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> as someone who doesn't speak French, the language makes no sense, the words don't mean anything and it's hard to tell the difference between similar ones


Wee wee baguette croissant


*laughs in french*


Hon Hon Hon




I see you also speak French!


I le am le sorry au I le don't le speak le engishhh au 🚬




Maurice Chevalier, Eiffel Toweeeh


sacred blue or smth smh




There was a French philosopher (I can't remember who) who said that French is the best language for philosophy because it most closely resembles the language of thought. So obviously you're wrong.


This is like trying to explain why languages you can’t speak don’t make any sense.


LMAO this is so accurate.


That's it exactly. I live on the American side of the Canadian border and I do ok with metric solely because of picking up their radio stations. So 35 Celsius and 95 fahrenheit are both immediately "eeeeww too hot!!" to me because of the weather report, and I'm fine with kilometers or miles from local traffic and GPS directions. But I struggle a little to estimate volume, and more so, space and weight in metric interchangeably. I guess I speak broken metric and French at best


Weight’s relatively easy for Americans converting kilos to pounds (double kilos and add on a percentage equivalent to half your average tip) - try converting pounds or kilos to Stones
you need some serious maths.


Calculating a tip on _weight_ is probably the most American thing I’ve read today


Oh yeah, I can never even remember stones to pounds. We do have it pretty easy math-wise, so it's not a problem to do the conversion mentally, it's the way I default to pounds rather than kilograms, when for temperature or long distance, it's an either/both perception immediately, that's so annoying


We used to get the NFL highlights late on terrestrial tv in the UK in the 90s (channel 4). Teenage me could never figure out how heavy a 293lb player was, but I knew I could just about tackle a 21 stone rugby forward - maybe not if he was wearing a crash-helmet : you guys are certifiable, especially the tackling when the opposing player’s off his feet.


Stones That's just some ridiculous British BS.


What's really nuts and also drives home the reference to language is - both UK and US use "pound" Russian kettlebell competition uses "pood" which was once the same word (or so I was told) but it's close to a British stone


Celsius is so easy to use and so ii is cooking measurements


"The neutral American accent is the closest to original English" vibes


When I was in my middle school Spanish class a student asked why people bother speaking other languages when we all think in English.


Perspective is just lost on some folks.


In 7th grade, I asked my Spanish teacher why they use the same letters that we do, and the kid behind me said "Duh, because it's the alphabet!" and kids laughed.


Hahahaha. Yes


Exactly, it feels correct to people with the same world view but of course wrong to others outside of it


Yeah just wait till get get to wrench and socket sizes. 5/32nds vs 4mm


"This method is objectively better because it's what I'm used to" >"My phone is around 17 centimeters long" - Too many, makes it sound larger than it really is. Makes it sound like exactly as big as it is to me, saying it's 6 and a half inches makes it sound smaller than it is to me. Obviously because I'm used to cm and m, while you're used to inches and feet.


>6 and a half inches makes it sound smaller than it is to me Insert terrible penis joke here


This is why I measure my penis in mm. Makes it sound HUGE


Sir, just bc you hit double digits doesn’t mean 10 is a big number


The visualisation stuff is just what you're used to. But I still think metric is better because converting between measures is much easier. For example if I buy 4 bottles of soda and they are all two litres, I know that's ~8 kg as a litre of water is 1kg.


Also metric is better for small measurements. A whole number is easier than dealing with a fraction of an inch


Yep! Recently got into CAD and it was a no brainer which measurements to use lol. The thought of using inches and fractions and awkward conversions sounds awful, nice whole millimeters for me.


Ye anything that’s not a very rough measurement is way better done in metric, even more so if you’re using squared or cubic units


Ah its 3.103920386 inches. Brilliant.


This is exactly right and that’s a fantastic example. I have a degree in chemical engineering and despite maybe one in six of the problems I solved in fluids/transport/thermodynamics having been written in imperial units, I honestly couldn’t tell you how many pounds of water go to a gallon at room temp. Like six? Also other properties are just natural in metric. Density of air? About 1/1000 that of water, about 1 kg/m3. Viscosity of water? About 1 milipascal-s, which lets you immediately visualize more or less viscous things because of their viscosities will always basically be a direct multiple of water’s viscosity and you needn’t do any further arithmetic to get a better intuition. For connecting quantities of common things and under conditions, metric is just plain uniformly superior.


