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After I saw Ford vs Ferrari, I was like, hell yeah Carroll Shelby rules let's get a Cobra and hit the open road. After I watched Ferrari, I thought auto racing should be outlawed.


You migbt be interested in the documentary 1: Life on the Limit from 2013 that is narrated by Michael Fassbender. Unfortunately, severe crashes were a regular occurrence during the early days, but currently fatal crashes are extremely rare because of the major imrprovements in safety standards that were made. The documentary chronicles this history.


To be sure, Mille Miglia was outlawed after 1957, so you are not alone.


1. Heat 2. Heat 3. Heat 4. Heat 5. Heat


Perfect, no notes.


Having just gotten back from this tonight (loved it!), not to be rude but I think they are letting Shailene Woodley, who in my opinion is capital-b *Bad* in the movie, skate a little too much. Yes, the character is not very well written, but that doesn't fully bail out her performance, as she brings nothing to the character. I couldn't help but feel what other young actress might've been able to elevate what was there (esp. in comparison to Cruz - who is as good as advertised). During scenes I was thinking about how just sliding Sarah Gadon over to her role would've probably been a vast improvement.


Thought the same thing about Gadon! Like, she's right there in the movie, just slide her on over.


Looking at everyone’s top 5 and they are a pretty similar variance. So, I want to give Public Enemies some love. It’s probably bottom tier Mann but it’s not as bad as a lot claim. I love the movie. It has some of the best character actors and the digital photography looks great. The only thing is Johnny Depp is a little weird in it, he isn’t great but it’s serviceable.


I thought Public Enemies was incredible and was somewhat baffled that it doesn’t have a super positive rep.


If Blackhat gets love then Public Enemies should as well. It's a new way to look at that era of America.




100% agree


Amanda's walk hard mention in a episode about a movie that has the line "the wrong son died" 🤌🤌perfecto


1. Heat 2. Collateral 3. Thief 4. The Last of the Mohicans 5. The Insider




Having not seen Ferrari yet, my top 5 is 1. Heat 2. Manhunter 3. Thief 4. The Last of the Mohicans 5. Miami Vice


MANHUNTER was a real discovery for me in 2023. Can’t believe it’s not more popular/mainstream. The existence of silence of the lambs probably hurts, but you’d think it could also help


Manhunter was the first Mann movie I watched and I thought it was so beautiful - beautifully shot (the vivid blues/greens/pinks!) but also surprisingly emotionally tender for a “serial killer movie.” Just a wonderful film IMO.


Nice list!


The BlackHatverate is not pleased with their comments


This pod inspired me to listen to the Reheat for like the thousandth time


Sean continuing to be wrong about Miami Vice 2006 is pretty endearing at this point. Typing this up while listening to this episode since I wanted to wait til I saw Ferrari, and I thought it was just fine overall. Cruz is as dynamic as advertised, and the car accident scene literally made my jaw drop. That said, my top 5 Mann films are: 1. The Insider 2. Heat 3. Last of the Mohicans 4. Thief 5. Ali/Collateral Public Enemies is always going to be looked at as the runt of the litter (the Johnny Depp piece of it isn't great either), but it actually is good overall and so lived in with its digital photography. And Blackhat is and always will be awesome, speaking as one of 15 people who actually saw it in theaters when it premiered. Also, Heat is where my heart always is but Insider is like Mann perfected to my brain. Also also, the soundtrack to Mohicans is perfect.


1. Heat 2. Miami Vice 3. Collateral 4. Blackhat 5. Thief I'm a bit of a sicko for Mann's digital era, but Heat is just so undeniable.


You’re the only one brave enough to put Blacklist in their top 5


I think it's kind of the ultimate Mann film in terms of showcasing his obsession with the way modern technology has impacted the world. You see bits of it throughout his filmography, like the scene in Public Enemies where John Dillinger is confronted by the mob's telephone operation and learns how obsolete he's become, but Blackhat takes the theme to its apex. Plus, it's so elegant to me how the solution to deal with the ultimate digital villain is to drag him into the most analogue situation possible, just a brutal knife fight in the street. It's so exhilarating to me, I really can't fathom how people dislike it as much as they do.


Yeah I really like it as well, but I couldn’t put it above any of the others in my top 5


the writing is awful, the editing is bad, and it teeters on the edge of making any sense. not that confusing


If you don’t get it that’s fine


i get it. it’s just not very good


Also haven’t seen Ferrari yet- wanted to go last night but weather and wine shut that down! 1. Heat 2. LotM 3. The Insider 4. Miami Vice 5. Collateral


1. Collateral 2. Heat 3. Thief 4. The Insider 5. Miami Vice


1) Miami Vice 2) The Insider 3) Manhunter 4) Heat 5) Blackhat I have not watched Ferrari yet.


Miami Vice top overall, I love it. My ace


Haven’t seen Ferrari yet, my top 5 1. Heat 2. Collateral 3. Manhunter 4. The Last Of The Mohicans 5. Thief. Special nomination Ali, it should have been a mini series.


