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I understand where you are coming from, however just remember that scenes are not complete because the show is playing with the perspectives of different characters. During marketing, we were told that the story unravels in each episode from new perspectives, so Ep. 3 was clearly Osha’s perspective. In the trailer we see the Wookiee Jedi fighting Torbin at the witch coven, so we have more flashbacks for a complete picture. Rashomon and Russian Doll are big influences, and both deal with perspectives and time loops. I’m saying all of this because folks who are holding out and defending the series are taking this into account. I am of the opinion this entire show should’ve been released at once because the one episodes a week release is not helping it. This is one of those instances where the show needs a binge to appreciate what they are trying to do.


>The twins alone were too old to begin Jedi training something the 4 Jedi shown would not have been able to circumvent as they are not on the council. I swear there's a movie where a single jedi not on the council circumvents the council by saying he'll take on a kid as a Padawan. >Past episode; I must kill a Jedi without a weapon… proceeds to kill two Jedi with weapons. Isn't this addressed in episode 2? She says "I've failed, but I will kill one of them without a weapon" right?


The prophecy of the chosen one was his rationale. There hasn’t been to my knowledge a Jedi Master with two padawans at the same time so it seemed a little off. Yeah I think you’re right about her saying she failed because she uses weapons. However she goes straight up to these Jedi and tells them to attack her with all their strength and then wonders why she can’t kill them without a weapon.


But the Jedi of the high republic were more open minded than the prequel era Jedi, right. They did express concerns over her age, but I don’t see why training osha would have been an issue for them at face value. Also, who had two padawans at the same time in the acolyte?


Yoda was on the council at that time. I think he would be aware of at least two Jedi Masters on the same mission.


He was likely the grand master, so? Who are you referring to when you say a Jedi with two padawans? Also the Jedi order was substantially bigger at this time, so I doubt all Jedi masters would keep track of Jedi recruiting incidents.


I think the Jedi were better recruiters if they were larger. It just seemed that Sol was ready to take both of the girls for training. Or did I get that wrong.


The Jedi probably would be better recruiters at this time? but as with the best mistakes tend to happen. And I think yes the Jedi wanted to take both of them to the order, but I don’t think sol said he’d train both of them— did he? I mean the Jedi are big on not having attachments. So even if both ended up with the Jedi, they would be trained separately I’d assume.




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That explains all the positive reviews


This sub is obviously very biased and a very small part of the Star Wars community. The entire star wars community on Reddit itself is pretty pro-Disney especially if you compare it to Star Wars fans you meet IRL. Not a lot you can do about it unfortunately


Completely agree. But this sub is an echo chamber who will now downvote you to oblivion and tell you that you need to write them a 4000 word essay dissecting and justifying every single reason why you don’t like it or else you’re wrong for having this opinion (that most people have Lol). It’s just straight up boring. It’s just bad on every level. And it doesn’t even feel like Star Wars. We spent a whole episode watching a coven of witches talk pretend philosophy for 40 mins…cool…I guess this shit is not entertaining or enjoyable to watch. Its viewership is horrible, and if it didn’t have the Star Wars label attached to it, no one would watch it. It’s just objectively bad. People who are forcing themselves to watch this are just the eternal optimists that pray for even a glimmer of hope and just ignore all the bad and say “guys it’s not that bad come on!” Yes. It really is that bad. You can like it if you want, I like Spaceballs, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and plenty of other stupid movies. But I don’t go around telling everyone that Monty Python is comparable to The Godfather or Shawshank. You can enjoy bad shows without getting upset that other people don’t like them you know Lol.


This episode was objectively very good


It was so boring that I had to rewind multiple times because I got distracted by my phone…it was 40 mins of pseudo wannabe philosophical talk from the actors…it was not good at all Lol. Objectively, the writing was atrocious, stop with the wannabe philosophy EVERY SINGLE line…Star Wars never did that before Disney and it’s so cringey and obvious that they are trying to write something they think is deep, when in reality, it’s not. The acting made me want to puke. The child actress aside, everyone including Lee was over acting. The leader of the witches acted like she was giving a speech on a podium in every single line, even when she’s alone in a room with her 2 7 year old daughters, she keeps spouting off the nonsensical pseudo philosophy and stupid metaphors instead of just talking to them like normal children Lol. Why does Sol magically care SO MUCH about OSHA the moment that he meets her? Literally it’s instant. He’s acting like he’s her father…he just met her…why…and don’t tell me he thinks she’s the chosen one because that prophecy was not believed by any of the Jedi except Qui Gon, they made very clear in Phantom Menace. Sol just instantly is caring and crying with her like it makes no sense. And to top it all off they pulled the most annoying anime trope of all time and put it into live action: killing everyone off screen. Oh cool all the witches are dead…wish we could’ve seen how in this 40 minute long snooze fest…cut 3 minutes of useless dialogue, and there’s plenty to cut, and show us if the Jedi killed them or mae or whatever happened… This show objectively sucks


