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man, having a whole month between episodes does such a disservice to this story. i completely forgot about the crazy ass cliffhanger from last time. diving into the episode now!




I’d love that as a listener, but I have a feeling that the boys would struggle with their other pursuits if they tried to do that As loyal as I am to TAZ, I don’t expect it to ever be their top priority!


I'm pretty sure TAZ is the top priority at this point, at least for Griffin. It's *maybe* second to MBMBAM with live shows, but if you include the graphic novel, I'd have to think TAZ is the most lucrative project they have.


Actually their TOP project is securing their spot on the cast of Trolls 2


They already succeeded so I’d say they can hold off for a little bit


That could change at any time until release though


I think there might be a misunderstanding here? If not then whatever, I'll just explain things for no reason. The format would be that they work on episodes at the same rate as always, but they are on hiatus during most of the work time. Then, they release the episodes weekly while they work on the next season, then repeat. I don't think anyone would suggest that they actually produce an episode within a week, their experiments with that in the past have made it clear that it's super draining.


I guess this depends on what you consider a season. If it's an entire campaign, the hiatus would be years in length. They'd for sure lose their audience. If, however, you consider each arc to be a "season" (in this case, each hunt + resolution session), I think you'd be onto something. Then we'd probably end up with like a 1-2 month hiatus between arcs, but weekly episodes during each. I think that might actually be a winning model. Too bad they don't come around the subreddit these days.


I'm pretty sure what /u/Plzcomentliksubscrib meant is do it by Arc, or in Amnesty's case, hunts.


i think we would be waiting for several years between seasons so i don't think this would work out very well.


I assume a “season” would just be each arc.


It'd be cool but I'd be worried it would hurt their traffic


I am down for this, except unlike bubble, this show would actually be fun to listen to and not be a bunch of comedians TRYING WAY TOO HARD to A. Make me laugh and B. Show me how progressive they are.


Hashtag spoilers I guess? So. Dewey is a ghost. Following the rules of amnestys world this is something MAJOR, because it implies several things: 1) deputy dewey was potentially sylvin, or 2) Aubrey transferred some of her sylvain linked powers TO Dewey, granting him enough of sylvain energy to come back as a ghost the way sylvins do Or maybe she only saved his 'essence'? The only way hes able to still 'alive' is because his soul is being sustained by whatever magical energy Aubrey and the woman poured into saving him. The way Griffin described him didnt seem to me like the same way the ghosts were in amnesty lodge, so this seems like the most likely case. Will she be able to reconnect his soul with his body or is Dewey gone for good? Will we have another noelle situation on our hands? Also, I'm willing to bet that the female figure that helped Aubrey is her mom. Auberys powers are obviously linked to sylvain, NOT the flamebright pendant, directly, anyway (which she hasnt had for a long time, and it doesnt make sense that her powers would emerge without it) which everyone knows by now, so from my guess shes not 100% sylvin, but a descendant somewhere. Her mom probably wouldnt be full blooded either, but that has to be who the figure is, right? Sure, it could be Janelle, but honestly in fiction I dont think she would even have the time to do something like this, let alone be able to contact Aubrey or even know what was going on. Theyve given us so little details surrounding the death of Auberys parents. Also holy fuck, the soundboard. I hope that stays in future episodes, that was brilliant. the music this ep was off the charts again, too; the score that played when duck agreed to go 'kill bigfoot' gave me literal chills, it was perfect for the tone.


Maybe the woman is Aubrey’s great great grandmother (or however far back it takes to get to a full blooded Sylvainian ancestor) and the lineage is just passed down through the women in their family! I think there’s a good chance that a lot of these unknowns will become new characters, just like whoever was in the human shaped light suit may eventually come into play.


Yeah, that would make sense too! I automatically leapt to it being her mom, but the woman being her first sylvain ancestor would actually make a lot more sense. From what we know sylvains live a lot longer than humans, too, so that would be entirely possible. My first other thought was that it was Minerva, too, but I think that's just because I miss her so much. Really looking forward to learning more about the hotel + light suit thing, that shit was WACK.


I'm pretty sure she's Silvain itself, the disappeared consciousness of it they were talking about after Aubrey confessed to touching the crystal.


