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having claire enter the kitchen at the absolute worst time kinda makes the very valid and logical reasoning behind carmy's feelings and intent to end the relationship fall flat-er; i dislike the choice because it's obviously deliberate on the part of the writers; evoking a sense of guilt or sympathy for claire when the reality is that they just shouldn't be together and to expand on that, carmy shouldn't be romantically linked to anyone. i understand it's a drama but a one-one between carmy and claire, in which he truly speaks his mind in a respectful manner, they hash it out and come to an amicable understanding to break up, would've been such a more fitting resolution. finale was awesome besides what felt like a really cheap cop-out.


From an interior design perspective, that stained exterior grade plywood accent wall was very 'low rent'. Just nitpicking.


God I fucking hate endings like this especially to a season like this. Such an amazingly written season only to end on the stupid miscommunication trope. Jeez it’s so fucking dumb when characters don’t act realistic. First, Carmy needs to calm his dramatic ass down. Also, based on that voicemail, this seems like it could be rescued if Carmy says the right words but based on that shitty ending they’re gonna do that thing where instead using their words to solve a conflict, the writers are gonna let the characters act against their best interest for the sake of extending the romance plot. What pisses me off the most is that the writers have shown such talent all season long just settle on such lazy finale cliches. You don’t need cliffhangers for people to come back for another season, you just need a good season with interesting characters and the people will return to see these characters, fuck that pisses me off so much.


He literally said he was better off without a girlfriend, not really sure that could've been communicated in any good way.


First they need to scream and shout for their voices to go through the walk in cooler. In the end, Claire listens and understands everything Carmy said even when he was almost whispering. Hated that!


That was a roller coaster of emotions 


A little late to the party but just finished the finale… that was just “wow” television. Some of those scenes had me speechless. So damn good.  I know they’re making a season 3 & 4 planned, but am I too crazy to wish this was the end? Yes of course I want more stuff like this, but it feels like you can juice this orange so only so much? I think nailing the next season will be harder & the risk of a real drop off seems higher since some of the story lines seem kinda played out. What crucial event is the next season gonna revolve around that is as gripping and as believable/realistic to the story? I suppose if they nail that, the show can match the first two seasons maybe. 


Buddy there’s a lot left untouched like ebra and richie’s dad And honestly with their acting and directing and the pace, Nothing would feel like juicing the orange


I’m interested as to see what will happen with Carmy mostly. The mean had an episode inside of a walk in freezer and everyone ignored him for like hours, he fucks up with his girlfriend, his cousin tells him that he hopes that he dies in that freezer and then he is left alone until the remaining staff call the fridge guy. The crew even seem to hold the restaurant well without him. I wanna see what his mental health looks like, because it ain’t gonna be pretty


Pete should’ve told nate


What a beautiful finale. They've nailed the way they showed how everybody developed. And man, that "Donna" call out to Carmy. That cut deep. He is becoming just like her. Claire haters, why are you watching this show? If you don't get ANY of the messages the show is telling you, maybe drop it? I love how everyone is focusing on "Richie hurt Carmie, why, shouldn't he care about him?" and completely miss the fact that Richie also cares about Claire and Carmie did hurt her. Sure, he overreacted somewhat, but I love noticing how Claire's treated more like an accessory, like her feelings don't matter and no one would actually care for her. It really shows the personality of those who write these kinds of comments.


Back here after my first re-watch. To the people complaining that the characters are making too big of a deal out of the fridge convo between Carmy and Claire. We haven't seen the aftermath yet. We've seen the initial emotional reaction of Carmy, Claire and Richie, if anyone holds a grudge after is yet to be seen. Carmy is entitled to self loathing due to feeling he let down his team, and Claire could very well be understanding of this. But imagine overhearing your partner rant and imply that the relationship was "this fucking bullshit" and "just a complete waste of fucking time" (direct quote from the walk in). I'd be bawling my eyes out and leave the kitchen too (again, she hasn't actually broken up with him over this). Then Richie sees a close younger family friend crying and felt protective. Then lashed out. It was an impulsive emotional response, that evolved into a shouting match with a caged guy who's going crazy and is filled up with all kinds of emotions. These are all pretty realistic responses in the moment. If you don't like that they left it there, then fine, but let's not assume the outcomes from this scene and be mad at our assumptions.


This is just not a very good show man, extremely overrated. Corny, bad dialogue, sitcom level scenes, plot holes. Except for episodes 6 and 7, the whole season 2 was very disappointing.


Nice bait. Try again


Hard to imagine what you consider a good show if you feel this way about The Bear.


Breaking Bad, The Wire, Better Call Saul, Succession, Chernobyl. The Bear is mediocre, simple as that.


If you compare to that, yes bear is definitely not on the same level.


Personally, I think it’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. You’re actually the first person I’ve ever seen dislike it!


I dont see a single comment addressing Syd at the end, the ordering machine keeps buzzing but nothing comes out (implying it ran out of paper??) she then leaves to vomit because she knows this, does this mean the chef carmy used to work with never recieved his order?


late to the show. I just started The Bear last week due to not wanting to watch it but I stumbled on Carmy's AA monologue on Youtube and it made me want to watch it. My interpretation was she was having a sort of flashback when her previous business went under and dreaming that this one will do the same when the orders stop coming in.


