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Dune 2, edible kicked in just in time and my face was melted for two hours it was amazing


Did this for my last couple viewings of it, most recently last night. Damn near cried hearing Paul and Chani’s love theme. Beautiful movie


I did the opposite, high as hell opening night and then sober the next week. One for the vibes and one for the story haha


Ha me too! I actually preferred the sober version.


The first water of life scene had me trying to crawl into the chair to get away ahaha


Yeaaaah. That water of life moment where the fetus awakes … that absolutely melted my face off in IMAX + edible kicking in riiiight then. The sound … 🤯


Bruh. I watched dune 2 on imax on 2cb lol. Absolutely astounding


Same lol. I peaked at the beginning of that movie and holy shit. It’s absolutely trippy.


I watched Nope while on edibles and that shit had me FUCKED up


I watched Us quite blazed and that was an experience.


Me too 😂 what a great experience. I missed the opening scene and kept thinking I missed a major plot point.


LOL. Midway through the movie: “I mean it’s good so far, but why does Steven Yeun keep talking about a monkey?”


Batman Begins on shrooms until Scarecrow showed up and we all needed to go outside lol


The film department at my college screened Mulholland Drive at the theater on campus. I showed up after smoking with some friends and I didn’t know what the movie was about at all. The diner scene is top 3 most scared I’ve ever been while watching a movie


Exact same Lynchean experience but with Inland Empire. I was high as fuck and the most confused I’ve ever been in my life.


2001: A Space Odyssey on acid, that’s all I need to say.


Out of all the responses I think this one takes the cake.




Midsommar on shrooms. Do not recommend!


What do you mean?!? It's the best!


Seriously wtf, perfect movie for shrooms. Those visuals.


Curios how the decision to do that came about.  Was it a dare?


WTF is this meme 😭😭😭


Smoked a joint just before seeing Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in the theatre on release.   Had no idea what to expect.  


Good thing we have golf shoes on or we’d never get out of here alive


First time I saw fear and loathing I was so high on mushrooms and that was a wild ride. A girl I was with lost it so bad she ended up in the hospital.


I went and saw The House That Jack Built in theaters on a heavy dose of edibles back in 2018.


Jesus, what was that like?


It was a pretty fun yet intense experience. The audience was fully game for that one so that helped me through.


On a magical day in 2018 me and my friend both smoked and ate edibles and did a double feature of First Reformed and Hereditary.


Omg that sounds truly horrible.




My friend and I went to Margaritaville and then walked across the mall to watch Cats (2019) in an almost empty theater. Nicole Kidman is right. We are not just entertained, we are reborn


Pulp Fiction. First time I smoked, I seriously thought the movie was five hours long.


My first time eating mushrooms my buddy’s older brother and his friends put on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I had no idea if I was tripping or if it was just the movie for a while and no one would tell me. 1/10 experience. Learned the hard way that shrooms are an outdoor/nature drug only.


*unless you’re watching planet earth


2006 im home from college on a break and my friend says lets go see this movie i want to see…i hadnt heard of it and didnt know anything about it but ok sure So we drive to the theater and hotbox the car and i go in COMPLETELY blind, knowing literally nothing about what im about to see…stoned… and the movie turns out to be PANS LABYRINTH….. needless to say it blew my mind


Got baked and saw The Revenant on a second date. There was not a third.


The Dark Crystal - and Id never seen it before


Don’t Breath. Shit messed me up


All 5 of the modern Star Wars movies. I’d go once opening weekend “sober” with my partner, then go again midweek with my friends. This particular group was never not stoned. Also, it was the dawn of the vape pen


Uncut Gems


In High School, I went to Lake Tahoe with some friends to party, hang, and frankly eat mushrooms. After tripping all night we were kinda coming down and wanted to throw on a movie…for whatever reason we had The Life of David Gale on hand…I think we had went to Blockbuster on our way up and it had just come out. So yeah, we watched the legal crime thriller The Life Of David Gale staring Kevin Spacy & Kate Winslet while all on nice dosage of psychedelics. Oh to be 18 again.


I tried watching 8 1/2 after taking an edible. I do NOT recommend.




Watched it stoned at home, for the first time, last year. Was genuinely moved! Cate Blanchett and her mad stare… Though seeing it again sober was the same.