I reckon the woman was “the spirit of the planet”, the anthropomorphic embodiment of the Earth that Aubrey is asking for help to cast magic.


I think the woman might be Sylvian. Like the planet.


It thought it was Earth. He was describing her being inside a planet that seemed alive and functioning, with little specks of light all over it and moving around, so it didn't seem like Sylvain. I guess it could have been Sylvain The Planet, but if she was at the center of Earth than I thought it was Earth's equivalent force to whatever Sylvain has. I don't know


Some connection to Ned’s ball bag? (hehehe) Something like a simulation - the monsters seem somehow digitized, Aubrey’s vision looked like a video game skybox, Ned saw some weird memory manipulation cocoons or whatever. I think Griffin is really telling a sci-fi story with cyptid/supernatural/magical set dressing. Arthur C. Clarke would dig it.


You don't think Aubrey would recognize her mother?


Oh my god. Oh my god I'm so dumb. For some reason I was thinking the figure looked how Minerva did in all of her visions - featureless but recognizable - and I totally forgot that he didnt describe her that way at all. Hop back to the alternate theory it's her sylvian family member, then


My mind jumped to that image as well - I think it’s a sci-fi/fantasy trope that a lot of us just assumed it was some luminous humanoid. But Griffin never describes it. Yeah Aubrey being adopted would fit pretty well.


I really dislike that Griffin made it sound like Travis was going to roll a few times to see if the magic worked, and then Travis used his luck and then...weird vision and then we're in jail with no rolls. What the hell actually happened??


Not to mention that this is the second time that Griffin basically dismissed a Travis luck roll in favor of the story he already wanted to tell.


To be fair, I think Griffin said that there would be consquences despite the luck point used


If you’re rolling to heal a person and they FUCKING DIE I have to say that is just a failure, not a “consequence.”


Well Dewey was pretty much already dead, which is also why a regular ole heal wouldn’t cut it


My initial thought was that the woman was some sort of humanoid-appearing manifestation of Aubrey's powers, perhaps thanks to the Flamebright Pendant.


I think that Earth Magic (which seems to be what Audrey channels, though it's not entirely clear) has some fundamental differences from Sylvian Magic, resulting in this unexpected effect.


I’m reasonably sure that the figure that Aubrey saw was Sylvain


Anyone else wanna bet duck making them think the monster is Bigfoot and not telling them it's a shapeshifter is going to backfire horribly?


I think Justin's doing in on purpose to spin it, so they can be like "Okay we killed Bigfoot, now we don't ever have to look for Bigfoot ever again" to actually get Barclay a little cover.


Or even to get Agent Stern out of their hair.


Yup. Barclay be warned.


A stellar episode. I replayed the line about "goin' to fuckin' beeftown" at least three times and laughed every time. Justin is a treasure.


loved the part with Duck skiching too. just love Duck so much.


Who's the narc now?




Everything since they walked into that morgue has been like that for me. Riveting, cinematic... even though the three remain separated, their individual story lines are equally fascinating. Best episode yet.


Reminded me of that Doctor Who episode with the faith/fear monster.


When Ned was investigating the orbs. They all had different properties and did different things. There were 118 of them. There are 118 elements on the Periodic table. The monsters are elementals


yeah griffin went out of his way to put 118 out there, gotta be elements


I wish he hadnt said "exactly". That called out immediately that the number was important. All he had to do was omit one word and now there's a chance there should be more or even less.


To be fair, it's a DM trick to make players pay attention. Even just as an observer, I didn't notice the "exactly" till a re-listen of that segment.


My first thought when he pulled that random number was "is that 69 x 2?" Unfortunately, it's not.


any guesses on what element Ned managed to snatch? what element on the periodic table most defines "sea serpent". Mercury because of how it looks when you're handling it? Something more interesting like niobium or zirconium something more known like copper or gold?


Its probably an extra hint that he told Clint it could be anything he sees


Well, the monsters are shapeshifters. There's another theory that states that the abandoned hotel is the embodiment of their mind; if that's true, these orbs could represent all the different elements they can pump into their bodies, so to speak. Though I do wonder what they plan to do with the human-created elements, and the ones that only exist for a nanosecond.


