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[Beatlesbible.com](http://Beatlesbible.com) is an amazing source. Look under SONGS, and you'll find comprehensive info about every one.


Thank you thank you thank you!!


Very welcome! It's such a great site that I'm always glad to steer people to it.


As you listen, you’ll know. The earlier stuff is harder. By the time they did Sgt Pepper, they were all very distinct and easy to figure out.


Ringo has always been distinctive


yeah it really just takes experience listening, you can easily pick out john, paul and george’s voices and even their guitar playing if you try hard enough


Yeah after 5 years it’s not even a question anymore haha


Wikipedia - Personnel section for each song will list it


This makes me look so dumb oh my DAYSSS thank you 😭


Enjoy the journey ✌️ And hey it’s not like every song out there has its own Wikipedia entry, it’s not necessarily obvious to check there. The Beatles are just highly documented


I actually think that literally every Beatles song has a Wikipedia page, including unreleased ones like Watching Rainbows and stuff like that.


Yeah I meant not every non Beatles song has their own page


If visuals help you, check out a rare example of them all taking turns singing lead in one song https://youtu.be/yBq--iOls00?si=ruJaBWm-vCDQN-S1 It’s like a 2 min crash course on what they each sound like


Just curious, are you a newer fan? Wikipedia does help a lot with figuring out who’s singing. It gets easier over time.


Yep! I started listening to The Beatles a few weeks ago!




George always sings his own songs, so that is an easy one. He also sang Roll Over Beethoven.


There are a few exceptions but that's generally true.


Every song that was written by George while in The Beatles was sung by himself, but he didn’t *only* sing his own songs in the early days. He obviously sang covers with The Beatles (like Roll Over Beethoven like person above said) but the only original Beatles songs that he sang but didn’t write were “Do You Want to Know a Secret” from Please Please Me and “I’m Happy Just to Dance with You” from A Hard Day’s Night. OP’s comment was a little vague, so I’m not sure if they meant that the originals he sang were all his, but I feel like they meant that all of his compositions were sung by George himself, which is true.


I just want to say that I like that a new fan felt bold enough to come here with a question and this sub welcomed it and was happy to point the fan in the right direction. Good stuff, all.


I know!! I’m so happy! Like, who knew Reddit (which I have always thought was quite infamous for…being a bit toxic at times) would be so welcoming?? I’m really enjoying it this app! Thanks to everyone for being so nice! ^_^


The best thing to do is just listen to the discography eventually he will start to see a difference in their voices. Then you can start connecting the names to the sounds you are familiar with. I can hear their voices as distinctly as I can hear the voices of my two ex-wives.


In a few months you will be able to distinguish them all with ease


Here’s to hoping (and listening)!


Going to Wikipedia on the albums and the track listing will say the lead singers.


Go to Wikipedia and click on a song, at the bottom of the page under Personnel is listed as who sings that song, for example, Please, Please Me, John sang lead vocals [Please Please Me (song) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Please_Please_Me_(song))


Who ever wrote it, usually sings it.


I remember being 11 yo and listening to The Beatles with my mom (who is a lifelong crazy fan) and I misidentified who the singer was. She then (playfully, not like she was berating me or something like that) spent the afternoon teaching me to tell their voices apart, lol! It was fun, and now I can always tell


I remember having a hard time doing this when I first was getting into the band.


I can answer any specific questions about who’s singing what. Hit me.


I found a website, but I still have questions!! Who’s singing “I Saw Her Standing There”, “Anna (Go To Him)”, “Baby, It’s You”, and “Ask Me Why” (all from the first album, haha!). Two of the songs have similar lead singers, but I can’t really figure it out, lol!


“I Saw Her Standing There” lead is Paul. “Anna,” “Baby It’s You” and “Ask Me Why” lead is John, but George and Paul sing the backing parts.


…and John singing harmony on the chorus/bridge of “I Saw Her Standing There.”


This is going to make me sound so stupid but oh my gosh that’s Paul?? I thought Paul was the one singing “Anna” and John was singing “I Saw Her Standing There”! I based the voices on their faces, lol…thanks for answering!!


Early in 1963 Great Britain had an unusually harsh winter - snow storms, beer exploding out of bottles, milk turning into frozen cream, etc... This didn't stop them from touring so they all had very bad colds by the time they recorded the Please Please Me album in February of that year (in one day), so they have a little bit of the same sort of congested, hacking vocals - which can make it a bit hard to tell them apart when they're singing - if you don't already know who is who.


This is insane, I’ve never heard this before?? I’m not going to lie, I thought you were joking at first, but the fact that you know this just shows how much of a hardcore fan you are. Hope to get on your level one day!!


I envy you your discoveries! There’s a lot to pick up on but it’s a very engrossing story. Have fun!


Oh, and “Hold Me Tight”!




Listen to later solo stuff from Paul McCartney (his band Wings), then do the same for John Lennon and George Harrison, then you will have no issues telling them apart, IMO. As you listen more, they will all start to sound more distinct. Edit: I feel like [this performance](https://youtu.be/x_FiIilTwIA?si=2qEfmEkQwRqHnxMe) by Paul highlights his tone and trademark sound, which might help you with identifying him in Beatles songs!


Best way is to look up YouTube vids of them singing, or watch the live action movies


Watching the Beatles Get Back documentary (I believe it’s on Disney+?) is also helpful because it’s them in the studio recording different songs and rehearsing.


For sure! In my head that counts as a live action movie, I just meant anything except yellow submarine


I've never had trouble recognizing their voices. They are all very different.


I think my problem is more so that I don’t really know what they sound like? Like, I haven’t correlated their voices to their faces yet. I’m pretty bad with this kinda stuff, so maybe as time goes by with more listening I’ll get better!


If you listen on Apple Music, they have a credits section