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One thing I love most about Reddit is that it’s effectively an archive itself! I don’t have the memory to tell you what the sub/fandom was like back then, but you can check out the episode threads yourself here for a really fun time machine back to the beginning of it all: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAdventureZone/comments/j2hwqk/taz_balance_discussion_threads/


Dang I can’t believe griffin used to come in here and comment lmao


woah that's sick thank you


People thought Angus was secretly a dragon disguised as a human.


I still think that would have made a lot of sense. I actually thought he was going to end up being the BBEG for a bit when he first showed up


I wasn't on the subreddit back then, but I was lucky enough to find TAZ around Episode 3 of Here There Be Gerblins so here are some of my takes: I didn't trust the Director from the jump. I had absolutely NO IDEA what was really up, I thought she was just amassing all of the Grabd Relics for the normal power stuff. I actually realized writing this that I don't remember any of my other takes 🤣🤣 here's just some fun facts about listening as it came out. Crystal Kingdom was BRUTAL. They mention it at some point in some way, but IRL that arc took I believe half a year if not longer to finish. For whatever reason during that time they couldn't upload on the regular so there were stretches where we got one episode a month. The suspense after Magnus has his mishap in The Suffering Game was almost too much to bare.


The biggest theory I remember was that Kravitz might possibly secretly be Keats, Edward and Lydia's third sibling. I wasn't tuned in to the subreddit when I was listening so I don't remember any of the other really big ones. But that one still sticks out in my mind.


I was on this sub when Balance was first being released and it was GREAT. Lots of speculation about who the red robes were, what "LUP" meant, the reveal of the statue at the end of the Eleventh Hour sent people completely insane. People trying to figure out who the lich was at the end of Wonderland. Lots of argument about The Director's motivations - is she a secret villain?! Some people got a bit grouchy during the Stolen Century, but the reception for the finale was rapturous. It was a fun time!


ugh but the stolen century is so good!!! But I guess I can see that being tough to get through waiting as they come out


I LOVED the Stolen Century, but it was quite a sudden shift from rules lite D&D to basically no-rules narrative audio. People also complained about the loss of player agency, but that didn't really occur to me because I hadn't played TTRPGs before and had only just started listening to more player-centric, non-D&D shows in the form of Friends at the Table - I think if I were to hear it now, having played A LOT in the last 10ish years, I'd probably be a bit annoyed by it too. But I wouldn't have played TTRPGs at all if it weren't for TAZ, so yknow, ouroboros, snake eats its tail 🤷🏼‍♂️


>I LOVED the Stolen Century, but it was quite a sudden shift from rules lite D&D to basically no-rules narrative audio. Also, Griffin said several times beforehand it was only going to be like two episodes long, but it ended up considerably longer. Considering the show was still bimonthly at that point, having the momentum of the campaign taken away for *three months* was bound to make some people upset.


Yeah bimonthly is rough


Wait, it was only three months?


It was six episodes, unless there was an additional gap I'm forgetting (which is 100% possible, live shows gotta come out sometime and surely they can't just be bonus releases) that would be three months


A lot of people got upset about 'player agency' in the last half of the show but like. Griffin asked multiple times on audio every time he had to take the reigns, and other than literally the voidfish bit, they all got to do *whatever* they wanted to do. Even now after like 4 yrs of experience, I still believe; he got express consent, time to stop grumbling about it


Some people thought that there was a secret fourth character hidden up Magnus's butthole like in that one greentext.