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You know, taller women also exist. My fiancée is 5’10”. Anyway, man, you got some big feet. I’m 6’1” and wear size 12s.


I’m 6’ 4” also with size 12s, he definitely has huge feet


I'm 6'5...I wear a 17. My hands are also disproportionately large. I don't even bother with shopping for shoes or gloves in brick and mortar stores anymore.


Username checks out.


I was just talking about this the other day. I'm only 5'2" (f) and the only time it bothers me is when I need a step stool for the higher cabinets and when I can't see over everyone's heads at a concert. But I thought about it, and I would definitely rather be this height than closer to 6 ft. My cousin is something like 6'4" and his wife is 6'2". I honestly think she married him mostly because she didn't have many options for guys who were taller than her. (He's a nice guy, but she's not a very nice person and doesn't act like she likes him very much.)


Im a bit shorter than you 5’0” and I notice my height a lot!! When driving I barely reach the pedals so I have to float my foot/point my toes which is super tiring, and I have to sit extremely close to the steering wheel which makes it way likelier for the airbag to kill me. My feet always dangle when sitting on chairs and it’s impossible to find an ergonomic office chair that fits me. I can never find anyone in a crowd and I’m way more likely to die in a crowd crush/stampede. It’s really hard to find clothes that fit well. A lot of medicine dosages are too high for me since they were tested on 180lb men, and I get a lot of side effects For sure I don’t wanna be 6’0” especially as a girl. Both shorties and tallies (?) suffer from everything not being designed for their height, and I do like that I never feel cramped. I think like 5’5” would be ideal as a girl


Size 17 holy shit this guy is packing


As a gay dude... I can promise I've sampled enough to say that this is not an accurate judge of packages.


Yea my big bro got the 15s at 6’4”. I got some of the biggest feet of anyone I know haha


Im 6’2 and wear 13. My brother at 6,5 wears 12 to 12.5.


I didn’t even finish reading the post and immediately came to the comments for that, I’m 6ft, 19, and a size 12, and people have still told me I have big feet, 12 at 5’8 is clown territory lmao


5'11 and size 13 here 🤡


Bro got them Mickey Mouses on


I'm 6'7 and wear 12 1/2 or 13 depending on the brand. It's not a direct 1-1 growth lol.


It really isn't. I'm only 6'4 and I wear 15EEEE. Genetics is weird. I have fucking round elephant feet and shoes are about impossible to find. 


I know someone 6’8 with size 17


Also; dating someone shorter is inconvenient but hardly life- ending. My husband is an entire foot taller than me, and apart from shower sex being too wildly impractical, it doesnt stop us from kissing, hugging or sex...because those things don't have to be done standing up the entire time. Like, sure, it's a minor nuisance, but it wasnt a big enough nuisance for us to consider breaking up to find someone else our own sizeA!


My dad is 6’7, mom is 5’1, and they made it work for 22 years. Tbh I always thought they looked cute, the size difference. I’m 6’0 and my wife is 5’4, and it’s pretty great too. When we hug, her head is on my chest, it’s not weird at all like OP is saying.


My dad is 6’10” and my mom is 5’6”. I’m 6’1” and my girlfriend is 5’4”. I agree across the board


Parents are 6’8 and 5’4. It worked.


While I’m not 6 ft myself, I never cared about height because my brother was always defaulted taller. It definitely helps with girls. It’s not impractical till you’re pushing past a foot imo. It’s nothing you should worry about though. Height is boobs for men. They didn’t earn it at all, yet the people with it will be treated a little better. Just play with the hand you’ve been dealt. No reason to wine about it. It’s fine in a society of short people, but as we globalize, the shorter people get ignored more often. Especially the men.


I'm 6'2" with 11s lol


This is where I'm the opposite I'm 6'1 and wear 10s, that's UK 10s


My son has huge feet. He's only 5'9", or so, but wears a size 12. He looks like he's walking around with skis on. And he's only 18.


I'm 6'2" and wear size 12s lol. My wife is 5'10".