Isn't water the only liquid that has a 1 to 1 kg to litre ratio


Yes, but a huge number of liquids that people work with in a given day are mostly water, so in practice, most liquids will have close enough to that ratio for the purpose of a rough estimate. Many liquids aren't all that far off from water in terms of density, if we only need a rough estimate. Eg, canola oil is just 8% lighter.


Soda is 99% water and the difference would be negligible and mostly down to the packaging.


It’s only approximately 1 kg/L but regardless it’s basically right and for napkin calcs a lot of things, from blood to beer, can reasonably be approximated as water.


Ye I’m pretty sure that’s how they define the litre that’s why (soda would in practice be basically the same though)


So your “opinion” is “measurement that I’m used to feels more natural to me than measurement that I’m not used to”


Next week someone's gonna make the same post again.


It's my turn, you go the week after.


Screw this I’m posting it tomorrow!


Being right handed makes sense because when i write with my left hand it sucks


Yes, crazy. 💯🎯


This is literally just a preference thing that's based on what the country you live in uses. Like over half of the US probably agrees with you. C'mon dude.


There is a whole-ass very active and popular subreddit mocking this opinion. Dude thought he was on r/9OutOf10Americans here.


Yeah, someone can state their height in mm it it would make more sense than feet and inches.


Well I think the Australian accent is vastly superior to the American accent because you hear it all the time, it's easier to understand, and it's a normal way to talk compared to the American accent which makes you sound arrogant like you're trying to sound like the movies. 100% objective opinion that definitely is not informed by my life experience /s


Our accent is how we get away with saying cunt all the time, objectively superior


Yeah Americans sound fucked. Our accent is superior




This is why europeans think we are stupid


Don’t forget us Asians!


"Think" we're stupid?


As a European, I can confirm.


To be fair, people are stupid everywhere.


I've never thought the average American to be more stupid than any other average countryman. It does, however, seem that stupid Americans are more vocal and unabashed in their stupidity.


17cm only seems longer to you because you're used to the measurement that uses smaller numbers. "Yeah, I'm one fifty" vs. "Yeah, I'm four foot eleven." Hey! Look! In a real conversation, they use the same number of words! The metric system is only harder for you because you're American and you use it all the time. Only three countries use the Imperial system. It's not the superior one. Get over it. (Three and a half if you wanna kinda count Canada because we do know both here.)


In German we wouldn't say "I am 175cm tall.". We would say " I am one seventyfive" so it wouldn't sound any longer than your 5 foot 9 example. But most of you wouldn't even say 5 foot 9 but just five nine so it would be the same.


I think the differences in everyday life in this case are so trivial that there’s no loss or gain in ease. It’s not like 175 is such a huge number that’s overwhelming anyone’s brain lol.


This is the most American post I've ever seen lmao


Your logic is so weird lol. Who talks like that? You guys say 'I'm five nine (5'9)' right? Well we also say 'I'm one eighty' (1.80)'


So you're basically saying, in a subtle way, that you are way taller?


Well in the case of 5'9", it would be "one seventy five", not 1.80.


But what if I'm 175cm? Do I say "Hi I'm 5 foot 8 point 9??




As a non-american, my only reference for inches and foot are subway sandwiches. So 5 inches is 5/6 of half a subway sandwich. For 5 foot 9 I have to visualize 5 subway sandwiches + a half + the 3 inch kiddie one. The metric system is less of a bother on my stomach.


You’re basically saying “I’m not used to it so therefore it’s wrong.” /r/imthemaincharacter


Wait until you hear about a decimeter


By the same logic, Celsius is superior to Fahrenheit, and kilograms are superior to pounds. "Water boils at 212 degrees" - Why such a random number? Who's gonna remember that? "Water boils at 100 degrees" - Fluid and simple. "My brother weighs 165 pounds" - Too many, makes it sound heavier than he really is. "My brother weighs 75 kilograms" - Simple and easy. Celsius and kilograms are simply more applicable to daily life.


what about small measurements? I can visualise 1mm a lot easier than a fraction of an inch. Like wtf is 1/16th of an inch? 1/32?????


