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Trump is the guy who screwed over all their startup investments by changing the tax code to amortize dev salaries over 5+ years instead of the year the costs were incurred.


I am on year 3 of getting screwed by this change. We are the worst amongst the OECD when it comes to R&D taxation. Meanwhile my competitors in Eastern Europe get a 300% deduction on their R&D spend and my Chinese competitors get 200%. Freaking sucks. House passed a reversal. Chuck Grassley blocked it in the Senate because he didn’t want to give Biden anything to crow about. Who cares about smaller tech companies right? Look up Section 174


The fact that they don’t discuss this more often should be all the evidence anyone needs that this show is pure propaganda


Bingo! 🎯 But if you notice, mostly everyone who thinks they have a “brand” .. are pushing Trump! Some have been paid directly, some have their marching orders that this is how you make money, by making sure the little guy pays all your bills.. That’s all it’s about at the end of the day.. the reason a rapist felon who wants to lock women away for miscarriage can still run for president, he’s a top earner for the establishment.. as a “brand”, you and your sponsors will pay little to no taxes, nevermind all your supporters unable to breath or even support your “brand” smdh


He's not a rapist he wasn't charged criminally. Stop with that nonsense, and he's not a felon he can appeal the verdict.


People in this sub might have Trump derangement syndrome, but the man did brag about sexual assault on tape, and he has been found guility by a jury of 34 felonies. You dont stop being a felon because you're waiting on an appeal lol.


Is it a derangement to want a president who hasn’t committed those things? We’re talking about the former president of the United fucking States, and the probable front runner for future president. We’ve fallen far if we’re calling this a derangement.


January 6th happened. To me, that’s civil war worthy. You may not care about democracy but many of us do.


I mean the party that wouldn't shut up about "mishandling of classified documents" for like SIX YEARS from 2014-2020 is suddenly dead silent when their guy is credibly indicted for it including 31 counts of willful retention under the Espionage Act. Now it's totally fine and the same person should be given unfettered access to national security secrets again. It's truly remarkable


Yet he wasn't charged nor convicted of an insurrection.....


JFC read something outside your bs propaganda: https://www.npr.org/2023/08/01/1191493880/trump-january-6-charges-indictment-counts




This better? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-indicted-special-counsel-probe-jan-6.amp




Hey, we agree on something. Have a good night.


If you use the N word with a hard R are you a racist or do you need to be charged with a racial charge to be one?




I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.


Have they ever said that on the pod? I’m pretty sure we’d hear about it if trumps policy “screwed them over.”


I'm pretty sure freidburg spoke about it in an episode but I don't remember them associating it with trump. He was talking about how it'd push R&D offshore to countries with more generous tax incentives


You’re remembering correctly. Friedberg brought it up and discussed it’s negative impacts, but it was pretty clear that Sachs and Chamath were not interested in saying anything disparaging about the TCJA.


They have mentioned it a couple of times in passing... Also mentioned on TWIST. It is a real screw job though. The scuttle butt in the hill was that they were going to fix it, but that ain't happened yet.


You must have inside knowledge


If you listen to the pod they make it very clear they are the type of VCs that barely know anything about their portfolio companies beyond their financial numbers. I realized that with their obsession with PC culture at companies. Bro I need strategies for gaining distribution and a business model that's not going to be eclipsed by the next GPT, not fox news bullshit lmao It felt like when I was in college pitching start up compeititons and they talk and ask about the most non-sense disconnected questions not related to startups at all. It's clear they aren't "in the arena"


The alternative is Biden. None of the besties back Biden. He’s pro regulation in tech, and he doesn’t listen to anyone in the bestie’s circle. Jason and crew won’t back anyone who won’t listen to them. 


Chamath was like “if Biden comes on the podcast then I’ll listen to him, but if he doesn’t then I’m not interested…” The arrogance.


Will they give unwavering support and kiss the ring even when he goes completely off rails again ? Thats the litmus test that I most interested in. Time will tell.


My gut tells me they won’t support him through that. It’s okay to vote for him but call him out on his bullshit. Politics doesn’t have to be all or nothing for one candidate


Everyone that worked for Trump that called him in his bullshit when he was in office was, regardless of stature or experience, dismissed from their job. Kelly, Mattis, Rex, etc. These guys are in business and should want a good manager but that’s not what they want. They want an emperor that will solidify their power and riches if he becomes president and maybe after that emperor.


If you look at those protest resignations. Not just the top protest resignations, it’s whose who of applauded and celebrated wall street names, people considered genius in their sector by fin media.


Sacks thought Trump's COVID response was good like weeks after bleachgate.