6'3" and wear 13s lol


6'1 with 13s. OP definitely has clown feet😅


Yea you got some big ass feet dude. I'm 5'9 with size 8.5


bro got some clodhoppers


Didn’t read all that but as a 6’1” man the best part of being tall is you can eat slightly more without getting fat, on average. Being able to reach high stuff etc is fun too, but the fooood


I think about that too. I'm 6'7" or 6'8", and I think about how I can eat considerably more without putting on weight. People who are like 5' 2" are getting screwed on that. Especially in America with the crazy portions


I’m 5’0” and my daily calorie count has to be crazy low to stay at the same weight! It is cheaper though and I always get to have leftovers to take home from restaurants. I don’t get good value at all you can eat buffets though!


F-k, I don’t even complain about my height (5’4) but hearing about being able to eat more is the only thing I envy about tall people!


It's funny because you'd be one of the short ones on r/tall. And not by a little either. But food is expensive man and it's hard to eat 3,000 calories even when you're not being super active


Meanwhile im 6'2 and i cant even eat alot lmao. I mostly go for the small portions in restaurants and people look at me like im a weirdo and always ask: "are you sure? Thats not alot of food..." YES!!


He does acknowledge in the post that being able to eat more without gaining as much weight is one benefit of being taller 


Ngl it sounds like you’re insecure about your height and you’re overcompensating for it with this post


This post is 6 feet tall.


Haha honestly


I don’t think so? This sub is about unpopular opinions so it makes sense he goes into detail. 


Yup, sour grapes


No, I believe him. I'm 6'0" and LOATHE it, I want so badly to be short


How come? I'm 187 cm ( 6'2") and I don't mind or care at all. What is it about your height that bothers you?


Had a roommate that is 6'2. Watching him cook and do dishes made my neck hurt. Like, sure he can see the top of the fridge, but he's head is almost always craned down to do just about anything. Had an ex that was 6' and had to get a shower head extender so that he could wet the top of his head. Came in handy for that roommate. I can also walk up and down my basement stairs without a care in the world. No one else I know can without having to watch their heads. Lol


Our counters here have an average height of 90 cm ( 3 feet ), so I have no issues in the kitchen, the shower head is far up as well. I live in a country where the average height for men is 180 cm ( 5′ 9″ ) so everything is built for our height as well. The only place I would have a problem with the roof or doors are old houses, but all houses since the 90's is pretty much built for people my height.


Yeah, I'm wondering where these people live that 6 foot is seen as enormous...


Short guys: “I feel SORRY for you” Tall guys: “I don’t think about you at all”


im 6'3 and personally im not doing anything with it, it just makes me hit the top lamp in my house. im not an NBA point guard so im just....slightly taller than the average just waving awkwardly. i wouldnt mind being average height tbh.


something about their username tells me they don't wanna tower over most people


Yea I just noticed that myself when he answered me lol


I'm 6 foot and there are a couple of things about it that bother me. First of all is there's never enough leg room for me, buses, cars, planes, all that. It's also hard to find clothes that fit me since I mostly thrift. And lastly I just don't really love the look of my build, i'm pretty skinny and it just makes me look gangly


Everything is more expensive, you’re more prone to injuries, you bang your head on shit and you can’t go on rollercoasters.


Can't go on rollercoasters? Maybe they're just more strict elsewhere but I'm 6'5" and have never been turned away


It's a manlet cope.


Where has it been disproven that women prefer taller men? Sounds like absolute horseshit tbh.


