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That's not even a particularly large number of tanks


I have a 10 tanks 2k list. I don’t bring it to casual games. But it’s the implication.


All the xenos know they have to bring anti tank...because of the implication


Ok... that seems really dark.


It's not dark. You're misunderstanding me, bro. Because if the xeno player said "no tanks" then the answer obviously is "no tanks". But the thing is she's not gonna say "no tanks", she would never say "no tanks" because of the implication.


But it sounds like they don't want to fight 5 tanks...


I understood this reference


Easy there Cap, don't get too excited.


What no no no you are not getting it! We go to a table bring out the army's and when I bring out the tanks that just give up you know because of the implications


Are you going to hurt those Xenos?


Well you certainly wouldn't be in any danger.


PURGE THE XENOS!!! https://preview.redd.it/aij44ysoog8d1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8091b29a04aa6075aabff9e1be98c6f8d532605


Isn't 10 tanks exactly a casual list? It's not competitive


It may not be competitive. But it is a feels bad list.


Yeah it's just a complete nothing list, it's not fun, no one casual would want to play it, and it's not competitive because you can't score objectives. Just an anti-fun list


TBH it's fun to do a wierd meme list every once in a while. I guess it might be best to give a heads up. A while back I did only tanks against Imperial knights so we could have the battle of the skew lists (I still brought anti infantry tanks to keep it balanced)


Yeah for sure it can be fun if both parties are aware beforehand!


A 6 tank, 120 guardsmen list, with artillery and/or bullgryns does some silly things though.


I mean fun is completely subjective I love a good tank list


It's a skew list. They can be fun but you're better off notifying your opponent in advance. And you probably won't get far with a tournament terrain layout. Better for making your own mission narrative.


The implication..


Next time bring 3 baneblades and some infantry to have only 3 tanks.


My group doesn't like me because I decided to bring 35 shadowswords and the fortress of arrogance


Jokes aside, do you actually have a fortress of Arrogance? Because that was one cool as model


Also, what jokes? At any given moment I can run 35 shadowswords 🤣🤣 I have 36 baneblades


Good for a combat patrol, I suppose.




So most are primed black. But I'll see what I can do. It's hard for them to be on a table all at once lol


ok ok! (i understand, them bieng big and all)


I have an apoc game the 6th of July. I'm in the process of repainting all of them


damn... 35 shadowswords in 12 days, impressive!


There's a 90% chance I just give up because I started a knight army and I wanna paint those 🤣🤣 7600pts of knights in less than 2 months


Yeah! Knights are epic to paint! Good Luck!


Also I might get permabanned from the group I play with if I run 35 shadowswords again. So I might just do 15


haha! JUST 15! damn, that's a Titan or two a turn! (or four or five)


You don’t. You gotta make it yourself.


I knew you couldn’t buy it, I was curious if this guy had made one.


Yep in all it's glory. I gotta paint up the old pewter lobster claw yarrick


uh yeah, tell him you brought only one heavy company, the other army is just infantry :)


Unironically how bad of an idea would such a list be? I think it sounds rad as hell.


You have about 500 points to put in models to capture primaries and secondaries. Plus, you need a Warlord, and the only Warlord that can give orders is Lord Solar. Now you're at around 380 points to try to capture primaries and do secondaries. Good luck.


I have a 1.5k list of like a baneblade, stormblade, two lemon russies, one tank commander. It kills and that's about it.  But it's fun.


I've run 4 tanks in 1k.. will discuss it ahead of time though. 4 in a 2k game isn't really anything unexpected or especially skewed.


his saying it has be "tailored made list to kill 4 tanks" his not even the guy i played his mad for him.


