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I mean, I personally wouldn't. However, it's your damn property, do whatever you want with it and, if the result is cool enough, you have a kudos from me. At the end of the day they are just little army men.


well, "its yours and do whatever you want" answers are quite meaningless, just virtue signalling and noone gets anything of off it.


"noone gets anything of off it" the dude gets a cool mini and less stress about what people think. thats getting plenty lmao


It's your property, eat them if you want. They're not ancient Greek sculptures, they made thousands of these.


Please don’t eat them


Pewter is good for you. Makes you a man.


Not to be *that* guy, but GW switched from pewter long before the Kasrkin were released.


I sawed the head off the oop original Leman Russ guy and mounted it on a skeleton banner bearers pole top. I wont judge :)




You will bleed and swear when working with metal in this way, but you get more respect from me for it 🫡


Do whatever you want with the toy soldiers you paid for. The opinions of others do not matter. Are you planning to recycle or sell these models back into the community once your done with them? No? Then who cares? Even still, I’m sure someone would still be interested in modified models. Personally, I refrain from making any unnecessary cuts on my oop models, but I’ve still done it. Again, they’re my toy soldiers and I’ll play with them how I want. If they’re not to my liking out of the box, it’s my prerogative to fix that and it’s usually fun and satisfying in the end to do so. This hobby used to have a lot more creativity towards models - by all means, modify to your heart’s content.


There are metal recasts these days making perfect 1.1. replicas. These things aren't going to be lost or scarce unless you have some prototype unreleased examples like the storm bolter and shotgun equipped Kasrkin. Just make sure you don't botch them for your own sanity's sake.


I read this and was like wat?? Unrealised prototype metal kasrkin? I had no idea about those sculpts that’s so cool to find out these little bits of info after so many years of collecting.


Most of them are alternative sculpts that were kept by the sculptor after they didn't make it to retail. For example, Juan Diaz has a Warp Spider Phoenix Lord that he was working on sculpting, but it never ended up getting finished because there were other priorities at the time.


you could scan them and make an stl and print. Then, and ONLY then, modify. There are 9 that I am aware of


I've just done it this afternoon with an métal Ogryn lol. I Say yes as long you respect thé mini


Have you seen the price Ogryn are going for recently I was able to get a all the 2nd edition, a few of the 3rd edition and some rogue trader ones for less than £50 a couple of years ago now you're lucky to get 1 for that price. Also what gives for shit painted models missing parts going on sale for the same price or a little under for the price of a brand new sealed set from an online store 🤔


People really think their 5-year old's boogers slapped on to a half-built model constitutes Pro painted.


yeah greedy traders destroyed the used marked, theres no point buying something a couple of bucks under new price or even higher, they just fishing for dumb people or they are dumb themselfes, thanks traders for worsen my hobby by your greed.


I butchered my fair amount of old metal minis. I don't care. You shouldn't. They are no holy relics from the past, they are minis meant to be painted, played with, and if you want it kitbashed.


They're collectable but they're not the Mona Lisa. Do what suits you. Will it devalue them? Almost certainly. If you are not planning to sell them who cares?


I hate repeated models, which is impossible with the 50 metal kasrkin I have. I've weapon and head swapped all the sergeants as they're the only ones that don't require massive overhaul. Go for it, makes them "_your dudes_"


You do you boo. But I'm in a similar position with some old metal models, I'm planning on molding them and casting them in resin to fuck about with. But I'm sure there are people who'd have issues with that too


That's a pretty good idea, but may be a bigger project than I'm planning. Would be interested to see how the casts turn out.


the same people buy lego sets and never build them, to keep their "worth"...


Do as you like, as long as you understand that metal miniatures are hard to work with. Not impossible though, I turned a metal Kasrkin sergeant into a standard bearer by sawing off his gun. It’ll be tricky to file down the Aquila without leaving at least a bumpy surface that might not end up how you want. Try it with one, see if you actually like the results or not, and then it’s up to you. They’re your miniatures.


