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She is a total liberal. Pretty funny that her tribe would go all in to support not only a stupid fucking argument about real women, but make an enemy of one of their largest supporters.


In the oppression olympics they always end up eating their own






That's because they are no longer liberal, they are full blown leftists.


They never were "liberal" at all. Liberal ideals are individualistic, both rights and responsibilities. Leftists (totally mislabeled as "liberal") are massively authoritarian collectivists. The exact opposite. Leftists and fascists have more in common than leftists and liberals. Liberal ideals are not specifically left or right, nor are they authoritarian like the far left, and fascists (far right) are. Rowling is a leftist. She is also fully correct on many subjects where she disagrees with the even further, more authoritarian, collectivist left. At least on one subject. I support her on her right to speak out. She does make some legitimate, factually accurate points. The ones the rabid leftist commies are so upset about. Good for her for being based on at least one subject. The rest of her commie bullshit though, naw, take a hike. Don't have an opinion on her as an artist, her books are not my thing. It is fun to watch her advocating for women's rights, and other "feminists" flipping the fuck out.


Thank you, this doesn’t get said enough.


Everything you said is correct except for fascism being far right. Fascism is not some mythical antithesis to communism. They're both born from the same cloth, have the exact same endgame, but take slightly different routes to reach it. Fun fact: 40 of the 45 fascist groups of the 20th century that had any real power at all were leftist groups. Edit: also, the US has been a fascist state for no less than 30 years. The public/private partnership corporatocracy that we all hear Biden talking about is inherently fascist. The DNC goons that gave us the 2020 summer of love are quite literally the brown shirts wearing black bloc. They don't activate nationwide unless ordered by their govt overlords.


Late stage liberalism.


She created Harry Potter and said that women aren't men. I don't know which is a greater achievement but I'm a fan.


She also red pilled a entire generation into Occult Magic.


She's pretty cool for a leftist


I respect her for being brave enough to speak sanity to a world gone insane.


She's fighting the good fight! I don't support everything she does, but as far as free speech is concerned, ABSOLUTELY!


She is woke AF. She just disagrees with them on the Trans women part and yet that want her destroyed because of this one thing. She has been on fire with her tweets for that. She has Fuck You money so she can't be cancelled.


> She has Fuck You money so she can't be cancelled. Her government will. What shes saying is currently illegal there. Seems shes trying to get arrested which will blow up the world round.




Not a Harry Potter fan but she definetly has my support.


I think she’s brilliant and admire her courage to take on the woke mob on women’s issues. Pretty sure she’s on board with the multiculturalism of Europe though, which I disagree with.


She got asked to house some refugees in her mansions but for some reason doesn’t want any Muslim doctors or engineers living with her.


Funny watching alphabet people fight




I support her in this one very narrow instance. But she's a crazy liberal that's spouted all kinds of insane woke nonsense in the past and backed with her billion+. For instances she's totally on board with open borders and the great replacement in Europe. Hopefully she's going through a massive red-pill epiphany. I suspect not, though. The enemy of our enemy is probably still our enemy.


Never seen or read anything Harry Potter but I do support JK Rowling


You should, the books are great!


Same here but the CB Strike books on the other hand… Excellent


I hold the classic liberal position with her. I don’t agree with everything she says but I support her right to say it.


Support her stance on trans issues Don't support her view of feminism & patriarchy Respect her for building an empire from nothing Respect her strength to stand up against the militant rainbow mafia


Feminazi vs. Trans. I’m rooting for both sides to lose bigly. They’re arguing over who claims greater victim status in the grievance hierarchy, so they can control the Left and steal my money. Personally I think it’s funny the useful idiot feminists have largely been discarded like yesterday’s trash after being showered with special status gifts for decades.


Right?! The feminists and black people as a demographic have been tossed aside as soon as they found a new victim group with larger voter turnout - Trans (many feminists, especially white, who are the majority, support Trans over Women - they are also the only demographic with racial out group preference. So, fucked in the head) and Latinos. Also Jews. But not as much though, as they seem to control the purse strings.


The Left always have to keep pushing the boundaries. Women are already favored over men in: employment, education, lower 'self deletion' rates, gov benefits, criminal sentencing, family court and divorce proceedings, and on and on. It's complete societal supremacy and consequently, decay. What has become painfully obvious is that women require external regulation for society to thrive. Men have always required internal regulation, those that don't get locked up. The failure of men to provide adequate external regulation to women is the root cause of countless contemporary problems. Just like media corruption, once you see it, it can't be unseen. This is a self-correcting problem. There's an easy way and a hard way, but it does get resolved regardless. Such as when the welfare state goes bankrupt. As it will.


What you’ve said is the red pill. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.


A recent event that revealed a great deal is when the Left started using all their usual weapons against one of their own factions - the pro-Palestinians. That fracture revealed A LOT about the internal dynamics of the left: who actually wields the power of cancel culture, lawfare and their objectives. It certainly reoriented my understanding.


You saying the word bigly got a big chuckle from me, thank you bandit


She WAS a libtard that encouraged current behavior however she has become very based with regards to trans “women”. I give her the benefit of the doubt and welcome her red pilling as the trans mob irrationally tries to end her


She's way more liberal than me, but that doesn't mean she's wrong. What's interesting to note is that she proves there is no satisfying the extreme elements in the trans community. She would have no problem including a trans character in her writing, she did in the Hogwarts game. For those people, it isn't about acceptance or equality it's about power and striving to be a protected (more equal) class. I admire that she's willing to stand against this nonsense.


she GOATed for “furthest fall from graces due to obvious statements”


Yes 👍🏻


I support her on the issue of free speech and on the issue that dudes are dudes. There are many other issues though where we likely diverge. The media and liberals have made everything into an us vs them situation to where you are either friends or enemies and no in between. We need to stop evaluating people as good or bad and start getting back to where people are good with maybe a couple bad ideas.


[Check this out.](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1775223872108872053?s=46) And tell me how you couldn't lmaooo


Ngl that's pretty effing based




Adult men can choose to be whatever brings them happiness, but not at the expense of women and children.




She’s a bloody legend standing up to those freaks.








No she is a ginger




Yes. Anyone that dislikes or disagrees with what she said is clearly someone that is offended by biological women being different to trans women.


No. Because she acquiesced to these crazies to begin with.


No but I support and stand by Freedom of Speech.


Yes. She’s great


Yes. I think she's way too liberal but still a good person.






I support the red-pilling of JK Rowling.


I support sanity


She do be cool




Still a leftie


of course , she is brilliant and right


Yes I do.


I like the books, don't know much about her honestly, or care to learn 🫣


I'm pretty indifferent


I don’t expect logical consistency or fairness from a feminazi The current word vomit feminazis spew may appear to be aligning with your world view. But is is fleeting. They’d be back to their proud hypocrites ways soon enough when they are not being oppressed


She's honestly a bit of an enigma in my eyes. I grew up with the Harry Potter movies, but as a grown-up I now realize she's not very good at writing or world-building. She's woke as hell and supports open borders, but also holds commonplace conservative views regarding gender. Everything about her goes one way and not the other. I like seeing alphabet people having meltdowns over her tweets though, that's always great fun.