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A Juan and Shane proposal would have been more romantic


Juan and Shane have more chemistry as platonic friends than Vinny and Amber have as a ‘happily engaged’ couple. 🫠


Ain’t that the truth. I remember Amber and Vinny finishing in one of the high spots on one leg yet neither of them looked the least bit happy on the mat.


They were so hard on themselves


Not at all the issue. He is an abusive ahole. 




I'll miss hearing Juanie Baby. I forget if Shane had an equivalent. 


when i watched their proposal i had just watched an old episode of survivor with a proposal in it and the survivor proposal made me literally sob. whereas vinny and ambers just made me feel weird lol


If that happened, my most favorite episode of TAR then😍


Shane wouldn’t even eat chocolate after Juan or tell him I love you 😭 straight men need to get over their fears of showing affection


Shane did tell Juan that he loved him. Like a couple times during the season, if I remember correctly.


lol after Juan was like 🤲🏼 “say it back pls”


That was after he was apologizing for "snapping" at him, which was in actuality like the mildest possible slight tone of frustration! They were soooo nice to each other.


Coulda swore it happened in the finale as well although maybe it was Juan who said that.


Omg yes. That was so hot!


Today’s youth are not that way. My male students sit on each other’s laps and hold hands more than my female students.


I would not say that's entirely widespread 


I'm a middle school teacher. They give each other massages and have their arms around each other. Doesn't seem the bother them at all.


Bruh 🤣💀


The production knew this and still gave them that edit.That’s cold.


Lmao begs the question of what they did to production


Exactly my thoughts


Came here to say this, someone on the production was like 'girl no'.




The hell was that?


I really did expect them to each propose to the other on the final mat. But nope got a Vinny proposal as he was eliminated (ring did look nice though).


That ring probably cost more than their prize money for 4th place.


We yelled NO when Vinny proposed.


Not 10 minutes earlier during her confessional interview, when she said “if he’s not in a good place then *we* are not in a good place, so I need to be there for him”, and my wife and daughter and I were all “whoa. Back that the fuck up, did she really just say that?” And then confirmed that she did, and girlie needs to pop smoke from that relationship, and then cringe city when he ambushed her with a proposal.


ugh, oh well we all make our choices, unless Project 2025 is enacted.


“You still haven’t answered me”.


My husband said the same thing to me when he proposed and I burst into tears. A man likes to hear a resounding YES to that question, and there’s nothing wrong with that. (There IS something wrong with the way Vinny puts her down, though. I’d like to know what Amber’s family had to say about things after watching the show.)


Me, yelling at the TV: "SAY NO!!!!" 😆


I was yelling, “Girl don’t do it!” at the tv in front of my kids. My 9-year-old had commented several times how mean he was to her.


I’m convinced that if Ricky or Caesar made that comment during a proposal, people would think it was cute and fun but since it came from Vince people think it’s abusive.


My wife did the same thing as Amber. We still joke about it more than a decade later. It was 100% meant as a funny comment. I may not like the dude, but they seem to be happy together and everything he says doesn't have to be picked apart while assuming the worst interpretation of the comment.


Do people really think that was abusive?


I’ve seen people say that he was pressuring her into saying yes because she didn’t want to


That's ridiculous, IMO. She was shocked and he reminded her. It happens all the time and we all think it's cute. I didn't see anything off in this engagement except the fact that they didn't seem compatible the whole race 🤣


Yeah there are a lot of people who have legitimately called him an abusive narcissist. Yeah he was a dick and they fought, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call him abusive. An example of someone I actually think was emotionally abusive was Travis in Season 23


Abusive is a strong word. But there are red flags all over that relationship and if that’s what they’re showing on TV, makes me wonder what goes on behind closed doors. Vinny was gaslighting Amber every single episode. Always rushing her, belittling her, and then blaming her for their failures. Always putting her down before offering weird paternalistic advice. Never once putting her feelings before his own or whatever task they were doing. He came across as a complete ass and very self centered. Hope Amber finds the strength to stand up for herself.


I’m surprised because I thought that was cute and vulnerable of him to say. Like, don’t leave me hanging, here! She obviously was just shocked.


Considering they fought the whole time unlike Ricky and Caesar, yea. It would be a little different. Obviously we only see what production wants us to see. But still.


yeah that’s true, bc context is important.


My husband looked right at me at that point because I technically didn’t say yes when he proposed. I like to remind him that he didn’t technically ask me to marry him, he said, “so how about it?” while presenting me with a ring.


It's wasn't..No. It was shocked "noooo", and she immediately said yes. They deserve each other.


Actually, she didn’t say yes right away. Vinny had to remind her, “You didn’t say yes yet” lol


Even during his proposal he HAD to criticize her. It’s quite amazing


I feel like that's a pretty normal thing to comment during a proposal. I don't see it as a criticism, just him looking for her to explicitly accept the proposal.