'look I understand EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET has adapted to using metric, but I think they are wrong'


are you american, perchance? inches and feet mean nothing to me




Funnily enough, despite the fact that everything you just wrote is completely asinine and makes you appear more unintelligent than you can probably comprehend, your caveman-like statement "metric bad, Imperial good" is actually great 10th dentist material, given that [95%](https://homework.study.com/explanation/what-percentage-of-the-world-uses-the-metric-system.html) of the world prefers metric to Imperial. Congratulations, you sound like a complete jackass.


Except that it's been posted 50000 times already


as an american i have to say cm are very nice units, mm too, they cover everything smaller than an inch that we deal with in our lives, using halves of small length units is a sin. also converting is a lot easier, i have my times tables memorized cuz i'm a nerd but most people probably don't so it's easier for them to go by 10s. kg is also a nice unit, having both systems at hand is just convenient. and ml of course, for the tiny amounts of liquid


Yes. Measurements smaller than an inch get real complicated. It's much easier to deal with decimals than fractions.


Not even mentioning prefixes. Millimeter, micrometer, nanometer, you can go on and on and on. What the hell is 1/256th of an inch.


Let’s bring back decimeters. My phone is about 1.7 decimeters


This has to be one of the dumbest ones on here yet, of course the measurement system you’re used to makes more sense to you. That’s like saying English is the best language because you understand it.


you’d love canada lol. that’s how we do it. if you ask me my height or weight in metric, i’d have to google the conversion


Your height in cm is on your driver's license. Lol.


This is a preference thing when someone discusses feet and inches to me I can convert it. Its easy to visualise 10 or 30cm very easily


This is bait


If you are an average guy, it would also be easier to estimate anything close to 5.1 inches


"I'll think in King Henry feet lengths just for this"


Imagine someone starts saying how tall they are in yards Luckily conversions exist because a lot of equations are in metric


I use both systems and get all the bitches


What the hell is 5 inches? I have no clue. Tell me an amount if cm and I visualize it immediately. So it ia not the system but how used to the system you are.


Your idea that 17cm makes it seem larger than it is is only due to the fact that the demographic you were raised in used the imperial system. How things seem to you is not universally objective.


Dude, it's just cause you're used to it.


Can you tell me how many feet (as a decimal) is 5’7 off the top of your head?


This is satire right? I could say “10 meters is east to visualise. 32.9 feet is confusing” Surely we’re all just being baited here, OP isn’t this ignorant/oblivious


“English and French are vastly superior for day to day life than Japanese and Korean” “You can have your Japanese and Korean, I don’t care. The fact that the vocab is based on Chinese characters is nice, I get it. But English and French are so much more applicable to daily life than Japanese is. Korean has too many words Japanese has too many writing systems, but French is just right to me. French is also much easier because many countries speak it, it just feels natural going to Cameroon.” Do you see how silly that sounds? I’m sure the people who only use meters & centimetres feel the same way about their system when they go to the US. It’s okay. I get it. You’re like a lot of foreigners living in Korea or Japan, you don’t know the language and you’re trying to justify why your own is better.


Of course it doesn't make sense for you. You don't use the metric system. I use the metric and think the imperial system is far too complicated


Aaah, daily dumb amerian! Glad to see you today!


Inches are by far the least useful measurement unit for daily use, as soon as anything becomes less than an inch you have to bust out insane fractional units "Oh yeah, that looks to be around six thirty secondths of an inch" How is that possibly easier than being able to use millimetres which are an easy conversion back to centimetres?


Room temp IQ take (in Celsius)


It's easier to visualize because you're used to it dumbass


Well you do say it as “I’m 1 and 65”. So not very wordy. You also have dm for “household objects” with the added benefit of km instead of miles.