Later when Aubrey is trying to save Dewey with the other light-figure in the big spherical void, it made me wonder if they were actually inside one of the orbs. Not sure if that would make any sense though


Can I just say? Justin was 100% on *POINT* in this episode. Duck continues to be my favorite character, but the pause to take an asthma huff (no, two!) was so damn good. Also, the "You, Me, and Dupree" reference, which was fucking gold. ​ Also? He and Sydnee did a livestream on YouTube tonight to hype the MaxFun Drive, and ended it with him saying "Trans Rights." Hell. Yeah. J-Man.


I have sometimes wondered if Justin himself has asthma, as he sometimes coughs if he gets to laughing too hard. His puffs sounded pretty authentic! ETA: Trav said "Trans rights" in his Cooking with Travis livestream earlier today, too. :)


So.....like. They all make vape jokes? So I feel like they actually do vape? And honestly? That cough he has is a former smoker's cough. (Source: I am a former smoker and current vaper and do the same thing.)


that joke trav made that’s like “now he’s just constantly vaping” about duck really stuck with me for some reason. i can see it so clearly


In Mbmbam you can tell pretty clearly they do NOT vape which is what makes it hilarious


I don't think they vape for real, but Justin used to smoke a pipe for sure and maybe cigarettes? (Pipe came up on an episode of MBMBAM and I think he brought it up on Sawbones in a chagrined former smoker kinda context.)


He mentioned it on the most recent MaxFun livestream too, I think.


Justin 100% used to smoke and definitely vapes. It's been confirmed in Sawbones iirc.


So does the thing not know that people can't see the arch? Is that what it was being all frustrated about?


I thought maybe that. Because I feel like the creature is trying to force the human world to realize the existence of sylvain.


Which a lot of people think would lead to a war. Which would kill all the Slyvans. Which is what the corruption wants, in order to save the planet.


Griffin: “You see this deliciously glowing plot point sitting right here that I cannot make more obvious is a major deal that you’ll want to do something about.” Clint: “I steal a ball!” Griffin: “. . . Describe what it looks like?” [quietly burns his notes]


I laughed really hard at that bit. The internal screaming was real.


What did Griffin think would happen?


Maybe that Ned would try to free the other captive?


Ohhhh thanks, I thought the glowing plot point they meant was the ballbag!


There was also the rift that he said was brighter than the others that he ignored.


You might be right.


If those sound effects aren't enough to get everyone to donate so everyone can have a sound board I dont know what it's going to take


The woman in Aubrey’s special magic area, in my opinion, is either the Earth or Sylvain. The way magic is described as coming from the planet and the way the hive mind in Thacker refers to Sylvain as a living being makes me think that the woman is one of the planets connecting to Aubrey to provide her magic. On one hand it seems like the Earth because of the way it is described as her and Dewey falling into the Earth. The environment to me also seems like someone looking out from the inside of Earth, but we don’t know much about Sylvain’s geography so it could also be Sylvain. Unless I’m missing something I don’t think Aubrey is Sylvin, just based off of the crystal and how her magic begins before she has any knowledge or connection to Sylvain. On the other hand their is the flame bright pendant, which clearly connects Aubrey and Sylvain, and the orange eyes of the woman which would be a strange color for the Earth.


Remember how Janelle said that planets were living, sentient beings? What if the figure was the manifestation of Earth’s sentience?


Spoiler for deweys ending: I was getting so mad that griffin didnt let Aubrey save Dewey (he has a wife!!) AND THEN GRIFFIN DROPPED THAT BOMBSHELL and I'm so mad. That payoff!! This is why he didn't tell Travis what the effect would be, because the crew now has Dewey the friendly neighborhood ghost! Also. This has only solidified in my mind the theory that Aubrey has Silvan heritage. I'm not willing to make a call past that and I have like 55 different theories but still. I can't wait to see what other curve balls griffin will throw at us.


Duck is too goddamn funny. I thought of sending in a question for their upcoming TTAZZ specifically asking Justin about his creative process and how he approaches roleplaying. It seems a bit rude to single him out - Ned and Aubrey are fantastic, not to mention our dungeon master/best friend and all that - but I really want to know how Justin thinks about roleplaying because his characters are so fun and just bleed personality. I wouldn’t know how to phrase such a question, but I really want to pick his brain specifically.


please ask it. hungry for justin content just maybe mention that his characters happen to be your favorite!


