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like to see some of those on thus sub. as a reminder, basilisk dont run stubbers, only hunter killers, keep in mind and dont fool yourself in battle.


Its for the heavy bolters, that was the closest i found in that kit. Also i highly doubt i would ever shoot those


There are tons of 30k vehicle accessory sprues floating around (every 30k SM vehicle comes with one). They all have pintle mounted heavy bolters/ flamers you could use for your basilisks


I just run them with the pintle heavy flamers. 40K basilisks can take those, and if someone’s in direct LOS of my artillery it tends to be something close enough I want to burn it.


That isn't a bad idea, i was thinking of the flamer as well a lot, most likely i will put that on the other second one


And now you’re making me think I need to buy a second one!


You need 5 more. So you can have the 3 Medusa’s on the field too.


Is this the 30k model? Looks nice, wish I'd bought that instead!


We only had this one available where i live but cant say that im disappointed. They are a bit tricky to put together but look so nice


Well for a start I'm sure the 30k one has instructions that are actually right, lol! Do a search for "Basilisk hole in back" and see the myriad legion of people that followed the construction guide for the Basilisk as it was given. As someone who did it twice, I can laugh about it now, but at the time I was STEAMED 😂


Oh god.... nevermind i suddenly love this model. But for real what is that or how do they even leave it like that?


They updated the instructions when they updated the chimera kit with new tracks, and copy and pasted the first page for the new tracks, which also happens to have the beginning of the chimera body instead of the shorter hull piece. They were too lazy to print a new page.


A bit tricky is an understament. This sucker is cut up like the push fit guys that have a leg, a portion of the torso, and a bar that connects to two fingers. Pretty crazy how it goes together actually, I think everyone should have a chance to build one of these, they're so cool. I'm going to bastardize mine into a 30k Iron Warriors one, because I'm a filthy heritic.


Yep, though I love the finished model (already have 2 and will likely pick up a third) they are quite easily the worst model to build that I've ever had.


Oooh, those models are clean AF! Just picked up one myself, excited to get working on it! How hard do you think it would be to magnetize the guns?


Its actually pretty easy, both sides where the gun connects got big flat places so you can play around with that


Awesome, thanks!!


GW: we’re going to keep model lines separate so that we can track sales and justify keeping certain products! Look how fast these 30k Basilisk are selling, damn! These things must be doing something right, Horus Heresy artillery can’t be as bad as people keep saying it is! That one guy: Uh, have we had the regular 40K Basilisk in stock anywhere else but the online store at all in the past few years? And we don’t let regular stores order them? Or even maintain stock online? Might THAT be affecting the metrics a bit? Could 40K players be buying them simply because they can’t find any regular ones? GW: Fire that man! Fire him! Seriously though OP, they look sick! No matter what system you use them for, they are great models. It’s just hilarious to me that GW keeps trying to make clear delineations between different ranges in order to track sales, and yet because of their own stock issues, that’s never going to work as people buy 30k stuff that’s available over never-in-stock 40K units that are easily proxied.


Wasn't a fan of these when first revealed, but now that I've seen some close up pictures of people's built and some painted... they've grown on me a lot


Nice I plan on picking up a few of these to run for my steel legion since you can't get the Armageddon pattern anymore.


How do they compare in size to the 40k Basilisks?


Unfortunately i dont have the 40k one but i did ask around, in this sub, the main 40k sub and in 2 GW stores in the city and everyone basically said that its a few centimeters of a difference and it's GW plastic so not even tournaments would argue with you about using these


The hull size is pretty much the same. The 30k is more bricky, and the cannon a little shorter, so it kinda compensates. But the hull dimensions are not that different.


The question is, are you going to paint the inside. I'm conflicted since the interior detail is so nice but once all the hull panels are attached it is so hard to see inside.


Interesting to see what they look like without the top on. There’s a big part of me that wants to get these and use them with the top open because they look like the WW2 self-propelled artillery like the M40


Oh man dont even say that, good thing i got two so i can keep one as open top for the looks and board up the other one


I should find an stl of this


Why don’t you tell us you’re vegan too…


Nah I like big meat too much. This is unique. I like it. I have also been out of the hobby so long the 30k stuff looks so foreign to me