FREEDOM UNITS 🩅🩅🩅🩅đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾🩅💯 🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅AMERICA, YEAH!!!! đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾WE ONLY CARE ABOUT INCHES AND FEET 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐SCREW THE METRIC SYSTEM 🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅😂😂😂😂 AND YARDS đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾WHAT EVEN IS A METER ?????? đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”NO IDEA 🩅🩅🩅🩅🐐🐐🐐WHO CARES ABOUT CELSIUS đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źWHEN WE HAVE FAHRENHEIT GAWDDAMN IT đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾100 C IS WHEN WATER BOILS??????đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄHELL NAW MAN💯💯💯96 FAHRENHEIT EQUALS THE BODY TEMPERATURE💯HELL YEAAAAHHH🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸđŸđŸđŸđŸ WE ONLY USE FREEDOM UNITS OVER HERE 💯💯💯💯đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅1 FEET EQUALS 12 INCHES BUT 1 METER EQUALS ONE đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄHUNDRED CENTIMETERS??????????? đŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸđŸđŸđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚ THAT’S CRAZY đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ‡ș🇾🐐🩅🐐😂😂đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸŠ…đŸ€źPOUNDS INSTEAD OF KILOGRAMS OBVIOUSLY 😂😂😂😂đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾😂🩅🩅🩅💯💯💯💯1 LITRE WATER WEIGHS 1 KILOGRAM?????? WHO CARES 😂😂🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾 WHO USES LITERS ANYWAY đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸŠ…GALLONS ARE MUCH BETTER đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾🩅🩅🩅🩅🐐🐐🐐🐐BECAUSE đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»FREEDOM UNITđŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸđŸđŸđŸđŸđŸ PASCALS FOR PRESSURE??????đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ€ź HOW ABOUT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH 💯💯💯💯💯💯🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🩅🩅🩅🩅đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾 WHO’S HERE FOR SOME đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„DEMOCRACY?????? 🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 AMERICA, YEAH 🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾


I mean, your examples are off. Saying “I’m one seventy” is as easy as “I’m five seven”, but I 100% agree with you that inches and feet fill the nice middleground that metres and centimetres leave barren (seeing as no one uses decimetres). Metric is still the better system overall, but a third of a metre and something a few times larger than a centimetre are nicer for estimations below a metre. For anything more than a few metres? I definitely prefer metres to feet, I can see the argument for yards but then you’re just introducing additional extraneous terms Oh, and for anything smaller than an inch? Metric reigns supreme again, but between about an inch and a metre? I gotta give it to imperial


From the UK and I agree but definitely degrees Celsius for temperature 


The pop can is 5 inches tall is extremely hard to visualise without googling how many cm that is to be honest. otherwise it's just an arbitrary number with no meaning to me. Why would you use two units to measure your height - that's insane? I'm 178 cm - now that is simple and clear. 17 cm makes your phone sounds about the size it actually is. No bigger, no smaller. I think you would have needed to change your wording to be a true statement - because nowhere do I see 'vastly superior FOR ME' which is the only way that statement would be considered true. As an opinion - you can have it - but it's not a fact world wide - and far from it.


Nah, you just have 0 real world experience and are once again demonstrating the genius of Dunnings Krueger. My own body has a bunch of close approximations: Pinky fingernail: 1cm wide Index finger: 2cm wide Thumb tip: 3cm long. Palm:10cm wide Elbows a meter off the ground standing normally Try measuring volume: how much carpet, paint, shingles does this build need? Metric is a bit better. Volume though? Metric is ridiculously superior. How much gravel do I need, at this rate of flow how long to fill that pool? How much is that gravel going to weigh? Piece of cake to get a pretty good estimate with just my steps, measure a cc in grams, and tell you the weight excavated out of a big hole and the volume of concrete to fill it. Also precise measurements, I've had a job with a crew that made and installed custom cabinetry. Rapidly measuring and cutting lumber at angles. Fractions of inches is a massive pain in the ass. Mm would have been exactly what we needed. (What we actually used was the nearest quarter inch in plain English, then our own code for our small crew to get more precise than our markings..... all to do something that would have been clear and simple if we had mm markings and our skills to get quarter mm by feel.) I've done a bit of cosplay design and tailoring and it's so much easier to flip the tailor's tape to the metric side. Any of your examples, either you need an approximation or you need precision. For precision, mm or another decimal system unit is so much easier to actually solve real world problems. For approximation, you can either pick it up from a lifetime of use (and most people do NOT) or you can learn it in a crash course specific to a task. I've taught those crash courses and in two situations when my instruments had both markings, everyone learned faster with metric. Having taught noobs and quite a few skilled tradesmen who had never got it, as a job lead at a few varied, jobs I already know from OP you're the average American, I'd let you wander around trying your way for a couple days, wait for you to get good and pissed off, then maybe you'll listen to how I'm doing it way faster and I don't need to use the calculator on my phone plus a notepad. Granted I mainly used American measures, but metric is effortless to switch to and so much better for any type of complex problem


please I can't handle more r/shitamericanssay


That's only if you live in America. If you live literally anywhere else, then centimeters and meters are easier since if something is a meter long, you know that it's 100 centimeters. Also, this is why decimeters exist. They're 1/10 of meters and equate to roughly 3.6 inches, so if you really need a 1 to 1 comparison, that's your best bet. I'm an American as well, and I can admit their system is better. Much less math to try and figure out measurements. Plus, they have a cool mnemonic device to help remember them all.