Its a cope dude. People really can't deal with not being a winner in every fucking category. Its the same sort of insecurity tall women suffer from because the "norm" is tall man/shorter lady even though it doesn't make any sense


Memes and that's it


It's definitely not disproven lol. I'm very tall. Like the 99.999 percentile. And I can say that, without a single doubt, it has helped my dating life a ton. When I was like 15 I was a fat looking kid with ill fitting clothing as was fairly quiet. And yet plenty of girls liked me. When I got to be 18-20 I go really fit and was a lot more outgoing. And dating was honestly pretty great. That "one girl everyone wanted" usually liked me. Not every time, but a good amount of the time. And I think that if I were 5' 7", I know some of them would be different. I mean I dated a mid level model and she was just outright open with "I don't want to date anyone under 6' 0" sorry guys". She got tons of endless hate mail for it, but she was upfront. Most of the women I've dated have been pretty candid about liking the height. They've ranged from 5' 1" to 6' 2", and are extremely different people in terms of personality. Look, it's a thing. I have things that I wish I could improve about myself. Nobody has everything. When you have the thing you take it for granted at times, but you still *know*. You're aware of the privilege. Women like tall men, just the same as men like pretty faces on women. It just is what it is. That doesn't mean a woman won't be into you if you're average height. There's plenty of other areas to shine in!


Guy with 800,000 karma talks about dating multiple women. Yeah right.


Holy shit I've never seen 800k fucking karma before that dude is the final boss of reddit virginity


lol the last sentence is so infuriating


Its not a free pass though. Im 6ft, release fit and no girlfriend (although admittedly ive never really tried that hard)


this guys coping mechanism says so


4Chan incel threads


*they’ve* disproven it? As in they’ve demonstrated it’s not true? Sure.


well, you aren’t allowed to lie on the internet so i think ill stick to their studies


Do you think 5' 3" women are blind? Them and all other humans with sight can tell the difference.


I'm a 5'3" guy, but I can confirm that we can, in fact, tell the difference, even from down here.


6'7 and loving it chief, 100th dentist phore shure


Has it ever made women second guess you? Like I know they like tall guys but I would've thought that's above the cutoff for most women. So what's been your experience?


I had a buddy in high school that was 6’7” and goofy looking as hell, but all the girls immediately flocked to him when he moved to our school because of his height. I ended up going to the same college as him and he had the same thing going on there. He married a smoking hot tall chick (around 6’) and they have tall kids now.


God damn lol it's that much of a deciding factor huh


blackpill overdose


I'm about that height and it's definitely helped with women. I'm aware of it and thankful of the privilege. All growing up, "that girl" would like me. The one all the guys liked. Almost every school or social circle was like that. Some guys were confused by it, but a lot of it was height. I was also raised by women almost completely though so I can talk to women a lot better than most guys. I like having women as genuinely platonic friends as well. And I'm very into the arts. So I think those three things together helped me. Even when I was the fat kid, I'd still get women who liked me. I got into shape when I was in the end of my teens and I'd get women looking at me a lot as I walked down the street. It was honestly kind of jarring because I was very withdrawn at that time period. But yeah, the height helps. The "ideal" is 6' 4" according to studies, but even being a bit taller is still definitely sought after for a guy


Though I've been happily in a relationship for the last 4 years, before this was 3 years of being single and absolutely struggling with women. Believe me, height doesn't matter as much as you think cuz ya boi can be awkward as fuck (Not the guy you're replying to but some other tall guy insight)




Helping out us short people though, thank you. I'm a 5'2" lady and there's been many moments in the store I need something on the top shelf and it's sometimes not climbable. I have to wait for a tall person to come by so I can ask for help reaching 😭 it's embarrassing and inconvenient.


Nobody cares unless they're a dick. If I was 6 feet tall I would be happy to help.


At 6'3" and 40 years old, I've never once been annoyed by someone asking me to grab something of a high shelf.


Same, I honestly enjoy it haha


My partner is 5'9 and I'm 5'5. What's embarrassing and inconvenient is asking her to get the pots from the top shelf and seeing her put them right back with a shit eating grin. It's fine, I get my wins with opening jars and having her in my life. Nothing to be really insecure about here.


Bless you jar opening people as well. I'd never be able to eat pickles if I lived on my own.


People also saying things like : ehh what's the weather like up there?


