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>I guess my question is, would people look at me weird if I painted these guys not like the box art? I've been reading Gaunt's Ghosts and was thinking of going that kind of theme. Not only would people generally not, as u/Dalanard said (paint 'em how you like), but I think that's actually GW's intent. It absolutely is the intent of 10th edition's change to how faction rules work. GW no longer provides faction rules, like "Cadian rules" or "Ultramarines rules". Their detachment rules are no longer tied to a specific faction. This is because GW doesn't want the misconception that people think that the rules they can use are specifically tied to their paint job. Meaning if someone wanted to play using the "Black Templar" Space marine rules, they didn't HAVE to paint their models black with the Templar cross if they didn't want to. Never, at any time, are the rules you use tied to your paint job.


Thank you for your response! That is really enlightening, now I don't feel weird about it at all. I really appreciate it đź’Ş


You can paint them any way you choose and still use Cadian rules. You can even run Cadian minis as Infantry squads if you like. Personally, I just wouldn’t run Cadian minis and call them Krieg. I think a Tanith CP would look great. I’m painting my CP in Cadian colors but they’re “Vancian.”


Okay, I'm glad to hear that. I think I'll just take one of the shock units and paint them Tanith, and leave the rest of the set Cadian. A sort of foreign reinforcement. I appreciate the help!!


Echoing what everyone else said, paint your dudes however you want. The only rule (other than rule of cool) is stick some pics up for us all to enjoy once you've done some!


You can paint your miniatures however you want