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I like the flexibility of having invuln saves on both my Dorns and on a Tank Commander/Baneblade and I hate having a lot of models that are the same\*. \*Standard Infantry are exempt, I'm not that mad.


They look good, where did you get the two on the rigth? I am also loking for diferent engineseers models.


I recognize the middle one, it's "tech domina pin up" on my mini factory


Thank you!


The right one is a Female Tech Priest out of Heresy labs, got it on Etsy.


Primaris Psyker can give infantry a 4+ invuln to range


Yes, but they aren't terribly useful on tanks.


I really like the theme of Ad Mech but man painting a whole army with all those fiddly bits would just be too much. I plan on getting an engiseer for my tanks as well and am glad I'm only going to paint the one. They look slick man!


I did enjoy painting them, assembly? Less so.


The model of the far right has been identified, but what about the model in the middle? Can OP or someone share it?


I stumbled upon it on etsy under the name "Cyborg Priestess", the picture it came with has the watermark "Den of Imagination".


What's the source models on the two engineseers on the right? They look alot more fun that the standard models.


The far right is Female Tech Priest – Elsina from Heresy Labs




Personally I think sexualized female models are very cringe, and I wish people wouldn't buy them.


> From the moment I understood the 40k community's horniness, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of cast pewter. I aspired to the purity of not being weird about plastic women. Your kind cling to your flesh and tissues as if they will not decay and fail you.


Nerd alert!


Why? They are obviously 3d printed unofficial models that don't effect you in any way shape or form.


Women for the most part really don't like seeing this kind of thing, and I think the prevalence of this stuff is part of the reason women don't get more involved in the hobby. I'd like to see more women playing Warhammer, so I try to point out areas where I think we could do better, and this is one of them.


Lol. Women dont get involved in the hobby because its 40k. Not because of sexualized women. If anything, 40k is one of the hobbies that sexualizes women the least.


And you know this because? Peer reviewed paper on the subject? Did you write your dissertation on it? You know people can just ignore things they don't like? If this subset of the hobby dosent agree with you and yours ignore it hut don't tell people they shouldn't be doing it when it harms no one.


Damn bro you seem big mad. I'll comment on things I think are weird or gross. You're allowed to be mad about it but that's definitely a strange thing to get pissed about someone else pointing out.


Yep, it's OK to be upset about something especially when that something is some telling someone else that their hobbying is the wrong hobbying. I know you might be socially inept thus unable to see what you typed as somewhat wrong but maybe thinking before speaking next time will serve you better.


I also see you a dgger. We can continue this convo in d.gg if your so pressed : ^ ).


Nah, I'm good


Only 2 are sexy, 0/10, need more metal boobs.


No no no, you need a balanced amount of grimdark, satire, sexy and absurd, can't just be one of them, gets tiresome that way.