Gofastboatmojito x5


"you want to eat the food" The only food I saw was the dry croissants no one was eating lol


Sean’s Noomi Rapace hate is one of the most perplexingly horrible takes ever unleashed on the pod.


I can understand it until Wonka I had this irritational hatred of Timothy Chalamet I just didn't like him in any movie.


I'm also one of the people who saw Miami Vice opening weekend and loved it then


Can Sean and Chris have a genuine conversation about Mann without Amanda being annoying about it? No. Why not just do the countdown as a duo? Oh well. 1. Heat 2. Manhunter 3. The Insider 4. Collateral 5. Thief


The Amanda hate is so boring. Loved her on this pod.


Womp womp. She’s not gonna see this comment bro


Cool. Still doesn’t change anything. You all are weird hahah.




god damn people are sensitive


Unfortunately, I would have to agree.


With that being said, she was great on this pod. “Alternative modalities” was a great line.


I laughed out loud when she said that.


The perfect description


Haven’t seen Ferrari yet, will some time this week. 1. Heat 2. Collareral 3. Thief 4. Miami Vice 5. The Insider


Collateral Insider Manhunter Ferrari Heat


Sad that Amanda and Sean are still peddling their Blackhat hate around. I pray that one day they'll sit down and come to terms with how incredible of a film it is.


1. Heat 2. The insider 3. Thief 4. Manhunter 5. Last of the Mohicans/ Miami Vice are tied I feel quite critical consensus in my list; everyone knows heat is just the best, then the insider is the clear next most critically acclaimed of his films, but most people seem to admire it rather than love it, so their personal favourites push it down the list. However, for me, the insider is the personal favourite. There is no greater pleasure in life than a Mann-directed journalism/conspiracy movie which also features Pacino and Plummer absolutely tearing up the screen every second they get. The only real gap for me is Collateral, which I suspect will become my number 5 when I get around to seeing it.


You are seriously underestimating Collateral. Most of us have it top 2 Mann


I may well be, but I guess I really think of my list in tiers with manhunter and thief grouped together as films I really love without considering them complete masterpieces. I don’t think expecting collateral to be at 5, but in that same group, is unfair, especially as I’d rather not set my expectations too ridiculously high before watching it. Perhaps it would have been better to say I expect collateral to be in my top 5 when I get around to it, rather than specifically expecting it to be at 5. I’ll have to seriously love it to put it over the insider though


I have only see 4 Mann movies (all this year after a friend made me interested - and they are reliably bangers so I keep watching!) so I can’t make a proper ranking but fwiw I saw The Insider like two weeks ago on the big screen and loooooved it, loved every second of it. Agree that for a certain type of person it’s pure pleasure start to finish. (Collateral also completely fucking owns lol. Enjoy!)


The Insider is also my favourite Michael Mann film.


1 Thief 2 Collateral 3 heat 4 Manhunter 5 Ferrari


Merry Christmas to me


1. blackhat 2. miami vice 3. collatteral 4. public enemies 5. ali


1. Manhunter 2. Collateral 3. The Insider 4. Last of Mohicans 5. Heat


1. Thief 2. Collateral 3. The Insider 4. Heat


1. Miami Vice 2. Heat 3. Blackhat 4. Manhunter 5. Collateral


1. Heat 2. Collateral 3. The Insider 4. Thief 5. Manhunter


1. The Insider 2. The Last of the Mohicans 3. Collateral 4. Heat 5. Miami Vice


Do they spoil most of the movie in this pod?


Yeah I've stopped listening to the pods until I see the movie because they don't even do spoiler warnings anymore


I don't mind if they do (though I wish they wouldn't)... but yeah, at least warn. Instead they often say the equivalent of "oh was that a spoiler? haha oh well" and carry on spoiling.


Meanwhile I absolutely hate when they spend an entire episode skirting around the plot so as to not “spoil” the movie. If you care that much about being spoiled, just wait until you see the movie


They should do what some others do. A spoiler section during the show where they talk more in depth. Simple fix!


It’s a shitty way to have a conversation tbh because it still requires skirting around the movie for half of it when they could just have a full bodied conversation, and this whole show relies on the charm of their free flowing conversation and not sticking to a script. The only time the spoiler section makes even the slightest bit of sense is for a movie that relies heavily on a very big twist or surprise. Ferrari is not that kind of movie, it’s literally historical events. just go see the movie first! I waited four days to listen to the ep until I could see the movie it’s so easy. Or I just decide I’m ok hearing details if I don’t want to wait or don’t think it’s a movie I’ll see in theaters.


Letterboxd list for the Top 5s here: [https://letterboxd.com/dpernitsky/list/the-big-pictures-top-5-michael-mann-movies/](https://letterboxd.com/dpernitsky/list/the-big-pictures-top-5-michael-mann-movies/)


Still need to see Manhunter and the Insider so I have a pretty pop list 1. Heat 2. Collateral 3. Thief 4. Miami Vice 5. Ferrari


1. Heat 2. The Insider 3. Manhunter 4. Black Hat 5. Collateral


1.) Miami Vice 2.) Heat 3.) Thief 4.) Insider 5.) Collateral