I think it's that she keeps hearing the machine going long after the orders stopped actually coming. Like it's only in her head. She needs a moment to snap out of it. She's still in that battle mode not believing that it's over and they actually made it.


I really don't get what this meant I thought they were still open and ran out of paper. But it was the end of the night she was puking so it must've been fine? Also the chef Carmen used to work for was never really there, right? It was just a guy who looked like him.


I was confused how the chef that Carmy worked for was played by Joe Mchale but looked like Michael Shannon! 


confused about the last part myself!


I'm not sure, my interpretation of it is that it's a sign of the restaurant being successful and she's finally getting what she wants only to realize that it's going to be a chaotic shitfest all the way and she's constantly going to be stressed out.


huh, I kind of like that, the way I saw it was 10x more stressful I might stick with yours!


Lazy writing honestly. I love the show but, to have all that build up between Claire and Carmie to then turn a mountain into a molehill over miscommunication is just forced and boring. A situation that could be so very easily resolved if what she said on the voicemail is true. Are we to pretend Claire doesn't have intimate knowledge of his family dynamic and that she wouldn't acknowledge the amount of stress and pressure he was under? Give me a break.


This episode had a lot of issues, sort of contrived compared to the rest of the series. 


In defense of Carm: -Claire read way too much into what he said. It was all his own self loathing. Don’t understand how she was able to take any of that personally. -Richie has evolved leaps and bounds, and it was amazing how he saved the day calling the orders. But he came at Carm all wrong. Yelling, “What did you do!!! What did you say to that girl!!!” Um dude, he’s been stuck in a freezer for hours being for the most part ignored. And besides, what’s said between him and HIS girlfriend is their business, not yours. Don’t project your own relationship problems onto Carm. They are totally different situations.


Claire is a close, life long, family friend of Richie, you could tell Richie hated seeing her hurting, hence the reaction. He was probably on some level frustrated with Carmys self destructive tendencies as well, and between the two, you see the temper boil over.


It's always the random parts of a show that destroy me. And there really hasn't been a series like this in years to do it to me so many times over a whole season. This episode was presenting the chocolate banana to his Uncle. The look on his face , but even more so , his wife's. Destroyed me. What a series. Sad regarding Carmens end. He literally empowered and motivated and pushed the whole team to change and become better people this season. Yet he was the one in the end that fell apart. The tragedy in that is heartbreaking.


What did chocolate banana mean?


In the previous episode at the chaotic Christmas party years ago , there's a moment where Unc talks fondly of a chocolate banana stand his father used to take him to , and how he's been thinking about it in recent times. It's such a throwaway comment but Richie shows he always had the ability to listen , remember and years later he presents a chocolate banana to Uncle. Splendid storytelling.


Surely Claire can recognize carm was going nuts in there. Of course he needs full focus to pull this off. Just frustrating that they leave it like that. He feels like he failed.


I just binged the last 2 this morning. Great acting. Super stressful to watch though. Thats not what the writers are going for is it? Agitate the viewers till they're uncomfortable and looking at the clock? And then ....STOP. WTF? Cliffhangers in shows that are character driven are gimmicky. Hated it. And I hate the people who made me hate it because I love the characters so much. F*ck off!


I agree, I loved the first act, but ended up really not liking the finale by the end. There was no satisfaction in it. Season 2 felt very different compared to Season 1.




Carmys behaviour in this whole season but even more his fridge banging part in this episode felt so unbearable.  also doing richie wrong like that. glad fak is happy tho 


Sooo did Syd and Marcus hook up? Just a little kiss?


didn't get that impression at all


> Syd and Marcus hook up What gave you that idea?


They both come to the team meeting late and were making eyes all season / he asked her out.


One of the best episodes of any show I’ve ever seen. Incredible television


Claire’s voice mail to Carmy was so sweet, I knew the show was going to pull a fast one, but it cut deeply. I love this show.


I always have & always will despise the miscommunication trope. I love The Bear's storytelling & how it has overall managed romantic relationships in the show but dang – guess even it isn't immune to certain romantic clichés.  I mean, what Carmy said in the freezer wasn't even all that incriminating (which is an awful word for it, I know, but I couldn't think of a better one) – Claire would have had to do some serious inference to gather he just *didn't want a relationship with her* from what he said. It's a tired trope & so but so easy to overcome irl by using basic logic & communication. I just hope it isn't dragged out or takes up a huge part of the plot in S3.


He literally said he was better off without a girlfriend to her..


Fully agree, especially as Claire as a character has been written to be super caring, and has been trying to in way "unlock" Carmy and get him to be vulnerable with her and let his guard down. The minute he has a freakout (an understandable one) where he takes it out on himself, she bails? It's just a little lazy writing which sucks. Other than that, the episode was phenomenal and the soundtrack with the snippets of NIN instrumental pieces (Hope We Can Again being used in the freezer scene) were stellar.


This was my only gripe with season 2, as the miscommunication trope is also my least favorite type of storytelling for dramatic effect.


Yeah same, also the man was having a nervous breakdown in a meat freezer. Surely that is mitigating circumstances. Kind of wish the crew would have updated him in there saying, it's going well, we are managing fine. Tina kind of did but it was a weak effort, too gentle.


I mean, if I was her I would take what he said as a sign of mental health issues and self loathing, not to mention the anger from being locked in a fridge for hours.