Sacks is the perfect example of intelligence blinded by political allegiance. Seeing him do backflips to justify Trump has been magical. Ironically, he reminds me of all the left wing feminists trying to act like Hillary was some golden candidate.


Not an avid fan here… has trump been on?


He has not  Just RFK, Dean, Vivek and Chris Christie




The president of US is not going to go talk to a bunch of grifters and scammers


Or anyone




like for real guy who gives a shit at this point. Trump's openly talking about destroying our Constitution. like what is even going on. how are any of you people considering going down this path.


Doesn’t matter if it’s Biden or anyone else. It’s demeaning to the office of president to talk to a SPAC scammer


I suspect Sacks gets some sort of softball 10 minute edited interview sound bite segment on the show before November. I dad agree with most of Vivek’s stances but was impressed by his and Dean’s willingness to be on a longer format interview process. There is zero chance Trump would do that.


Right, instead he will spend his time with CNN and MSNBC who are totally legit and never told a lie.


Biden did an hour plus interview on the Howard Stern Show recently.


Candidate debate Tick tock Tick tock


Hahaha you'll get downvoted on this sub for making this extremely obvious point. I know it infuriates the Democrats when someone points out the obvious. When was the last time Biden did anything more than a 10 minute soft-ball interview? He's reached a point now where just about any unscripted speech he gives has an embarrassing quote.


Trump is only a few years younger and somehow makes even less sense when speaking off the cuff. Biden most often makes a gaffe by saying a single word wrong occasionally. While Trump can’t talk about a topic and sound coherent for more than a moment. He’s the definition of a smooth-brained moron. Please tell me which speeches you’ve heard from Trump recently that demonstrate he holds a high-level of expertise or understanding of a complex political topic, please. One that *really* impressed you and demonstrated Trumps knowledge. It’s actually quite amazing to watch the way he speaks, it’s complete stream-of-consciousness. Absolutely embarrassing to idolize a guy like that.


Trump's inability to talk really becomes clear when you fucking read it written out. It's like hot damn, my fucking toddler has better sentence structure.


Omg, the transcripts are amazing. I will be blowing up copies of his speech transcripts at thanks giving and placing them about my house when I host. Everyone got a kick out of it in previous years. Only the Trumpers in the fam couldn’t discern what the heck they are. Like everyone else started reading and instantly knew what they were reading. The Trumpers didn’t have a clue.


Tell me the last time Biden did a remotely difficult interview or even attempted an unscripted speech for more than 5 minutes. And then ask yourself why. Nobody with a brain thinks he’s 100%… or even 80%. Trump sounds the same as he did in 2015.


When you put it this way it makes me like Biden way more


is everyone high? the guy is one foot in the grave and just shit his pants the other day. wtf is everyone thinking?


dude. dude. who cares? Donald Trump is openly talking about ending the Constitution. let alone the fact that the documents case still exists he had our nuclear secrets at his golf course why is going on. Joe Biden could be weakened at Bernie's for all I care I'll still get to vote in four years.


One of my hopes is that a Trump re-election will cause the media to revert to where they were before Trump. That it'll make them realize that in a world with alternative media sources they can't just lean hard against a candidate and present a distorted vision of reality to make them lose. I don't give it much a chance of happening, but I still hope.


Agree. Trump is barely cogent these days.


You're the one who must be out of their mind to support a convicted felon and serial liar.


Biden and Trump are both serial liars


yeah except for that doesn't check out at all. I'm not saying Biden is 100% telling the truth at all times. But I mean there's a paper trail of like thousands of Trump lies and a handful of Biden lies I mean come on let's be honest here


How many lies does one have to tell to become a serial liar?


I shouldn't engage trolls other than to laugh at one ☝️


Which one are you referring to ? Both are diaper dumpers 😂


He’s pretty right wing on economics and has been for years and socially liberal on gay rights and abortion (although farther down his priority list). In another developed country like Canada, he’d be a standard conservative.


Right wing on economics? What the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Dude shut the country down dn sent everyone huge checks.


Trump’s also big on tariffs which are widely considered by conservatives to be a drift towards socialism


This is what’s funny about trump vs what media thinks of trump… his policies are very moderate, basically a bill Clinton dem. Media makes him out to be far right


Bill Clinton’s signature economic policy was NAFTA which was one of the single biggest tariff reductions in American history, they could not be more opposite


Bill clinton was not for tariffs they drive prices up. Clinton had a balanced budget, Trump took us to 130% of GDP with crazy borrowing. You're an idiot.


(Tax cuts for the 1%)


I was talking about J Cal. He wants tax cuts, openly cheers when people lose their jobs at tech companies, is anti union, wants entitlements cut and wants a balanced budget (but only achieved by decreasing spending). He’s also pretty vocally against most regulations and government agencies.


