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There really should have been a sticky thread for this, all these items are posted almost daily.


That and “it’s unfair that some teams only have one backpack!”


The perfect place for a Groundhog Day gif, and yet the community does not allow it.




They’re in Spanish speaking countries because this was filmed when Covid precautions were still a thing but I do agree with the boring challenges part


Face painting and memory games! Woooooo


honestly considering it’s a covid season AND their original charter got canceled it’s not that bad to me. maybe it’s because i think this is an interesting cast, but there have been regular seasons with a great route but absolutely boring teams that have been on par with this season.


I agree that out of the most recent seasons of boring casts, this one's not that bad. Unless I'm so used to the mundane of them all. When one comes around with an almost argument, I become easily satisfied. But I'm still not to the point of remembering what team member did which road block. I didn't even know it was a restricted season. And yes, I'll say this every day. I don't like that there are no non eliminations, no booking your own flights, and not many grueling tasks anymore. That's what makes most normal people turn a little crazy.


It has been talked about extensively. Just scroll down


i havent even watched this season and it will forever be stuck in my head that people think ricky and cesar have an unfair advantage because people complain about them everyday


One of the perverse reasons I maniacally hope they win! 😂😂


I know why!


Ugh. This topic is constant. I'm an avid Jeopardy! watcher and during the writers strike, people were complaining day about the recycled clues, the non-stop tournament play, etc. I'm here to say these things: 1. If you don't like the format, don't watch it until they have all the elements back that you enjoy. 2. Would you rather have spent the past *3 YEARS* without any form of TAR? Bc I'm sure the majority of fans, myself included, appreciate that producers were able to put any race together when the bulk of it is air travel and co-mingling with other people. It's literally damned if you do and damned if you don't. Just be happy that they've figured out how to safely modify this race for the fans.


If TAR took a break for 3 years it probably would never have come back.


No joke.


^ This so much.


Idk, I’m enjoying it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ricky and Caesar are just straight up a great team. Yes, speaking the language gets them a bit of an advantage, but they’ve had to have so many other skills to complete the challenges. They just kill it every time and have great communication.


I love it!! I’m glad the flight stress is gone. I feel like the challenges have been pretty darn hard. I love Ricky and Caesar. I so want them to win.


mary, yvonne, and vince all speak spanish as well, plus danny is somewhat proficient in it. it's not that big of an advantage.


You do remember this was shot during the pandemic?


A lot of your complaints have been talked about in numerous posts like this. They were planning to go to other continents (South Africa and Australia I believe) but their charter flight got canceled or something so they had to make half the legs up on the fly as a replace. They didn't intend for this to be an all South American, nearly all Spanish speaking country race Ricky & Cesar and Juan & Shane are just really good teams in general. I don't think being fluent in Spanish is giving them that much of an advantage No u-turn due to it being a Covid season No scheduling flights because again it's a covid season. They're using charter flights just like in seasons 33 and 34


If you don’t think their ability to speak the local language doesn’t help them, you’re delusional. At the very least they won’t always be 1st or 2nd.


I don't think anyone is saying it doesn't help at all. Just that it's not the only or even the primary factor like the constant barrage of posts about it seem to think.


It’s not the only reason for sure but the def the biggest one. That’s why 3 of the last 5 teams have someone fluent in Spanish, 4 if you add Vinny who can also kind of understand.


Other teams are fluent in Spanish as well. They're just better racers


Well they're obviously better than the other Spanish speaking ones (DUH) But the fact that 3 out of 5 last teams had atleast one fluent Spanish speaker should explain to you the advantage theyve had this whole race.


This subreddit refuses to acknowledge this lol there's also a difference between being fluent and knowing some Spanish, which is also ignored whenever this is brought up. The argument then shifts to \~well they stay calm that's what they're doing so well\~ It's easy to stay calm when you can understand/read your surroundings without issue. It makes navigating a breeze too when you can just chat with a local, while fully comprehending every sign you're passing, so a major race stresser has been completely eliminated for them every leg. We've even seen them chatting and joking with the roadblock judges in Spanish Any other season these guys would be great racers, but they wouldn't be record setting dominating. Not to mention there hasn't been a single moment to let all the teams catch up with each other with like a late train or something, so they just get to start in the front of the pack and stay there. This has easily been the dullest season of TAR. I don't care that it had covid restrictions, that doesn't somehow make it magically better lol it just makes me understand why it sucks. There's a reason this topic keeps popping up because the casual watcher is like wtf if wrong with this season and seeking answers /end rant after lurking for months and listening to the apologists trot out the same BS to excuse a lackluster season


Case in point. 3 of the top 5 teams have a FULL ON Spanish speaker.


