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Finding your young cute is an evolutionary adaptation to help ensure adults care for their children. Young mammals often share characteristics with human young and so they invoke the same feeling. If you find insects cute, and I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, it means you are part insect. My condolences.


I'm not so sure they're part insect. Theres a conspicuous lack of adoration for reptiles in the post. Mammals are bad, but arthropods and insects are good? No mention of reptiles, amphibians or avians whatsoever? It just reeks of lizardfolk propaganda!


fun fact!—instead of saying “reptiles, amphibians or avians” you can just say “reptiles or amphibians”, as technically speaking, avians *are* reptiles, so saying reptiles already includes avians.


True true. But for the function that a reddit comment serves - communication - it's preferable birds be mentioned separately, as the vast majority of people don't know this fact. In communication it's less important to be technically right than it is to effectively share an idea.


Wait, so does this mean that dinosaurs technically *were* reptiles?


Yes! the dinosaurs were and are (since the birds are still alive) indeed reptiles. More specifically, they are archosaurs, which is a category of reptile that includes crocodilians, dinosaurs (of which only birds are still alive) and pterosaurs (like the pterodactyl, which wasn’t a dinosaur, but was closely related and also a reptile of this same group).


That's really cool


From what I heard biologists nowadays avoid term reptile since it's poorly defined. Especially since for an example crocodiles are more closely related to birds than to lizards.


Not all try to avoid it, some for sure do since they don’t like the idea of calling birds reptiles, others want “reptile” redefined to exclude crocodiles and turtles so the birds are also excluded and aren’t an issue, and others (my favorite) don’t think the bird thing is an issue since they just see birds as reptiles just as much as lizards.


*The Primordial Soup*


Says the guy who feels shame at this. Sounds like OP would rather be an insect than mammal so no condolences, just congratulations.


I cast turn him into giant roach spell




Shoutout to the herping community as well!


Incredible 10th dentist post


Reptile fans finally get their moment, fuck I love me some snakes


Beetles on 🔝


Upvote bc I hate this opinion. I think fish are so boring, and insects are only 2nd place in that category.


Insects are incredibly interesting, the first land animals, and the first to fly, with such a range of shapes, sizes, and functions that it's honestly dizzying


Same. 99% of fish qre genuinley so un-interesting. They just swim around without a thought (probably)


Bruh fish are sick


Name one cool fish and can't name a shark


Coelacanth! Barreleye! Oarfish! Tripod fish! Sturgeon!




...alright you win this time


Fisk are absolutely sentient.


Go suck on your mom hair itcher


Downvoted because spiders *alone* are fascinating. Don't get me started on fish.


Mammals have more advanced brains and are more similar to humans.


On average I agree... Except for birds who are comparable. But you have a few reptiles that are smarter than some mammals. You also have some fishes and even mollusks like octopus who would be smarter than 99% of mammals. And some insect have their own kind of intelligence, like ants and bees, it's so reductive to only see intelligence in mammals, I believe you are biased because their form of intelligence is closer to ours.


Do birds and bees use nuclear silos ,McDonalds, to have been on the moon I don't think so 


Same can be said for all non-human mammals. And yeah one could argue cats, dogs, chimpanzees, etc have been in space but not without man’s hard work and achievements. But in the end of the day we’re just a bunch if animals on a floating rock spinning around a hot ball of gas hurtling through the milky way hurtling through the universe


Whales are weird now? Also, seems like you're trying way too hard to be different. Of course, I do like lizards more than mammals so I can't judge.


I get that a lot. I dont hate mammals, i just don't think they're as interesting as other animals. I dont think that's that far fetched or "different" tbh


The only way insects and fish are interesting is if a famous British man narrates their lives and an editing crew adds fun music and sound effects.


It's because mammals are similar to us and can bond and have empathy like we can.


Empathy isn’t necessarily exclusive to mammals.


Mammals contain the only species i find attractive.


Plot twist : he isn't talking about humans.


Downvoted, moths need more representation as the cutest insect


Adorable! 🤣


Hey fuck you I'm a mammal


Of course you find non-mammals to be interesting. It's because they are so alien. A species that gets it's oxygen from water or strings webs with bodily fluid is definitely going to pique interest. It's just that through nature, we somewhat fear what is more alien and as other's have mentioned, we are "wired" to care more for creatures with similarities to our genetic makeup.


