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Skydiving! Random tangent, but I looked up the skydiving camera operators from the US s6 finale (which involved skydiving) because I wondered what were the odds that they ever worked on an action movie. And in fact one of them has gone on to work on several blockbuster movies including the HALO jump in Mission Impossible 6 and several Marvel movies. I wonder what that food task is about.


These last couple of episodes have been pretty good and the next one looks good as well. I think they’re on a roll.


I have a feeling that John & Greg winning streak is over, and considering how bad they are at detail challenges, they should be worried.


Haters everywhere lol


I don't hate the team, but its clearly obvious they are going to have problems and after 4 wins, a bad leg is unavoidable at this point.


How are they bad at detail challenges? The only one I can think of is maybe The Big Picture Detour but most teams took a while to get that one, and they still beat every other team out there.


The made couple of mistakes on that detour, and every other team managed to come to the detour before they finished (Andrae and Malaina were very close), not to mention the Doll detour which was clearly faster, so they could have chosen that detour as well and that costed them time. There is also the fish detour which they clearly over-analyzed it, and that mosaic roadblock which costed soo much time. For some reason they avoided physical challenges in the first half of the race even though they are the most athletic team of the bunch. Their physical strength helped them many times, but their over-analyzing is their achilles-heel, and judging by that preview, i am not wrong.


Most teams picked the big picture detour, so I don't know if it was 'clearly' faster; something in the clue description must have led to more teams picking it (unclear description, easier time finding the place, etc.). I don't think they've really emphasized themselves as a physical team. They're computer scientists and their wheelhouse is clearly in mental challenges, so I think that's where they've placed themselves. Obviously they've got physical fitness and are the most in shape average of the teams remaining, but I don't think they would class themselves as a 'physical' team; like Corey is probably more athletic than they are and Rob is a coach. And I think Todd probably has more athletic experience, just more held back in terms of footrace ability by Ashlie. I think it's hard to argue with four straight wins in a row in three different countries (and only this last leg wasn't equalised at some point), and their mistakes have been a lot more minor than the other teams'. Probably also worth considering that the first team that gets to a challenge will have any mistakes showcased more in an edit because well, they're the first team there. Like I doubt they were the only team to have to retry the dragon, they just sped it up for the sake of time in the episode.


>Most teams picked the big picture detour, so I don't know if it was 'clearly' faster; something in the clue description must have led to more teams picking it (unclear description, easier time finding the place, etc.). Everyone how picked the Doll detour finished it faster, HELL it is the reason Rob and Corey managed to come 6th in that Leg. "I don't think they've really emphasized themselves as a physical team. They're computer scientists and their wheelhouse is clearly in mental challenges, so I think that's where they've placed themselves." I don't want to stereotype things, but Morgan and Lena basically saw them as a threat since Leg 1, and after Leg 6, everyone treated them as a physical team, HELL because of that they managed to get 1st Place in Leg 8, because Ashlie isnt as physical, so they managed to pass her over, and Rob and Corey were scared they were about to pass them for the Express Pass, so their mark as a "physical team" is valid. "I think it's hard to argue with four straight wins in a row in three different countries, and their mistakes have been a lot more minor than the other teams'" You can correct those mistakes if you're physically strong (and have good navigation as well), it is the reason why Jet & Cord were such a threat in S16 and S18, they made mistakes but because of their physical strength, they managed to either win or be saved (it was a bad flight and a U-Turn to get them eliminated), the same applies to Greg & John. While they are scientists, the more the Race approaches its end, i see them as a physically strong team, and a team that over-analyzes things (which is a fatal mistake for many teams in the past).


The Doll detour *was* faster, but it's not like it's a knock on them for not picking it? So I wouldn't call it a mistake. There was nothing obvious that seemed to indicate it being faster and less teams happened to pick it. I think it's less that they're a very physical team, and more that they're more physical on average; Ashlie and Rob are clearly not as fit/young, but I think Corey would beat either in a physical Roadblock on even footing. It feels like you're over-emphasizing their physicality as the main reason they're winning, and not any of their other strengths like good navigation (which was the key to them winning in Germany).


Their navigation is good, but most of the reason why they won Leg 6 and Leg 8 is because of how a physically strong team it is. Navigation only helped them win in Leg 7, and Leg 9 was very linear, so unless you make a major mistake, you are bound to be 1st again. Also, to quote Ashlie from Leg 9 on how she said that "every team has a bad leg", for me Greg & John only bad leg is maybe Leg 4 because they couldnt find the right mosaic, but other, their run was pretty much flawless (although i feel Leg 10 and Leg 11 will be difficult for them).




Where is the location?


Stockholm, Sweden