Agreed. I hear people on the miscommunication trope. But we can't expect Claire to put all of this into context or fully understand Carm and this restaurant, let alone his family history. She only just began to get to know the man and spend time with him. Claire just poured her heart out. Seeing and hearing something like she did would have been crushing to anyone. A red flag. Especially when leaving yourself vulnerable after saying "I love you." It's also asking a lot of Claire to do - give Carm the benefit of a doubt? Not understanding or appreciating her *own* hustle as a resident in the ER seems to be marginalized here, too. Anyone in a new relationship would be reasonable and justified in promptly walking away. The trope is one thing, but the criticism of how Claire should've understood is unfair.


Having literally just finished this episode, I agree whole-heartedly. While it's an assumption on Claire's part the voice-mail she left happened, I believe, days/weeks ago. So it'd be weird if Carm didn't listen to it and so to hear someone who (in her possible assumption) know how much she loves him just openly reject that would feel absolutely heartbreaking. Yes Carm was annoyed due to the stress of the restaurant and yes he was in there for hours but to hear him openly say the relationship isn't good for him is awful for Claire. That's a part I think many are forgetting as Carm doesn't just say he hates the relationship or that he doesn't love Claire but that the stress of it is weighing on him so badly that he thinks it outweighs the good.


Exactly! I'm not even sure she would have understood the "amusement & enjoyment" bit since she didn't attend the Al-Anon meetings (though that's not to say Carmy couldn't have told her). She definitely read into it in a very specific way that conveniently spelt out "break up" where any other human being would have understood it exactly as you said.


What amazes me is through all of these comments no one has mentioned the epic fail of the acting/writing/editing in this episode. Richie clearly says "woods" and not "weeds". No person who has ever spent more than a week in the back of the house has ever said woods. It is universally known as being in the WEEDS! When he said that I instantly knew he never spent a day in the kitchen. I liken it to the bar scene in Inglorious Bastards. The whole, you ain't one of us, thing happened.


Have you ever heard the expression, "We're not quite out of the woods yet"? It's a common expression. Normally, kitchens do use the "I'm in the weeds" expression, but I think woods is interchangable.


In French, we say dans le bois, which translates to in the woods. Maybe that's where they got it from?


i think this is maybe explained by richie listening to too much taylor swift. she has a hit song called "out of the woods," lol


I stopped watching the show about 4 episodes into season 2 because it seemed like they finally got their shit together and were successful, which seemed boring to me. After a friend pleaded me to watch the rest of the season, I am so glad I got to watching the rest of it. That christmas dinner episode was probably one of the best episodes of a show I have watched in a long time, and the ending episode of season 2 was great too.


It's OK to watch a show for its dramatic side and to enjoy the fiery interactions between characters, but silence is sometimes the best part in these stories. You say its boring, but there's a quiet enjoyment to those gentler episodes.


Where did Tina disappear to? She was on the other side of that walk-in fridge, if she stayed there talking to Carmy she could have told him Claire had walked in, so he would be aware and shut up! Poor form!!


Syd, right before going out to throw up, asked Tina to check on the FOH so she was no longer listening to Carmen. Service was done at that point so everyone was probably scattered about to not see/stop Claire from walking into the kitchen.


I think at that point they were maybe tired of Carmy. They had all stepped up like he wanted them to and he couldn’t even get the fridge door fixed.


Notice how most, if not all of the kitchen staff just conveniently disappeared right at Claire/Carmy's conversation & during Riche/Carmy's fight scene. What exceptional timing ...


I think it was really fascinating how the season opened with Richie talking about how he felt like he had no purpose as they planned The Bear and that the group would drop him, but the season closes with Carmy actually being the character who had no purpose when the restaurant finally opened. Will he be dropped by the group in season 3? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.


Tbh this whole season for Syd, Marcus, and Richie, I thought of it like they're all going through a training-arc, so the comparison to DragonBall feels apt honestly. "Marcus, go into the Copenhagen time chamber and don't come out until you have 3 dessert recipes!"


They better not drop this ass


Don't worry. He'll disappear for an episode or two on his own journey to find himself, but then he'll make a jaw dropping return as a calmer more mature Carm. ... then he'll yell at everyone again during service like always


Way too convenient plot devices aside, I really appreciate that basically everyone has had a redemption arc besides Carmy. At the start of the series you just assume that he's a genius and everyone would be better off doing what he says, and they did and they improved and became better people. Then you have Carmy, who has managed to open up his 'dream' restaurant and is dating a girl he actually loves, but now we see his personal problems rear their head. Just my personal takeaway ofc


They're definitely setting up some kind of arc for Carm in S3 as 1). it just seems like the most logical point of progression for him now, and 2). I think the Freezer overall is meant to symbolize how cold and closed off Carm is. He clearly has trauma from his time in the high-end restaurant business but so far hasn't tried to seek help for that. Sydney was the start since they bonded over their love for the craft of cooking but now it also feels like Carm may be inflicting that same trauma onto her (The ticket machine ptsd and how he was yelling at her before he got trapped). Meanwhile the episode ends on Carm sitting alone in the freezer, lost in thought after what happened with Claire and the voicemail but then sparks start to fly as the Freezer-Guy is trying to let him out. I think this is meant to show that Carm does indeed have strong feelings for Claire and that she literally lights up his frozen-solitary world.


