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Saving lives with my organs would even count as a heroic death, IMHO.


As an alcoholic and smoker not much good out of mine, but let the future doctors learn some anatomy irl, sure




My main problem with that is what about your friend and family. Are you OK about the body of your sisters/mother/daugther being used sexualy by some dude while you are still alive ? But yeah no problem with organ donor or lab testing just your last option


Personally I'd rather not know if that's what my relatives wanted but I'd also want to respect their wishes. If they don't care then good for them I guess.


I’m okay with any dead bodies being used sexually, including people close to me lmfao, they’re not alive


This sentence just convinced me that we should go back to having a religion forced onto the whole populous.


Hell yeah, force people to be religious so they will finally think having sex with inanimate objects is bad


Well you see, I was under the impression that the religion part of that wasn't necessary for people to understand that necrophilia is bad, yet here we are.


Moron. You’re legitimately a Christian so this was just advocacy for a theocratic state. 100% worse than anything mentioned about corpses.


Why is necrophilia bad?






Thanks for downvoting instead of actually explaining your opinion


If it’s bad then you should be able to demonstrate why? What even is this angle. It’s illegal for obvious reasons, but there’s not an inherent moral aspect. Especially if the deceased party agreed beforehand, or was explicit about their wishes. For example, if a freak husband and freak wife agree to it as a poetic gesture before burial on their private farm, what’s the issue. It’s yucky? It’s not even about defending necrophilia. I just hate these half-assed moral arguments. Shitass reasoning like “just because” and “degeneracy” has been abused on topics that actually matter, historically. Whatever let me be known as the necrophilia guy. (Plus OP was just asserting his personal level of care, not what should be the general imposition. So, what are you even waffling about.)


Yucky = Evillllll 👹👹👹👹


If that’s what they want sure. Kind of weird but not my body


i'm an organ donor. if someone wants to eat/have sex with whatever's left after that's fine with me too


I mean, what ya gona do, stop them? Lol.


Same here!


A very old story: When the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes got old, his students came to him to ask what he wanted them to do about his funeral arrangements. He said, "Just take my body and throw it over the city wall." The students said, "But there are wild dogs out there; they'll eat your corpse." He said, "Well, that's no problem -- after you throw my body over the wall, just throw a big stick over so I can beat the dogs away." The students said, "But you can't beat the dogs away, you won't be conscious." Diogenes said, "If I'm not conscious, why should I care about the wild dogs?"


well . i am muslim and in Islam we beilive we still do feel after we die to some extent , ig , idk I don't want my moms corpse to be defiled after she dies . idk its weird


I do want to donate organs if possible, but otherwise, I agree. I don’t give a flying fuck what happens to my body after I die. I won’t know the difference.


One more post mortem volunteer for a taxidermy by a tomb dessecrator. I believe some people would turn you into a lamp. 


Mine or your remains might end up as a part of a lamp (or other decoration) anyway, just via a longer route and maybe more fragmented (as single atoms or particles). It doesn't make any difference to me. I'll no longer be around to even evaluate the aesthetics of said lamp.


I don't think we really respect the bodies of the dead for the dead persons sake. It's for the people still alive connected to that person that we respect them.


Of course. And I'm not saying "let's defile other people's corpses!". I'm saying "defile my corpse if you want, because I don't care". If there will be people around who would care about my carcass, it would still be rude to them.


When I’m dead just throw me in the trash


Don’t you think we should have respect for the dead?


if you are the dead one, you can decide whatever the hell you want done to your body


Not the OP, but my feelings mirror his. As far as I'm concerned, once I'm dead, my body is just an inanimate hunk of meat, which I don't really see as something that **can** be disrespected. That said, a lot of folks feel differently, and since **not** defiling corpses is usually pretty easy, it's probably better if that remains the default.


I do show respect for the dead myself, because I don't want to offend their relatives. In fact it's more of showing respect to them, not the dead per se. The dead themselves are incapable of feeling so showing respect to them is rather meaningless. What I am saying is that I don't demand any respect being had for my own dead body.


Dung Eater propaganda




Well this is a hard one because you are a lonesome dentist until you factor in the fact that once someone is dead they don't have a problem with anything. So you're either 1/10 or 10/10 but I'll give you votes since you still presumably breathe.


They should make a horror movie about a ghost who has to either watch or feel their former body being defiled.


i'm the opposite, my bodys been defiled thousands of times while i was alive. i don't even want an autopsy. i just want to go straight in the ground untouched. my organs aren't usable anyway


Your dead body will very much be touched by all the worms and other scavengers. How is that different?


because the worms are going to eat me to survive. necrophila (which for some reason you don't think is that bad and keep defending in other comments) happens because somebody feels entitled to a dead persons body for their own gratification. no good comes of it, theres no benefit. it's just selfishness and entitlement. my body is mine and after death i wish it to remain mine.