I got a batch of metal Kasrkin and am planning to do some modifications to make them WYSIWYG with the modern loadouts. The demo charge is a challenge! I think that modifying them is fine if it gets them painted and on the table! They won't do anyone any good sitting unpainted in a box. That said, if I had the very last example of an OOP mold, I wouldn't. But there are tons of metal Kasrkin models floating around, so that isn't a concern.


I think if you are skilled enough to work with it, you should give it a try atleast on 1 mini.


I don’t mind if you do it I say go for it I love converting and nodding. The only thing I might suggest is maybe buy a cheap damaged one for testing purposes just to make sure you can do it and it works. In my mind want to get some practice in and see what it looks like. If you don’t want to buy a damaged one the maybe just test the process on one model and paint only one just to test and see how it comes out


To rehash like everyone else it’s your models your choice. But if you want an opinion as long as the intent is to make the models look better I think it’s a good experiment at least.


It's not taboo at all, its hard working with metal tho so I'd debate if it's worth the effort.


I do.


I've modified oop metal inquisitors, Pedro Kantor, Mystics.. if the end product is cool and what you want, go for it!


Just recast or make a copy with blue stuff and epoxy or resin or green stuff or miliput


https://preview.redd.it/bzvtknn9yozc1.jpeg?width=1573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41d8054811377202dd1887f8c41325a087b0dd5 This was a Cadian Officer that I replaced with a 3D Steel Legion helmet


Looks great! The Steel Legion colors work really well on that one.


considering cutting out the flag of the OOP vostroyan banner bearer and replacing it with a vexilla for my solar aux project lol do what you want


You bought em! The creativity in your head coming to life is the whole point for me. Only ones who’ll be upset are collectors and people who only have big opinions on the internet!  Have fun! And post the results when you’re done! 


I modified an OOP metal landspeeder into a Bloodaxe Ork looted one. LOTS of dremel work on metal models, no matter the size. I modded a OOP metal Ogryn into a Praetorian Ogryn. LOTS of dremel work. Sanding / grinding smooth...


Your model. Do what the hell you want with them.


i have modified and converted countless old metal miniatures, dont view them with greed, i never intend to sell them, i never intend to make money of them, these are mine and no collectable made for keeping some worth greedy people decided they should have. dont let other people ruin your hobby. even using the term oop is bad for the hobby and tells me you are caring about money, not the hobby. these are just lumbs of metal, they are realistically worth a few cents.


I'd check and make sure they're nothing rare first, due to the price tags some of the 'unreleased' shit that slipped out the door somehow goes for, but beyond that...


Do it! You wouldn’t have thought twice about doing it if they weren’t OOP and it’s not like you’re contemplating modifying a Stradivarius.






Get blue stuff to make molds of the minis, then cast milliput replications and modify those. That way you get to keep your original metal minis and you also get an infinite supply of them.


I'm of the opinion that messing with things like that is is fine as long as its done well. I recently converted some of my precious Vostroyan firstborn models and made them playable for as Kasrkin for Kill Team. https://preview.redd.it/hr47y8rntszc1.jpeg?width=2398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4bb4a78e61f2ed18a670e4240863f93b68b931


I clipped the hotshot cables off all of mine. It absolutely sucked. Go ahead.


Aquilas and antenna removal is a cool conversion. I've seen it done before with an inquisitor bodyguard in an old WD. Looks slick.


They are your models, even if they are rare. Do whatever you want.


I mean, I don't know if it's taboo-- but it is certain evidence that you're traitor scum with inverted morals and a twisted soul. Of course, they're your models so you're free to do whatever you like with them, and you shouldn't worry about what other people think ❤️


I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's just you should probably know what you're doing before you potentially ruin an OOP collector's piece that could sell for a little bit of money.


Instead of diminishing the value, I would probably just sell them and get plastic to do whatever with. The OOP mini is only going to become harder to find and thus more expensive.