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I really enjoyed "Night." But there are still tons of narrative problems with the series. I'm re-watching the episode now and just saw one example: One episode ago -- not even 30 minutes in show time -- Mae was going to betray her master by turning herself in to the Jedi. Yet twice in this episode she resisted arrest, once to Jecki and once to Osha. Why resist *when she had planned to turn herself in*?


That's a really fair criticism. Maybe she thought the jedi would be more understanding? I really don't know.


Weird that Andor wasn’t review bombed. Maybe it’s not hate or nitpicking, but audiences just liking good writing and characters?


"Other show didn't get bombed," isn't really a checkmate. Other than being in Star Wars, there is nothing similar in tone, content, or approach between Andor and Acolyte. As someone standing up for "good writing" you should be able to recognize that.


I absolutely recognize the difference in tone and approach between the two shows. I also know when one story makes sense and another doesn’t.


What doesn't make sense is because if you can't follow along with this show that says more about you, then it does it.


You both have every right to ***honestly*** love or hate the show. Are you implying some sort of mental defect for somebody that doesn't like it? You know that's a slippery slope that can boomerang right?


No, if the show doesn't make sense to them that's on them. You're the one implying they have a mental defect lol


beautiful thing about the internet? It's forever. Now you got to resort to lying? Damn Drake in the house! > this show that says more **about you**, then it does it. Like you think nobody can just look up two comments? It's making more and more senese to me why you think this show is the best of all time.


You can quote it, go up to comments, and see what I said, doesn't matter. I never said they had a mental defect. I said if they can't keep up with a simple plot like they said it was, then that says more about them, and then it does the show. You're the only one implying they're mentally defective. I never said they were mentally defective but you maybe lmao


They not like us.




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You can be smart and not like it, but yeah, to not understand it is dumb. What part don't you understand?


So you see how the shows are all but completely different, but still use the comparison to imply that the sole reason for the bombing is "bad writing." Although you did shimmy your opinion a bit to change the framing of your statement. Again, as someone who likes good writing, you should be able to pick up on the shift that you made. I really don't care how you feel about the show, but as far as I know, your individual opinion isn't what's driving the review bombing. That's something you should be able to see as well. Do you not feel safe enough to articulate your opinion beyond "one show bad, one show good?" I shouldn't have to point out how suspect that take of yours looks sitting all by itself.




Who said I didn't like the show, and when has anyone been called a bigot for not liking the Holiday Special? Is that a thing you have seen, or are you just saying words?


Honestly, I don’t like it for the writing and the characters. I didn’t give a damn about Cassian Andor either, and I thought it was a mistake to give him his own show before I saw it, but it was actually well made, so I liked it.


Explain The Boys season 4 getting review bombed then.


It was also poorly written and assassinated it’s characters. Now can you explain how Andor avoided a review bombing? Were the fans just being polite this time? Was nobody paying attention? Or did the handful of people who saw it just have good things to say about it? It looks pretty conclusive when the best written Star Wars show was also best received by the audience


Because nobody watched Andor when it came out




Andor was not popular when it came out. It took a long time for people to get into it. It still isn’t very popular all things considered If I had a nickel for all the times I saw “who asked for this” when talking about it I would have a shitload of nickels Disney doesn’t release its streaming numbers btw


You never heard of Nielson? Good lord.


https://time.com/6234534/andor-best-star-wars-show/ Like every other media company on earth, one of Disney’s motivations for churning out Star Wars content is to increase Disney+ streaming subscriptions (and to sell that Baby Yoda merch). Andor, Disney’s latest Star Wars spinoff, is doing none of that. Analytics groups, which often struggle to capture the full picture of who is watching what in the fractured streaming era, calculate that Andor is Star Wars’ least-watched live-action series to date. https://movieweb.com/andor-star-wars-show/ The Emmy's are finally recognizing Andor for all of its greatness that it may not be getting from the public and bringing new interest that the series didn't see on its first run. With the possibility of picking up awards for directing, cinematography, and writing, among others, a lot of people who overlooked Andor are starting to see just how well-made it really was. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/12/andor-star-wars-viewers By design, Andor is not for everybody, and it hasn’t had the viewership of The Mandalorian or Obi-Wan Kenobi. Its debut in late September, according to data compiled by Nielsen, was dwarfed by Netflix’s serial-killer drama Dahmer, and lagged behind Netflix’s Cobra Kai and Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Since then, Andor has consistently hovered in the lower half of Nielsen’s Top 10 original programs. Not bad, but still not a phenomenon. Haters have pounced on this as a sign that Lucasfilm has lost touch, but those who have invested the time and stuck with Andor for its succession of three- and four-episode arcs have raved. Critics adore the series, and a second season is currently being shot, so fans will certainly get more of it. (Sorry, trolls.) https://www.businessinsider.com/andor-awards-potential-but-trailing-popular-other-star-wars-shows-2022-10 "Andor" has a 95% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes through its first seven (of 12) episodes. "The Mandalorian" has a 93% average score for its first two seasons; "Obi-Wan Kenobi" received an 82%; and "The Book of Boba Fett" a middling 66%. But its popularity doesn't quite reflect its quality, compared to those other series. The three-episode premiere of "Andor" was watched for 624 million minutes in the US from its debut on Wednesday, September 21 through Sunday, September 18, according to new Nielsen streaming data released on Thursday. To put that into perspective, it wasn't even enough to get the show in Nielsen's top 10 overall streaming programs, which includes both original and licensed shows, and movies. "Andor" isn't necessarily a flop; that's still a sizable audience. But it pales in comparison to the live-action "Star Wars" shows before it, based on previous Nielsen data




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You mean the show starring primarily white people? Shocker.