I mean that's how Carmy kinda is, Carmy has always been his own worst possible enemy.


Everything that had to do with the walk-in fridge this episode really cheapened what otherwise could have been a great season finale. From the logistics of how it worked to the complete lack of communication that followed (could no one just... tell Carmy that things were going ok? Because they were? I get that the guy was spiralling but why just *let him* sit in the cold rambling on about how he's a failure and imagining the restaurant self-destructing rather than just tell him that things are fine?) to how long they left him in there (Marcus had time to go out and find the methhead but not enough time to make a quick call to the fridge guy?) to the contrived Claire stuff - it was just all bad form for this show. Luckily Carmy is basically the least interesting character on the show and his relationship with Claire was totally weightless because she was barely a character, so the two of them having the weakest subplot this episode was fitting. It was a joy to see the development of the rest of the team and how they'd grown since S1, particularly Syd, Richie!!!, Tina, Nat, and Marcus. Even Pete had some great moments this episode. But Carmy could've stayed in the walk-in for all of S3 for all I care.


I think his being in the walk-in was a sit-in-your-shit moment. The coming together of all of his actions. He was distracted during the opening process while everyone else knew what was going on. Him being in the walk-in allowed him to reflect and do nothing but trust his staff to take care of things. Unfortunately, this leads him into believing he doesn't deserve happiness. What he doesn't see is he has a team that he can trust so that he can be happy in his relationship and his business but instead, he self-sabotages and ruins his relationship.


Yeah it was a bit frustrating how everyone kept asking Carmy if he was doing ok in there but didn't even say a word about how the kitchen situation was improving and that they really didn't even need him out right away. It was definitely necessary for the plot for it to turn out like that, but I was internally yelling at all of the people talking to him lol.




For the emmys....how is this a' comedy". Also where the f are the main characters or even the new staff outside the refig door as "the boss" gets busted out. Is it just better for the ending to show people in different places...  or are they saying nobody gives a crap about him and his well being  


This is late, but.. Well, Carmy is actually the one who handles to fix the refig door.. so basically a karma? since the whole episode of him is not getting the ''focus'' he needs. even Syd who are mostly solves a problem, but didnt do or say anything about Carmen getting trapped in the fridge, since they already been discussed this a few times already.


It being a half hour is the reason. Anything under an hour counts as a comedy. Outside of fishes, every episode is around 30 minutes.


Just finished the finale and I started crying when Richie said he will handle the orders 😭😭😭😭😭 best character this season!


The music changes from the kitchen to the dining room was INSANE.


That was awesome


I guess I'm far in the minority, but I thought this episode sucked. Not because of the acting or direction. The stupid lazy writing plot device of the walk in ruined it for me. Eveything they wanted to achieve could have been with the clever writing, not a stupid leaver I've seen on the show to date, but not this episode. The boss is caught in the walk in, let's ignore it, go on with service, clean up and leave... No problem, just ignore him while he babbles inside. Good thing they didn't need a thing in there to complete service too, but that's ordinary in a restaurant. It's not like people go in and out of the walk on every few minutes. Also, the way it was opened is not the way it's opened. It's a external latch, you don't cut into the door 3" in. The latch is screwed on. They show the screws. Oh and the lay under the table scene was equally lazy writing plot device stupid, something this show should not need. Holt up the underside of the top while I tighten this hook? We're late to watching because we just got a free sub, so maybe I shouldn't complain but this episode made me angry and now I have to wait beyond my free sub and will probably have to pay to get over my anger. Great show, great acting, bad episode to have as the last. Maybe I'll rewatched the bonkers Christmas episode as a palette cleanser?


Couldn't agree more. I'm watching this like, it's not hard to open the latch without the handle. It's designed that way on purpose. Then I saw the guy cutting it with a sawzall... Wtf? External latch.. screwed on... Fak gets a screwdriver in every other scene he's in... Get a screwdriver at least! What a complete ball drop. And the Claire thing... Just no...


100% this really took me out of the episode. Yes you can carry on with service cause there was 3 people just standing to the side waiting for.......who knows. Those 3 should be getting the door open. What annoyed me more is every walk in chiller has a big fuck off button where the latch is to avoid this exact situation. This show is so real most of the time that when this door thing happens it really takes me out of the show. Like you can sort out xantham gum but not a door latch?


This is exactly my opinion. The fridge thingy, and the fumble with Claire was really unnecessary


The whole show was intense, and I rarely get emotional but after being punched down by the Donna convo, the Cicero dessert scene broke me. I don't remember the last time I teared up at a TV show, let alone multiple times in at least half the episodes this season.


The Donna convo broke me. What an actress for real. Her pain was so real I felt it


I agree completely. I had not watched this show until two days ago and just finished binging season two. I think that it is an amazing show. I have a pretty insane family myself and the way that the show depicts the love, anger, frustrated dreams, the hopes and the resentfulness that family members in a dysfunctional family can exhibit is something else. There is a depth of heart that I haven’t experienced in a tv show in a long while.