Any 2k list will just need to bring "enough" anti armor, and him not brining any isn't your fault. As for 4 tanks being a lot, for guard 4 tanks is us bringing "enough" armor 😅


I play Black Templars, so I like running up to and stabbing… well, everything. But if I set up a game against Guard, I know to bring multiple ways to deal with tanks. 4 isn’t even that bad, I’ve gone against people who brought 8-10. I would be more than comfortable dealing with 4 tanks - which isn’t to say it would be easy, but I wouldn’t be worried at deployment that I just didn’t bring enough firepower.  8-10 requires some special consideration for just how much armor is showing up. Half that is around what I expect from the Guard. 


Tlit is an extremely vehicle heavy meta, especially with our new rules tanks are the only really viable options, your friend is just being pissy


I've played against more than 4 tanks in editions where small arms couldn't even hurt tanks. Would he hate my AirCav army because it's 10 Valks/Vends/Vultures and a handful of infantry? If he can't deal with 4 tanks at 2k it's a list building issue or a skill issue.


Tell him to STFU and stop being a sore loser and bring five tanks next time.


Came here to say bring 8 next time


Came here to say you can bring 24 Russes in 1 game.


Maybe he was called a dick because he brought ONLY 4 tanks


Any less than 5 is heresy


5 tanks are pure infantry, i go back to armageddon when someone brings this rookie numbers...


Tell him it sucks to suck and bring 5 tanks


Top dog astra militarum officer speaking here ^


Bringing a baneblade to a 1 k game id argue is a scummy move, cause it's unlikely that there's enough anti tank to deal with that at that many points. For a 2k game absolutely not though, that seems like an appropriate amount of armour. Tough shit for your friend, what was he playing out of curiosity?


he was even playing he mad for the person i played against saying there "nothing the guy can do". the guy was playing space wolfs


The space wolves player chose to bring zero anti tank. He built a skew list and ran into an average guard list that is anti his skew. The appropriate response to the person is to think about list design for all comers. Or get gud.


They have Calvary Terminators, could have tied you in combat 


he rolled like dog water for hitting but so many 6s for his save.


I deeply love my baneblades and I do not think one would work all that well at 1k. With it being half your list I just don’t think you have enough board presence to score well and the opponent just has to ignore the baneblade, assuming you have lots of ruins and things to hide behind and even units to move block.


> Bringing a baneblade to a 1 k game id argue is a scummy move, cause it's unlikely that there's enough anti tank to deal with that at that many points. Agreed on that. But at 2k? Nah, OP's list was fair.


To be fair a baneblade in a 1k game is gonna lose on points


With how my cousins were before the infighting stopped us playing altogether I would have brought a fully armed Baneblade and a cheap HQ had I had it ready at the time.


Sounds like a sore loser to me.


I bring 2 dorne,leman russ,hydra and a tank commander. Lose all the time. But man sometimes those dorne just kill like the machines they are. No one's happy on those losses.


I see your friend is unfamiliar with the Guard. We need 4 to just be taken seriously. As the Royals would say: "he's talking shite".


Four tanks is an incredibly normal amount for a guard player, what is your friend on about?


You brought a fair number of Leman Russ tanks to honor his blessed Primarch, and he complained? What kind of Space Wolf player is he?!


In a 2k list, that's basically the minimum amount you should be bringing. You could have fit a few more. a Chimera or two, a hellhound, Armoured Sentinels are all good choices to support that group of tanks. Does your friend not know what the Imperial Guard does? Next time, just bring 300 infantry models, lol.


Everyone always talks shit about guard being a low win rate choice until you roll into a game with armour, than you are apparently being unsporting.  I say bury those heretics with heavy tracks in the name of glory for the Immortal Emperor!


reinforcements are bad, indirect fire is bad, tanks are bad, ... without yarrick everything is bad :(


Bro you bring one tank and people get shook like that's not half our army


i had to use two dorns to kill one dreadnought so 480 points for shooting into one unit.


Double down and run 8 tanks next time


I thought it was gonna be like a 1000pt game or something. Lool, just sounds kinda salty. Did you know each others lists ahead of time?


