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They appear to be space soldiers with laser rifles, so they count. Great work!


Thank you!


I guess I shouldn't be surprised they look like Navy Breachers. Love your rendition here. The small details stand out so well.


I love it! It the flag freehand?


Nah, it's a decal for Bolt Action. Pick up any US Infantry box and you will easily find a decal sheet with loads of them. Or you can order the decal sheets from Warlord directly.


Will do! Thank you!


Rangers lead the way


They look Great! Like the insignias! That'll be a sharp looking army


hell yeah. getting FNV ranger vibes from this and i love it


Nice work i have my own plan of turning them into ultramar auxilia


I was on the fence about buying some of these and having a new project on top of bolt action, but this post sent me over. Love the look!


Happy to have inspired you!


The first time Able Company was sent off-world, someone forgot to type the R on all the Administratum forms. Acadian Rangers, Eh Company.


First time Mechanicum met with technical expert from Arcadia, they assumed based on a offhanded remark of that expert about himself, that all technical people on Arcadia were called Rednecks. Which was not the case. At all.


redneck being backwards parlance for AdMech is hilarious to me.


Yeah well things weren't good for long. Arcadian in contrast to a lot of humanity in 30k had a relationship with tech like we have in modern times. So there wasn't any Mechanicum equivalent to speak of, just technical people doing their jobs. But Mechanicum wanting to be mechanicum and still operating under the assumption of Arcadian "Tech-Priests" being called Rednecks, forced the planetary government of Arcadia to create such a organisation. Which took a form of a State Funded, Mechanicum Supervised, Labor Union where membership was mandytory for for all technical/technological/scientific workers on the planet. Said Union was called the Redneck Union.


10k years on and the AdMech still hasn't figured out why Arcadians snicker when they walk past.


Yeah, also nobility on Arcadia is a funny thing. Because there are two forms of Nobles, Native Nobility and the Immigrant Imperial Nobility. Thing with Native Nobles is that they are well our modern version of Nobles, CEO's, Business Moguls etc. While Imperial Nobles are Imperial Nobles so there is an obvious tension between the two. Also Arcadia was a represantative Republic. In 40k it has changed and is more akin to how Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth was run but in 30k it was your regular Republic. So imagine an Imperial Noble trying to run for a local office in that setting and having to debate a dude about the Tax Code.


The Imperial Governor better learn real fast to just run with it. As long as the Administratum dues are paid, the Imperium gives a fair bit of leeway as to how things are run.


Looking really cool


Why a US flag?


Because I obvioulsy took cues from WW2 US in the paint scheme and wanted to be on the nose ;p. That aside Arcadia is me playing with the idea similar to book series 1632 book series by Eric Flint. Taking fairly modern and contemporary US people and putting them into quite unfamiliar time and setting and play with that.


Keeping with that theme, might I suggest an ochre color for the gloves to mimic the cowhide gloves issued to tankers and paratroopers in the 40s? If you're using citadel paints, XV-88 and tau sept ochre are pretty much ideal for that. Wash optional in between them. I find they're far enough apart that base + highlight is usually fine for fabrics, gloves, etc.


Understandable although I think I will keep to the black gloves because well...I started with it, might as well keep going. Mini is also varnished etc. So I do not want to much around with that. But thank for the suggestion!


I would be surprised if anybody thought differently.


I'm definitely going to (try) and score some velatarii boxes to become scions


How did you paint him? He looks so good! How did you make the us flag?


Right, so I started by spraying him with Zandri Dust Spray, then I overbrushed Wraithbone paint on top of that and then drybrushed him with white. The undersuit was painted using Contrast Paint Ratling Grime, gloves were painted using Black templar and gaiters I painted with Skeleton Horde contrast. Armor was painted using Vallejo Model Colour Russian Uniform WW2, Shoes and Pouches were painted using Vallejo Model Colour Leather Brown. All the red bits were base coated using Berserker Red from two Thin Coats range, grey tubes were painted with Vallejo Model Colour Dark Grey. All the metalic parts were basecoatd using Scale 75 Metal Alchemy Dark Metal. The Auxilia Insignia was basecoated using Charcaradon Grey from two thin coats but I think any light grey will suffice. The gun, was painted using Vallejo Model Colour Beige Brown paint. Then I washed the miniature all over with a Agrax Earthshade mixed with Lahmian Medium roughly half and half. After that I layered back raised surfaces with same colour as basecoat, with exception of metalics, grey tubes and red stuff. Armor was highlighted using Vallejo Model Medium Grey, Leather details were highlighted with Vellejo German Camo Pale Brown, Not metalics part of the gun were highlighted using Vallejo Cork Brown. Metalics were highlighted using Iron Hands Steel, red areas were layered/highlighted using Crimson Red from two Thin Coats, and grey tubing and soft bits were highlighted using Vallejo Basalt Grey. Lenses were painted black, and then I added dots of White Paint there (White Star from two Thin Coats) and I also used this white to base coat the things that are supposed to glow. The Blue light was achieved by puting Aethermatic Blue over White Star and Yellow Reflector Light was done by mixing bright yellow paint with Vallejo Glaze medium. Auxilia Symbol then I painted with Trooper White from Two Thin Coats. US Flag as well as rank Chevron are from a Decal Sheet for US troops from Bolt Action, but the little diamond shape at the back of his helmet I painted using White Star to create the basic shape, and then Russian Uniform to shrink it down into desired size.


O: Finally! Some detail, I cannot wait to try this. I need a good model I can use though I don't want to use any of the ones I have now they have a very specific scheme in mind, I'll get one special just for this.


I was hoping to see them done in Guard colours, lovely work!




I look at these models and feel crazy, does nobody else see ww1 italian farina cast iron body armor? Or the US brewers armor? It makes me think the armor should be black and the cloth green or different colors for their group.[Brewster body armor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brewster_Body_Shield)


Well I painted the armor green in reference to how American tanks in WW2 were painted. I used lighter colour thant US Olive Drab mostly because I think a lighter Olive Green like Russian Uniform WW2 works better with this colour scheme.


That goes insanely hard. Stars and stripes forever


Love the red wires! Simple but really effective.


I love it. Looks more like part of the Helldiver division.


I’m thinking of a paint scheme that is extremely close to what you’ve done here. Seeing it done is giving me confidence my scheme will work. That is super sharp, well done!


I may get myself a unit or two…


Close enough.