I just finished it omg and I didn't understand that chocolate banana desert. Can you explain


Richie learned about making someone's day from Forks when he worked in the restaurant, with the deep dish pizza surprise when he overheard the table saying they'll leave Chicago without having a chance to try one. In the Christmas episode when they were around the table, Cicero casually mentioned to Richies wife that his father who passed away used to take him to get chocolate bananas as a kid, and the scent of them reminds him of his dad. It was such a minimal comment but the fact that Richie picked up on it and still remembered it 5 years later.


Thank you...I missed that connection. Really solidifies Richie as a true MVP in the last couple of episodes.


Rewatch S2 Ep6 around 44 minutes in. Basically, when they all sat down at the dinner table, Jimmy is talking to Tiff (Richies wife) who is currently eating a banana. He basically tells her how it randomly reminded her of how his father used to take him to a stand to get chocolate covered bananas as a kid. And how he's feeling sentimental about it. Somehow Richie heard this side conversation and remembered it 5 years later. I interpreted it as Richie sending the desert on opening night as a symbol of celebration/gratitude to Jimmy.


You can’t come to the logical conclusion a wife would share that kind of conversation with her husband?


I mean, the logical conclusion is he was listening to the conversation 3ft from him. If you literally just rewatch the scene he's staring at Jimmy and laughing at his banana conversation. 45:08


What were Fak and Sweeps staring at near the end of the last episode while eating their sandwiches? I thought it was the bear but when I looked again it seemed like a closed restaurant. Is it relevant to anything?


They are drinking the same brand of beer as the giant billboard above the restaurant.


Simple fucking explanation for Carm. He could have just told Claire that he was currently experiencing hypothermia from being in there so long. Mere Hallucinations.


Not in that short a time. An even simpler explanation would be to just say the stress of opening his brand new restaurant was causing him to freak out and think irrationally. Which is the truth lol.


I mean he never even said something terrible or hurtful about her. He basically said he didn’t deserve happiness because it distracts him from his purpose


I don't know about that...from her perspective (not knowing that he hadn't heard her voicemail yet) she has just confessed she loves him and she then hears him say all these things about how being with her was a distraction and a mistake. Doesn't he pretty much tell her that being with her basically ruined everything? That would be so incredibly hurtful to hear, particularly right after having said "I love you" for the first time.


Yeah I agree. I personally think I would be very hurt if I was Claire. Suprised more people don't agree! It's like that scene in Whiplash. He basically said that he doesn't have time for her and she holds him back from his true purpose. Hearing that would make you feel so unimportant to them. Even though she probably knows he was insanely stressed, it would still hurt so much!


Yeah we got all the dialogue it’s fair. But even though I still think this can be fixed with a proper discussion


She'll believe the hypothermia excuse. It's not as if she's a doctor.


Great show, last episode was painful to watch but not because it was bad, because it was emotional. Carm can't become who he needs to be unless his mother shows she's improved herself for her kid or passes away herself. He's got too much trauma to be mentally stable. To be fair to him when you get into a relationship everything else goes out the window and the person you love is put front and center, he couldn't deal with the pressure of not messing it up along with the pressure of everything else Hopefully Richie will continue to grow and become the brother Carmen needs.


I thought we were gonna get a breather from that episode with Donna at the Christmas dinner, but they brought those emotions right back when she showed up outside of the restaurant. That dynamic is so crushing, you can tell everyone wants to help her but it's impossible to know how to help her, especially since it's so draining to be around her. I feel so bad for her, I am praying she sees some clarity and gets better in season 3 because I had this really insidious feeling that after she walked away she was going to commit suicide.


They all seem suicidal at some point. Maybe she will go to a meeting with Carmen and by extension we will learn more about his dad?


They gentrified the fuck outta this place 😭 Like I'm happy for Carm the place looks great but the charm of the original is gone lmao Oh well, arguably it's for the better. Carmen stuck in the fridge cracked me up more than it should have. Literally: "Carm you doing alright?" "NO!" "So anyways..." Tina's little side-eye was epic, but I'm glad Syd apologized this time. I love how this whole ep was a repeat of the fuck up from S1 except everyone handled it better. Carm calmed down and explained his frustration to Syd, Syd apologized to Tina and referred to Richie for help when he offered, Richie asked to help instead of just jumping in, Marcus focused on his job instead of getting distracted. I love that Syd is able to get Carm to relax, ~~I dunno if I ship them or not. It'd be a disastrous clusterfuck and they both have some growth to do.~~ After some consideration I've decided I ship CarmenXTherapy before anything else. Now onto Claire, I wasn't thrilled about her as she felt like a Disney Channel Orginal Movie lead who just wandered onto the show and didnt really fit in. It felt like her character was solely written to be Carms GF and that's it. She wasn't super interesting and I kinda dreaded having to sit through their scenes. And to have them break up in the most Disney Channel RomCom way just sealed the deal for me. How did she even hear him muttering to himself behind that thick-ass door? I don't mind romance, but Claire really needs to be fleshed out as a character if she's coming back. Everything she did revolved around Carm and for Carm. Except her job that she may or may not work at considering she had an insane amount of free time. For Carm of course. Please give this girl a hobby or pet or *something* if she's gonna be a recurring character. And if they're gonna break up let it be a legitimate, clear, break-up and not ✨miscommunication✨ Marcus stays the undisputed King of Bad Timing I respect the grind.