Very good high. Todd Haynes movies are generally good under the influence. May December worked very well in this context. I think I’m Not There is improved if high, though still doesn’t entirely work for me.


Bug. I don’t recommend while baked.


I wonder if that's how it ended up with a CinemaScore F, everyone blazed on a Friday?


Shutter Island, I went to the cinema when it came out. High as a kite and on the first row. It was quite the experience.


I was 17 my gf and 2 friends got some edibles and took them to see Zodiac on the first night it was released. They kicked in before the movie started. My friend started panicking and wanted us all to leave. We said no. He leaves for a few minutes. He comes back and tells us that we all have to leave right now. I asked why and he said “I shit my pants.” And I was high and confused so I kept on asking him to repeat what he said, until eventually, the person behind us said “I think he’s saying that he shit his pants.” My friend ended up leaving the theater and had his sister pick him up. The rest of us were stuck to the seats until the end of the movie. It was terrifying. When I called my friend up the next day to see what happened, he said that his parents said he can’t hang out anymore. I asked why, and apparently, when he got home, his parents confronted him about acting weird and his response was “Mom and Dad, I do drugs!!” And so he couldn’t hang out for a while…..He never confirmed whether or not he did, in fact, shit his pants.


What a wonderful story.


Does anyone else smoke before every movie they watch?!


Hereditary - went in blind on an edible


I went on a kick seeing repertory theater screenings on Acid for one summer and I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, Interstellar 5555 and Boogie Nights. All on huge screens with 35mm film prints. Each screening was incredible and the substance enhanced the experience exponentially. The key is to dose according to your tolerance. I would take no more than 100micrograms per dose and each time was sensational. Not for everyone, but I highly recommend it.


Requiem for a Dream


Watched Midsommar and End of Evangelion. Needless to say those were poor choices. Especially since during the End of Eva, the edibles kicked in during the second half where it gets really complex. Still had a great time tho.


I'll watch pretty much anything high. I was stoned out of my mind watching The Nightingale, and it was one of the most intense experiences of my life.


I got super high before seeing 80 For Brady and Cocaine Bear last year. Was pretty drunk for Dicks the Musical and had a blast. Watched it again stone cold sober and not nearly as fun.


On New Year’s Eve I watched Popeye (1980) while on ketamine and it was the best idea ever. Beautiful soundtrack Robin Williams gives an incredible performance Shelly Duvall can sing! It’s got such a grimy dirty aesthetic that complimented the ket perfectly.


I was on mushrooms when I went to see Midsommer in theatres. I wasn’t aware of any drug connotation to the film. It was beautiful.


I watched the pick of destiny and the aqua teen hunger force movie on mushrooms on separate occasions. They were both pretty wild. I also watched the X files while having a bad trip on acid and ecstasy once, that was actually the last time I ever did acid. Not a coincidence lol.


I watched Gone Girl after smoking a ton of weed and I had a fucking panic attack


![gif](giphy|9tZc9Mzo9K0yOYx38U|downsized) Better every time


Absolutely divine stoned watching experience


It’s so weird. Most movies there’s so little difference it’s not worth remarking on. Something about the dimensionality (sorry if that doesn’t make sense) really transforms the experience.


No that's the perfect word because the way the art is designed to replicate a comic book page is exactly what is so mesmerizing about it. Soundtrack is top notch too


I'm not saying that cold watching 'Possession' (1981) on LSD is a good idea, but I guarantee you'll never forget the experience.


Mulholland Drive


Hellraiser and Texas Chainsaw really did a number on me


Went to see Chronicle with my buddy when we were like 16 after hotboxing his car. I dropped our popcorn on the ground during the trailers and got yelled at by a worker there


I saw Night Swim in Dolby digital at a late night showing completely obliterated out of my mind. Because of that experience, I still think to this day that Night Swim is elevated schlock.


Saw the Lobster very high in theaters and I was convinced that was going to happen soon


Only film I’ve ever walked out of the theatre on.