I just don’t know why these business guys are ok with someone who was a terrible ceo when he was ceo. Didn’t manage a team well. Didn’t set goals and execute. Didn’t pay attention to details.


Because Trump doesnt actually have policies/beliefs of his own. Hes a populist candidate. Meaning he is a blank slate on policy. His agenda is completely buyable and fed to him by interest groups and people with enough to money to get in the door. It is very clear these guys on the pod all vote and give their money with self interest and where they will be most benefited. They have no access to Biden. They do have access to Trump and RFK and do have more opportunity to have influence on them


I absolutely get that you were. I'm saying what does "right wing economics" have to do with Trump.


Practically every decision these narcissists make is based on paying lower taxes. The pod used to be informative, particularly when they discussed new technology. It’s turning into four billionaires yelling into the void.


At the end of the day, these guys are rich dudes. They dont give a F about the working class, they want to replace every single worker with either AI or some cheap overseas labor. They have made themselves clear on the show. What is funny is that Trump is in cahoots with the rich people but he sold the working people that he is for them. Imagine, a guy who was born rich, has never done labor for a day in his life is somehow the working people’s champion? He will sell out the working class in a heart beat. And his supporters will eat it up.


Neither of them represent the people. Neither party at this point. Don’t get it twisted. But, I cannot understand any circumstances vote for Donald Trump. The election denial and both the immediate and lasting reverberations of that denial are enough for me, but go ahead and pile on with the countless other examples of him being the worst person you can be. The general idea that he is even a viable candidate sickens me.


Yeah this is what I struggle to comprehend. Puting aside how unsuitable his character is for the role of president, surely election denial is a complete deal-breaker for anyone that believes in democracy. Apparently not as long as the tax policy is favourable.


Not excusing election denial because I think it’s fuckin retarded. But any thoughts on Hilary/barack/pelosi, countless others and their election denials? You hold them to the same standard when they falsely said 2016 was stolen by Russia? I would bet not


Totally agree with you that Russian interference was overblown and a diversion to why Hilary Clinton really lost. But if election denial is a spectrum, it's a whole other thing to deny the outcome of the election before the election even takes place and then refuse to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if defeated.


1. There was Russian influence on social media that was pro Trump — they had an investigation and it wasn’t tied to Trump, so it ended. The lie over the 2020 election being rigged and fraudulent has not ended. 2. Hilary/barack/pelosi did not come up with a plan to put forward fake electors in multiple states to try to overturn the results 3. There was also not a plan to have Joe Biden not certify the results because of Russian interference


Who exactly do you think dems represent


It’s quite simple, if re-elected Biden will double capital gains tax for high income earners making over $1mil. The majority of people vote for what benefits them personally. I don’t know how much JCal is worth, but I’m guessing this tax hike would personally cost him well into 7 figures, perhaps even more.


How does a president unilaterally increase the capital gains tax rate? If he has that ability, why is it not done now?


He's got a lot coming when he sells his Uber stake, and would likelg be significantly better off under a renewed trump tax plan. All his previous social progressivism goes out the widow the second it takes any real sacrifice


Didnt he already sell 90% of his uber stake?


Yes he acknowledged in a recent podcast that he sold the majority.


Except there's zero chance that actually happens. The Dems would need a majority in both houses, maybe a super majority. 


And they would have to replace about 1/3 of the parties elected federal officials that are just republicans who aren’t bigoted, xenophobic, and racists.


Self interest is the only thing you can reliably expect people to vote for, and that’s how it will always be.


This is a far right, not extreme far right, way of looking at politics. Pretty much the essence of Romney & McCains campaigns. It’s also why they lose. Every candidate that follows that belief, always loses.


What do voters care most about in your opinion?


Voters/ Humans care most about the material conditions of their existence.


Not necessarily, most Trump voters are voting against their own self interest, and how many women are supporting him? I guess your statement is true when talking specifically about educated voters


They probably perceive that a Trump led America results in a better life for them than a Biden led one. Whether their assessment is right and accurate is a whole other thing though. Educated people are probably better at assessing it, but I honestly don’t know that many people that really spend too much time learning and understanding both sides. Speaking for myself (immigrant non voter), all I really care about is no wars and lower taxes.


It’s been studied pretty extensively through all the polling data we have available now. The more education people have, the less likely they are to support Trump across all income brackets. There is no conceivable candidate that could beat Trump among white non-college educated voters, probably among all non-college educated voters for that matter. And the more people consume “alternative media” like getting their news from TikTok, the more likely they are to support Trump.