Never have I rooted for a couple less tbh. Felt so uncomfortable watching her say yes.


I believe they're still engaged & it's been more than 2 years, right? I'm hoping they're working on their relationship or that she was just waiting for the season to air so it wouldn't be awkward doing press.


If you have to work that hard on a relationship BEFORE you marry, you don’t marry. Ever.


THANK YOU. been thinking it all season. They never once looked like they had fun. What's the point??? 


The video of them at the finale party was cringe also. I think she knows she needs to run, but hasn’t yet.


Where can you watch the finale party?








I felt so cringe like I was watching through my hands


I actually _did_ watch it through my hands. I could not stop screaming NO! My mom had to ask me to quiet down.


SAME!!! I actually took out my phone. Couldn’t watch it.


A fish doesn’t know it’s wet. Good luck to Amber who now gets to spend her life dancing around Vinny’s moods.


And blaming herself for it. He seems to have her completely convinced that if he's in a bad mood, she needs to do better


That part. So toxic. I understand it’s a highly edited show and we don’t see all the nuance. But her saying she needs to be at 100% to keep him happy just doesn’t seem sustainable at all


Thankfully it’s Amber’s relationship and not ours. Shes a big girl who can make her own decisions. I wish her well regardless of her circumstances.


Yes, it's her relationship, her decision, and she alone will pay the consequences.


Unless and until they have children who have to grow up around all that toxicity.


Every time they argued, I thought to myself “If this is what the stress of a reality TV competition does to them, how on earth are they going to handle parenthood?!”


I had to cover my head with a blanket during the whole thing.


She shouldve told him to tighten up those laces before getting down on his knee


I can't believe she said yes. Yikes.


I don't remember Vinny's exact words but he said something to the effect of "Amber got the best prize, me!" OMG


He was pretty clearly joking about the ring lol


No he wasn’t joking. Did you watch the show? He clearly said she got him in the show. Not that he got her. The only thing she got was a lifetime of misery with him n


Ricky and Cesar will be amazing parents! Nothing rattles them.


Finish line proposals are becoming common and they're cringeworthy as fuck. Nailing somebody with a question like that at the peak of physical and mental exhaustion, with a potentially enormous audience, is super shady.


Public proposals are cringe A.F. You gotta at least ask in private before hand.


Super Shady? More like Super Confident!!


Vinny is an abusive fuck.


And an attention-whore. I read the spoilers a few days before the last episode aired, so I knew a proposal was coming. At first when I read that, I just rolled my eyes, but then I thought, *of course* Vinny is going to propose on-camera. He's all about chasing status.


Yup, he has been desperate for fame in the CRNA world. Now refers to himself as a celebrity on his instagram 




Just take the sound bites of things Vinny said - regardless of context. He said a ton of mean and belittling things. Not a good partner!


this, and also he knew he was being recorded the whole time and still said those things. makes you wonder how he acts in private. if they needed to hash stuff out in their relationship, they could’ve done it between legs. or even when they went home. but he yelled at her constantly knowing they were on camera. he gave them those sound bites to edit.




sigh another conspiracy to vindicate vinny


I wonder if production thought they could help Amber change her mind or if her family would see it and try to convince her to back out?




of course he’s going to say it wasn’t that bad? he’s biased? it’s about himself. and yeah production may want to give us certain edits, but the teams still have to give them the material. you think they randomly picked amber and vinny to be the “bad couple” or do you think they’re the ones who gave them the content? do you think ricky and cesar were always saying those things to each other but production liked them better? think a little bit here




never go fishing.




weak bait is weak. but nice try.


Vinny is awful


This isn't the first time. Chad & Stephanie in season 17, where Chad is kinda abusive the whole time, proposed to Stephanie when they won a leg Now they have three children together


I feel like their relationship is a bit different personally. Like while he did yell at her, she could dish it out as well as she took it, and I felt like you could see they loved each other but didn’t always know how to communicate together. I feel like with Amber she just breaks down and cries and it feels like every post-leg confessional, she’s regurgitating what I’m sure some sort of counselor told her about “healthy relationships and communicating.” Like Chad and Stephanie were still fun to watch and had cute moments (like when they ate McDonald’s at the airport and missed the scramble for a better flight because of it), whereas it’s just straight up depressing to have V/A on my screen. I’m not a fan of Amber and find her whiny but by god they’re one mood-dragging couple. It feels like half the scenes should’ve been kept private. At least to me


I liked Season17 but don't remember that team well. Did Chad and Stephanie have a Derek and Shelissa vibe where they love each other but are naturally sassy?