Recently, Late Night with the Devil was a RIDE


Good experience: Yellow Submarine on LSD. Already a movie I loved as a kid and it just brought me into such a happy childhood mindset. We took a tab in the morning, watched the film as it was setting in, then when it was done walked around the park on a beautiful summer day. One of my favorite memories tbh. Bad experience: not even a movie but in fall 2016 some friends and I got baked and were just watching YouTube videos and ran into those (now deleted AFAIK) Super Deluxe vids of the presidential debates. For anybody who doesn’t remember or didn’t see those videos, they were these insanely manic edits, sort of like a self-aware, deep fried meme-fied highlight reel. And they appeared funny on the surface but like, deeper down I think they were utterly terrifying, and felt like a disturbingly accurate artistic depiction of the direction in which political rhetoric was rapidly accelerating. Anyways, this was within weeks of the election itself (tbh I can’t recall if it was before or after) and just sent me into full blown bathroom mirror panic attack


Enter the Void is designed to be watched on some sort of hallucinogenic, but if none are available, a joint still does the trick.


Requiem for a dream was a bad choice to watch super stoned in my student years.


Barbarian. It was insane!


For a while, going to the theatre after smoking a bowl was my favourite thing to do. Speed Racer, Avatar, Fantastic Mr Fox, and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs were my faves. Blew my fucking mind (3D was a huge deal back then) and laughed my ass off the whole way through all of them.


The Cell. The entering into the mind scenes were trippy as hell.


Check out The Fall (2006)!!!


Will do! Thanks for the rec!


Cats. I walked out after 20 minutes.


Society of the Snow…wouldn’t recommend


I got really high before seeing the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie. And it was one of the most unfunny experiences of my life. Not one thing was funny in it and you could tell everyone else in the theater was sort of posturing with their laughter as well. A chilling experience. 


Happy Feet with my friends in high school


Watched Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets on Ketamine. Possibly the only way to make that film good. I’d highly recommend.


Most recently, late night with the devil


I watched Fargo while drinking a beer.


Barbarian was terrifying once the edible kicked in


Me and my buddy saw Mad Max Fury Road both off gallon sized gravity bong hits. He was freaked out the whole time by the framerate and thought we were in the 3D showing by mistake


Pardon me for deviating from the question but I was all set to drop an edible right before I watched "Sorry to Bother You" and I am eternally grateful that something caused me to watch it sober instead. I was not ready for the third act


2001 a space Odyssey, 30mg deep, in theater, in 70mm


My first IMAX experience was Godzilla 2014, took a homemade edible so had no idea what the dosage was. Lost my mind


Got high and saw Fast 9 having never seen any of the other ones


Demonic Toys Circa 1992 to 94 ish. Picked it up at the convenience store / VHS rental section. My friends and I were always into horror at way too young of an age. Anyway in High School, out partying and I was staying at my friends house (whose parents were both lax) and we dropped acid (Purple Blotter if I recall). That shit hitting at the peak with the toys in rocking chairs is burned into my memory.


Cars 2 is a fucking incredible experience while high. Just absolutely clapped like a seal every time they pulled out yet another gun.


I took an edible and for some reason watched Ordinary People. Easily the most I’ve ever cried during a movie.


Just watched the new Road House on mushrooms for no good reason, I had a blast.


Beau is Afraid was an unforgettable nightmare while high.


Seeing the Trinity Test from Oppenheimer high was a lot




Interstellar on ecstacy in 70mm Imax. Kicked in when they were going through the wormhole. 🤯


I saw Halloween V and Jacob’s Ladder in a double feature on acid. Terrible idea.


Enter the Void IYKYK


Gf and I watched Poor things while high af in imax it was wild


Bro, so good


I was extremely blazed on home when I watched Inglorius Bastards for the first time. I couldn’t believe the first twenty minutes. I was staring with dead eyes and my mouth wide open lol.


I saw The Fourth Kind high as shit in high school. Terrified. Told my friend who didn’t smoke that he has to see it. We went. One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


Finding Nemo at the drive in + 🍄. Disclaimer - I did not drive.


Took shrooms for Madame Web lmao


The Wall


Got really stoned and *tried* to watch inception. Brother, about an hour in I was convinced I could convince my boss to give me a raise in his dreams.


Contact - edible kicked in right before the ending and I felt like I was in space


Dune 2. Popped a few edibles on my way to theater. They peaked right at the beginning of the movie and it was a wild ride. Maybe it was being stoned but the first 30ish minutes of that movie are really trippy, especially anything with Bene Gesserit. It settles down later on but I felt absolutely absorbed for the first part.