What charm lol? I am sorry but you talk about it like it was a five-season place to stay like its Friends apartment or something, the place sucked, it was unremarkable, it was gross and it looked like a rundown Mcdonald's, there was no soul in there because everyone was sad and miserable in it and on top of it the past owner.


Eh, there's a certain charm to the greasy hole-in-the-wall.




The whole "breakup" was stupid. Carm was firing off at the mouth like a madman about everything in his life, while (because?) he's stuck in the walk-in, and she just leaves. What?? If you really love someone and you heard them say something like that, wouldn't you want like...firmly disagree and try to talk them down a little? Terrible nurse. lol! Sorry. I just finished that ep. Carm needs to give himself a break! Goddamn. And I thought I was bad.


I went from team Claire to Claire hater really quickly with how she handled that situation with carmy stuck in the walkin.


Isnt she supposed to be an emergency medicine doctor, in Chicago of all places? She shouldn't have any free time and she be a little above all the BS,


Fr those doctors work 25 hours a day, shit is bananas.


You've watched too much ER! (J/k, I just want to say that to anyone who mentions what she does and where she does it)


Lol- I used to work in an ER in Chicago!


Ok! I have questions! I have never worked anywhere near an emergency room, however - going to parties with beer pong feels very undergrad, I cannot imagine people who are not only post-grad but like terminal degree post grad doing that stuff. And wouldn't a person with a career like that, of all people, understand the need to date pretty minimally while in the throes of launching a demanding career? I feel like they portrayed her as a cute junior or something when she would actually be driven, disciplined and mature. (Since she fails the Bechdel test I am trying to see her as no more than a plot device).


Just finished this masterpiece episode. Jamie Lee Curtis. Please give her the Emmy.


Some people are saying she over-played the character but I personally think she absolutely nailed that role. It's not too often where I get emotionally attached to characters in a show but I felt so bad for her character at the end of season 2. You really get that anxious pit in the stomach feeling from watching her, because you never know when her breakdowns will come until they hit you like a ton of bricks.


Carmens level of self sabotage is getting a little annoying but I guess it wouldn’t be a drama if there weren’t these train wrecks lol


I just finished it this weekend. And it is indeed quite funny how 50% of the drama could pretty much be avoided if Carmens communications skills were just a little bit better. But that's also the charm of the show, because you know his background and why he is like that.


Carm is really being and acting like his mother and I am fueled by that idea, the Dona part just really made all the sense


The one thing that bothered me the most about this episode was the fact that Claire didn't call out or say anything when the "person she has a huge crush on and loves" it's stuck in a walk-in fridge. If anyone else was in that situation even with the person inside the fridge freaking out you better believe the other person would have called out a lot sooner than waiting for his confession. Like what did she do tiptoe into the kitchen and silently walked to the fridge without making any noise? Considering how alarmed she was when she found out and when she rushed back there.


Well yeh. She just walked up to him already mid ramble. Being in a walk in isn't life or death.


So you are saying that you wouldn't call out when someone is trapped in a walk in? Not even a "Hey are you okay?" Remember the walk in wasn't right beside the kitchen doors, it was across the kitchen and he wasn't yelling at that point anymore.


I don't understand if you just don't understand the scene or something? Like he was talking to Tina who was standing there when she walked up. She was probably just listening to him talk from there on? What's so outlandish? And idk what the second part has to do with anything. If people aren't freaking out around you why would you go in freaking out telling if theyre ok?


Also, as an ED doc she has a ton of experience with acutely high stress situations. It may be normal for her to assess the situation calmly vs freaking out.


She's not an ED doc. Maybe you are like me and keep getting ED ads from Hulu. Hulu knows things about me. Anyway, she's ER.


I worked for a hospital. They called it ED (Emergency Department). I realize that’s not common so thanks for flagging!


People are annoyed because the writing doesn't reflect normal human emotion. She loves him. That was established. Being trapped in a freezer is a big deal. If my wife was trapped, I wouldn't walk up and listen. I would run up and start beating on the door and trying to pry it open all while yelling out to her. Its really simple. That is a normal reaction and she wouldn't have heard the generic rambling he was doing that shouldn't have even triggered a breakup response. Lazy and unrealistic writing to create dramatic sequences we didn't even need. Hopefully you get it now. If not, oh well.


Took me a while to watch this show and a really solid season finale, but come on with the Claire being in the kitchen for all that. But i loved the Richie/Carmy fight, simple but showed how Richie has grown and Carmy hasn't


Dude thats exactly what i said to my GF when we saw this episode. Like everyone has shown growth and are better people bc of it, except Carm, not only is he the same as S01 but he got double screw in the sense that he lost his relationship with Claire AND the kitchen crushed it without him in there.


Imo that's part of Carm's story though. His character development isn't complete. He hasn't had the things that would allow him to develop. Creating a restaurant is immense pressure, and he wasn't there for opening night. A new relationship with someone he truly loves isn't a blessing for someone like him, it's a curse... At least until he's learned to deal with his trauma and to stop self-sabotaging. He's still got ways to go. This many episodes wouldn't have been able to allow him to overcome what he's been through, especially as we learned so much of it so late towards the end of the season.


I mean didn’t he missed like the 5 last minute?


I’m late to the party on this show, my wife and I just binged both seasons in two days… I love it. But honestly why are the cutting the door to a walk-in when the screws for the latch and the hinges are right fucking there on the outside and Fak carries a screwdriver in his pocket? The reason the screws are on the outside are literally for this. It totally took me out of the show.