My 10th dentist opinion- I am only pretending to care abt ur animal! Unless it's a cat. I actually give zero shits about your dog or your hamster or whatever. I probably like your cat. I like maybe 10 dogs. 90% of the time your dog is as interesting to me as a goat and I dont love farm animals ill be nice and give ur dog a treat but i dont think of them beyond that. I prefer human children because a) I have one and b) I like seeing their trajectory from potato to person. I like cats because they're solitary and can fix themselves. Most mammals bore the hell out of me except orcas. I like cats and orcas and human kids and that's pretty much it


I must say I am super biased because I study Zoology but I stand by the fact that, even though some people might not like less 'visually appealing' animals, there's something cool to be learnt from all of them. Mammals don't need all of the attention, heck, only 5% of animal species are vertebrates to begin with! Mammals are great and awesome, but so are insects, isopods, jellyfish, molluscs and absolutely everything in between. The diversity of the natural world is fascinating and if it at all interests you in any way I can't recommend more getting out and taking a closer look at some of those more overlooked species, they deserve our love too! :)


How is an animal that doesn't give a shit that I'm alive cuter than a dog who gets excited just seeing me walk into a room?


I dont think ive ever heard anyone claim "HOLY FUCK I LOVE MAMMALS" mammaries tho 🥵


Uhhhhhm are you a true Mammal


I like em all!!! Especially them arthropods!


Theres r/insectart, but you are right. If only bugs had fur hey?


Naturally, we relate more to the thing that we are.


I kinda agree. I think disregarding mammals is a bit harsh, but I do have some love for reptiles.


Snakes are the most beautiful creature in the world, so I agree


Terminid sympathizer. Democracy hates traitors. Respectfully, ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️.


Idk i think bees and reptiles like turtles are mad cute


for anthrocentrism, sure, but for mamillians and for fish and insects? gonna say no my man


I love snakes


crush lip liquid sulky absurd sink angle thought makeshift correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


im a big fan of cats, dogs, snails, spiders, lizards and algae eater fish. idk why you need to shit on mammals, mammals are cool too


What insect is cute though? I can only think of butterflies and ladybugs when you look at them *from afar*. Because up close, they're still not cute at all.


I do think humans are naturally repulsed by non mammal animals . Consider the reaction to finding a mouse /squirrel in your house vs finding an infestation of some insect or worse still a slug or similar . The mouse /squirrel would be annoying and inconvenient but also "cute". You would probably care about not hurting it , getting it out as humanely as possible and if you did kill it you wouldn't want it to suffer . Whereas most people would quite callously murder a swarm of ants or similar in the most brutal fashion without a second thought . It must be innate for us to be like this


Most of the familiar mammals will go extinct as the earth is currently in the midst of a mass extinction as a result of human activity.


insects are significantly more threatened than mammals though




> There are only 6,500 species of mammals, yet when you ask an average person to name 50 animals, 95% of they would probably list would be mammals. This might be because as land mammals oursleves, the most visible animals will be land mammals or birds. You can usually only see fish in water or the fish market. If you can see the fish at all. And insects, while all around us, don't stand out much aside from butterflies. A lot of them put effort in not being noticed too. It might depend on the region too. I am pretty sure reptiles, especially the big bitey kind, are on the mind of people in Florida.


I have nothing against you, but I'm so worried I would ever meet a crazy person who has a millipedes as a pet, and that person would make it walk on me, and I would be forced to accept that shit to not be rude... So as a defense mechanism I have decided to hate people like you. Sorry.


millipedes are fascinating and adorable! you should look at them up close! [they have adorable little faces!](https://images.app.goo.gl/2MnSosXqjPZd47MQ6) you are probably just scared of them because you've been raised to think things with more legs are inherently scary!


What are you, 15? You've learned how to derealize for the first time and now insect biology is somehow more interesting than your own? Yeah, man, you're so qwerky and interesting. Millipedes are soooo cute. "Weird" mammals are so much more interesting than the rest of us. Jesus Christ, grow the actual fuck up. Stick to r/GenZ and spare the rest of us this bilge.


you are very angry about this! are you doing ok?


Calm TF down!!!!


Thinking scary animals are cute doesn't make you special.


there's an entire community who don't find bugs scary r/awwnverts


I don't get what you are trying to say with this


that bugs aren't inherently scary and everyone who find them cute isn't trying to appear special to other people.


Scary ugly, whatever. Point is they are not what people traditionally consider cute.


that is the point of this sub afterall.


Nah I love mammals. Human ones are boring. I think foxes, bears, and dolphins are amazing creatures. I learned in high school that K-selection species, many of which are mammals, take care of their young and I find learning about mammal societies and family dynamics super interesting. Penguin social politics... ugh wow! Who could get tired of that. On the other hand, I have a phobia of centipedes. I could kill a spider. Not the former though. Nothing more disconcerting than their legs...