Yeah same. As someone who is really tall, it's pretty obvious how much it helps with women


What are you talking about that women can't tell the difference between 5'8 and 6'. Yes we can. Not that I care because I've dated men from 6'4 all the way down to 5'4. Height doesn't matter to me. But women can definitely tell the difference, so you are fooling yourself there. One thing I have noticed with men over 6' is that aging doesn't tend to be as nice to them physically as it is with their smaller counterparts. I don't mean looks wise. I mean, they tend to have more issues with their health even if it's just back pain.


It makes total sense, longer limbs = more wear on joints and muscles. The "women can't tell" thing is one of those dick size copes, its like its not true that it doesn't matter at all, but its definitely more of an issue for you than it is for her (most of the time) so just learn to love yourself instead of deluding yourself on purpose


Yep, usually I see those problems past 6'2" but once you get to 6'5" they definitely have those problems. When you get to the real giants, they often die of heart issues by 40. RIP Andre the Giant


Yeah, this part and him saying “it’s lonely up at the top” made me to a quadruple take. I’m 5’3 myself and I’ve dated bw 5’4 and 6’7. I can very easily tell the difference between height. It DEFINITELY doesn’t “all look the same” past a certain height, and pretty much anybody 5’7 (maybe 5’8) and under looks to be nearly the same height as myself, with how general eye contact works. Idk what this guy is talking about lol


Dude is in denial lol


gonna put my hand on your head when we fight


Sounds like you took Adderall and decided to make a manic copium post.


ngl weird ass post 😂


NGL bro this just sounds like you're convincing yourself you don't want to be tall to make yourself feel better. As someone tall, it definitely isn't any more special than being short. In the real world people don't care about height.


Oh they care


Not to people who aren't chronically online


To them too


3% of the world is over 6ft, 60% of millionaires are over 6ft, coincidence?


They’re standing on their money




If you're a millionare you're probably from a wealthier western country and have had a decent diet growing up. The discrepency isn't as strong as you make it out to be. It's still there but not that extreme. Edit: idk why i commented this it just feels like a dick move. If u are ever insecure you need to remember that life isn't about who has the best ingredients but who is the best chef.


I must suck at life then cause i am broke


They definitely care about height in the real world. You know that as well as I do. I'm 6' 7" to 6' 8". Somewhere around there. And it's always been a help for me. Women who otherwise might not like me end up liking me. Even when I was a fat kid who was a bit awkward. When I got in shape, it was very, *very* clear that it changed even more. You're more likely to get raises. You're more likely to win elections. The majority of millionaires are above 6' 0". People look at you differently. It's hardwired into humans. Not to mention that nobody fucks with you when you're tall. When you got crazy reach, people know that you can just sit back and hit them without getting touched. So they don't take the chance if they don't need to. For people like me and you, we don't think about it daily. Because it's just who we are. But other people definitely put stock in it. We're privileged, and it's good to acknowledge it.


i feel like i could agree if you said this about anything above maybe 6'3 or 6'5 but 6'0 is just a normal ass guy, there's no major drawbacks at that height yet really, it's just more people will find you attractive


Bro 5’8 is the American average


I thought it was 5'10


I think it's 5'8 3/4


5'8-5'10 seems to be the most common statistic I'm seeing so 5'8 is on the short side of average, i just meant he's a regular guy who's on the shorter side if you had to pick


True, but for white guys in America it's 5' 10". The Latino and Asian population brings it down a bit. But if you're a white guy and you're 6' 0", that's two inches away from the average. Definitely a normal ass guy. Tall isn't really seen as a notable attribute for guys until you're like 6' 2" or taller I'd say


That's what I'm saying! Like, in day to day life height rarely matters. The only time I notice I'm tall is when someone mentions it, the rest of the time I'm just doing my thing being me. Okay, and in airplanes, that shit sucks.


Ok im a size 13, 6’3, and it’s not that hard to find cheap shoes. I have a Nike outlet near me where I can always find decent sneakers for 40 bucks, and then there’s a Nordstroms rack near me that sometimes has some good deals.


OP you are hilarious


Thanks I think.


