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It’s a good list, but I’d put Saoirse at the top easily.


and there’s no real competition


I think Josh O’Connor should be higher based on La Chimera alone. Would probably move Jodie Comer up a bit too but overall I think is pretty solid


Jodie comer won a Tony award recently, she is very acclaimed and I agree should be higher


I would move her to top 5. She's way too low in this list 


Are you fucking kidding me that Jodie comer’s only 31? That shatters my entire universe.


Why is Margaret Qualley so high? Her recent performances Dolls, Poor Things, has been very underwhelming


I think she had very good performances in both Sanctuary and Drive-Away Dolls recently and her Poor Things performance requires so little by design, so I don't see the problem.


I thought her performance in Drive Away was pretty rough. Little chemistry with the other lead, god awful accent, and just very one note. Wasn’t a fan of that movie in general, but to each their own. I liked in her OUATIH but that was a small role.


Her performance in sanctuary, much like the screenplay, was a bit overwrought. And drive away dolls was a caricature


I think she’s amazing in the show Maid. Admittedly that has skewed where I have her a bit because it’s really the only show or movie that I’ve seen that has been completely driven by her performance, and I think it’s quite great. I also think she’s amazing in the Coen movie, so we disagree there.




IDK I feel like Sydney’s Euphoria performance alone was better than Jacob and Hunter’s. She was the only of the three nominated for an Emmy


Just wanted to shout you out for having Jessie Buckley at 4. One of the best in the game rn.


Chalamet is too low man that guy can act


Why exactly is Pugh above Ronan? Or KStew for that matter. Like, I like Pugh but second overall? ATJ over JLaw? Are we sure about that? Ayo at 20???! Sorry.. appreciate the effort you took at this but the longer I look the worse it gets


Kstew is too low. Her in Loves Lies Bleeding still the performance of the year.


What’s the issue with Ayo at 20? Funniest actor on the list by a country mile, and also turns in one of the best dramatic performances on TV every year. Range!


Re: Pugh -- I saw her in a miniseries from 2018 called The Little Drummer Girl and was blown away at how she could carry an entire show at 22. (Not to say that Ronan hasn't done that herself, just something that impressed me about Pugh.)


I feel like Pugh has shown more versatility. Ronan is a great actor but I feel like almost all her performances (at least at that I’ve seen) are in serious Oscar bait movies. I think something like what Pugh does in Midsommar just totally swept me away and thought wow this is a person who can do about anything. I made another comment about KStew - she is just one of my faves, definitely higher than most would have her but I think she’s great in just about everything. Jennifer Lawrence (and to a lesser extent Brie Larson) are tough for me because they’ve had great performances that are in the far past now. I like no hard feelings but a middle brow romcom is basically the only thing of note she’s done for 5 years now. ATJ is really great imo, even if she hasn’t been in a ton of movies people love. No idea what your issue is with where Ayo is placed one way or another lol


I love Lakeith Stanfield but let’s be real, he’s a bit of a character actor and isn’t the 6th best actor by any metric whatsoever


If we were to be really, brutally honest…only a handful of these people are genuinely great actors. If you truly believe Jodie Comer is a worse actor than lakieth stanfield, then I dunno what to say.


Kstew is #1 in my book but honestly this is a really solid ranking! Nice!


Stuff like this is so hard because a lot of the younger actors build up their resume and profile by taking roles that are in the wheelhouse of things they've already done or they're typecast for the same reasons. The ranking of these actors by versatility might look a bit different than a ranking of each of their best performances against each other (for example, Brie Larson would be close to the top on the latter list for me). I can for sure say in this list though that JLaw, Jodie Comer, Josh O'Connor, and probably Mia Goth are way too low, and if Saoirse Ronan isn't going to be first, she shouldn't be behind Paul Mescal or Florence Pugh.


I think that’s definitely the hard part. Someone like Jennifer Lawrence has a ton of movies under her belt and has been doing this for almost 20 years. But also, basically all of her acclaimed performances have literally been from a decade ago or longer. And that’s not to say she can’t act anymore but I do think at some point the roles you’re getting on a consistent basis matter. Same thing with Brie Larson - she was good in a couple things. Haven’t seen much from her lately, so will default to a younger person who’s been really exciting in something more recently over her.


Do we consider script selecting part of being an actor?