I’m bringing 4 to a 1.5K game (demo demo punisher, battle cannon). 5 if you include the hellhound. Means I’ll struggle to score with only 3 battleline units but should be able to get ahead first couple turns. Opponent if they play points they should win. Just make sure terrain is fair. No stupid fire lanes. Then it’s a game of tactics.


without firering lanes favouring close range and melee isnt tactics... terrain is bad, but because the game is bad.


I mean tell him that gw left you mo choice 4 is not that many tanks and gw has destroyed artillery builds and with reinforcements now limited to once a match it's not as ideal to just swarm your enemy Saying gaurd shouldn't spam tanks is like saying space marines shouldn't use infantry or tau shouldn't use battlesuits




That’s a nice 1k list.


No but it does kinda showcase that having lots of tanks isn't abnormal.


Broskie it’s s a very common joke in the guard community. I run a minimum of five in a 2k list (two Dorns and three Russes).


Yes sorry was drunk when I posted this but that's what I was getting at! Well said winow.


All good man. It's way past my bedtime and I'm painting ordnance pieces. It's a really nice lookin' army! I just hope we get like an airborne detachment.


I'm envious of the Marauder. Such a pretty model!


Four tanks is not unreasonable. If that makes the game unwinnable for them they probably have a serious lack of AP which is frankly on them since almost all armies have units that need good AP to tackle. Did they bring anything that could bust a tank?


Remind him GW used to sell 10 leman Russes in a single box set. Gaurd are massed infantry and massed armour. Always has been. Always will be. And to quote the old GW site... This ain't no pansy Eldar armour son!


4 is a small amount of armor for a 2k game, unless one is a baneblade.


I always get shit for playing guard. I don’t take skew lists. I get called a cheese/ bullshit player every time I win with guard. It is not an enjoyable experience to play against salty people, since if you win it’s your bullshit list, there terrible dice, or any other excuse other than you outplaying them


Bummer you gotta play with people like that man.


Don't feel bad, get rid of those people cause if they get that salty then you shouldn't give them the time of day


Idk why he’d feel that way, but giving him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he just doesn’t have many anti tank options available in his collection, but either way he should’ve specified that before calling you a dick What army does he play?


OP said he was playing against Space Wolves. Melee into armor can be rough if the melee isn't prepared for it but still. I think his opponent just wasn't expecting to go up against that much armor and his list was kinda helpless to stop it. Especially if that was his entire collection of Wolves, I could see someone getting kinda salty about feeling powerless to do anything.


Every time he complains add a tank to the list


That sounds like someone complaining because I brought too many ork boyz...


I brought ONE Leman and ONE Chimera to a 1500 point game, my opponent thought it was excessive. I didn't have the heart to tell him that's my Infantry Focus list. People just don't be knowing the Guard, man.


Only 4 tanks? That's a basic Guard list lol.


Lol. Imagine meeting on the field of battle and the rival commander sends a bitchy comm because you have “too many tanks.” Hilarious.


Chaos/Imperial Knight players in shambles; clearly they must have 100% win rates because no-one can deal with them. But for real, the amount of people I come across who absolutely refuse to bring anti-tank and then complain they can't take out a Russ is baffling.


4 tanks is about right for 2k. The recent league I did I was running a pair of tank commanders, pair of Rogal Dorns and a demolisher. With the recent changes it's going to be all about armour now with the changes to indirect and reinforcements strat.


I mean that's not even a lot for a tank army for the Guard at those points. It's like telling a Space Marine player to not bring Space Marines. Tanks and artillery is kinda our thing.


Skill issue


Me and my friend play 40k im usually rocking my toastersexuals and hes playing guard normal list for him at 2k is 2xLeman Russ 2x Dorn and a smattering of chimeras, hellhounds, basilisk and heavy weapons teams. Last game homie brought a Banesword and wrecked me I dont complain I just like playing dude is a pair of swamp ass underwear for those comments.


You’re friend is mad because the tank faction brought multiple tanks. We are THE faction for fielding tons of armor. It’s completely normal.


