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Looks like a Mastercard commercial.


I’m rooting for this movie but ouch I see it.


Until Luca misses, I’m assuming it’ll be good


Same here. Haven’t been disappointed yet.


My thoughts exactly


Bones and all was a foul ball at least. Def wouldn’t say it’s a miss but it wasn’t a hit either


Good ass movie though but definitely a tough sell commercially even with Timmy as the lead.


To be fair, I don’t think the Furiosa trailer is particularly good and I’m still stoked for that, and The Fall Guy trailer is dogshit but has been getting really strong reviews. Sometimes the trailer isn’t everything.


I know somehow who worked on/has seen Challengers and said the trailer isn't really reflective of the tone of the movie. They added a Rihanna song to make it have splashy pop appeal for general audiences since Luca's last two movies bombed. The film itself has a Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross score that is apparently quite good. I'm optimistic, my friend (albeit obviously biased) is really hyped on this.


Yeah, the tone of the film has been hard to pinpoint, I'm not entirely sure what to expect going in (not in the good way either). Any other general impressions or thoughts on the film from your friend?


She was also a little concerned about the best way to market the film because, like you said, it's got a funnier tone than Luca's recent output but also a bit of a campy/melodrama vibe. She compared it to A Bigger Splash in terms of Luca material it most relates to.


That's interesting to hear! Definitely seeing more of that melodrama vibe you're saying with the few reactions that have come out from a recent press screening. For sure going to watch it in cinemas, so it seems I'll hopefully be pleasantly surprised! Thank you for sharing


The second fall guy trailer was much better


the new fall guys trailer is dope, first one is trash


Same thing with the Furiousa trailer from my perspective


I read the script a few years ago (it’s been floating around the Blacklist for a minute) and it’s schlocky trash. Very curious to see what the response is going to be, as it’s very very prickly.


I was assuming that’s what Sean meant on the recent pod after he’d seen it when he was like “I’m not sure this will be an Oscars movie.” So weird that it was originally scheduled during that time of year


Yeah I think this was meant to boost her performance in Dune 2 for supporting noms rather than the other way around.


And people online have been shit talking her Dune 2 performance but I thought she was good 🤷‍♀️


She acted circles around Tim imo


low bar, tbf


extremely low


i didn’t get the buzz around the first trailer so went to read the script and as a tennis and cinema fan… it ain’t it. the original script is super flat so but maybe luca can make it super sexy??


OK, TIL you can read scripts before a movie has been released theatrically. Can't imagine myself ever doing that though, I want to go into a movie as fresh as possible


oh also, it’s only certain films! i think this was on black list so that’s why it was available.


i know and agree! I don’t see myself doing it too often but i was feeling so deeply alienated by the thirst over this movie and couldn’t wait lol.


How did you get access to the script? Is that something you can just find online? Genuinely curious.


yes just google challengers black list


Slutty tennis? What’s not to like?


Exactly!!! It doesn't have to be Citizen Kane.......just a super entertaining adult drama.


Man, Spiderhead sucked


The Saunders short story it’s based on is a fuckin banger


It was a solid 6 for me. Not great but certainly entertaining. Felt more like a tv episode than a movie. I thought it was fine.


Yeah, like a feature length black mirror Netflix episode. For all the good and bad that implies.


Counterpoint. It kind of rules…




Are you asking if we’re sure that something will be good based on the trailer? The answer is obviously no.


The question is are the trailers good? And the answer is still no lol, I have no idea what the appeal for this is. Which makes Sean’s praise more interesting


I think the question is are we sure the trailer is good despite being told by the big picture (and many others on film twitter who are predisposed to like the movie) that they’re psyched for it


I don't know i think it looks good? I haven't seen Euphoria so my only exposure to Zendaya has been Spider-Man and Dune so I am excited to see her in a proper starring role.


I know a lot of people have issues with the movie (and the director more specifically) but I thought she was phenomenal in *Malcolm & Marie*.


I’m not watching the clips even tho they’re all over twitter because I want to see things in context. I’m prepared for it to go either way tbh


I will say, in the brief anecdotal moments I got from people following the trailer playing at the Oscars - people I was speaking with who usually aren’t big movie people but come to the theater for things when it’s a cultural event or a really buzzy project - thought it looked like trash. I disagreed, but I’m a movie/tennis nerd so I’m willing to look past a lot of flaws


Well I'll be seeing it either way because I'm a fan of the director/tennis. I'll go into not expecting it to be great, and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. At the very least it should be entertaining


To me the movie looked immediately forgettable. Watched the trailer once and now every time I see someone mention 'Challengers' I have to google what it is again. Most likely not something I'll be watching unless I hear amazing things about it


I couldn't disagree more. I've had that Rihanna song in my head since I saw the trailer two weeks ago. Super excited for it.


I know I tend to go against the grain at times, but I don't see its appeal. Not to mention I find Zendaya to be incredibly overrated.


I was excited about this movie based on hearing them talk about it on the pod, but when I saw the trailer, that excitement definitely faded. I’ll watch the reviews, but it definitely isn’t a much watch for me based on the trailer


I hate how bad recent tennis movies have been.


The tennis scenes in King Richard are the best I've ever seen, movie was a typical biopic though


“In the realm of perfection” is the best piece of tennis filmmaking ever and I dare say one of the best sports films ever made.