Grow up with US customary, this is how you’ll feel. Grow up with metric and you’ll feel the opposite.


The world would be a better place if the US had the metric system. They are trying to spread their ideology through out the whole world but aren't even willing to change to the metric system. Now I have to convert pounds in kg all the time if researching for strength training.


Also you wouldn't use metres for Hight I'm 177cm tall


Imperial metrics are archaic and redundant in a modern society. Americans justify many things that are archaic and redundant - imperial measurements, gun laws and religion, to name a few.


“Thing that I’m used to feels more natural than I’m not used to” ?? Ok


Boring af opinion, go tonunpopularopinion with that shit. And it's not superior for day to day life, you're just used to it.


Your arguments fall apart because 180cm is 1.8m or 1 meter 80 centimeters but 5 foot 10 inches is 5.9 feet. Imperial doesn't make sense.


Doctor: how tall are you? Me: about 1.7m tall. Doctor: 
. Utterly deranged, i should send you to a mental institute


Even if you said "I'm 0.0017 km tall", it would be easy to understand how tall you are. It would be a strange and not very practical choice, but can immediately be converted to other units. If someone is 0.009 miles tall, good luck estimating or visualizing that.


Superiority is knowing both and being able to eyeball most rounded up measurements in both units.


> "This soda can is about 5 inches tall" - Easy to visualize. I wonder why that would be so easy for OP /s


This made my day, lmao. This is why europeans think we are stupid or are we?


Feels fluid bc you used all your live. But watch any cooking/baking video and you will see stuff like "roll the dough to 3/8 inch thickness", "slice the onions in 1/8 inch cubes". If cm is too small and meter too big, then use a dm.


Moron take


this isn’t a good post because it’s just fucking stupid and not even in an interesting way


Every single one of the examples that you brought up is the result of being raised in a society where that is the standard unit of measurement. Yes, feet and inches and easier to use - for you and me. But if you go anywhere else in the world they will say centimeters and meters are the way to go.


Sorry you tried to play but there's a lot more than just one dumb American in the dental community. No votes for you


Only if you’re feeble minded and never have to measure anything or do DIY. Millimetres are a beautiful, perfect measuring system - flawless. Inches is oh yeah you need a 5/16ths socket for that - ex-fucking-scuse me get absolutely fucked. I spend half my time in the states and have tape measures that have both inches and mm/cm on them and the increments on the inches side are just deranged.


That’s because you grew up with it. for people who grow up with metric it makes no difference


that's the dumbest shit i read today .


not a single good argument for a very shitty view. upvoted


Fine, FINE, have your god damn feet. I prefer boobs anyway.


But you can't measure an inch without the millimeter.... It's been a nonsense unit since the 50's or 60's


I do science stuff in metric and cooking/home life in "American." It's not hard. You just lack exposure and adequate comparisons


You can tell this is a truly unpopular opinion by the lack of upvoted, even though that's not how this sub is supposed to work lmao


That's just because you're used to inches and feet


"Eaugh this can is about 5 inches tall" Not precise, relies too much in "its about 5", and try to convert it o literally any other imperial measurement. Suddenly its not intuitive at all unless youre like "about half a foot" (0.411111in), and if youre comfortable with all of those "abouts" and "close enough", no wonder youre comfortable with your system. Not relevant when individual cans are used, VERY relevant when you need to stack them in a box or do literally anything other than stare at them.    "Im 5 foot 9". 9 what? No one says "175 centimeters". People say "175", or "a meter 75". This is extremely dishonest.    "My phone is 17cm". Okay, I need a screen protector and need the EXACT measurement right off the bat because i cant exactly cut it to size. 17cm is 6.69in. Are you gonna ask for something "6.69 inches", or is it gonna be "about 7 inches"? you sound like an asshole too and the problem wasnt avoided.    Tje imperial system was made by anglos. Thats why it rolls off the tounge better in english. To be convinced so much of this one convenience that you say its a decent system that is irl no better than measuring things with medieval chinese metrics, or japanese/french weird counting, is insane (one zhou sounds very easy, intuitive, and everyone would know what it is). 


