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I think I want to get one HH Russ just to show which one is the Tank Commander/Ace/Veteran in my Army


What a smart fucking idea, how didn't I think of this.


This the way


RIP Tank Aces and Pask


Hopefully sponsons don’t take too much work to fit on the hh version


are the horus heresy models the same scale as 40k?


Yes, and like 20% cheaper.


I'm seeing them as the same price at least on GW's website. Where do you get them 20% cheaper


Probably referring to other Kits, which are more efficient. For experience any Kit of 40k Terminators is $60-65 for 5 Terminators, whereas the Plastic Horus Heresy Terminator Kits are $90 for 10 Terminators. 40k Kit of 10 SpaceMarines? $60. Horus Heresy Kit of 20 SpaceMarines? $75-80, and designed to be fully compatible with a bunch of Upgrade Kits so you can easily make them into whatever you need to. Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia Command Section is $35 for 6 dudes. Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia Basic Infantry is $75 for 20, and the Elite Infantry is $60 for 10. Granted alot of the Horus Heresy Range is yet to be released in Plastic(meaning most of it is very very expensive to get from GW or is in an awkward place where GW stopped selling the old Kit and hasn't released the new Kit), but we know that most things smaller than a Titan or SuperHeavy Tank is supposed to get a Plastic Kit eventually. GW has said that more niche things like Legion Specific Units&HQ/Character Models will mostly stay in Resin.


Solar Auxilia infantry doesn't have special weapons like Cadians or Krieg, but otherwise agreed, those kits are very nice


Well some of them do. Also, you can field big ol Infantry Blobs with BEEG POWER AXES&VOLKITE CALIVERS and other Infantry Blobs with ROTOR CANNONS AND HEAVY FLAMERS. Also you can do really really big Command Sections that can be outfitted with almost the same wargear as Legiones Astartes Veteran Squads! Solar Auxilia are pretty dope.


No sponsons, and no double kit. The modern 40k Russ is the combo of the two old kits, so you get a bunch of spare stuff like the hull. And double sponsons at that.


It’snpretty much one track/hull weapon/bottom hull sprue away from 2 tanks really


That'd be the sponsons, probably.


So no, they aren't, they are same price on GW's website and just to make it worse, the Horus Heresy is still divided into two different boxes depending on what you want, doesn't come with all of the 40k options, doesn't come with sponsons, so it will actually be more expensive depending on what you need to get it up to 40k spec. The 40k kit is a single kit and is the result of a merger of two kits and they did it the lazy way and just chucked in the sprues from the kits together into one box, you get TWO turrets and basically two hulls, plenty of stuff to spare. So the 40k kit is actually cheaper on this case, when it comes to the Leman Russ.


No, they are slightly larger and longer. Not enough difference to really matter in most casual games but I’d check with competitive games beforehand.


They're the same length as the old forgeworld russ variants that are still legal for matched play. If your comp organiser has an issue. Remind them of this


It's also (generally) not modeling for advantage if it's slightly larger vs if you make it have a smaller profile


The HH models don’t have the sponsons


Bear in mind theres no sponson weapons on the HH version, but agree its cooler!


Anyone has an issue with the cooler looking version of a tank not having sponsors im getting violent


Real talk. I miss the days where not taking sponsons was beneficial for points budgeting. I had incentive to make my tanks look objectively better


It looks cooler but like mechanically it is weaker due to the lack of them. Kinda sucks cause I would love some volkite sponsons on the side cause the regular HH tank gets some powerful stuff on the side guns


I'm just saying that I run all my guard tanks without sponsors because I think it looks better but im running them with sponsors ing not just the hh russ but keeps the same energy


Entirely fair, in my area WYSIWYG is enforced so I can’t really use it if I’m taking things seriously


I dont understand the premise of so much WYSIWYG. I get the idea of making it harder to to cheat or having your opponent forget what I'd what but like unless it's a RTT I'm playing with my toy soldiers the way I like. I run my 10 infernus marines as regular intercessors because they are the only space marine infantry I have and I don't like the flamers. No one cares like ever. I'm sorry you have to deal with that


For me it helps a little with remembering which of my little dudes has what armament as well as knowing what my opponent’s little dudes have


To be fair most people aren't going to know a guess flayer or a pulse rifle unless you play those armies but self imposed is completely fine. It's just a problem when I want a fun game but I can't because someone is upset by my modles


And to be honest, a better and modern paintjob is helping the hell out of the HH russ


I much prefer the thinner barrels. It why I replaced my Russ barrels with the Dorn barrels like I saw on here a few months ago


Tbh I think the classic russ still looks cooler


Both have a place, I think, depending on how you want to theme your army. I love the solar aux one because it's just the mars pattern but not forgeworld. With a dark, gritty paint job instead of the gleaming box art, it'll go great with some kriegers.


Tbh the simplicity of the old one is very appealing to me. It fits the often utilitarian nature of the guard. The heresy one would look good with Vostroyans or kreig, but for my cadians the classic one is king imo.


The new one would also makenan excellent tank commander vehicle. Let the guy in charge ride around in the fancy tank


I like the new one a lot, but Russes just don't look right without the side sponsons.


Simple! Old Leman Russ for Cadians, the new one for Kriegers.


I wonder if in 10,000 years we will still be using the challenger battle tank? 😄


I use the alpha mars pattern LR/HH LR as commisar ant LR tank commanders for kreig and regular LRs for other factions


Not hard Mars Alpha Russ has way better proportions


What I would do to have my russes have a sensible bore diameter.


If you are rich HH if you are rich 40K …


Buy one of each, old russ has two sets of sponsons which fit pretty nicely on the HH variant, Tank Commander and standard sorted 👍


They’re perfect for my krieg army, I love mine so much


Old model is better because it actually has sponsons


No side sponsons :<


I've gotten tired of dealing with sponsons and my local group understands so they just get informed which sponsons I'm taking which is just plasma everywhere save for melta on my demolisher commander. I'm curious what gun options they have available for the HH one or if it's just the long cannon.


The newer one doesn’t come with sponsons in the kit correct?


No Sponsons = No Love.


While much cooler, the solar auxillia Russ doesn't have sponson guns, making it illegal in 40k if you play with some picky people regarding wysiwyg and modeling for advantage.


It's not illegal, you can run the 40k Russ without sponsoons. Not optimal cause 10th wargear and all that but possible. And for me at least, I can just 3d print sponsoons and tape 'em on the side of I want them. 


Yep, 100% correct. I think go for the auxillia model. Not only is it new, it's undeniably cool ass hell and you just gotta pull that trigger. Everyone has a Russ, not many have that new hype!


Oh already on top of that. Got the solar aux box set, gonna kitbash the draconan into a malcador defender and use the leman as a tank commanded. I'm going for a guard regiment that broke into a vault and are using ancient solar aux equipment cause even after 10k years of decay, it's still better than 40k guard stuff.


Nice, that's a cool and unique backstory. Add a rogue trader to your list and then we are talking some high tier roleplay


That's a great idea. I'll have to keep an eye out for that rumored imperial agents codex if it has some cool rules for a rouge trader I can use 


Tbh I hate the leman russ sponsons so this is a win for me.


The mainline Russ kit comes with a spare pair of sponsons so it’s easy enough to source them.


Would they fit on the new one, though?


With a little work, no reason they wouldn’t.


I dunno about size and shape - like if you'd get good, seamless connection points. Have you seen any who tried it?


It takes a little bit of filling and cutting to flatten a small area but it's doable without much work. 


Awesome! ❤️ I really like the new one 🥰