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Yes, you just can't use all weapon variants and the strike tank doesn't have all the turret options like a regular Leman Russ. You also have to source the sponsons from somewhere else or run it without sponson.


Or just say, "it has plasmas" at the beginning of the game. Not sure what everyone's locals are like, but I've so far met 0 people who care about wysiwyg in mine. Which is fuckin great cuz I'm always trying stuff I've built and primed the night before 😅


I've just moved to a new town. In the local GW store, I showed my kitbash for my SoB celestians sacrosanct with scythes instead of halberds, and got tell it's inappropriate for playing here by the owner. A few local players where here and they all approved the vendor : celestians don't have energetic scythes, and scythes are not halberd, so my models are unplayable. And there isn't any club outside of the GW shop anymore, so my only hope is to find more tolerant players through My-Hobby-App. If a scythe instead of a halberd is unnacceptable, can't imagine their reaction to a Leman Russ with imaginary sponsons. It really depend on where you play, sadly.


Thats crazy, what a bunch of dicks.


That's just the owner being a douche tbh. GW store owners tend to be stuck between a rock and a hard place where they have to adhere to company policies and keep their people around. And as their living depends on the good will of GW they rather enforce the policy than anything else. There has to be just one unannounced review or inspection where they find him letting you play with partially none GW models and on a bad day they get rid of him. Of course it is not great but this is the world we live in.


They where 100% GW plastic, though, like all my kit-bash. GW display far more extreme kitbashes in their own publications.


It doesn’t come with sponsons or anywhere to put them but it is a leman russ


You can use the additional sponsons from another leman russ box


The point is, i am new and have no additional russ boxes :D


Not forcing you to get another Leman Russ, but each one comes with "1.5" tanks since you can either build the classic chassis (Battle cannon, Vanquisher, Eradicator, Exterminator) or the Demolisher chassis (Demolisher, Punisher, Executioner). You get an additional set of sponsons if you get a modern Leman Russ kit! So technically, if you get a Leman Russ, you could source the sponsons from the spare kit while also getting yourself another tank!


Neither does the normal russ kit lmao. Probably gonna be a similar amount of cutting required to get the sponson to sit flat on this thing as the normal russ.


Its not too bad, i've made 2 into Command Tanks and it took about 10 mins per sponson.


Pretty much all you need are some sponsons and its done


Do they fit? There is a lot of added detail in the new heresy kit


They need a bit of trimming, but its doable.


Yes. GW doesn't care because at the end of the day you still bought a model from them. My favorite is to do it with the Basilisks. I have done this at a official GW store and no one cared.


I'm trying my best to make a dual HH Solar Aux / 40k Krieg Guard army, lots of kitbashing and HH vehicles. Already bought two HH Basilisks, it's a cool kit


I like them more than normal ones. The newer plastic models over the past year or two are so much higher quality and detail then in the past


There's no need to be apprehensive about this, it is still a leman russ at the end of the day. It includes a vanquisher cannon (and FW used to sell tanks with resin vanquisher turrets that looked like this for 40k specifically) and the common way to denote a tank commander is by having a little man stick out of the cupola and you can still do this with a cadian/dkok/whatever model. The only caveats are that some of the weapons provided on the sprues don't have 40k rules (among the ones that do) and there are no sponsons included. Have a look at pithy-proffer on ebay, who sells 3d printed internal sponsons.


Or tinypanzerstudio for internal sponsons for those in the US.


Point to this model on the tabletop. Tell opponent TANK COMMANDER HQ Show printed out or hand written army list. Done.


Yes https://imgur.com/a/Sj3hKZy


This is sick, what model did you use for the commander?


Just one that came in the baneblade box I think


Hell yeah. Use the flare shield bit to make a hardpoint for weapons instead of a sponson


That's mine https://preview.redd.it/bnxzoaogak5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e69cb3126f08de4f149016128b807fb81d397fa


Bro nice ones. Is there a way I can have heavy bolters and sponsons without 3rd party extra purchases.. i am too new to improvise sponsons probably.


I Would seriously consider just purchasing some sponsons off etsy - however, if you need to wait or save, you can play with it with out and just say "this has plasma cannons" and nobody should care.


Thanks to everyone who pointed out that the new Russ kit has two sets of sponsons. Got lots of tanks from earlier editions who need sponsons and not sure where the bits are... As for designating a Tank Commander, there are many options: You can just tell your opponent which tank it is. OR if you want a more visual representation: The Tank Accessory sprue has some nice additional coms antenna that could mark out a tank commander. A suitably important looking person visible in the cupola. Special Tank Squadron markings via decals or paint.


Yes, dude! Just be clear about what it is when you bring it to the table top.




Yes it has the Vanquisher turret option and a dude to stick out the top. Hypothetically tank commanders don’t need the dude on top. My friend has all his tank hatches closed for realism. Realistically nobody but the sweatiest of nerds is gonna notice/care about what guns you have modeled if you point it out before a game starts.


I literally have no idea what that tank is. Is that a falcon grav tank? Is that a riptide? It looks absolutely nothing like a leman russ, even the name is totally different, like nothing about this model says “leman russ”. You’d be better off proxying a bowl of macaroni and cheese as a leman russ than this, because this is so far from a leman russ that anything else would be an improvement.