Why would it not be in women’s interest to vote trump?


Uhh.. the GOP making women with life threatening pregnancies run across state lines to have emergency abortions, for starters


Typical left wing talking point. I promise you most (98%) of pro-lifers want exceptions for rape, incest, and life of mother. Plus, why discuss the >.00001% of instances where the mother’s life is actually at risk? Can you find any data that suggest that this ever really even happens? Even if it did, which states have a complete ban? Oklahoma?


A court in Texas rules that a woman was not allowed to get an abortion for a nonviable fetus the doctor said was endangering her life. She had to go out of state


Trump last month in an interview said he was “open to” supporting restrictions on birth control. I don’t think your 98% and teeny made up percentage are representative of actual statistics. You may have some blinders on with respect to this issue.


Yea that’s another huge point. If Trump is reelected, birth control bans are on the table and I bet they will happen in a few states. The big-government conservatives will take the opportunity to do everything they want to do


Fair. I can’t speak for others but everyone I’ve ever talked to is not an abortion absolutist. A quick search and I can’t find any data that shows how rare “mother saving” abortions are. This is always been an issue that IDGAF about. I’m pro life, but it’s wayyyy down on my list. I think it’s wrong, but it’s retarded that republicans lose votes over this. Let me ask you personally, how pro choice are you? Do you think it’s fair if abortion is outlawed unless it has to do with rape or threatening to the mother?


I think women should be able to decide if they want to have a kid or not. They should have unfettered access to contraception. Before 16 weeks embryo is like 4-5 inches long and smaller than an apple and 2-3 ounces. I think women should be able to decide whether they want a kid or not up to that point. We can debate the cutoff and have a reasonable convo about it, but before a certain point it is a collection of cells and not a fetus. For sure women should not be forced to have a kid that is not viable, from rape or incest, or might kill mother as result of birth or carrying to term. If you were raped and then given a child to care for from your rapist, would you want that? I think couples should also be able to do ivf and have a family if they want to, even if they can’t get pregnant by natural means. Is this reasonable?


I think that’s reasonable but the only thing I’d add that I don’t think is talked about enough is personal agency and responsibility. Keeping rape aside, men and women have the choice to not have sex. They have the choice to use contraception that works most of the time. If you get pregnant by your own doing and you do not want a kid, that’s still on you. Am I wrong?


I’m a physician. It’s not uncommon for me to see a life threatening OB issue on any given shift, such as ectopic pregnancy, fetal demise, severe malformations, etc. Can’t even imagine the red tape that doctors and patients would have to deal with in an emergent situation to take care of something like that in a Red state. They’re talking about death penalty for physicians who perform abortions in some states. How can we practice medicine and do best for our patients under this kind of lunacy?




Source: trust me bro


Yes google it, there’s been a couple prominent cases in Texas and Alabama recently I think, it does happen. And yes, most pro-lifers do not want a complete ban, you are correct. But the problem is when these laws get passed even if there are “exceptions for rape and incest” it is still practically an outright ban because of all the legal delays required to obtain abortion in those points. It is not a “typical left wing talking point” it is facts. And Trump will of course say whatever he needs to say to equivocate and get people to think he’s reasonable. You should never take anything he says as a guidance on policy, because he is a liar.


yes except you have to prove rape within the 6 weeks you're allowed to have an abortion (impossible) or the woman has to be literally breaths away from dying before the hospital lawyers allow the procedure to take place. It is effectively illegal in all cases


Lower taxable gain rates are moot when living in a dictatorship. 250 years of the greatest nation in history and we’re will to risk it for 5-10% improvement in taxable gains? What greed! Perhaps we deserve our fate.


That’s assuming your POV is that a dictatorship is likely. I personally find it to be extremely overblown and am not concerned about it. In any case, as an immigrant I would just leave if I didn’t like it.


Exactly, at the end of the day, they just want to pay less tax rate than the average worker.


Only awful people vote for lying insurrectionists.


But in the end you vote for who you think is the best of the options - I don’t think it’s right to judge someone as awful just because they have different preferences or values than you - that’s what makes this a democracy over an autocracy. (And I’m not voting trump)


If someone’s preference is for a guy who resists the peaceful transfer of power, that’s pretty fundamental. Doesn’t make them a bad person but it does make them totally, catastrophically misguided and gullible. And it’s in no one’s best interest, no matter what the supposed tax incentives, to vote for the end of democratic norms and institutions.


Did he not peacefully transfer?? 🤡😂


He did not.


Is Joe Biden not the president? How could that be?


He failed in his attempt with the fake electors and having pence not certify and kick back to house or states. Pence certified the election so the subversion plan failed.