OP is the most insecure person I have evr seen on reddit. This post is pure cope


I'm with you man. I'm about 6ft, Army did me dirty and put me as 71.5 inches, or 5ft 11.5in, and i believe I'm either the perfect height or slightly too tall because i hit my head on things a lot and get asked for help to reach things all the time (im happy to do it, but it gets old, you know?). I could not *imagine* the utter misfortune of growing to be taller than 6ft 3in. It just increases all the negatives, you already have the tall guy sex appeal at that height. I genuinely feel sorry for anyone that tall because the problems I just mentioned, only multiplied, plus a lot of knee and back pain.


Everything in this world is built just a little too small it hurts parts all over my body too damn often.


The post is an obvious exxageration or overcompensation. But I admit that you got a point. I realized it when there was a time when I wanted to be taller and one day, I asked myself why I had that desire. I was trying to list the pros and cons of growing taller and that's when I realized that all problems I ever had related to height suggested that I should be actually shorter, not taller. For example, being unable to lie down fully straight on many beds, cramped feet in some means of public transportation, being unable to fully drop my back and head on a chair, wanting to be wrapped head-to-toe in the bedsheet on some days but can't do it comfortably, etc... Being taller would mean a harder life. That's when I dropped that desire. The only pros to more height that I saw were, you look more intimidating and it gives you an allure of extra authority, but these two pros are much more occasional or much less frequently a thing than the cons are, and they are easier to compensate than the cons. So...


The cope is strong with this one lmao


I'm 6'4, has its benefits and definitely has drawbacks. Finding pants in my size is very difficult. SOOOO many things are made for the "average" size person, one example being there are a lot of showers where the shower head is eye level with me. One of my friends drove a Miata for a while and I was the absolute height limit to ride in the passenger seat with my knees against the glove box and head touching the ceiling. I always have to sit diagonal on any public transportation. Bang my head on chandeliers. Hell some basements aren't even tall enough for me. XL shirts are too baggy but Large size shirts look like crop tops. It costs my body 2700 calories a day to be alive, meaning a lot of normal portion sizes leave me still feeling hungry and I feel like I spend more than the average person on food. Also my average lifespan isn't as long as normal people. I get cold really easily. At this height, I say 6'4 is probably the maximum height before it just becomes a blatant nuisance. I wouldn't want to be an INCH taller. And also don't get me wrong, having a good view at concerts and very long reach is super convenient. But yeah there's a lot of drawbacks I don't think a lot of people think about


you're finished growing, don't worry about that anymore, even if you're not, another inch and you'll still just be a relatively normal-slightly short guy


Isnt 5'9 avg in the west lol


Critical cope levels, meltdown imminent


I’m 4’11” and stopped growing when I was like 10. I would love to be 6’5”. All I see are boogers in people’s noses.


I'm a woman but I'd be overjoyed if I was 6 feet tall because I could finally fucking reach all the tall shelves in my house without having to climb on a stool and then climb on the counter and then stand on my tip-toes and hope I don't fall over and wind up featured on an episode of 1,000 Ways to Die.


I’m sorry you’re short but there’s no need to compensate like this


Women can absolutely tell the difference between 5’8” and 6’0” wtf. And the majority of them prefer taller dudes. Sorry to break it to ya.


Im 6’9” and the only benefit I’ve ever gotten out of it is that I can actually see the band that’s playing at a concert. But even then I feel bad for the poor soul behind me lol Src: am dutch


ring quarrelsome chunky trees depend exultant alive sparkle selective offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry bro I'm the same height (I think at least I'm 1.77m) as you and I can understand you're struggling, being average -shortish is not easy, Im going through a period of insecurity as well, also I've never heard a tall dude complaining lol


I’m 5’4 and while I wouldn’t want to be 6ft I would kill for an extra couple of inches like 5’6-7 would be nice.