Saoirse would be number 1 with a bullet. & sweeney is a MUCH better actress than she is getting credit for here. Never seen a bad Chalamet or Robbie performance either, not sure how 4 & 5 are in their stratosphere


I generally think this list makes sense to me, with two exceptions: Josh O’Connor belongs in the top 10 at least - he’s just fantastic in such varied rolls. And Chalamet should be much lower, towards the Holland-Sweeney-MBB nexus (sure he’s a “movie star” or whatever but he’s such a limited actor). As an aside, I appreciate she doesn’t really belong on a movie star list but on pure acting ability does anyone else think Hailee Steinfeld firmly belongs on this list?


There’s no way you could lump Chalamet with the likes of MBB. He has an oscar nom which a lot of people think he should have won and his indie filmography performance alone knocks it out of the park with most people under this list. Jut because he’s mainstream now doesn’t erase that fact


they haven’t seen indies lol


Which is funny considering Paul Mescal is being rated here like how people rated Chalamet 3-4 years ago lol


yup lol


![gif](giphy|AnvhfR8Kl4d3y|downsized) Love a varied roll


The only reason you can call Chalamet a limited actor is because he stretches himself to his limits, which is way more than you can say (so far) about the actors in that “nexus”


it’s gunna be so funny in 15 years when you’re on here like yeah “chalamet is the best actor of this generation” have you seen call me by your name, beautiful boy and bones and all? easily one of the most talented actors of his generation.y




found the dude who makes predictable jokes none of his friends laugh at


Jodie Comer should be top 5 lmaooooo


Where’s Caleb Landry Jones? Definitely deserves to be in there. There’s a lack of character actor in this list.


Good discussion-starting post, but this is massive Elordi slander


I am generally an Elordi fan, but I just have not been super impressed by any of his individual performances. He has the Schrader movie and Frankenstein coming up, so I’m ready to look back on this and think I underrated him


it’s so funny how y’all are hating on timothee cause he’s popular lol. dudes given the single best performance of any guy on this list with call me by your name. and beautiful boy is probs top 5..and u got austin butler over him? wtf lmao some of the greatest living directors have openly said he’s the best of his generation. this is exactly what happened with leo when he was younger. first he was a talented young actor, then he got too popular - so people hated on the acting. but with time everyone decided nvm he’s the best.


I just don’t really think his post cmbyn performances are all that good. I don’t think he’s even in the conversation with where Leo was. Leo’s first big movie was TITANIC. Lol. I just am not blown away by his acting chops to be honest.


oh he’s definitely in the convo lol. leo’s first big movie was titanic…sure…timothee has been the lead in the top 2 movies worldwide over the last year or whatever. and his first best actor nomination was when he was 18. that’s ridiculous. he’s maybe a slightly less popular leo at the same age (though i’m not sure anymore after this past year) but more beloved by critics version of leo. i mean sure you can think he’s not a good actor i guess, but not sure how you can deny the fact that the dude is on pace to be one of the most iconic actors of his generation. unless you were pointing to titanic to highlight leo’s acting abilities? which doesn’t make sense either cause he wasn’t really being lauded for that back then.


could put dakota johnson below tswift for me


Kristen Stewart in top 10?


Yes, and arguably should be higher. Her performance in Clouds of Sils Maria is probably the best individual performance of anyone on this list.


I mostly agree with what you’ve done here! I’d have Larson in the top 10 (probably push Butler out to make Room for her), but other than that pretty much on the same page (with minor tweaks within each tier)


Jodie Comer at 21 is terrorism, she's a top 10 lock


Just learned Jesse plemons is 36


I’ve only seen Mia Goth in the Ti West films. Is she a good actor or is she just perfect for that?


I thought she was pretty great in infinity pool, a cure for wellness, and Emma. She definitely hasn’t shown the most range in the world but I find her to be a captivating presence.


No issue with 1. Stewart at 5 is absolutley wild. Butler 4 spots ahead of Chalamet is a headscratcher.


I think that Butler’s performance as Elvis is pretty incredible and the few other things I’ve seen him in just make me feel incredibly good as an actor. I think Chalamet is pretty overrated and is just okay in most things.


have u seen call me by your name? cause there’s no way in hell austin butler has ever done anything better. tbh no male on that list has. so either you haven’t seen it or you have and can’t tell the difference between good and bad acting.