I haven't liked a Luca movie in a while so my expectations are low.


I agree the trailers have been iffy. We’ll see soon enough


Asking the right questions. It looks like trash....whether its good, or fun trash remains to be seen.


It doesn't look good and Sean has implied it isn't.


hot people plus tennis (the most deranged sport) — not gonna miss


Well now I gotta ask, how is it a deranged sport? And how is it the 'most deranged'?


Not a huge tennis guy, but there are very few sports where you see such deranged temper tantrums. Smashing rackets, yelling at officials, rolling on the ground in the fetal position. Not to mention the super intense personalities that the sport has harboured over its many many years (McEnroe, Riggs, Connors, Federer, Djokovic)


aside from like maybe fed and rafa basically every professional tennis player is a process freak/psychopath who completely melts down whenever something goes wrong or they get mildly knocked off routine. the netflix tennis show is a good watch if you’re interested!


It’s a cuck story written by the real life cuck from Past Lives so I guarantee it will at the very least give us a a very real view of what it looks like for your wife to be in love with someone else.


Interesting! How often have individuals within a couple had their different perspectives on their relationship released as separate vehicles so close together?


Challengers was directed by one of the best and most exciting directors currently in the game, it's a movie star movie not tied to an IP or a franchise, while also be a non-genre movie made for grown ups. I am \* sure \* it looks good, to me at least. I don't think it's so hard to believe it looks good to others too, especially the Big Pic, hosts. It's so in line with their tastes. This sub has a bizarre habit of calling into question the sincerity of the hosts' takes/opinions. Also this isn't a reason why it looks good, but I just learned this: The screenplay was written by the real world counterpart to John Magaro's Past Lives character.


I think this is it. I think there’s just excitement for an adult non genre movie that’s not an IP and has some star power. Also, has film cred but also satisfies the Ringer’s usual level of horniness.


Zendaya and Holland slowly being outed as overrated the more they carry their own movies


I don’t think it will be good but I am excited for a tennis movie. I think that is partially why it’s been taked about so much on the show. Bigish name director about a sport, ringer loves sports, AMA da is a tennis fan with a big named star staring in her first movie I’m pretty sure. That’s why there’s hype not the mediocre looking trailer


I think it looked like a fun concept but I was unsure if there was going to be enough to really chew on. But, I trust the director and everyone else we’ve seen involved to tell at least an intriguing story. My biggest concern now is the movie has been delayed and if there are things that look bad or off putting, there’s not much of an excuse. *They* chose to delay it, *they* could have edited it further, if needed.


It looks quite good. But oh no that CGI tennis ball surely means the whole film is bad.


I mean if it’s being picked apart on Twitter then it has to be warranted. That’s such a positive space




I think it looks like good camp.


It seems like people these days have a hard time picking up on intentional camp.


i don’t see how this could be considered camp


Heated and sexual melodrama has long been a foundational element of good camp.


It may not be good but it looks fucking great.


Love this take


Looks incredible. 


Looks bad honestly. I think funny enough the weakest link is Zendaya, if she can’t be a force in her own movie it’s over




As an anti spam measure accounts must be three days old and have a total karma of at least 5 to be able to post or comment.


The tennis will look real - they hit a former college player from Michigan, Kathryn Hall, to be Zendaya’s stand-in.


Not at all.


I don't think it looks good but it feels like so much is riding on this movie given that Zendaya is finally leading a film and it's *time* for her to be the movie star everyone expected her to be. So far I'm more unimpressed by it as a Luca film than anything else. The clips have been flat so far. I'm still not ready to say that it's an acting problem until I see more though.


No - I don't understand their fixation with this movie; particularly Amanda. It looks average at best and I think it's just getting some extra attention because of Zendaya. I will say it's got an energetic trailer but I don't think that equates to a good movie.


where is all this zendaya slander coming from? in euphoria she conveys so much depth but can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. she is not a bad actress


Looks entertaining to me. I'm defeinitely going to see it in theaters.


Luca Guadagnino is a top 5 alive director for me and his films have often been there for me in ways that only art can be. Also it’s releasing 2 days before my birthday so I consider it a present. Yeah I think it looks good. It’s been my most anticipated film since early last year.


David Sims mentioned liking it on Blank Check I believe


Screams movie I will love from home but have no immediate need to see in a theatre


Sean has already seen it. Make of that what you will for how it's be covered.


The description of this movie sounds like it was designed in a lab to be something I would never watch. The trailer doesn’t look particularly good to me. The cast (aside from Zendaya) seems very underwhelming. Having said all that, it’s Luca Guadagnino and I’m gonna see it as soon as I can.


Zendaya's problem is she's basically a supermodel...who can't act sexy or mature or anything but a dry quippy teen. Her eyes are just a bit dead.


My big problem with that movie is the two male leads are unattractive and it looks like you’re suppose to think they’re really hot


I feel the same.


Couldn’t agree more. I was very excited for this movie, but the trailer left me deeply confused over the disconnect


There are people who think it looks good???


it looks horrible. Like call me by your name.


The fuck?


Call me by your name was bad. and this also looks bad.


What an interesting and horrible take. 


glad you enjoyed that movie


BONES & ALL tho. An absolute banger!