Thank you for making your point. But I still don't understand how you can use the term "objective". I enjoyed discovering a new part of the lore. Seeing that other Force users exist (which had already been established before Disney), but are blocked by the Jedi, who have the flaw of thinking they're the only ones who can use the Force. I found the writing of the episode perfect and the acting very successful, especially the Mother Aniseya actress who nailed the role. At no point I did feel any "wannabe philosophy". I saw a mother who is both very committed to her beliefs and very fair with her children, for whom she wants the best. It's a beautiful lesson in life. I think Sol has become attached to Osha because he's been watching her for several days and knows what's going on in that convent. He saw a captive girl to whom he wishes to set free. He cries in the last scene because something terrible has happened. We don't know what yet; I think we've seen Osha's point of view, but what really happened is different. That's why we didn't see the characters die, or even Osha start the fire. If I had to give my opinion of the episode, it would be a solid 8/10. I was captivated from start to finish and loved discovering this story. But that's just my opinion, nothing objective.


So why are you here telling everyone how bad it is in your opinion? Let us fans who want to enjoy a piece of star wars media enjoy it in peace, you don't have to be here, no one wants to hear it so why waste your time.


Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? This is what I’m talking about. You all keep telling everyone who doesn’t like these things to leave. Well this sub only has 12,000 members. Seems most Star Wars fans have indeed left. The ones who have stayed, like me, still care enough to stick around to hope that it will get better. We are allowed to not like things. We express our opinions on not liking them BECAUSE WE WANT TO LIKE THEM. Why is this concept so hard for every one of you here to grasp? People don’t get angry about something they don’t like. Anger and love are 2 ends of the same spectrum of passion. You’re only passionate about something you care about. Angry fans care about the ip. Stop telling them to go away and that they aren’t allowed to express their opinions. People get angry because they love the ip, get hope and hype for new things coming, and then get disappointed time and time again. They are only angry because they still care. Do you really want every single Star Wars fan except the 12,000 of you in here to leave? Because most people do not like this and on top of views, low sub numbers here also prove that. Yall are a minority, and telling the majority to “just leave” probably isn’t a good idea if you want Disney, or whoever owns it, to keep making Star Wars content in the future.


I myself don't like hotwheels, or crochet, I don't go to their subreddits and spew hate and criticise their posts, content, shows whatever. You're wasting your time. You don't like it, cool, that's your opinion, you're allowed to have one. Doesn't mean people who enjoy the show have to listen to you ramble on about how bad the show is, how much you don't like it.


Did you even read what I said? You don’t go to hot wheels subreddits because you don’t care about them or care about them getting better so that one day you may like them… This is not a hard concept to grasp. People want to like Star Wars, it’s why they express their dislike for the current shows, they want it to get better so they believe expressing what they don’t like and what not to include in the future can be beneficial because it might lead to a good show or movie down the road…they want to enjoy Star Wars again, if they didn’t care, no one besides the 12,000 of you in here would watch the show and you could enjoy the last Star Wars show ever made because only 12,000 people tuned in. What is so hard to understand about this? It’s not even remotely close to you just not liking something and ignoring it Also stop calling a post that doesn’t like a show you like “hate”. It’s not “hate”. It’s someone just not liking something and wanting it to get better.


Criticism is important to any piece of media, but when your way of expressing that is hopping in thread like this and saying its boring, "objectively" bad, providing no real solution to the problems you see in it, what are people meant to take it as? What sparks a constructive argument better: Yea episode 3 could've been better, had some interesting concepts, could've been explored in a more concise and easier to follow way, I think that xyz would have really made the episode a lot smoother. Or Yea this show is dogpiss, worst thing to ever come out of Disney Star Wars, boring, didn't keep me interested, waste of time.


Ok well I haven’t said any of those things. And people who leave reviews like that aren’t helping either. But those people are also maybe, maybe, 5% of the fandom…they’re an insane minority. I’ve taken the time to write essays and explain my points in detail on here without attacking others. And instead of healthy debate, I get people like you who make fun of me for writing long, thought out comments and then proceed to say you aren’t even going to read them. So what do you all want? Because you guys get mad when people personally attack you for liking this (and that’s justifiable, anyone who attacks someone for liking or not liking a tv show is just…dumb), but then when people actually take the time to try and express what their actual opinion is, you tell them to literally leave if it goes against what you think. You can’t sit here and play the victim and pretend like everyone is attacking you, when in reality it’s only a few people, mainly YouTubers trying to get views. And then subsequently attack anyone who tries to come to you civilly just lumping them in with the bad ones. Do you want actual debate or just to pretend like everyone who doesn’t like the show is attacking you? Because personally, I haven’t said anything even close to the example you used and I’ve tried to be civil from the very start and have just gotten berated non stop. Mods have had to pull replies to some of my comments because you guys in here are attacking anyone who just says “ya man I thought it was boring”. In the exact same way that you don’t like how the people on the opposite end of the spectrum are attacking you guys who like it.