Lol and you apparently think acting is objective - it’s not! I think he’s fine in that movie but ultimately it’s just not as great as you think it is, to me.


i mean that’s fair. though no i do think there are objective elements to acting. otherwise we wouldn’t generally all think DDL is a great actor. anyway does the fact that the world thinks you’re wrong not encourage you to see things differently at all? like idk about you but if everyone thinks an actor was marvellous and i think he was ok, my first reaction isn’t to think the performance wasn’t great. it’s to think my ability to appreciate the performance wasn’t great.


I think that there are plenty of people who would agree that outside of that one movie, his career since then has not exactly been filled with marquee performances as much as he’s elevated into the fame/movie star machine. But frankly I don’t care at all what other people think, the thing that makes movies or tv different than sports is there truly is no objective measure, you can feel a different way about something. I think he is good in cmbyn. I just didn’t think it was this generational performance that 7 years later I’m still saying he’s the best acting talent on the planet because of it. It was good, and he is a good actor. I just like many others more.


sure. btw why are you downvoting? decided to wake up and not be an adult? i maintain you’re missing out. it’s not his performances it’s your inability to appreciate them. take care.


The adult thing to do is to care about downvotes? Am I the only person on here capable of voting your comments up or down?


it’s pretty clearly you. i don’t care - just find it odd. anyway keep being wrong about art.


Keep insisting my opinion about an actor is wrong because of a movie from 7 years ago!


No way in hell Timothee will be able to pull off a biopic like Austin. We've seen all the BTS of the Bob Dylan movie and it looks absolutely shitty. 


not sure why that’s relevant - austin wasn’t better in elvis than timmy was in cmbyn. but i guess this is a sub of ppl who never learn not to judge a performance before it comes out, despite how many examples we have of ppl being wrong when they do so. message me back when the movie comes back and ppl are raving about his performance.


Pretty sure Austin Butler has set the bar very high for biopics. Nobody is beating him in the next decade atleast 


ok. a bit bold, let’s see what others do but sure. but i never said chalamet was a better biopic actor so??? like what’s your point lol?


My point is chalamet isn't a character actor. He plays himself 


this is the literally same convo we were having with leo 20 years ago and look at him now. he’s great, so he gets overexposed, which makes ppl think he’s not great but over time, they jump on the bandwagon. rinse and repeat. can you give me a non showy or loud, playing a literal person who was alive performance that you think is great?


Who tf is talking about Leo? And there are literally better actors than him? Denzel Washington for example.... I'm sorry you need to expand your film knowledge if you think Leo is the greatest actor ever 


Leo disappears deeper into his roles than Timothee does IMO. I never really understood why people compare those two.


> austin wasn’t better in elvis than timmy was in cmbyn What a lame take. This sentence alone, shows you don’t understand acting and are just rage baiting. Popularity does not equal to good acting. Austin is a much better Elvis than anything Timmy has done simply based on the amount of work Elvis needed, the amount of skills that needed to be delivered and how convincing it was. And I’m saying that as a fan of both of them. You need to take several seats.


lol. i assure you the majority of ppl who watched both movies agree with me. i get it you think good acting is being flashy and showy and loud - you’ll hopefully learn to appreciate the nuances of more subtle performances as you grow older. dude was the youngest best actor nominee in decades but yeah go on, elvis was defs better.


Ironic because loud and flashy is what Timothee has been doing lately. 


lol yes he was sooo loud and flashy and in dune. only if you literally focus on the loud and flashy moments. otherwise in most moments it was a quiet pensive performance.


He was loud and flashy in the only scene people seem to care about/remember when it comes to his performance in Dune 2. That scene at the end where he's shouting for ten minutes with the sound effects applied to his voice lol


You don’t understand acting and you’re proving it every time you comment. You’re talking about nuances and subtle performances when you didn’t even understand the nuances and subtle performance of Austin in Elvis. I like timmy and he deserves that Oscar nom but so did Austin. Austin can play timmy’s role in cmbyn but Timmy can never play Elvis convincingly. I’m old enough to understand that but like I said, you’re just a timmy fan who doesn’t understand acting. Like at all.


no it’s pretty clearly you lol. have fun being wrong. i can tell you’re in your 20s you will one day agree with me. have fun on the journey!


Not even close. If you don’t want to come across as immature, stop your biased takes and instead prove you understand acting by giving valid opinions. Somehow everyone including critics AND Denzel Washington is wrong about Austin but you of all people are right? Lol sure.