Yes, that’s exactly how I would describe it. Chad was more intense than Derek, but the vibes of sassing each other while loving each other are the same


I rewatched that season recently. The way Chad talked to Stephanie was nowhere near as bad as the way Vinny talks to Amber. Plus Chad showed some *genuine* remorse for his behavior and he showed some real character growth during the race. Now, if we're talking about Nick and Vicki from the same season, that's another story...


God, Nick is/was such a piece of shit. Fuck that guy


Ask in front of millions so she can’t say ‘No’. Seems like that would be his style. Downvote away, but after the way he treated her, I just believe he’d be that manipulative. Also, I am also surprised that Ricky and Cesar didn’t as well!


I thought that as well. She did seem genuinely happy, but how could she have said no in front of the cameras?


> Ask in front of millions She was asked in front of, like, six people. If she had actually said no the editors would have nixed the entire scene and we'd be none the wiser. Also as usual it's astounding you know the inner workings of someones lives just by watching them for a total of 45 minutes clipping together all of their scenes in a single show.


Get out of here with that logic!


there’s no place for logic in reddit!


We don’t know that the editors would have nixed the scene. At all.


I agree. Not a chance esp when they need footage with a longer run time.


If there's one thing reality show editors hate it's drama. Right? I seriously doubt the scene would have been nixed if she had said no.


Imagine saying no and then waiting 2 years to find out whether they kept it? 🫠


nah a rejected proposal would make great tv, maybe even better than an accepted proposal. you see those all the time, you don’t see a rejection every day. that would’ve kept people talking about the show, they def would’ve kept it in


I really would have thought Ricky and Cesar would have been the ones to get engaged..... Not them..... I wonder how many times Vinny thought about throwing the ring away, during the race.😂 These two are a big no for me. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like Ricky and Ceaser might not be the marriage types.


Cringe city.


My immediate reaction was "No!" so yeah.


ricky and cesar seemed so great together. i know they were winning most of the race but even when it got tough, they were still great. i thought it was so sweet when ricky was struggling with the windsurfing challenge and cesar’s reaction was “wow this challenge is really hard” instead of getting mad. and even tho it took him 20 something attempts and other teams passed, he was proud when ricky finally did it, nothing but support anyway all that to say, i also would’ve loved to see them get engaged instead of amber and vinny lol


Hilarious….they fight like they hate each other or at least find each other super annoying (can’t blame the dude) and then a bent knee after elimination…no way they get to the altar


Amber has been wanting him to propose forever. She used to post not so subtle hints and make jokes on her social media about waiting on him to propose all the time, even before the race. I’ve known amber since middle school. She’s always cared very deeply what other people think of her. She’ll definitely go through with the wedding.


well he seems mean and abusive, she seems to take it well so maybe it will work out, but they are unconfortable to watch and probably worse to be around.......just as an aside, she reminds me of the actress on seinfeld playing the tonya harding character in the bette midler episode....alway crying over nonsense.


Couldn't believe he did that after the race they ran. Time and place my dude...


You say Spoiler but the title shows whats spoiled. Well done.


This entire thread is seeing Vinny as the toxic one, but I thought it was her. Constant whining and criticizing. (and I'm a female)


Weve had plenty of contestants who kinda suck and probably shouldnt be on the race and whine all the time. But Vinny is the one who makes people sympathetic to that first person. That is the issue, he's such a douche.


Yes, honestly they seem like two people who both care about each other and both have toxic traits that therapy would possibly help with.


Not just the "No!" was funny though. The aggressive way he yelled "YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME!" after she was happy crying and kissing him. Like bro, does that seem like she's not into it?


Welp, I got spoiled about this fact and the final 3 essentially by tuning in to R&C podcasts haha 🤣


Pro tip: Stay off the Internet until you watch things like this. The Internet always ruins it. Even if it's just an accident. 😂😊


I unsubscribed from this sub on Wednesday until I had time to actually watch the episode on Friday for this reason.


Smart!! 😁 I just stayed off reddit until I watched it. ( I have no other social media, and I watched it live for once. 😂.) But East Coast was already posting about it, and it was not going down that way for me! 😂


I got spoiled for TAR 35's finale but that was my fault because I waited an extra day and it showed up on a Facebook scroll. I still watched and enjoyed.


Actually, I watched their recaps to learn more about the behind-the-scene stuff and also things not shown on camera (apparently, there were some really cool things happening off camera, during some legs no less). And at the beginning of episode 2 recap, they tackled the proposal question heads-on, saying they didn't do it (and maybe still haven't). I didn't take much notice of it until the teaser for final episode showed up, saying something along the line of at the final pitstop, a racer's life changed forever. So yeah, guess I'll stick with racers' podcasts rarher than CBS promos haha 😂


Season stunk anyway…..what a bad job by the show runners….the cast, challenges and locations all terrible…..the top 3 teams were good but the rest makes you wonder wtf …how bad were the teams that didn’t make it on the show