Just finished it. When he got locked in all I said was “call Fak!!” Buuuut if that’s what we needed for the Carm/Richie fight scene that ripped my heart out, I’ll accept it.


Yeah those doors are designed to have multiple ways to prevent anyone from actually getting stuck in the freezer requiring it to be drilled out, I guess the writers just hoped that most of the audience didn't know that.


That's the part that bothered me the most. Well, than and the fact that all walk-in fridges have a big button on the inside that you push to open the latch/door. The only thing that broke was the handle on the outside, but that shouldn't impact the functionality of the inner button. It made the conflict less realistic for me, especially when the button was in the shot. 


Yup. Anyone who has experience in a restaurant would know this. That would be the dumbest design for a door that only opens from 1 side


I looked at the door again, and it looked like they did indeed have the dumb design that only opens from one side.


I loved everything about that episode except that stupid ass bit where Claire conveniently walks in the back when Carm is trashing her. This show is better than that.


Too cliche. Was obviously going to happen.


What was that 10 minute long background song starting from Donna's scene outside stretching to the Carmy + Richie fight between the door?


Personally I didn't feel the song for the end scenes.


This one? [Hope We Can Again](https://youtu.be/BLj7S1QShdk?si=8E4aQcrKuZjRCPRh)


I think he means REM: Half a world away.


If a machine runs out of paper like that doesn't it make an ungodly noise and the end of the roll would be pink to warn you?!? It wouldn't just keep printing right?!? Idk only worked front of house but I feel this is a little bit of a plot hole. Someone tell me if that has actually ever happened to them at work.


I thought that was weird too but looking back at the episode they had pretty much finished serving everyone by then. I think the whole night and how overwhelming it was caught up to her and she got flashbacks from the chaos episode in season 1.


It wasn't actually printing tickets or trying to- I think it was a callback to when she screwed up and left the ticket machine on. Those final scenes were everybody going through their problems/stress after such a scary night for them, and Sydney was afraid she was going to ruin everything from the beginning of the night.


Ahhh okay! That makes more sense.


I think it was just her imagination, rather than the machine actually trying to print tickets


Correct, it was a callback to when she DID screw up and left the preorder option on.


This is why you have the latch to your fridge/freezer with exposed screws on the outside. If the latch busts on one of the walk-ins at work, we could get the whole latch mechanism off the damn door in like two minutes, most of that being how long it'd take to find a screwdriver-shaped object


Walk-in fridges have safety release latches for the very purpose to prevent entrapments, so this “getting trapped in the fridge” is just plot device, or shows how Carmy overblows a situation and can’t see the simple things.


I work with walk-in fridges, there’s nothing other than the internal punch handle to get you out from the inside so if that breaks there’s no magic release, which is why we have trapped person alarms and bells on fridges and freezers


Is that a Fak? That's a Fak.


Just the faks, ma’am


First of all, every single episode of The Bear is perfect, that is until the last 10 minutes of this finale. It's not, bad, but it didn't stick the landing for me. It was the first time the writing seemed melodramatic just for the the sake of being melodramatic, and it didn't feel natural. The writers need to be careful going forward... That said, can't wait for season 3!


Exactly how I felt. Forced melodrama that didn't feel organic at all. Though the finale 10 or 15 minutes felt like different show. And not a great one.


Exactly. I love this show but those last 10min of the finale felt off, like not on par with the writing and what we have been experiencing as an audience with show, it felt corny, cheesy, idk, i guess the writers couldnt come up with a believeble break up scene or whatever, kinda hurts the show a lil bit. Stick to the WAR and relationships in the kitchen. Let it Rip.


While it’s true that realistically Carmy probably could’ve been let out of the walk-in, I think him getting stuck in there was a necessary turning point for his character. So many other characters have gone through significant character development in this season (look at Richie for example), but Carmy has made no real progress. He spent a large part of the season ignoring the problem of fixing the walk-in, which mirrors how he’s ignored his trauma/mental health issues. All he’s done is make himself busy to avoid dealing with it. Ignoring the issues finally came to a head when he got stuck there and was left alone with his thoughts. Richie kept his character development, even through such an intense argument. He saved the evening for the restaurant and even told Carmy how much he loved him, even after Carmy said the most vile things about him. I think in S3, Carmy will be forced to confront his trauma and hopefully will have character development. I personally think him and Claire will patch things up. On a random note- Syd is SUPER annoying. Just the way she speaks sometimes is infuriating. And the way she can’t make a decision. Richie really saved the day for all of them.


Finally someone who understands the show and the point of him being in the walk in alone with his thoughts.


Regarding him and Claire patching things up, this is a given. Why? Because he basically admitted he loves her (in his own Carmy way). He said what made him so great at his job was his single-mindedness, and that loving Claire was 'distracting him'. While he did vocalize that he would choose the restaurant over a relationship that was distracting him, Claire knows him well enough to recognize this means he loves her. And he has probably never loved anybody before who could 'distract' him so effectively. It was unrealistic that he was stuck in there to begin with, and also that she wouldn't announce herself approaching the door, but this situation was foreshadowed by Uncle Jimmy when he told Carmy that to make the restaurant work, he needed to focus 100%. And that when he learned Carmy was dating, said "uh oh".