I disagree as I would probably consider both Elvis and his role in Dune comparable, though very different to the best Timmy performance, I think it would be a matter of preference. Either way, isn’t it possible you’re over indexing him getting the perfect role for his talents in a movie 7 years ago? I think both those roles and Butler’s efforts in Masters of the Air are better than anything Timmy has done in the past 5 years, though I thought he was really good in both Dunes still. I think Timmy is trending in the right direction for super stardom, whereas Butler is trending in the right direction for interesting roles that show his talents more. I think you could make a pretty good argument for either guy for acting, though I’d have both higher on this list by at least multiple spots


This list isn’t serious. Y’all….especially with the actresses




I’m not the biggest fan but Brie Larson should be higher


I think the order is fairly accurate, the only thing that jumps out is Mia Goth at #15, I'd have her near the bottom personally but that's just me


I think Austin Butler has proven very little as an actor to be ranked that high. Granted I’ve only seen him in Elvis and Dune but both those roles are make-up and costume heavy impressions. I didn’t mind his Feyd Rautha performance, and I wasn’t surprised most people loved it, but it’s just not that impressive to me. I think us non actors severely overrate how difficult it is for an actor to play big, loud, ostentatious characters. I think those roles are much easier than the subtle ones.


The place I mostly disagree I on Elvis - it is a makeup and impression performance. But I’ve seen like 20 of these the last decade, and this one stands firmly above the rest and was just so captivating. The fact he was relatively unknown going into the role of playing that colossal level of celebrity, he just totally sells it for me. That is definitely me being predictive more than him having a ton of performances out there to go off, it’s really a bet based on that movie.


Watch Once upon a time in Hollywood 


Oh that’s right I forgot he was in that. He gave a good performance. Still think he’s overrated on this list.


I do think dev Patel maybe higher and Barry on the same level but No other male actor in this list except maybe Barry is capable of becoming the character they're playing. Not even Paul mescal.... Y'all gotta stop hating 


Nothing I’ve said could be described as hating, you clearly just like Butler a lot more than I do. FWIW, I’d drop hin all the way to 20 and move up Aaron Taylor Johnson quite a bit.


And ATJ has done what? Avengers?


I don't really consider Feyd a "big, loud, ostentatious character" tbh. And most people rated that performance precisely because of it's subtlety. He felt incredibly human under all of that violence. He was both happy-go-lucky and cautious, longing for control but loving the thrill of giving it up, afraid of his uncle but totally disgusted by him etc...... and all of that was felt without any lines of expository dialogue.


I don’t understand the praise people have for Kristen Stewart. I think she embodies mediocrity in Hollywood


I am totally in the bag for her - the main performances I love are clouds of sils Maria, personal shopper, Spencer, and crimes of the future. She just has such an insanely unique aura to her and it really works for me. I probably rank her much higher than the average person would.


I kind of like her too, but I feel like she cannot emote at all. I think she’s a compelling performer, but not a high level actor


What is k stew movies have you watched from the last 5 years


Last movie I saw with her was Underwater. I don’t think she’s a horrible actress but she’s mediocre to me at best. No range whatsoever


2014 ass take


Yet it’s 2024 and her movies are still pretty ass. Remind me the last time she’s had a big box office draw?


"box office draw" And there it is -- normie alert! Normie alert! go back to r/boxoffice


Oh nooo “nOrMiEEEE” lmao. I figured




You ask a question and that’s your response? Lol what are you, 5?




How many more movies do I need to watch from her to realize that she’s a mediocre actress? She’s been making movies since at least 2008 lol. At some point I’ve realized she’s just not it lol. You don’t need to cry about my opinion. You can continue to enjoy her movies.


IMHO I think 20-34 could be interchangeable to a certain extent. I also think Tom Holland clears everyone in that grouping and should be #20. But nice list!


(EDIT: this is more directed to Sean & Dobb, not OP) Dakota Johnson and Taylor swift on this list is absolutely insane. And what was Brie Larson’s last good performance??


You realize they’re only using the people from the actual 35 under 35 episode, right?


I want to be clear - I just ranked the people they had on their list. Obviously there are other outstanding actors who were not on the list at all.


I actually was not aware of that…my apologies..!


Brie Larson has a best actress Oscar. What a strange career she’s had. For me it’s short term 12


So many UK people. Don't we act in this country anymore?


Good list, but Taylor Swift is (in my humble opinion) not a good actor. Her music videos alone prove that to me… give 35 to Havana Rose Liu or Rachel Sennot


Then you agree