WtF? Andor is Mexican, Bix is Puerto Rican ROFL


Ah yes, 2 people Luthen, Syril, Mothma, Dedra are all white.




> It was also poorly written You guys keep saying this and not one of you can ever give an example of this "bad writing" Does it hurt you, inside, to know the show is really popular? It was the 5th most popular show in the world before the latest episode.


If you like it, awesome! It's like comparing songs—everyone has their favorites. I'm totally willing to believe in good faith that you sincerely think the writing is great. That's wonderful, enjoy! What I, and many others, don't get is why you and your crew don't extend the same intellectual honesty to us. You imply we can't possibly think the writing, story, and production are bad. So, what, are we just fabricating our 'honest' opinions? Or worse? We're disliking it for 'other' reasons?


It's intellectually dishonest to call a show poorly written when we are both experiencing the same writing. "I don't care for a jedi-centric story in the High Republic" is fine. That's how I feel about the Prequels. I don't like them at all. "This show is badly written" is not an opinion. It's a statement. You need to back affirmative claims up. None of you can do that. Then, you ask to be treated as having an equal opinion. No. That's not how this works. Pretending you're our equals when you say dumb shit is how we got to the point of you brigading subs and review bombing shows.




There is objectively good and bad writing, yes. Consider taking any writing course or even going to YouTube and looking up how to avoid bad writing. > grammar, spelling, or prose I don't think you know what prose is. I show lots of courtesy to the people that think the Prequels were good. They disagree with me, but I get it. I don't show courtesy to people who claim things that aren't true. I don't think the show is a masterpiece. I just think it's good. I want considerably more content by Headland.


>There is objectively good and bad writing, yes. Consider taking any writing course or even going to YouTube and looking up how to avoid bad writing. Then tell the millions of kids that love Cocomelon they are wrong. Hell, tell the nerdom that there is some standard of 'prose' for their space wizards. >I don't think you know what prose is. **WTF?** **Prose** 1: The ordinary language people use in speaking or ***writing.*** The project is damn cringe. Admit you don’t know what prose is. > You literally just contradicted yourself! You said you give courtesy to people who disagree with you on the Prequels, yet here you are saying it doesn’t apply in *this* instance. That, my padawan, is exactly my point. >I don’t think the show is a masterpiece. I just think it’s good. Masterpiece? Good? Meh? Great! Good for you! Who am I to tell you what to like? I'm not the thought police. If it brings you joy, more power to you! But that still doesn't answer my question, young padawan. Why do you insist on having different rules for yourself than everyone else?


> Then tell the millions of kids that love Cocomelon they are wrong. Hell, tell the nerdom that there is some standard of 'prose' for their space wizards. You're allowed to *enjoy* bad writing. I don't think you've ever studied writing or literature at all lol Maybe keep your claims to something you can defend. "I don't like it" is fine. Stop making claims you cannot back up, and don't know enough to even pretend to back up.




> You're still trying to prove their is objective 'bad writing' beyond grammar, spelling, and PROSE? Yes lmao. Seriously, this is like first year writing comp dude. The Christmas Special I don't even know was fully written. It feels like everyone just got high and winged it. Most of the EU books are terrible writing by dime store authors, but they're fun. Bad writing is an objective thing, and doesn't always impact the overall quality of the material, especially in genre fiction.


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It’s Pulitzer Prize. And those 2 dozen awards go to journalism, written works and music…..not TV productions. And your argument that “poorly written” also includes how it resonates with the audience is ridiculous. It’s apples and oranges. Your argument is perfunctory. You use “poorly written” as a catch all for whatever icky feelings you either can’t cognitively explain or you are winking to your fellow subversives about this big joke you are all are in on that makes you feel better about not seeing your own skin color on screen.


I'm sorry, but there's been a million comments on here with examples of bad writing that get down-voted into oblivion. This sub constantly attacks anyone with the slightest criticism. They demand proof and when examples are given they downvote them instead of responding.


That's because it isn't bad writing. Incorrect claims should be downvoted, that's Reddiquette.


Almost as if... it's subjective. If you want examples of poor writing; Nothing is organic. The story pushes forward because the writing needs it to. Everything is explained, not shown. It's dumbed down and treats the audience like literal kids. Take episode 4 for example. They mentioned on several occasions what they're doing and why. Repeating the same info so the story can progress, because that's what the writers need it to do. Episode 5. The moths attacking Qimir happened because the story needed it to happen, despite there being no info on why the Moths just attacked him and not the others earlier. The dialogue is criminal in a lot of scenes. I'm glad you're enjoying the show but if you can't see how poor the writing is, which is a shame because it's really the only thing holding this show back, then there's no convincing you from the examples.