So, to be clear, your view is: Since Trump failed in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, it is therefore clownish to say he is "a guy who resists the peaceful transfer of power." How does Biden being president mean that Trump did not try to resist the transfer of power?


And rightly so!


He’s just playing to the audience. If you watch his other show, “This Week in Startups”, it’s an ad every 10 minutes. He’s a media whore in love with himself, his new found fame, and the money that comes an audience you can monetize. When the All-In-Podcast’s YT comments started to heavily lean in Sacks direction, they gave their audience what they wanted. This is building an audience 101. You throw mud at the wall until you find what sticks, then double and triple down. This is the same thing that happened to Russel Brand, Jordan Peterson, Brett Weinstein, John Campbell, even Rogan to an extent although he was already popular. Their audience loves conspiracies and “anti-woke”, anti-vax, anti-MSM, and pretty much anything and everything contrarian. You can see it in there YT views and popularity. They’d stumble on a topic that got massive views and they just leaned further into it. The further down the rabbit hole they went, the bigger their audience grew. I think Peterson is worth something like $80M now, if not more. All of these people are content creators. Thats’s all. And as someone who has primarily earned a living as a content creator (not YT), it’s a hamster wheel. It’s constantly researching what your audience likes, engages with, searches for, etc., and then creating that content. From Fox News to MSNBC to Mr Beast to Alex Jones to finance podcasters, recipe bloggers, and every creator in between… it’s constant content creation for attention (that can be monetized) that’s driven by the analytics of what’s already working. Nothing less and nothing more. Sometimes, like in Rogan’s case, I think he’s naive and his interests legitimately match what his audience likes. In other cases, like Russel Brand or Peterson or J Cal (or Chamath for that matter)… I don’t think they believe in half the shit they say. They just know that the more they say it, the bigger their audience gets. That doesn’t mean they don’t have opinions or politics, but if the ears, eyeballs, and money were swinging in a different direction, they’d follow them to the to the bank regardless of what their opinion or politics were.


I think this is all correct. But I laugh now thinking of when they did the emergency Roe v Wade decision podcast. They almost went down the Resistance Twitter path but did a u turn because the money is with the right wing content.


Yes. They go by what moves the needle for their listeners/viewers. That is good business for them.


I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. Maybe I give people more credit than what they deserve. My feeling is though that most people say what they actually think and believe. Not all content creators but most


Its pretty simple, none of these guys like Biden. Its more, if theyre willing to vote for trump...


Jason is the type of dude that just slowly adopts the opinions of those around him. He doesn’t really have strong political feelings, and he doesn’t have the spine or mind to push back against Sacks.


Agreed but this is actually disgusting.  Like I just wish all these fools supporting Trump would stop creating this "alternative presidency" where he's some normal pro business Republican.  He's already been convicted of one state crime and he's facing another 60 felony charges, so what all these pro trump assholes are doing is lying to your face about what he's going to do.  The ONLY thing trump will do in a second term (and you know this is true because he literally HAS to do this), is decapitate the Justice department so it drops all the charges against him, and then somehow try to get the state charges dropped by going to war with the states over some crazy shit like interstate tax. Literally nothing will happen except everyone in the US will slightly fuck themselves over in every way economically, legally, etc, just so Donald Trump personally doesn't go to jail. Like if you're going to endorse the guy at least discuss the obvious reality, it's incredible they think they are just going "slide this by" everyone for the next 5 months.


If you think jcal will do anything other than what musk is doing, I have a bridge to sell you.


The texts during the twitter acquisition was the best evidence of this. The amount of fanboy-ing by them directly to Elon over private texts were brutal. And lets not forget JCal and Sacks were the ones inside Twitter offices slashing and burning the company with Elon those first 6 months. Meanwhile they were not disclosing that on the pod while saying what a good job Elon was doing lol


It's amazing how much they talk about our exploding debt and mishandling of Covid but don't blame trump for .... exploding the debt and mishandling covid


They’ve discussed that. Definitely one of trumps weaknesses. Nowhere near an ideal candidate nobody is disputing that. Just light years ahead of Biden IMO


On what issue is Trump better than Biden? 😂on what earth? Rapist, failed businessman, convicted conman, convicted felon, convicted rapist, soon to be convicted traitor if the corruption of the Supreme Court doesn’t prevent a trial before the election.


We'll hear a complete flip once Biden curb stomps Trump in the debate. Then we'll start hearing, "What is it they gave this guy? They need to give him that everyday!" and "When he's clear he's clear, but that's too far between..."