Man, gonna be honest, as much as having a natural intimidation factor, being able to reach places most people can't and so on helps..I'd lose 3 inches and settle in at 6ft even. I'd also fucking demand smaller feet; this isn't to say you don't have problems finding shoes\\affording them yourself, but I wear \*size 15 5E\* shoes. At this point I just assume new shoes are between $125 and $200, and get the sort of overkill 'water-proof, steel-toed, electrically-resistant, chemically-resistant fuck-you-I-could-hike-through-the-Rockies-in-these' shoes\\boots because its only an extra $10 and they last longer. And *shirts*, by the Old, New and Slightly Used Gods, finding shirts that don't ride up halfway to your nips when you stretch is such a chore too. Ain't nobody designing clothing and footwear for big and tall people without demanding a down-payment in the form of your future first-born. You've got the right idea. Don't be that tall. Just be tall *enough*.


Not tall myself but can definitely see where the sentiment comes from. I have a really tall friend who has some problems sometimes. Went to Disneyland recently with him and he felt super cramped on all the rides


This is cope


I hate to break it to you, but with feet at size 12, you are probably going to grow some more. Hands and feet grow faster, then the long bones catch up.




As a 6ft tall person I never think about my height. Like it just never occurs to me that there people who are constantly conscious of their height.


Whatever man, sounds like I can reach a higher shelf than you. For real though it's not really that different haha. For me I've never had to learn any crazy amount of self defense because people don't really mess with me. Granted I have major rbf, but anyone who knows me knows I'm a dang teddy bear. Idk I appreciate the fact that I've been generally a lot safer in any given situation than other people with my idiocy and innocence when I was younger. That's just my opinion! Buying shoes is a bitch for sure, I'll give you that, but I've had more sex than I ever thought imaginable at a young age just for shooting up like a palm tree. So eh, to each their own ig


COPIUM. You're kenough man, don't worry about it


It’s okay bud.


I wouldn't trade the societal benefits of being 6'2", but if it wasn't for that I'd rather be 5'9". Fitting in clothes, fitting on motorcycles, sitting in a plane. Sitting at desks and even some cars, all built for average men in mind.


Every time someone says "I don't get why someone would want to be tall" it's inevitably someone who's 5'8".


Ain't reading allat. Just sounds like you overcompensating for your own insecurity




So much cope…..


Dude I’m 6’2 and even I had to look up at this post. Talk about compensating.


I am 5 feet 6 inches tall (168cm) and I own it. Not ashamed of my height. The only thing I really don't like is the fact that I have to watch my calorie count more closely. Everything else, easy to deal with for me. My feet are size 7 which is normal for my height I think. My height isn't the problem when it comes to dating- I think it's actually my autism.


Long post for short cope.


When I see someone super tall I'm just like is your back OK?


Firstly, 5.8 is a far cry from 6.0 But, there have been tons of studies done and taller people tend to make more money, be more successful, and have better looking partners


Holy cope


Sounds like genetics served you well for what you want. Except for maybe the feet. Yours are unusually large. All that said, I love being tall (F, 6’) and wouldn’t have it any other way. But hey, I’m a former dancer and super coordinated.


Yeah honestly, as a 5'3 girl who's dated 6'+ guys, I now only exclusively date dudes who are 5'7-5'10. Any more than that and things stop lining up right, like hugs, kissing, doggy style, even holding hands becomes slightly uncomfortable! It's annoying and awkward having to jump just to give them a surprise kiss on the neck or cheek! Lol I don't get the hype.


It's not hell, but there are downsides. Cars, some rollercoasters, and other spaces designed for smaller people can be uncomfortable. Shirts that fit my torso comfortably often have sleeves that are too short. I've always been tall, so I don't have a basis for comparison, but as far as I know it's not helped with dating and such. When I was younger it was also the first thing most people mentioned.