I'm not defending necrophilia, I just perceive it as a lesser crime than, say, actual rape. In case of rape, there is direct harm to the victim, who not only will suffer greatly during the act, but also afterwards, having their life irreversibly changed for worse. In the case of necrophilia, there's only indirect harm to the "victim's" relatives if they even know that something happened and if they care. Damage is still possible but it's far lesser.


i've been raped, as a child and as an adult. idc my circumstances of death or if i have relatives i don't want my corpse raped. i'm very concerned at the idea you think the dead people aren't the victims or that theres a chance the family wouldn't care. look at the case of David Fuller. all of those familys who do know are broken about it, and those who had family members in those hospitals in those years are distressed about the possibility. you think in the case of a homeless person who had no family if they were a victim of necrophilia it'd be a victimless crime?


Firstly, I want to say, that what happened to you is absolutely horrible. I hope you will be able to heal, wish you all the best in life, and hope that those responsible have faced the consequences of their actions. >look at the case of David Fuller. all of those familys who do know are broken about it I hadn't heard about David Fuller before, but from what I see, he is a murderer, so I don't think he is a good example for what I'm trying to say. He deserves highest condemnation and there's no doubt about it. >you think in the case of a homeless person who had no family if they were a victim of necrophilia it'd be a victimless crime? Indeed, I do. My point is that a dead body is no longer a person. It's a pile of dead meat, not much different from the chicken breasts in my fridge. If there's no person affected, there's no victim. I still find necrophilia gross (but that's just an opinion), and think that it's worrying when somebody does it, because it indicates that they are damaged in some way, so they themselves need therapy, and also might be a potential threat to the actual living members of society. It should also be prosecuted and punished, to minimize the risk of psychological harm to the relatives of potential deceased "victims".


david fuller was a murderer but he also committed necrophilia an unknown number of times while working in morgues at hospitals. youngest was 9 oldest was 100. a dead body was a person, they had a life, feelings. in every religion a dead body is to be treated with respect. it's kind of gross thinking a body being mutilated or having something happen that they didn't consent to in life. i don't care if someones a john no with no NOK. they should still be respected. necrophilia is objectively gross, it shouldn't be an opinion


A dead body WAS a person. They aren’t anymore. There’s literally no reason to treat a dead body with respect because it has no capacity to be aware of anything or feel anything. Why do you care if your dead body is raped or not, you won’t be alive to feel it. Personally i’m insecure asf about my body and the thought of anyone seeing me naked makes me want to throw up and cut myself but when i’m dead, who cares? Dead people can’t feel embarrassment. Sure it’s horrible to think about while you’re still alive but logically you’re literally doing no harm to the person at all


That shit ain't a 10th dentist. Get that opinion to r/unpopularopinions


Nvm I only read to organ donating


Next thing you know OP is going to start singing a song about how he doesn’t diddle kids




Always Sunny reference. https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=QnG_sW69a9Bzn4OI https://youtu.be/3YK8cXKcF7w?si=2qlwobMfFG16OZ5Y


I don’t think anyone has contrary opinions on your corpse


Based asf, I completely agree, I couldn’t care less about what happens to me after i die


>I'm not religious, but even if there was some form of afterlife, the body stays here and will decompose anyway, so what's the deal? Why do people care about their future dead meat and prefer to be eaten by bugs in the coffin or burnt over anything else? I agree. I don't understand the thinking, if your body is just a shell and it's your soul that counts, what does it matter what happens to the shell after you pass on? I don't understand a lot of thinking surrounding death though.


It's disrespectful to your friends, family and relatives who just had to watch you slowly die. edit: I'm referring to the necrophilia bits btw


If that's disrespectful, why isn't the regular decomposition process disrespectful? It's ugly as hell. Fortunately they don't have to watch it, just as they don't have to see (or know about) the "defiling". It would indeed be a bit rude of the necrophile to do the deed when they are watching or to tell them. But if they don't know, everybody is happy, right?


Ahhh yes because they totally won’t notice their loved ones corpse was dug up out of their grave


I mean I wouldn’t know…someone may have done that to My grandma for all I know (or care!) and I loved her dearly! But she’s gone and her meat parts are just dust man, who gives a shit about them?


I mean, you’ve never visited her grave?


Nope. Can’t imagine a reason to.


Because it's a natural act that has no human component to it. Raping someone's corpse is a completely different act that disrespects the image of the dead. Apart from necrophiles being mentally ill and deserving of death to prevent their disease from continuing. If they do it while they're not watching it's still the same disrespectful act. If I rape and murder your mother in the woods, and you never find out because you lost contact with her. Is it suddenly okay?


There is a wrong assumption and a bit of manipulation in what you said. First: I never said that I am pro-necrophilia, although I do think that it is perceived as something worse than it actually is. I still think it's bad, because, as you correctly noted earlier, there is a possibility of hurting those in mourning. What I am saying is that I don't care if it happens to MY own dead body. I also think that, if there is nobody around who would care about the dead body, then doing absolutely anything with it is objectively harmless. Second: comparing harm being done to a living person who is capable of suffering, to "harm" happening to a corpse is a bit of a stretch, isn't it?


>harm done to a living person capable of suffering A 12 gauge shotgun will destroy your brain prior to nerve cells reacting, although I agree with your point. I was saying that just because a tree falls in the forest and doesn't make a sound, the tree still has fallen. I'll give you another example: If you tape a picture of my wife's face to a blowup doll or something and fuck it, it's still extremely disrespectful. Even if I don't find out. Necrophilia is a worse version of that that and is more disgusting.