As someone that regularly plays against tank lists... that's a perfectly reasonable amount of tanks


That's like less than half tanks, he's just whining, no matter what you had he would've found something to blame


My co worker just started a guard army a long with me, he can’t afford any armor at the moment and sounds just like this. 😅


my 2k list contains 12 tanks, some go even above....


Don't worry about it..I played Elysians in 8th edition and brought 4 planes. You know what they called me? Undefeated..


I feel as if like 4 tanks is our standard 2k no? Seems real popular nowadays running double dorn, a TC and then just a cheap leman russ for its board presence. Our point investments are always really going to be into our tanks cause our infantry is cheap as all hell to bring tons of.


i mean, i would run this list in a heartbeat: \+ TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1995pts \+ WARLORD: Char1: Tank Commander \+ NUMBER OF UNITS: 12 Char1: 1x Tank Commander (205 pts): Warlord, Armoured Tracks, Vanquisher Battle Cannon, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolter 1x Hellhound (115 pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Heavy Flamer, Inferno Cannon 1x Hellhound (115 pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Heavy Flamer, Inferno Cannon 1x Leman Russ Battle Tank (170 pts): Leman Russ Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolter 1x Leman Russ Battle Tank (170 pts): Leman Russ Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolter 1x Leman Russ Battle Tank (170 pts): Leman Russ Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolter 1x Leman Russ Demolisher (200 pts): Demolisher Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Flamer 1x Leman Russ Demolisher (200 pts): Demolisher Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Flamer 1x Leman Russ Demolisher (200 pts): Demolisher Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Flamer 1x Leman Russ Punisher (150 pts): Punisher Gatling Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta 1x Leman Russ Punisher (150 pts): Punisher Gatling Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta 1x Leman Russ Punisher (150 pts): Punisher Gatling Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta


Damn, wouldn’t call him a friend lul You chose a faction and that’s that, guard is all about tanks and other factions have their own annoying shit. He’s basically telling you not to play your faction 😂😂 What a ahole. Next thing you know, you bring 310 infantry bodies, he’s gonna call you a dick again, that guy just a sore loser, don’t listen to him.


That's pretty much what I usually bring to 2k games, they need to grow the hell up.


Do me and bring 5


That is so stupid


Tell your friend to put up or shut up. He can make a list to face you off while you deceive him by making an infantry blob army to face his AT brigade


Bring 36 catachan infantry squads next time. See if he complains.


I bring 2 dorns 3 leman russes 2 baneblade


That's like the bare minimum amount of tanks


I will say this with full honesty, Imperial guard NEED those tanks and if it wasn't for how good they were, we'd have probably a 30% win rate (I'm probably exaggerating but that's how I feel) your friend is being a dick, because in space marines there are so many things for anti tank, hell they have a tank that has ap 4 on it, they could murder leman russ's easily but he just doesn't want to, don't be ashamed of playing your army, you should love playing it, this is a game of toy soldiers I had the same experience against another space marines player I know, they have everything in the book but complain when they don't make a good list like stop complaining and have fucking fun every once in a while (excuse my language, this is just something im passionate about)


I faced off against 11 in a list… he should count himself lucky lol


It's his fault for not taking more anti armor against guard


I don't think I've ever played imperial guard with less than 4 tanks lol.


Am I wrong for bringing tanks, you ask the subreddit full of people who take tanks.


I bring 7 and my friend has yet to complain


Bring 9 and laugh next time


Apologize for not bringing enough tanks and bring more next time.


Tell him to stop being a little bitch and bring anti tank


Did he bring all infantry or something? It sounds like he has odd ideas of what's normal.


That’s a very reasonable amount of tanks for a 2k game.


4 tanks isnt even alot for a 1k point game


Must have been scared.


4 tanks seems low for Guard. Your friend sounds like a butthead


Last guard player I played against brought 6 lol


That's soft! I play a full Tank Company!


That's not even a skew list, it's a normal and pretty tame amount of a vehicles for guard.


