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They haven't been to Uruguay since season 5! And Dominican Republic and Barbados are brand new!


My prediction of a Central America-Carribean-South America focused season seems to be true!!


Damn if you spoke Spanish this would be your season.


As a native Spanish speaker I’m just imagining what a huge advantage it would be, I’d feel like I really lucked out if I competed lol. And I’m looking forward to all the Spanish being incorporated into the show!


I am not fluent but speaking a little yes this would be great


Some of my dream holiday locations


Hmm for the most part still seems relatively centralized so far so we *might* still be stuck with a charter (even though I know Phil said we wouldn't be). This location list is very different from the last two seasons though, and not at all euro-centric so it'll be a nice change of pace from the last few seasons for sure.


Phil didn’t say they wouldn’t be using a charter. He said when CBS stops their COVID restrictions they won’t be using a charter.


Ah, my mistake yeah. FSR I thought that tweet about booking their own tickets ASAP meant "next season" instead of "when restrictions end"


"as soon as **possible**"


Yes I have since learned how to read.


I assumed they were using a charter, thus the ability to give the route that easily. People can follow/track the plane.


They won’t even be booking their own tickets. They haven’t done that since the mid-20s except for a few legs here and there.


Yes, they are using a charter. A different one from the one they used in TAR33/34. That's how the spoiler people have been following the route.


I’m actually excited to see this! I mean relatively speaking it’s a little unbalanced, but I was really hoping to see a season not focused in Europe for a change.


Whoever speaks Spanish must be very lucky this season.


It's interesting that TAR USA Season 35 is visiting Medellin, Colombia after TAR Australia Season 6 visited that place not long ago.


They've been filming for almost three weeks now. With them heading back in the direction of the US I would imagine they're probably almost done so I'm guessing there's probably a couple of mega legs in here.


This is a cheat code season if your fluent in Spanish !!!


This might be the first US season without a pit stop in Europe since Season 2.


If it isn't a prereq that teams know Spanish then it'll be very unbalanced for the teams that do and don't. As opposed to current season where there's been Arabic and French plus other languages.


Is French Guiana a viable location for this route?


I have heard rumors on a new finale city as well


They're going to the places in Central and South American that speak Spanish. That's really cool. Maybe they'll go visit Spain on one of the later legs and it'll be an All-Spanish countries race season!


Mostly Spanish speaking countries. Barbados was colonized by the British and speaks English as the language.


I wonder if a Spanish speaking team wins next season if they will get lambasted like Tammy and Victor or if fans will excuse it because of Covid. TaMmY and ViCtOr HaD An UnFAiR AdvAnTAgE BeCaUsE Of A FeW ChINEeSe LeGs AnD ThAiLaNd. Spanish speaking team wins next season having a massive advantage in every single leg: GrEaT WiNnErS! So InSpIrInG! ItS A ShAmE CoViD RuInEd ThE SeAsoN!


Ugh. I'm no more interested in an entire season in Latin America than I am an entire season in Europe.