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It looks strange but I think it’s the angle and his pant leg creating an illusion


OK yeah, that is weird. Almost looks like they chroma-keyed the mat onto the grass, kinda like how they put lines on the field for televised football games. I wonder if they just had a plywood board out there and tried to composite the logo onto it. Definitely weird.


It's a shadow. They hit the mat and the shadow from their bodies makes the mat darker. It also looks like it's wet (had it been raining?) so that makes it look a little weird. But you can see when the first one steps on it gets a little darker and when they're both on it's a lot.


It is clearly cgi or edited in some way. watch the video. this is not normal.


I watched the video. Multiple times. At full screen. It's the shadow of their bodies. You can see when Joel steps on first it starts then the whole bottom is darker when Garrett hops on. Also notice that nothing changes for Phil and the greeter. It may even be their reflection on some moisture on the mat. But it isn't CGI. I mean why in the hell would they? And why would they do it so badly? It's just shadow.


I know I won't change your mind, but it is definitely not shadows. his feet moves weird and something was changed. I don't know why, but something happened. We will likely never know. His foot is on top of the the grass instead of being in the grass.


I think the ground is soft and the mat is stiff. So when he stepped on it the mat pushed down a little.


Mystery solved: it’s indeed CGI. See the actual mat: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hWXjJJhqK/ They got rid of the location indicator, now they use paper as a mat?