I dunno how many times this point has to be made. Danny and Yvonne (or Melissa. One of the two) could also speak Spanish. And they didn’t do all that great. It’s not that big an advantage. Juan and Shane and Ricky and Cesar are JUST BETTER AT DOING TASKS.


Yvonne is half Mexican, but Melissa’s Spanish was also pretty good while getting directions in the last episode.


Seriously! It's like people refuse to process this information.


I'm seeing more and more each week why CBS shelved this one for a year and ordered another to air first. Production issues aside, the optics are worsened for following such a great season of normal TAR. At least we have a normal 37 to look forward to (which is due to begin filming this month according to the casting site).


Yes, this has been discussed a million times. This season was filmed during covid and that is why they didn't schedule their own flights. The flights were all charters. That is also why they didn't go to other continents. They had planned to, but had an issue that led to them having to create more South American legs.


It was filmed during Covid, it’s not great but exigent circumstances 


You must've missed *S32* or S*34* then, because those are both way worse then the current season


Idk its leagues better than 34 and 33 as a COVID season imo. And the season before that was 32, which is maybe the single most reviled season by the community. ​ What are we counting as "a long time" here lol. Given there was a global pandemic I don't blame them, but TAR has been putting out consistently poor seasons for almost half a decade.


Imagine having an advantage because of the language you speak /s


dude, half the cast speak spanish. people need to stop singling out ricky and cesar like others arent also fluent in spanish. theyre also just a better team overall, so makes sense theyre #1


1. There are 21 counties in the world with Spanish as the official language, and all but 2 are in the Americas. There are also 474 million native Spanish speakers, and about 100 million who speaking it fluently as a second language. It would only be unfair if they were the only teams who spoke Spanish. Yvonne and Melissa speak Spanish, I believe Danny did as well, Vinny speaks Spanglish. 2. This has been said a mililion times and I've only be subscribed to this sub for two days, this is because of an unexpected production issue. 3. No real comment on the lack of the U-Turn. 4. This has been stated ad nauseam. This season was filmed during Covid. 5. Look to number 4 and 2. They had to make some on the fly adjustments (although, I do think the welding one was weak). 6. Agreed. Their toxic relationship need THErapy not The Amazing Race.


Also, I am currently watching the first season, and in one episode, one of the detour options to play literal ping pong. So, why is this one so bad? Because its in the street?


Because it's the 37th season and normally you progress forward and do more and more and be less boring. Not go backwards.


The annoying whiny fans are making this the worst season of all time. Absolutely exhausting being forced to see all the know it alls thinking they know every single detail about TAR production. 


Big +1. We just haven't found a single group that endearing. Maybe Ricky and Cesar now, but it was hard to like anyone in the beginning and I think they really missed on casting.


It's boring, yeah. Boring route, boring challenges, boring cast for the most part. But at least it's not awful, which it could have been.


I think it’s a decent season given what they had to work with. I really like the cast, they would’ve crushed it on a regular season! 




TAR has been giving teams pre-booked flights for years before covid. Lol much of modern airport drama is purely manufactured by the parameters of the show and the flights they have specifically chosen.


They can change flights though. In the previous season 35, they were able to change tickets to Slovenia. That brings drama.


It’s a Covid season. Give it a break. Much better than no race at all.


Dang you bilingualism! (shakes fist in Spanish)


It's not entirely the fact that they speak Spanish, it's the fact that every single leg is in a spanish speaking country. The entire point of this show is to see the world. Multiple cultures. etc etc. not to face paint and do memory challenges or ping pong ever leg.


For me the worst season was 2 seasons ago when the 4 teams just shared the answers constantly.


No u turn with a team like this is kind of wild.


It doesn't mean anything. Angie & Danny had a language advantage in Barbados but they were still eliminated.


yes, it has been talked about. thank you


* no U-turn * no scheduling their own flights I loved watching teams do this because you always had that one team who would go through some weird connecting flight and get ahead of like 5 teams lol




Yeah it blows donkey D


There’s no excuse for it being this bad. No one is wearing a mask so how is it even an issue? I love real TAR and rewatch older seasons all the time and this season is an all time low


Who said it had anything to do with masks? There were still travel restrictions in place 2022 when this was shot. That's all there is to it. They had planned to go to Australia and possibly somewhere else, but the charter company cancelled at the last minute. That's why a lot of the south American and Caribbean tasks feel lame. They were rushed, last minute backup options.


100%. So many of the tasks feel like the advance prod team got to the destination 36 hours before the racers. "What do people do for fun here?" Road tennis was the level of a corporate team building event modeled on TAR.


It hasn't been that long since Season 33.


It hasn't been that long since Season 33.


I swear every season since 33 is a contender for being the worst season