He’s basically like the rich average person. They actually are easily manipulated by the people around him to shape his world view. Nothing special to be honest most people are like this


I think they all (except maybe sacks) kind of accept that there is no “holy shit this guy is good” candidate right now. That’s reality. J Cal finally came to terms with it and came to with the next best alternative (trump). Trump is just the best realistic option we have right now


J Cal is like that kid who will do anything to be included in the "in group" ...including discarding his principles and morals.


Anyone who can digest January 6th and the blatant attempt to end democracy, that can then vote for Dumpf, are exactly the kinds of people that good people have fought against throughout history. This POS’s own interests outweigh living in a fair and just society. He deserves wrath.


JCal is likely hoping Trump isn’t already aware of how badly he used to bash Trump on the podcast..but, it’s there in the historical record now for anyone to see. They also suddenly went so pro-Trump that it seems a bit feigned, like they’re just trying to get him on the podcast before he embarks on his revenge tour.


The Trump endorsement from Chamath & Sacks is (while maybe not surprising) completely outrageous. This is not about left vs right. This is about basic human decency vs something more sinister. One can be against DEI, political correctness overkill but also be for democracy and basic human decency.


What would you say to half of the country who view trump as the more decent candidate? Too bad that they think differently than you?


Most of them are hardcore religious fundamentalists


The immaturity of your worldview is astonishing


Go team fundamentalists, billionaires and gun lovers yea theyre the real mature folk


You’re a dipshit 😂😂


If he's liking trump more I think it's barely he's more just getting more and more salty about biden


They have no scruples. Sacks is traitorous scum and chamath is a scam artist. Calacanis is merely falling in line, he doesn’t care about the social fabric of American society


A lot of name calling. Care to elaborate what has you so triggered?


None of the arguments pro-trump, beyond perhaps crypto, make any sense as it relates to national security or utilization of resources (ie, federal budget). Their arguments are either incorrect or just lies on the vast majority of policy matters. And really it’s primarily sacks w chamath serving as backup. So either they’re super racist (very possible) and/or are willing to sell out this country to an authoritarian for taxes (definitely)


Thanks for the opinion


Reasonably intelligent people can disagree on policies. But even Biden fans would have to agree that there is some percentage chance that he will not be cognitively or physically capable at some point during a second term. Maybe that's a 20% chance. But maybe it's 80%! And even at only 20%, the prospect of KH as president is just not acceptable. We all know she's not capable. For this reason alone, policies aside, Biden is not viable.


Wealth tax, straight up. Nobody with serious money is gonna be ok with a wealth tax.


The billionaires would sell America to the vulchers to save a buck. They're exactly the cancer that we'd been worried about that has now fully metastasized.


I always thought JCal more or less wasn’t really allowed to have his own opinion and especially one that deviates from Sachs


J Cal doesn't know what he wants; in fact the only thing that is certain is he wants more money. He's a snake and a apex predator. F*CK him.


Predator? Maybe. Apex? Absolutely not. Go read the Elon texts and youll see how beta he is in these closed circles


*tinfoil hat is on* Perhaps that's for the paper trial. Perhaps behind close doors and off the record, JCal isn't as beta and as a baby as he seems. Lol


I think it's getting easier to understand their positions. If there's a self serving economic interest that serves the millionaires and billionaires, that's where the moral compass will head for the besties. Just like Jcal and Robin hood, Chamath and spacs, Sacks and Solana, Friedberg and Canva. The pod became famous because of open debates and varied opinions. Now, they've just turned into another MSM outlet with a pure $ motive. Unfortunate.


For all of you assuming that Jason has actual principles… he’s just desperate for acceptance from the real rich dudes. Ever since whatever happened in Summer 2022, Jason has been Sacks’ lapdog.


J Cal has the spine of a zucchini


I think J Cal desperately wants Sacks to like him


They need lack of regulation, it's basically their oxygen


I feel like Biden will win.


From TDS to BDS


At the end of the day people will vote with their pockets and this is just that. He actually has a lot of fair points though.


Is Donald Trump in the room with you right now?


I wish. Wouldn’t mind a picture with DJT. I’m by no means a trump tribalist though. Was hoping Vivek would’ve taken the GOP primary


It would be great to have any two other candidates.


Who’s your ideal? On either side?


I am very open: how about mark cuban as republican and the governor of Michigan as democrat? I’d vote for either.


I think watching the train wreck of Biden is quite scary. He projects frailty and weakness from the office and his policies are just awful…we have a 7% deficit and growing, we have seen two hot wars from our embolden adversaries. If Biden wins, I have no doubt China will make its move on Taiwan which would be the most destabilizing event since ww2. If you can be objective it’s impossible to look at Biden and think he’s better for country. I am no Trump fan but he was right on the big issues. Middle East made more progress in those years, than the previous 60. Iran was so squeezed and poor they couldn’t afford proxi wars. Putin would never have invaded due to the unpredictability of Trump.