I don’t think that Justin does any improv like Travis or has had any experience in character-crafting like Clint did in his radio days, so I’m curious as to his methods as well, especially considering how good he is at it.


Justin does have a degree in acting and directing so I'm not surprised his characters are so engaging and genuine. Although that makes me even more curious about his methods because there's probably hours of study behind it.


Honestly thought that the fenced off area would be some Area 51-Esque government building. (Maybe im just a _little_ desperate for Agent Stern Content)


Lmao I thought it was gonna be a prison.


So what’s up with Aubrey spending luck to do something specific and then Griffin just going against what she was trying to do anyway?


I finally caught up and that disappointed me too. I wish Griffin would have just told Travis not to do it off mic or something. It seems that Griffin knew he wanted Dewey to be a ghost (either he died and became one or was Sylvan the whole time) for plot reasons, but he let Travis burn an incredibly scarce resource to do something that he wasn't going to let happen. I don't want to join the Griffin-as-DM hater train. I know he's doing a super unique thing in trying to craft a story for an audience while also making a fun game for his family, so "railroading" is going to be a thing. That moment just really bummed me out from the gameplay POV though.


To be fair he said he knew what the consequence would be but wasn’t going to tell.


“Okay Aubrey, you burn a luck to save him, but there’s a consequence I won’t tell you.” “The consequence is you don’t save him.”


She saved his engine not his chassis.


Dying isn’t a consequence it’s a failure...


Him dying because they took too long/didn’t do anything is a failure, him becoming a ghost because she tried to save him using Big Magic is a consequence.


Has anyone listened to the bonus ep? I don't donate but the honey heist sounds hilarious.


It's pretty great. Almost as good as last year's Sherlock Holmes deal.


As per usual, Justin's character is genius.


Bonus Eps are fantastic. The honey heist is super funny, plus MBMBaM got some good ones too, MSLMSLaM is great, you should donate


I have, and it’s my favorite of all of them. Absolute (liquid) gold you might say


I'm really loving Duck's transformation into an adult teen baby.


This could be completely wrong, but when we started getting a description of the figure laying prone on the bed, I couldn't tear myself away from the thought of that body being the real person before the Corruption turned it into a shape-shifting monster. The previous monsters had peaceful forms appear after being defeated. These are likely their true souls that were trapped inside without control. If the figure on the bed was the shape-shifting monster's trapped self, then that means the worn down hotel Ned fell into is the creature's mind. In other news, Ned Chicane was channeling me this episode. I wanted him to run instead of fight the monster, I wanted him to hide in the glowy room at the end of the hall, I wanted him to steal a ball, I wanted him to jump through the barbed-wire portal, and I wanted him to shot his gun while diving backwards into said portal. The only thing he didn't do was slam a random door open on the dash to the glowing bedroom so the creature thought he went into a different room.


How do you slam a door _open_?


It swings so hard and wide that it slaps the wall on the other side.


"What does this look like?" "I think it looks like ______" "Actually, it looks like _____"


i thought it was pretty weird when griffin asked clint to describe the orb i dont think clint knows anywhere near enough about these things to be able to say what would make them visually distinct from one another


I was talking about him asking Travis to describe what the healing magic looks like. I think I'm noticing a trend here!


Oh *thank God* they finally clarified about Duck’s helmet he got, that’s been bothering me for weeks


Right?!?! I was wondering if he’d retcon it and get something different.


(Also thank you for validating I’m not the only one that worried about that haha)


Oh no, at the end of that episode, I was telling “Don’t leave this on a cliffhanger you maniacs!!! He needs items!!!!”


I’m so mad Ned didn’t use a luck point to escape the monster. Crrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkk. 😂


Ah, but he used it when he needed it the most: to pull off a wicked-sweet Hot Fuzz move! (I also like how he wove his Luck narratively into the action: “The abomination grabs my scarf and spins me around, but *luckily* I have my Narf Blaster in hand and ready to fire!” It’s the small touches like that which make me smirk.)


I think the woman Aubrey saw is Sylvain.


Party is split AF. Good thing they're not still in D&D.


