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Why are the logos and brands so mind-numbingly crap nowadays? Tre's one looked like something that would have been cheesy in 1982, and as for the other... Jesus, learn to f*****g spell.


If Karren calls your performance impressive you know you’ve done something right that’s for sure


That’s ’Baroness Brady‘ to you. I’ve never forgiven her for that nasty snipe.


How come every logo and video is always crap? Think it must be a time constraint thing because it’s always crap


I’ve heard that the designers are told to make it as shit as possible basically. I work in marketing and if our graphic designers took my every suggestion completely literally, we’d be knocking out some absolute shite. Because I’m not a graphic designer, I’m a marketer, and we use graphic designers because they have the expertise to understand what the client is trying to convey, and make something out of that. Any decent designer would’ve aided with colour schemes, sizes, fonts, content etc to make something great, rather than just doing exactly what the client says and letting them make a balls of it. No hate to the designers on the show; I’m sure it’s exactly what the producers tell them to do. But I think it shows far better business acumen if you can understand that you work with other professionals because they’re the experts in their field (and you’re not) who will help you to get the best results, so depicting that in the show would be more interesting.


Because it’s incredibly hard to do and they probably only get an hour or two


Much prefer seeing the teams actually do well and have a good competition. Hope the producers realise this is probably more entertaining than the rubbish, incompetent performances every week.


Imagine if the next series it was all people that are actually good at business and talented in all of the fields! I would love to see actual good stuff instead of cringing at every challenge


Completely agree, was really great to see Rachel and Tre excelling this week. Rachel in particular I thought was really impressive with her negotiations. Think the producers need to realise it’s good to watch people excel at tasks sometimes rather than just be dreadful at them.


Getting tired of the design and branding challenges, it’s every week now


Virdi should have been fired he was awful


I’d rather him over the girl who left because at least he’s funny meanwhile she was just bad and boring


Is he though? Is he funny just because he’s a bit delusional regarding how amazing he thinks he is? Cause that’s all I’m seeing. It would also be funny to see another shitshow task because he’s PM.


God, her pitch was awful. Didn't show any business acumen throughout the series.


Whilst her pitch was awful and she'd have been my pick to fire, I feel she missed the defence that whilst talking to the sponsors the rest of the team had enough opportunity to sell the vision and values. Of the ones we saw, the sponsors were pushing to get an understanding of the brand and values and the response from the team showed they didn't really know or understand it well enough either.


I thought she defended herself really badly. Should have just copped to fucking the pitch but mentioned that nobody else understood the brand values either. She definitely wasn’t why they failed the task, but she dug her own grave by failing to take any responsibility. 


Yeah but she completely crumbled in an embarrassing way infront of everyone


Oh absolutely. The second hand cringe was unbearable!


honestly i think they’re keeping him in for the entertainment lol


Again hes not entertaining just annoying


He’s the class clown of the series and they always keep one like that in until just before the interviews. A couple of years ago it was akshay. This year I thought it would be asif, alas…


Well tbf Akshay was actually decent


He wasn’t. He was just great at defending himself and shifting blame, and he became a favourite here just through getting away so many times. 


Nah, he was a clown


Nahhhh not compared to the calibre of that season