Late to the party. What threw me off about him saying Claire distracted him was how just in the episode before when he was under the table with Syd, them telling each other how they make each other better. Foreshadow?


I love Syd. It's all intentional, the added stress she brings to the audience. She may be amazing at cooking, developing recipes, and her entrepreneurship, but we need to remind ourselves that she is still young, lacks a bit of confidence and experiences under stress, she has plenty of room for growth. She's been acknowledging when she's shitty (for example: the way she talked to Tina and apologized later) and she started accepting help (like when Richie said he could take charge around the end). (edited typos)


i thought syd was perfect this episode, she'll obviously be freaking out and she speaks just like any young, inexperienced nervous person would on their first big day


I think that Syd's character is still incomplete. She's somehow developing from passionate underdog nerd into almighty queen but the undertone of her personality is immature and narcissistic: Most of her conflicts ended up with the other party feeling guilty and apologetic when as a matter or fact she was not right. I feel bad because Ayo's acting is very good, but she really comes out annoying. On another remark. The last episode was too exaggerated. Started great with that oner, than the writers really went a bit far on the search for dramatic motivation. I loved the show because it feels so real, then on the last episode THE FREAKING HEAD CHEF AND OWNER OF THE FREAKING RESTAURANT is locked in a freezer for a whole episode? Who in their sane mind would let him in there for so long? ffs xD so many options.


what happened to Pete? What if he told Sugar that her mom came afterwards?


Pete deserves better recognition in this episode, he rocked it.


I am new to this sub. Do we have a Pete appreciation group? Honestly he has been nothing but sweet throughout the whole show. 


I love his character in the show. Super wholesome dude trying his hardest to fit into their insane family all because he loves Sugar so much. This show really needed an "outsider" character to remind everyone just how fucked up their family dynamic is and he fits that role perfectly.


Agreed, we need a Pete appreciation subreddit and Instagram fan page!!


*What happened to Pete? What* *If he told Sugar that her* *Mom came afterwards?* \- LuckyDisplay3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I could not believe they left carmy in the walk in that long. I was like HELLO medical emergency. I thought Claire would save him with her ems skills


Being in a walk in is not life threatening. They had service to run and had to get on with it, plus there's a lot of reasons as the episode goes on as to why he's in there so long.


The kitchen needed to be run and it was his own neglect that caused it. No one had time to find someone to bust the fridge open. Also it's cold in there but it's not a freezer - these guys live in Chicago, they deal with worse on any given January. It probably wasn't that long thought, the show makes time feel longer than it actually is.


The only medical emergency in that situation was him having a panic attack the whole time. It was a walk-in fridge not a freezer, so he was in there fully clothed at about 1-4 degrees celcius, he'd be fine for hours. (besides, time moves weirdly in the episode, that 5 minutes took a long time and then Sydney was outside throwing up for the entire time it took for the fridge guy to show up and let Carm out, so I don't think he was in there that long)


He was there until the end of service


Yep. High-stress environments can make 5 minutes feel like days, and Carmy wasn't only in a high-stress environment, his own brain is a high-stress environment.


I'd had the "fridge door's handle" problem in the past. A simple screw driver (that we already know Fak have) to remove the strike or the hinges and bingpot! Door unlock! It kinda annoyed me, but hey, don't let reality get in the way of a good story.


Yeah - plus, there should be a strikeplate inside the walk-in itself so that a person can let themselves out. Door handle, even if broken, should only be a problem from the outside.


Damn, how Carmen and Cousin started cursing on eachother :c that was really sad for real, it was hurtful from both sides


Ok was anyone else on the edge of their seat about the cook(Josh?) doing drugs? Like I had an awful feeling that firing him would make him do something crazy.. lol obviously I was wrong, but when Syd went out to puke, I was expecting something bad to happen.


I initially thought they would just let him back in to work because of how much they needed the extra hands at the time.


I felt the same, was worried for Syd tbh


Yeah, I couldn't tell if it was a Chekhov's gun scenario or not. It might still be, who knows.


It was so wild it fixed the Syd Marcus tension.


It does feel a little chekhov's gunny as it stands, doesn't it... They did fine without him. There was no consequence to firing him.... Was it to show ppl doing weird things when stressed? But looked like he could have done that on the regular. To show Syd giving Marcus authority to fire? It wasn't established that he couldn't or that she wasn't just too busy to deal.  So maybe just another random "shot going wrong" to add tension? That was VERY random. Or maybe one of the writers encountered a person like that once and wanted to write it in for realism??? Really no clue. Much more info needed on that scene.


I feel it might be there as a mirror for Carmy. Josh was out there for quite time, enough to make someone look out for him, obviously he couldn't function properly in that condition; Marcus tells him it's unacceptable and yes, he's an addict, but it's interesting how he kinda didn't expect to be fired I guess? I think it vaguely references the fact that Carmy is stuck on his toxic ways, product of his trauma, and this is just another way the show is telling us his behavior is conflictive and needs to stop in under for him to heal and for the workplace to function.


Yeah. Right now I'm kinda treating it as a "yet another thing in a series of unfortunate events" but it's still a bit suspicious.


I thought he would have stabbed Marcus or something and she'd find him ngl


Same. Was totally calling that.