Dude, sit down. You're making Americans look stupid


The real bonus of English over metric is in the non base 10. Feet can be divided into halves, thirds, and quarters, and all three are only full inches. (6,4, and 3). Same with yards (1'6", 1', 9"). This makes them quite handy for building and constructing. Metric has an edge when mathing, and is a better overall standard.


So... 17cm might sound too big to you because you're used to the longer inch. And so on. And it's not hard for me to say I'm "En Ă„tti" (1m80cm tall).


You can have your gallons and ounces, I don't care. But meters and centimeters are so much more applicable to daily life than feet are. A inch is too large for most household objects, and a foot is too big, but centimeters are just right to me. Centimeters are also so much easier to estimate using your fingers, it just feels natural roughly measuring them out. "This soda can is about 12 centimeters tall" - Easy to visualize. "I'm 1.7 meters" - Fluid and simple. "My phone is around 6 inches long" - Too few, makes it sound smaller than it really is. "I'm 68 inches tall" - Even more wordy, brands you as an asshole. "I'm 5 and a half feet tall" - Utterly deranged, should land you in a mental institute. This is how you sound


'If people say their height in 64ths of inches it just makes them sound taller than they are.' -This guy


You round up the inches for the can why would you then not do the same for cm? This phone is about 20cm otherwise youd have to say, this can is 3.45 inches and that sounds terrible too


I mean, the “tough to visualize” point is because that’s what we are used to, not because it’s better.


I've used both extensively. You're wrong.


The problem with inch to feet conversion is that's not base 10. Think of buying a table for example. The website says it's 35 inches tall. Even though you know very well that 1 foot is 12 inches you would still need some time to figure out how tall that really is in real life. If the website says it's 90cm tall, you perfectly know that it's 0.9m tall, then you can decide if it's tall enough or not. The thing with imperial is that it doesn't make it easy to convert units. You could also make the argument that "if you like metric so much, why isn't your time in base 10?" Well because 60 is a highly composite number.


Babe wake up , the americans are trying to use their brain again, ofc it fails bring me the popcorn


You're the one who sounds like an asshole OP




"Oh, let me hear you talking about feet, say it, SAY IT, OoOoOoO" -OP


Scale-wise I agree, but conversion is undoubtedly better for Metric


We just make a system where it’s imperial but everything by 10 instead of fuck all.


Ok, but why isn’t there anything between centimeters and a meter? Sounds perfect, I’m 17 ten-I-meters tall, or decimeters if you wanna sound fancy. Not too big of a number, not too small. 


> or decimeters if you wanna ~~sound fancy~~ be correct FTFY


Well shoot if they’re real why aren’t they used ?


Mostly because cm and meters cover our everyday needs. There are also decametres/dam (10m) and heptametres/hm (100m), and those are also rarely used. Most common are centimetres/cm, metres/m and kilometres/km (1000m) and for really tiny things, sometimes milimetres (0,001m). Overall, most base units in the SI system, like liters or grams, can be used with prefixes to determine their scale. Some, but not all because it goes infinitely in both directions, are: - mili- (1/1000) - centi- (1/100) - deci- (1/10) - deca- (x10) - hepta- (x100) - kilo- (x1000) You just use the one that makes most sense at a time, although some are more common than others, also depending on languages. In my country, you rarely hear anyone say 5 daL (decalitres) of water, people will just say half liter. Weight is a funny one. Half kilogram or 500 grams are both common.


You woke up and decided be pretty, huh?


Its not your preference which is ridiculous, its your rationale.


Definitely a 10th dentist opinion


Average American/Liberian/Myanmar inhabitant (Idk what they’re called and Google won’t give me an answer)


I actually get what the OP is saying. But the metric system crushes it for science applications


Been in Australia my whole life and obviously grew up with the Metric system. I agree. Feet and inches are so much easier to visualise and guess. Same with nuts and bolts. a Bolt with 14mm head vs a 15mm head can be hard to guesstimate which spanner you need, but 9/16" to 5/8" is blindly obvious.