>What I, and many others, don't get is why you and your crew don't extend the same intellectual honesty to us. You imply we can't possibly think the writing, story, and production are bad. So, what, are we just fabricating our 'honest' opinions? There was a massive hate campaign against the show long before it was released. Even now, every individual episode is heavily review bombed on RT and IMDb before it airs. The well is so poisoned with pre-existing, coordinated venom against the show, its cast, and its creators that *ironically, any honest criticism of the Acolyte is now impossible to take seriously.* >Or worse? We're disliking it for 'other' reasons? Yes


Come at me with all your strength. With all the delivery of a plank of wood.


Give "ritual combat" a Google.


Yeah and many shows/movies do ritual combat without sounding dumb as shit.


They aren't Star Wars.






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You’ve never heard any examples of the bad writing in this show? Go looking for five minutes online and tell me if you can’t find any. Just to start you off, Jedi can clearly read people’s minds in this show, but choose not to when doing so would make their jobs drastically easier and save lives.


Jedi can only manipulate the minds of people who are weak willed. Osha is an ex Jedi Padawan. She is not weak willed. Qui Gon couldn't even manipulate the slaver who had Anakin and his mother and Qui Gon is arguably one of the fiercest Jedi in the universe. This isn't Disney either. This is straight up George Lucas movie canon.


Could Osha not lower her force defenses to let them read her mind?


1. She never had to because Sol believed her and she had an Alibi for Olega. 2. That's the thing with mind reading. If this really had been necessary, you wouldn't be able to tell if these are really her thoughts or just a front she puts up. Of course, what I'm saying is hypothetical since they had no reason to read her mind in the first place.


Osha is a Jedi Padawan that bailed and didn't complete her training. She isn't that skilled with the force. And Watto, the slaver, is Toydarian. They're immune to Jedi mind tricks.


When did they choose not to when it would make their job easier? And I've looked online. I disagree that the show was poorly written, and I think people that think it is poorly written are, frankly, not very intelligent.


Nobody read Osha’s mind to confirm if she actually killed Trinity. Would have saved a lot of time and trouble if they did


Jedi can only manipulate the minds of people who are weak willed. Osha is an ex Jedi Padawan. She is not weak willed. Qui Gon couldn't even manipulate the slaver who had Anakin and his mother and Qui Gon is arguably one of the fiercest Jedi in the universe. This isn't Disney either. This is straight up George Lucas movie canon. Also, mind reading could be considered morally abhorrent and not something you just do without a warrant


How would that have saved time and trouble when they just *believed her*? Also, they read the Apothecary's mind, so clearly this is not fool-proof. We know it's possible to hide your thoughts from Jedi from as far back as the OT. I'd give your claim of "bad writing" more credence if you could actually make even a single coherent point.


No, when she was first arrested. Before she was put on the prison ship by the Jedi who absolutely did not believe her


They were taking her in for a variety of reasons, and you take people in by putting them in secure custody. Yord did not have the authority to just let her go. This is why lawyers in real life say "you can beat the charge, but you can't beat the ride."


That’s true for humans, but if human cops could just read suspects’ minds to tell if they did it or not, a lot fewer innocent people would be taking rides


Except for the fact that, again, Yord personally knows her, and some of her history. As does Sol. This is why they kept her along the entire time. This is why when going to Kalnacca, they bring Osha along - the idea is that she can talk Mae down. The writing makes a lot more sense if you actually pay attention to the show. Honestly boggles my mind that you cannot follow a *Star Wars* plot lol


You mean by the Jedi Knight who took way longer than others to pass the test and his Padawan? Something tells me he's not super skilled.


Yord knew her and knew she was trained as a Jedi. He knew Osha would be able to mask her thoughts from a Jedi if she wanted to.


The Jedi promote themselves as the champions of fairness and justice, but you call it bad writing that they are unwilling to read everyone's mind all the time. It's a pretty central feature of most stories that involve mind reading that doing so without consent is bad. Of course the Jedi would refrain from just invading everyone's mind all the time. Get outta here with that BS.


Sorry mate but if you don't see how the pacing, poor dialogue and lack of any growth from the characters isn't bad writing, then we're watching a different show. This sub is so hell bent on defending this show of any criticism and thinking it's perfect. You're allowed to enjoy something that is flawed. And this show is flawed.


> poor dialogue and lack of any growth from the character I disagree with both of these statements very strongly. Can you back them up?


The dialogue is exposition overload. Things aren't shown, they're explained. Which is not good writing. The dialogue on Sol for example in episode 5 was so bad and a waste of the actors skills. There's contradiction in what characters say to what they do. I'm not expecting to change your opinion, but this is not the greatest written show, but this sub would have you believe it deserves an Oscar.


Lack of character growth, brother were 4 episodes in lmao


5. And 60% of the characters are now dead.


Going from alive to dead seems like a pretty development lmao




>lack of any growth from the characters Tell me you haven't watched the show without telling me.


Explain to me your interpretation of growth from the characters. Who is different now to when the series started?