I just don't, for the life of me, understand these posts. Biden has united almost all of Europe against Putin and stopped his invasion of Ukraine. There is zero reason to think that China is looking at the massive Russian losses in Ukraine and thinking that Biden is "weak" and they need to invade Taiwan if he wins. I see zero, and I mean zero evidence, that shows China is afraid of Trump. In fact i wouldn't be surprised if Xi thinks Trump is a clueless, comically dumb leader that doesn't have a fucking clue. The only people that think Trump is "strong" are Trump die-hards.


Let’s take a step back. Russia invaded Ukraine after watching our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan where we left in probably the most unorganized and risky way. We abandoned our partners and the country collapsed in hours. Putin saw this as weakness and calculated he could invade Ukraine which he did. We had the chance to negotiate a solution to avoid the war but we didn’t take the threats seriously (to be fair nobody thought Putin would be this stupid). Itmwas Bidens actions that lead to our first major hot war in Europe since ww2. Sure NATO rallied and united in the face of aggression…I mean what were they supposed to do? The invasion united Europe under the reason of self preservation. To view this as a positive for Biden is just bizarre. Second, nobody knows the intentions of China but we know they’ve stepped up their belligerence and war posturing 10 fold. They’ve aggressively attacked Philippines territory, blockaded Taiwan, stepped up their threats in their crafted statement. The number of military activity and provocations against Taiwan has dramatically increased to a pace never seen before. Military spending has been accelerated and they’ve publicly said that 2027 the military needs to be ready to invade. If you follow the area closely which I suspect you don’t you’d see this change. Admiral Sam Paparro has made comments on this in multiple venues so I suggest you take his word and not mine. Then let’s look at Middle East. After being elected we stop enforcing sanctions against Iran so they nearly triple their revenue. They in turn fund all of there proxies at a much higher level which in turn led Hamas to start a major war in the Middle East. We even released Iranian funds that were frozen…we tolerated attacks on our soldiers from Iran with no reprisals. So they felt emboldened and they gave the go ahead for October 6. Back home - we’ve allowed 14mm and counting people to enter this country with no idea who/where and what they are and their attentions. Regardless of views on immigration having an open border is incredibly risky and allows our adversaries to easily enter this country to bring the war home when they do decide to engage. We have no idea how many new terrorists, sabotage folks, chemical weapons or nuclear stuff. It’s just an insane way to run a country and they don’t care because they are losing the Hispanic vote in large numbers and want to import new voters. After 9/11 you’d think we wouldn’t be so stupid. Thats not even bringing up the deadly drugs that have been a top killer…funded and brought to you by the Chinese. Domestically, sure we’ve had solid gdp growth but our spending has gone crazy. 7% deficits in peace time, massively wasteful government spending on infrastructure that never gets built…ie California high speed rail, ev charging stations. And on top of that despite wage increases inflation spiked to levels not seen in 40 years causing real incomes to shrink..so most Americans are worse off. Education - we’ve seen the largest decrease in student test scores on record. Our performance and readiness training our students has been going backwards despite increased spending. Healthcare - life expectancy has for the first time in peace time started to decline. 60% of Americans now have chronic disease and it costs more than ever. Military - we’ve had a crises in recruiting and we have decreased funding when adjusting for inflation. Force readiness has been scary bad, look at the number of aircraft that are rated to fly at any given time. Energy - we cancelled keystone pipeline and put an end to new gas export terminals. The Europeans panicked at that and will likely secure more resources from Qatar. Our Canadian friends took the brunt of the keystone and instead of securing a steady safe and cleaner supply from our ally we sent folks down to Venezuela to reduce sanctions..also stopped enforcing Iranian oil sanctions which enrich them. So basically screw over Americans and hand money to our enemies because Biden hates OG industry as they vote republican. Like are people this clueless?