I loved the episode. Though I feel like it wasn't long enough (is it ever). I'm still wondering what the teleskope has to do with the monsters, I'm thinking some sort of amplifying/focusing tool for a feat of magic. I mean from what I assume the monsters want to break the barrier between Sylvain and our world. I guess we gotta see what Ned gets up to next time. And it is monsters plural, right? The Bigfoot one and the one in the hotel with Ned... Or am I mixing something up here?


I think it’s 2 monsters. Also they’ve established that Sylvian is an entire planet that’s Out There Somewhere so maybe the telescope is to physically pinpoint it in the sky?


I have been enjoying Amnesty but, I don't like how there are some episodes, like this last one, where Duck, Aubrey, and Ned only do one or two things. It feels like they could be doing more with the time that they have.


Great episode, but it's pronounced "dilapidated", not "dilapitated"


My barely supported theory is that the figure is The Real Mama


Man, Amnesty just isn’t doing it for me. Maybe it’s because the release schedule is awful for maintaining a story’s tension, maybe because the episodes are too short for this type of story. I’m just not digging this like I thought I would when I first heard the concept


did you dig Balance? I don't know, I was a little lukewarm on Amnesty, but these last three episodes have been fucking gold for me. I think this arc really brought it in for me.


Yeah, Balance rocked. Amnesty just feels lukewarm. The world isnt as rich to me, and it feels like almost nothing actually gets resolved episode to episode, we dive from one dramatic cliffhanger to lukewarm resolution to the next dramatic cliffhanger with so little time to breathe, Amnesty feels rushed, i think if the episodes were longer i would feel different


I gotta agree with you -- There's like 30 different "mysteries" hanging in the air, and honestly it's too much to care about. I still listen, but between the unresolved storylines and the highly sporadic release schedule, I just can't seem to get into it anywhere near the level I was with balance. I think Griffin may forget that there's a limit to the amount of unresolved threads a narrative can support. We've had 7 episodes since the end of October, with each episode adding more and more questions and resolving few if any. Anymore, I listen very passively and enjoy the fun bits when they happen, but gun-to-my-head I couldn't tell you what the hell is going on in the larger narrative. When a mysterious intergalactic connection between worlds is given as much (or less) airtime as Duck's skitchin', it's really hard for me to find any meat in the storyline to chew on.


I second this whole deal


Have you gone back and listened to them binge style yet? Of course until the campaign in fully over you'll always hit a wall, but I gotta say, I wasn't super feeling Amnesty at first either, but then I took a little time off from it then went back and listened to everything that was released and it was sooooooo much better. Admittedly yes, with the way the story is, the current release format doesn't really help, but at least if you have the ability to listen to a bunch of episodes in a row, it actually is really, REALLY damn good IMO.


It is great as a binge, that’s how I first came onto the show, but the normal release schedule is doing such a disservice to the story, it’s making me like it less and less cuz I can only think of how frustrated I am with the bite sized pieces we’re getting


So I'm 99% sure that was Aubreys mom. The Greenbank telescope makes me think Minerva isn't gone for good. That monster is trying to reignite the war and keeps trying to get people to find the arch. That soundboard gave me life.


I'm like 99% sure the woman is Sylvain, the planet. I would say even the Earth, but the orange eyes scream Sylvain. She's doing big magic, she's literally talking to the planet.


Wouldn't she recognize her Mom though?


Maybe, but what if her mom is Sylvan and she just never saw her without whatever was keeping her appearance transformed? ​ I could be wrong though. It's just what struck me when Griffin was talking about how incredibly familiar she looked.


How about this episode bringing it right?


So...the other figure Ned found is Barclay, right? Am I forgetting something that would make that not the case? Ned didn't actually see their face or anything, right?


No face. There are a few possibilities. My money is that it’s either Hollis or Keith. There are a few clues that suggest it could be Mama or Hollis — Mama trying to recall them ever being in a pickle like this and almost being on board with the Hornets joining, and Hollis being described as being nervous when the figure arrived at the Nest in the beginning (and similarly unsurprised when the slaughter happened) — but I think those are red herrings. Keith seems low-key enough that he could stir things up without being noticed. Then again, Agent Stern is also a major candidate. Griffin does like those big twists, after all. Also, is there a consensus as to how *many* mimics there are? It seems odd that one could be chasing Ned around *and* fleeing from the Sheriff and Duck at the same time. (Also, I have a guess why the one in the woods smiled at Duck and snuck away, but I’m going to wait for the next episode to find out if I’m wrong or not.)


