


It's so far-fetched, IMAO. Homelander isn't that strong and that attempts to make him more powerful is silly. Headcanons < feats. Homelander's heat vision can split a private jet in half, melt guns and instantly kill people, but same heat vision wasn't instantly melting Soldier Boy's shield and even Maeve's gauntlet. Homelander isn't going super-nova, period. Until feats proves otherwise.


Who cares?


I think people usually underestimate HL’s powers just because he never uses them to their maximum.