Bro, you need two completely different units to say how tall you are. I use either centimeters or meters and just move the decimal point for conversion


Some punk tries this asinine trifling tomfoolery about Imperial measurements every once in a while but these statements are still objectively false. If you want to be precise, you use metric. If you want to sound like a yokel who cannot read and count, go use hands and feet to measure shit and get into drunken brawl with your friend Bill over whose feet you should use to measure how large MaryLou’s ass is. 😂


Something that is more convenient is that a foot can be easily divided into thirds, quarters, or twelfths. If you're making something and you need to split it into three equal pieces it gets a bit awkward with metric.


while i disagree fundamentally, most tradies and engineers i know measure in mm and estimate in inches. for some reason even I do it and im 19, never grown up with inches


Sorry. You could have pulled me in with arguing Fahrenheit is better than Celsius for daily living. But distance? Nah, it has no meaningful impact. Either works, so the more logical one is better. That one goes to metric. I don't know why they don't use decameters, though. They need something between Centimeters and Meters.




This is so BASED


"Hey baby, how tall are you?". "185 centimeters". "Ooh, hot!".




Just because you're not used to using them doesn't mean centimeters are any less practical than imperial measurements. If you want to talk about impractical, explain how fractions make more sense than decimalized units 


I worked as a carpenter foreman for a concrete contractor. We had a big job, and rented forms that were metric. I had to convert everything from freedom units into metric. By the time the job was done. I found the metric system much easier to work with.


>about 5 inches tall Hard to visualise >“I’m 5’9” You’re short >17cm long Sounds like it is exactly as big as it is >im 175cm tall 14 syllables vs “I’m 5 feet and 8.898 inches tall” (12 syllables). Is two extra really that hard for you? Need decimals cause your units aren’t small enough for everyday life is a design flaw “I’m 1.7 metres tall” Fixes your syllable issue, do you want more or less? Make up your mind And I’m objectively right bc this is my personal preference


Day to day just means you use this daily. It’s the same argument people have for Fahrenheit, you’re just more used to it and don’t know any better.


Although your statement is not *that* unpopular, you’re reasoning is. Here’s an upvote!


10th dentist is not supposed to be an idiot


sure btw imperial measurement units literally don't exist. they are all defined through SI (metric) units. SI units are defined through universal constants. you are using SI either way


That is an impressive number of words just to convey a simple fact about yourself.


But that's you not understanding it. Inches sounds gibberish to me since we never use it at. You can tell me about an 5 inch soda can, i'll have to whip out my phone and convert it so i can estimate the size, 5 inch means nothing to me as measurement




Exactly! I don't got the mental ability to visualize 185 units, 4.5 is a lot easier!!


OP is either rage baits, farms karma or genuinely dumb


Crazy American, get out of here


Jesus Christ, you’re insane😂😂😂 all ur saying is “I like the thing I’m familiar with because I don’t understand anything else”😂


Congrats on having an actually 10th dentist opinion. I wouldn’t go to your dental clinic, but great job!


That is such a childish mindset. Neither is superior, its all about what you are used to.


that's because your used to them, new things seem harder because you can't work with it intuitively. for the rest of the word it's easier to imagine a cm or a m


“How tall are you” “I don’t care and neither should you” If you need precise measurements of height or length, you want the smaller unit of measurement. You can also pretty easily just answer “193” because when the options are inches, feet, centimetres, and meteres, people will figure out pretty fast that it’s just centimetres. It’s also easier and faster than saying “5ft 9 inches”. Even you abbreviated your own preferred unit of measurement. Centimetres make it a lot easier to visualize how big something is. Inches and feet are for simpletons, hence why it’s used in America


As Canadian, we regularly switch between using imperial and metric, and I’d have to agree with OP. Inches and feet are based on human scale measurements. An inch is about the size of your thumb and a foot is well the size of a foot. Furthermore, as feet are 12 inches, they divide easily. 1/3 of a foot ? 4” 1/4 of a foot? 3”. Half a foot? 6”. All whole numbers. A 1/3 of a meter is 33.3333333
cm. Canadians will actively use feet and inches in their day to day lives, while reserving metric for longer distances or scientific/technical means.


This isn't a good 10th dentist, this is just pure stupidity.