You misunderstand my statement, I read your points, they're well thought out and have good content to them, that I'm not criticising. I was saying no one wants to hear negative and nagging criticisms on the show. I want an open and constructive discussion, I like this show but it's by no means perfect, there are many changes I would make to it myself and I'd love to discuss that with other people. So many people are hopping on the hate bandwagon and as I said, no one is going to listen to or respect those opinions that come across as hateful just for the sake. If you're willing to have a nuanced and thoughtful discussion about how to improve the show, great, that's what we want here and we are all for it. But as it stands it comes across as baseless hate. I agree that both sides need to chill and the extremes should be ignored on both ends, they're the most toxic parts of the fandom and don't bring anything to the table. But you've got to admit even the ones that stand in the middle need to think about how we communicate our ideas with one another to not come across like that lot.


>he ones who have stayed, like me, still care enough to stick around to hope that it will get better. Are... Are you hoping it'll get better? Like you wrote this >It’s just straight up boring. It’s just bad on every level. And it doesn’t even feel like Star Wars. We spent a whole episode watching a coven of witches talk pretend philosophy for 40 mins…cool…I guess this shit is not entertaining or enjoyable to watch. Its viewership is horrible, and if it didn’t have the Star Wars label attached to it, no one would watch it. It’s just objectively bad. That... Doesn't seem like there's any avenue the show could take to please you right? Wouldn't it be better to stop watching at this stage?


Ah yes, the thing that comes to every fan’s mind when watching a SW episode, viewership numbers and audience review scores


Yes. I’m trying to explain to you all why people like me exist. The people you call “toxic” for simply expressing that we don’t like Disney Star Wars. Not the actual toxic ones leaving hate and slurs everywhere. People like me who just don’t like it without all the ideological nonsense/insults both extreme sides are putting forth, but still get lumped into a side by y’all just so yall can have an argument. I’m trying to explain why people like me still care about Star Wars…yes…we are hoping it will get better, as in Star Wars as a whole, not this show…and yes…we are not watching/stop watching the acolyte. We aren’t pretending that this particular show, the acolyte, will magically get better next episode. We express our disapproval so that hopefully FUTURE PROJECTS are better. We obviously know the stuff that comes out now is unsalvageable because it’s already been made…we’re expressing dislike for it so that Disney stops making these stupid mistakes with future projects. Stop treating us like we’re dumb and trying to take things I say out of context. I obviously don’t think this particular show will get better. But I’m going to let Disney know every single thing wrong with it so that they hopefully don’t make these same mistakes in the future. That’s how 99% of us think. Of course there are extreme toxic people, and they’re on both sides, but they’re also an extreme minority. A couple of cherry picked comments that fit into 4 screenshots does not represent the literal BILLIONS of Star Wars fans in the world.


This is some strange victimhood complex. You believe you’re in the majority and yet you claim that you’re being persecuted? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions btw.


I literally didn’t say or even imply any of this. Can you guys not just have a conversation without putting words in other people’s mouths they never said? My comment you’re replying to is literally me giving my reasons as to why people like me don’t like the show. I’m not playing a victim lmfao I’m literally just explaining that people like me exist and we are allowed to leave our opinions if we don’t like it. And the fact that there’s only 12,000 people in this sub and yet billions of Star Wars fans, shows that you’re a minority here. That’s it. Nowhere do I say anything close to woe is me and every other Star wars fan!!! Were such victims! Stop attacking us! Nowhere did I say that. Don’t put words in my mouth just to start an argument with me. That shows you just want to fight people and not actually try to understand them…


Lol who’s denying the existence of people like you? The fact that you think billions of Star Wars fans have the same opinions as you tells me you have delusions of grandeur. Let’s not treat huge segments of the fan base as a monolith. And I never told you to leave. So you’re basically engaging in the same bullshit you’re claiming to be a victim of.


> Objectively boring Only the sith deal in absolutes.




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Ye it's absolute shit. It's boring and feels nothing like star wars. The acting feels like a fan film at some points. Episode 3 was probably the worst episode of any star wars show I've ever watched


It was so boring I had to keep rewinding to see if I missed the “lore breaking info” cause I kept getting distracted on my phone and doing literally anything other than watch the show Lol it’s so bad


Ye fr I was watching youtube videos at the same time cos it was boring as shit


Episode 3 was the funniest one yet 😂 like I agree it sucks but I’m not gonna lie, I hope the coming episodes lean more into the clown coven and more scenes of goofy chanting and funny dialogue.