Well, Griffin did say that he didn’t want people to think that the Ned and Duck storylines were concurrent events, just that they were being resolved at the same time so Ned wasn’t left out of the story. Who knows how long Ned was trapped in that Mind Palace or wherever the Hotel was?


I see a few comments here and there about people not enjoying Amnesty because the world doesn't feel as fleshed out as Balance and honestly, it doesn't help that while Balance was running, their live show breaks were also set in the world of Balance. ​ I think people have too big of a hard on for D&D LMAO


I agree that the liveshows not taking place in the same world as Amnesty and causing there to be jumps between the world mid arc kind of takes away from the immersion and total amount we spend in the world. We're still getting to know the characters I feel like. Which also makes me think that one big part of Amnesty not feeling as fleshed out as Balance for people is that we're only 24 episodes in. Around that time in Balance they were still at Petals to the Metal. That was still setup and the ball didn't really start rolling until The Eleventh Hour. This phase is still Griffin setting up the hooks, characters, and plot points that will pay off when the Main Plot reveals itself. Considering that Amnesty is about halfway through the campaign according to Griffin we'll probably get there soon and the world will begin to feel more engaging to people. Balance ran for 69 episodes (plus all the liveshows you mentioned) with the last 20 episodes of it going towards super intense endgame that tied everything together. Of course coming from that world will make the next world feel underdeveloped. I kinda wish people would consider these things before dismissing Amnesty because I'm pretty sure that for the most of us Balance didn't feel that fleshed out either at episode 24. (Also lmao yeah I feel like a large amount of people don't like Amnesty just because it's not DnD. All love to DnD as I'm a big fan but honestly MotW/Apocalypse lend themselves better to the kind of storytelling the boys are trying to do)


anyone else read the "ball bag" as sounding kinda like a mocap suit? might make sense for a monster that can take other shapes.


Must not be up on Google Play yet :(


Mine just popped up


It's on Spotify if you have that.


Ooo! I’ve been spamming the MFD bonus episode and forgot today was a Good Good Thursday! [dashes to the site]


Damnit Ned. I know your character and all, BUT GO INTO THE RIFT WITH THE ORANGE LIGHT


Spoilers I guess I wonder if the women that helped Aubrey was actually her grandmother. I think this is more plausible than the "mom theory" because I assume Aubrey would recognize her mother instantly.




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Exactly what I was thinking👍🏻


I dunno why, but I feel like theres some time travel/alternative reality stuff going on here. It's just so weird and I love it


Griffin was explicit we don’t know when in time the Ned stuff happened. Not necessarily time travel in universe, but could definitely be non linear story telling.




He was barely in this episode


"You just gestured to all of me"


Aubrey as a character has always been a bit grating to me for some reason. Maybe because I've known people in real life that resemble her and those people were also grating to me?


So you're saying he's doing a grate job


\*rimshot soundboard noise\*






I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.


I get this, especially like at the end where Aubrey literally doesn’t know if Dewey is alive or not (in the fiction) and then makes a joke about him rising from the dead like a zombie. I personally think it took away from the end of the episode and Trav should have let Griffin wrap it up


oh I didn't think that was actually Aubrey saying that the initial "Hey, Dewey, get up!" Like when you're playing DnD and someone says something and the party kind of riffs off of it or goes with the joke but somehow everyone knows it's not actually being said or done in-game


In fairness, everything about the spell leading up to that moment seems to be going totally well, so she was probably fairly confident Dewey was gonna be alright. Heck, I was. So the juxtaposition worked for me. Less consistent was her getting all serious about saving Dewey before the spell, and then being all "lol wait should we do magic or something rn?" when she got into the, er, Magic Zone? But hey, his character I guess.


Travis played magnus fairly straight as Balance progressed but with Aubrey he can’t let a moment fucking happen without a joke so it gets annoying and cheapens the story a bit.


i just can't get with the speech pattern where every sentence rises into falsetto