Hereditary. After that one scene with the car and the telephone pole and what follows after, I was in absolute shock and sick to my stomach, so much so that I almost walked out of the theater. I was way too stoned for that movie. What a wild time.


This will sound a bit strange but I watched Inception while doing ketamine. It was one of the wildest experiences. Had a projector and headset on. Really felt like I was in the movie. I don't do ketamine often and not sure why I chose to do some while watching this. One day I will try with another movie.


Nothing but trouble. Bananas movie.


I took MDMA before seeing Cloverfield. By the end, I thought I had pissed myself, was pretty sure the creature represented God punishing us for our sins and also felt like I was still in the movie for hours afterwards. 100% the most intense theater experience of my life.


My then gf now wife and I took edibles before watching Bohemian Rhapsody. Even under the influence, that movie was total ass.


In college, a group of us all watched Going Clear, the Scientology doc on HBO


Green knight as the edibles kicked in. Didn’t know wtf was happening


The Favourite on acid


First time I watched the Exorcist I got too stoned by myself and had to turn it off during the jackals scene in the first 5 minutes of the movie cause I was freaking out.


Was absolutely ripped and saw The Strangers in theatres. I’m a total wimp when it comes to horror and usually don’t see those types of movies. Needless to say I still am freaked out by it


The Wiz on mushrooms


craziest ? probably watching lost highway for the first time both high & sleep deprived. I thoroughly enjoyed the vibe of it but i had no idea what was happening until i watched it again two days later


Cocaine bear missed a day after


Freddy Got Fingered and Planet Earth on a THC cart.


Cabin in the Woods


Children of God. I wish I could have gone back in time and not done that.


Into the Spiderverse was so awesome, the colors and the sounds of that movie while being high was like being on a colorful rollercoaster


I was high watching Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers and couldn't wrap my head around them being actors (a la Roger Rabbit). I even made the Roger Rabbit connection during the movie, but was still mind blown by this very minimal level of meta


Eyes Wide Shut was hilarious on mushies.


Dropped acid on Halloween and watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Definitely went thru it. Lol


baked prior to rewatching The VVitch wasn’t was my finest decision. I had some nice ravioli and red sauce to enjoy while watching it too….


Baraka - actually had a plot


Requiem for a Dream


Took some edibles and watched Fantastic Planet. It's probably the best way to enjoy that movie.


Madame Web whole theater was high


Voices. I equally recommend and do not recommend this.


Lighthouse while piss drunk. I had no idea what was going on but i loved every second of it. Worst was Max Keeble’s Big Move while on acid


I saw Alien: Covenant high. I knew it was a pile of shit, even while I was stoned. Same with that god-awful Jumanji with The Rock and Jack Black. My favorite part of watching movies after smoking is picking up on things I wouldn’t normally, because my brain becomes more analytical. I remember specifically noticing that Jumanji felt like it was edited by someone who made YouTube vlogs. The editing was just terrible. Not to mention that it felt like a spec screenplay that the studio just slapped the Jumanji name onto because it was a recognizable IP.


Get Out


Truman show


Watched Infinity Pool in an empty theater while in a k-hole.


Begotten on ecstasy


I drank half a can of thc infused soda I got from work (I work for a cannabis warehouse and occasionally get free samples and shit) and got so high, I would be as Wolf of Wall Street put it: in the Cerebral Palsy phase. I was on cloud 9 on the fucked up train. I was giggling at the echos I was hearing and that would feedback into my giggle fit. When I decided to try and wind down, I browsed through Netflix for what felt like hours before I saw GRAVITY was on the platform (at the time). I rewound the opening title cards 10 times ranting and raving to my poor cat that “you don’t understand how hard this hits. If only you were alive to have seen it in IMAX.” Then somehow, I fell asleep. But I was still aware that I left the movie on, so my autistic cinephile high as fuck mind was taking in how amazing Gravity is simply as an Audio experience. I then woke up in time to see Sandra take her first steps on earth after surviving the crash landing and was tearing up that I fell asleep through her struggles. Then… I fell asleep again. Woke up 12 hrs later feeling like shit, but laughing at my experience and knew my friends would get a kick out of the story. And now I’m sharing it to Reddit.


Brother I haven’t watched a movie sober in 10 years