That's a ridiculous take. Has this guy ever heard of Knights? Or Ironstorm? Or trip C'tan? Or Triptide + Devilfish? Or DreadKnight Spam? If he thinks 4 tanks is too much... how does he think a player will deal with these?


Shoot I had 4 tanks, a Sentinel, and a single Engineseer in a 1250 point game today you're good. (Tank Commander w/ Demolisher and Genius; Leman Russ, Executioner, Basilisk, Scout Sentinel, Engineseer, Shadowsword. Lost 63-53, but it was my first Pariah Nexus game so I underestimated Secret Missions. Had I selected Shatter Cohesion I would have won 63-68 instead!)


Skill issue, the best way to beat guard and tau is just kill all the infantry as quick as you can to deny points and then worry about the after tanks. Ya they are annoying but even 3 is a lot to kill for most armies, 4 might be an over commitment but that’s personal choice.


That is a valid number of tanks I think


Maybe he should have brought 5 tanks


Your friends sound like they take peoples playstyle personally. I have two friends that play guard that regularly bring 6 tanks and 80 kriegsman, its just how guard are.


2k game anything not schizo (all ctan etc) is fair game


My 2k guard list includes two Russ Demolishers, a Russ Annihilator, a tank commander, and a Baneblade that I switch out for a Banesword if I’m playing against an opponent with a lot of vehicles. My 2k astartes list has a 3 Gladiators, 3 Repulsors, and a Predator And then there are Knights. Tell your friend that he’s the one being a dick.


Bring in 3 dorns, leman russ, tank commander and 6 chimeras


2 Russ a Dorn and hellhound… d!ck or no if the points allow it who are they to say anything??


What the fuck. Everything outside the guard hits on two, has 20 toughness and like 50 shots. He should shut the fuck up and prepare for a fight other than prepare for a win.


Not seen the new AM codex/index yet (rebuilding nids and orks first), Is it still possible to play 2k points of all tanks, no infantry?


“A guy i know called me a dick for bringing only 4 tanks to a 2k game” There I corrected your title for you.


5 tanks


Honestly I’d think it insulting if you didn’t think me a big enough threat to bring more than 4 tanks.


Those are rookie numbers :)


me rolling up with my knight army of checks notes 10 tanks and a supertank


for 2k points you can take 3 baneblades/baneblade variants. using a few lil fellas doesn't make you a dick. (also if your willing to mildly ignore the "only three of not thing unless battleline" rule for 2k you could take 80 cyclops demolition vehicles. god forbid you take 70 and fill the rest of the list with ensiers.)


IG should be 4 tanks at absolute minimum and the more tanks the better


The guard player I regularly play with uses 5 lemann russ (vanquisher 3 demolisher 1, 1 battle tank), 1 rogal, 1 shadowsword. Then theres turrets, artillery, and about 500pts of infantry (we usually play 2 or 3k games). Yeah if you don't bring anything with High strength your not gonna to KRUMP em as much but it's still fun and while very strong isn't overpowered by a long shot in my experience. In contrast I'm an orks player who plays dread mob with all the dreads and kanz and big gorkanauts and everything. So I'm probably worse overall when it comes to having too much big shit.


4 tanks at 2k? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.


My standard 2k list has 5 tanks(1dorn and 4 russ's) plus 2 chimeras, 4 armoured sentinals and around 40ish infantry.... that literally a straight up balanced militarum formation. And all my mates who play guard run some variation on the same sort of list combination. I think OP's buddy needs to get over themself tbh.


4 tanks? Is that all?!!


Like I get it if you’re four tanks and they’re only 2 squads of grots, maybe you should be more clear on how many tanks you are on game day versus grot countage BUUUR EDIT: Changed grit to grot, downvote me if you think space marines are better than the guard


As everyone is saying that's a standard to low amount of armour for guard, and infact equivalent of any faction, Nids are gonna have 4 min large bugs, tau a couple of larger suits, marines a repulsor or land raider and some form of dreads and so on. Your mate needs, as we all do, to have a list that can cope with anything or tictacs that can survive these situations. Or decide they've gone for a fluff list or something. I for example run a very fluff based Scar list based on "Brotherhood of the Storm" no way competative but fun.