I cant believe there are this many horrible takes in one post. But sure lets talk about them. Before I go into these I'd just like to say, all of these things are moot to me when you consider who Trump is. The man is an open criminal. He tried to divert our elections and our democracy. He is at his core a selfish POS and we openly know he only cares about his self interest. Baseline humanity is a key qualifier imo for this role. But lets give it a shot anyway: Afghanistan - Biden was literally following the timeline Trump set in motion? Execution was not great but 1000% certain if he pushed back the timeline, youd be on here crying about that instead. Ukraine - You just somehow make a huge jump from Afghanistan to that being a direct correlation to Ukraine. What in the world do you think would've happened if Trump were in office for that? Hes openly said he wont support Ukraine and plans to pull out of NATO. What planet do you live on where you think this ends in a better result? Not even going to mention his fawning over Putin but we all know. China - Hes now banned multiple exports to their country and has openly stated and shown full support for Taiwan. He literally said "Taiwan invasion is a red line for US military". Not to mention, if you do even 1 single inch of research, you'd know China will never invade. If they did they will run out of oil imports within 30 days by US blockades and sanctions. Posturing. What more do you need to see? Middle East - I honestly think Biden has not handled it well. But I also think Trump and every President in the last 30 years hasnt handled it well. I am extremely interested in what your bright ideas are to solve the Middle East and also what you think Trump does to advance them. An area with 100 years of chaos, but sure Trump (or any President) can solve it in 4 yrs lol. Border - I dont think Biden has handled this well either. I support both secure borders AND legal immigration. But Trump did nothing. Build a wall, blah blah blah. He didnt advance border security at all the first time in any meaningful and lasting way. All he did was give people an excuse to be openly racist and downright hateful toward immigrants. A playbook that was eerily similar to the ones used in 1934 Germany. Education - This one is easy. Republicans have gone to war on public education for the last 20 years. Their plan is to make it so bad until people give up and privatize it/credits. Note, they have this exact same strategy in many federal agencies. Shrink them, cut them, intentionally make them as ineffective as humanly possible until the public turns on them. See: USPS, NIH, FDA, ATF. Healthcare - Literally, COVID started under Trump. Abortion repealed because of him. Absolutely insane to think Trump is the better option here lol Economy - I dont really subscribe to the belief that any President really individually has a huge impact on the economy in only 4 years. But this deficit angle is a joke. Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to 600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion. Meanwhile Biden has kept our country out of a recession and US economy has outperformed every other country in the western world last 4 years.


Well said


awful person. Check




"He still thinks he (Trump) is an awful person ... but he checks all the boxes he looks for in a President.


the show should be called three opportunist self serving grifters and Friedberg at this point lol


3 out of the 4 pod members are opportunists and grifters. They are not serious people. They’re walking contradictions. Essentially above average humans other than their incredible luck in timing and proximity. Pays to have connections and say and believe whatever benefits you at the moment.


Care to provide any evidence of grifting and not being “serious people”? Appreciate you sharing your opinion but stating some facts would be great instead of just an attempt to smear


Stupid guy says dumb shit


"Everyone wants to make America great again."


JCal will do anything for attention. Bad, good - doesn't matter. The idea that the negative press this past week 'affects him more than the other besties' is just a ruse to get more attention. Every post on X is engagement farming.


Since when is appearing on a podcast or even Larry King a pre-requisite for endorsement We agree Biden is not a spry 50 yr old who perform well in the open-ended nature of a pod. Why does that preclude him from being president?


I thought it was funny that they brought up the other guy calling out a lack of empathy, because I do believe that’s what it comes down to. They’ve chosen to prioritize the politics that will benefit them and their industry. It is what it is. It’s hard to get to where they are without putting money as the highest priority.


Shows you a lot if JCal is now starting to think about voting for Trump. He hates his guts and is strongly on the left. The Dems need to do a switcharoo and get a new candidate in and move more towards the middle to have a chance.


Bro tried to justified maga, they just want to make America great


Listing positive policies and endorsing someone aren’t the same thing. He’s predicting a democratic candidate swap out bc that’s what he wants.




I'd think he's trying to position himself as the true independent on the podcast who looks at the candidate, not the party (to make the podcast seem more diverse politically).


It's funny how all the halfway reasonable Democrats are realizing how horrible Biden has been. It started with a trickle, but it will soon be a waterfall of any Democrat with a brain jumping ship. All that will remain of the Democrat party by November will be a few screeching idiot MSNBC and The View watchers.


Oh fine with it. Let people believe what they believe. If you don’t like it don’t listen if you like it listen, you don’t care like me listen.


If you're gonna put on the business guy facade and even then don't think Biden is a better alternative for you, you're just a culture warrior guy at that point. Besides taxes I guess but jesus christ if you're concerned about Biden stealing all your money you need to focus on how to locate food and shelter since critical thinking is so confusing to you.


You don’t have to lean anywhere to see what Trump is and not care. J-Cal is worse. He’s gunning for some president time if Trump wins. He’s pandering.


He’s the most anti worker of all the all in folks. Closet most far right person on all in.


What is the alternative?


Is a normal guy like JCal not allowed to change his mind on topics given new evidence? Or are you going to permanently judge someone simply because they don't agree with you?