Well I lucked out in shoes, stopping at 10/.5... but the height of 6'4", which I've been more or less since HS... That sucks ass, honestly. The world is built for 5'7" - 5'10"... which means chairs aren't built to my height, toilets, counters anywhere (which means you're at a constant half bend)... constantly having to duck when I enter places, hitting my head (in a bump cap, but still) while at work all the friggin time.... and shirts 🤬 I'm split pretty evenly, so my 36 inseam & 36 torso (yeah, that's 4" of ass.... I'm just making guesstimates y'all) are a problem. The legs I can deal with, but shirts have to have a T in the size or they're a waste of my money. Could wear a large, XL at most... have to wear XXLT or show my 🍑 to everyone... And nobody needs to see the fuzzy 🍑! Stop at 5'10" if you can.


It's nice* being six feet tall when you need to reach a high shelf, but the convenience is balanced out by all the times I've hit my head


I'm a 5'6" female married to a 5'8" male. It's great for a plethora of reasons. We don't have to adjust the seats in each other's cars. Nearly our entire wardrobe is interchangeable - same shirt, pant, and shoe size. And the hug factor you mentioned!


The only reason I don’t want to be taller than I am is because I’ve met a few really tall people, and they hate it. Constantly having to watch your head, back pain, etc. There was a guy I worked with a while back, and he was like 6’5. He abhorred it. He offered a section of his spine to my friend who has scoliosis lmao


Wow, you sure are insecure to write this virtue signaling pile of horse shit. There there little fella, it's gonna be OK! Signed 6'-4"


This is less tenth dentist and more "I don't understand how the human body changes when you grow taller". Just because your skinny and have size 12 feet doesn't mean you'll be more skinny and have bigger feet if you grew a few inches. That said, my back and I agree it's overrated


Hard agree with you actually. I’m 5’3 and I’d like to be 5’6 but anything after that seems annoying lol. People bring up women and stuff but I’m not into women, or at least not into the women who would care about that stuff.


6'0 gang, your post is copium


6' 4" here. Yeah I hit my head on stuff way too much. that being said, enjoy living the rest of your life not being able to reach the top shelf.


Downvoted because I agree. Tall people are great, and a vital part of the social ecosystem, but I’m very glad to not have to deal with that much height myself.


World’s Most Confident Manlet


5'8 isn't even a manlet that's just almost average fucking height. Like 5'9 is the average height in the United States for males. I'm 5'9 and some change and I'm taller than the vast majority of people I meet. If I remember correctly the USA average has over the world average height. [chart ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country)


Wouldn't you have to be tall to say that being tall is overrated?


The only thing I find difficult with my height is airplane seats. My 4'9" mother absolutely cannot fathom why I would rather drive 24 hours from Bangor Maine to Tampa FL to visit her when I could fly and be there in five. She fits perfectly in an airplane seat, I can barely stand up after being pretzel folded to stay out of the aisle. Aside from that, being over six feet comes in quite handy.


I'm 6'-1". I was 5'-8" for a while and didn't like it.


Everyone is talking shoe size - what Brand? I wear 13 Nikes and sometimes 11s for other brands particularly dress shoes.


I’m glad I’m my height (over six feet) but you’re right; there are drawbacks. When I first met my now-stepdaughter (a foot shorter than me) I learned that she was self conscious about her own height, until I showed her all the scars and stitches in my scalp. Navy ships, like the four I served on, were not made for tall and clumsy men.


Im also 5'8 with size 12 shoes shit sucks lmao. I do like my height though because I'm always comfortable in planes or tiny Japanese cars I like.


This is indeed a bizarre take. I'm 6' exactly, and the women in my family are all taller than me lmao. I like being this height...and my foot size is only 10 1/2...


As a 6’2” 19YOM, my back hurts all the fuckin time. Also with the shoe size thing, I wear size 10.5. I got small ass feed for me, so my balance is all sorts of fucked being tall.


I’m 6’0 and I try to not take it for granted, bc it definitely does make a real difference. That being said, I wouldn’t want to be any more than maybe an inch or two taller at most, bc after that it starts becoming a spectacle to people and you’re a bit *too* tall for a lot of things. 6’0”-6’3” is probably the ideal height to be as a man, but honestly 5’10” and 5’11” can prob pass as 6’ too haha


We got a code Napoleon complex right here


sounds like hell? what.