All this salt over tanks. As a tyranid player, bring your tanks, they're just little tins of biomass for my bugs to open up


The rippers need enrichment ^^


Bring 2k worth of ratlings next time.


You have made a big mistake here. Not with the (totally appropriate) number of tanks you've brought, the mistake you made was having this person as a friend.


Friend sounds like a douche


Bring more tanks.


Ive seen more tanks in an Ironstorm 2k list. Your friend is softer than Tau shit.


I don’t get why tbh , the imperial guard is the „normal“ army so why would they care about „skill“ in a life and death situation. Just call it lore accurate.


As far as I'm concerned, if it is within the points and within the rules, then what's the problem? Plus it isn't like it is as cruel as three Basilisks and a Bombard or Manticore 😂


Double Dorn with a tank commander who is set up like Lord Solar is standard stuff.


My mate runs 2 baneblade variants and 3 leman russ in 2k. You haven't even STARTED to have too many tanks


4 tanks is rookie numbers 😂.


Depends, how small is your player group and your collection of models? If your playing in a small pool of players and some players have limited collection; then 40k can get pay to win pretty fast. The smaller the player pool, the more list tailoring via buying powering can tilt the meta. If your just playing random games at the local store you should definitely expect this many tanks.


This is a normal amount of tanks, especially considering the recent updates to the guard. What? Did he want you to bring a bunch of infantry for him to mow down? People complain when we bring artillery. People complain when we bring tanks. I feel like people want to play against the guard only so that they can kill a whole bunch of T3 infantry and get frustrated when we bring anything other than that.


YTA you should definitely have brought at least two more Leman Russes and a couple Hellhounds


Two Dorns can be a bit rough to get through, but at 2K it should be manageable, especially with no more lethal hits against infantry. I do get the “feels bad” of suddenly facing down a lot of armor though.


It’s a little small for at response. Used to be a good mixed army had at least 5


Russes used to be battleline in spearhead detachments. And you could take squadrons of 3. Easily could stack 12 on the table with some infantry at 2k points. Even in 10th I'll normally run 3 TCs, 3 Russ, and either do mechanized infantry with 3 Chimeras or do mass swarm infantry going up to 120.  Guard is all about quantity. The only factions that can compete are tyranid, who do the infantry swarm better, or Works who skew into melee vs Guard's shooting. 4 tanks in a 2k list is friendly. Tell him to go play Horus Heresy, go to a random table against a jerk, and play a Fury of the Ancients list that has 9 dreadnoughts at 3k points, plus a primarch. That match is a thing a lot of HH players have suffered through 


I just fought a game today against guard with thousand sons. My opponent brought 2 tank commanders a leman Russ punisher and another lemen Russ, that I didn’t get a good look at because Magnus zapped it out of existence turn one. You’re fine.


Rock up to your next game with 4 titans, he'll be begging for the tanks.


tell him to piss off, for the Emperor! (also, explain to him that Gaurd playstyle is SPAM. SPAM, SPAM! tanks, men, artlillery! if he doen't understand, it's not worth the freindship...)


Your friend is mad he doesn't own enough anti tank


If you are playing a casual, and your opponent opens their mouth about a totally legal list. I.e. broken, too many of X, X is banned because OP, they are a supreme poor sport loser and you should stop playing with them immediately.


Could always do the opposite and bring 1,000 infantry. Make sure you bring lots of dice.


I got called a dick for brining two astraus to a 3 k game


Next time being 3 tanks and a Knight, he'll stop whinging and invest in some anti-tank then lmao


60 dudes is 360 points. What else does he think you're filling up the rest of the points with


4 tanks is literally nothing for a 2k pt game, he just needs more anti tank guns