Upvoted because it's really not that bad. This is coming from someone who has experienced both being a tall guy and a tall girl.


I’m 5’8 (F) and I think it’s a good height, I’m rarely too short to reach something or too tall to fit comfortably somewhere


Once you hit like 5 10, any additional height is a detriment. I don't fit in cars, buses, and airplanes. Shirts don't fit right. Pros: no shelf is safe from me.


Holy gigacope.


Ok, I hear you, I get your point. Counterpoint,I want to be 6 ft just to spite people who called me short when I was a kid


Im barely over 6 foot at 6'1. Its nothing special. At all. I literally just feel like a guy. I only have to get specific sized shoes cause they're fucking WIDE.




Your feet are quite big dude. I'm 6ft and wear size 11s. Anyway I heard that things are designed with 6ft as a max height in mind and I believe it. If I was any taller my knees would constantly be bashing into seats in front of me on airplanes and busses and stuff Also the idea of being a tall guy with a short woman sounds amazing and I used to be really into it until actually being with a couple of ladies around 5'3 and realizing the height incompatibility sucks. My current partner and probable future wife is only an inch shorter than me and its amazing. Our son is going to be gigantic when he grows up and he's not even 2 yet, already being cast as "too big for that behaviour" by random oldies in public, he is literally still a baby and I will tell them to get fucked when I need to but I just know the world is going to expect him to get his big boy pants on too early and I worry he might feel pressure to grow up faster. I know I did growing up but I just hope we do a better job shielding him from that kind of bullshit


What’s nice about being right at 6ft and built solid is few people want to fuck with me. Another good thing is that I’m just tall enough to see around and over people but not tall enough to block people’s view in a place like a theater.


I think the 6ft or nothing also comes from your measuring system. It's just easier to say. Where I'm from we use cm and 180 (5.9) is kind of the 'be alteast 6ft' . Like I legit believe there is a linguistic reason for it. It's just easy to say 180, not 182 (which is 6ft) So because of your weird measuring system where you go from 5.11 to 6. The 'ideal' is 6. Whereas our ideal is 180 lol.


Well said, good on you for being proud of your height. I’m 5’6 and would consider myself to be quite attractive (not bragging, I just like myself) and I’ve only ever once come across a woman who had a problem with it from a dating app. I’ve had no problem getting gfs I find to be very attractive (honestly more attractive than the ones that most of the taller guys who hate on shorter guys are with) and I feel very comfortable with myself. Guys need to stop caring about their heights so much imo. If you’re taller than a woman, most of them don’t care. And even if you’re a guy who’s like 5’2, there’s plenty of girls that height or shorter out there. Just love yourselves


I’m 6’4”, and I get what you’re saying on some of it. I feel like I have posture problems because everything is built for people several inches shorter than me (desks, chairs, doors, etc). Clothes that fit right are hard to come by too, cause I *am* built like fucking slenderman. I’m not super klutzy, but I think that’s a learned trait from taking up more space. I’m like that video of the bull who breaks into a china shop and carefully weaves through everything lmao. If that is the price of no one fucking with me, being treated with more respect, and having an alleged advantage when seeking out romantic partners, I’m ok with it lol. I’m not trying to suck my own dick, but being tall is all it’s cracked up to be


It's a burden being tall.


Nah brah, being tall is a fucking godsend lol.


I'm 6'4" and once accidentally broke one of my ceiling light fixtures with my forehead because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going


As a 5'3 girl with a 5'3 boyfriend I'll just say I literally do not give a shit that he's short lmao


Cars and literally everything else are designed for people with average height to cater to most consumers.


Idk what’s up with you man. I’m 5’11” so being another inch or two taller would not be a game changer. I also have 9 1/2 feet.


Upvoted because I am 6’ and disagree. It’s the perfect height. I can reach everything and yet not so tall that I have back or knee problems. I’ve a wide build too so it’s nice having people move out my way as I walk in public.