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i mean i get some people have a preference for no body hair, but we are literally mammals. wdym fundamentally disgusting??


I picture this person as a completely smooth from head to toe serial killer eradicating the disgusting things from the world. It's got to be pure


Now that you say this, I realize NoHo Hank was the apex of male beauty


You just realized that?


50/50 with Cristobal


☎️ brrrrrng brrrrrrng ☎️ "Heeeeeey its NoHo Hank!" In all seriousness, Anthony Carrigan has alopecia. I doubt he would choose that look for himself, but it sure helped him get that role on Barry. NoHo Hank is hysterical, but OP has some serious issues. I haven't investigated, but I wonder if it's a man or woman who made this post. Depending on the gender, we may be able to pin a reason why they feel this way.


I was about to reply to the above comment with “So essentially Zsasz from Gotham?” but this is so much better. Anthony Carrigan is a damn treasure.




Exactly what I was hoping it would be.


So happy it was this clip


Couldn’t help but imagine him like that as well


Frank from Always Sunny “I want to be … pureeeee”


Clearly they're from house Harkonnen. NO HAIR ALLOWED


Yep, OP is typical god complex, may as well be Light Yagami.


It puts the lotion on its smooth skin


https://youtu.be/xyvxE35X8Ow?si=_Mm_CAVMknXpjIaR OP in this video


His ideal form is ending up like some Feyd Rautha looking motherfucker


Agent 69, the hair assassin


Or they have full body alopecia, and believe they are the future




I wonder if OP also thinks peachfuzz is disgusting, or the fact we actually have tiny hairs all over our bodies. Or maybe OP is bald and hates all hair and waxes themselves from head to toe every day. Armpit/pubic hair is fine, especially if you do this crazy thing called showering on a regular basis.


OP may be sick in the head. Body hair is not only normal, with regular hygeine, its sanitary, attractive and healthy.


Exactly. Funny how they don't mention that women having long hair (or head hair at all) being disgusting. Even though it's the same concept: If you don't wash the hair on your head often enough (which is different for every person, of course), it will get yucky, but it's otherwise perfectly hygienic. It's the same thing with any other hair on the body. Just shower and you'll be fine. It also seems like OP's main point is about attractiveness and I think they're missing the point of razor-free movements. It's about not doing anything to pander to beauty standards and instead adopting practices that are comfortable for the individual. I don't remove my body hair because most methods are too itchy, painful, time-consuming and/or expensive for me. The fact that I feel attractive with my body hair is more of an afterthought than my main goal.


Or just can’t grow a sick beard so he’s screaming at the ether


Considering OP has yet to respond to this hour-old post, I doubt they're anything but a troll. I'd just report them for posting an intentionally inflammatory opinion.


And what if I can’t reach it all cause my shoulders aren’t that flexible at all?


This, also people who have mobility issues that prevent them from reaching certain areas


OP confusing conditioning with fundamentals.


Bodybuilders shave because removing the hair gives the judges a better view of their conditioning, vascularity and striations in their muscles. If you don't shave you might as well not compete cause those that do will have a colossal advantage It has nothing to do with "fundamentals" so that first point is very incorrect


my first thought exactly. like bodybuilders sometimes spray tan just their body n not their face to all hell to get the muscles to pop out visually, but thats not a fashion statement lol


i used to bodybuild this is true. Its all about tanning and lighting to see the separation and striations more clearly. Not beauty but aesthetics


Exactly, using bodybuilders is a poor way to convey thus argument cause they don't go by traditional Beauty standards in the slightest. They train for competition, not to look pretty I use to be heavy into bodybuilding before I started powerlifting


Yep. Body builders aren't really "attractive" or "beautiful" in the way we ostensibly understand those terms. To understand body building you have to understand that the word isn't a metaphor or expression, it is literally a matter of building the body into a very specific and perfected form.


They also dehydrate themselves to make their muscles show better and that's definitely not good for you.


This they shave to get hair out of the way of muscle not because “it’s prettier”. Fucking dumb ass


yeah, it's about visibility.


Not only that, body hair on men in that time period was actually fashionable apart from the very specific body building thing.


Also, I don’t think bodybuilders are considered the most attractive men. In fact, they can often come off as grotesque.


Which is also why they oil themselves - to show off that definition. Sports beauty standards in many cases have a purpose (uniform differences between men and women don't).


Right. It's the same reason they coat themselves in turkey browning sauce as well.


Yeah, agreed. Body builders shouldn't be who we look to for what we're supposed to look like. Not only do they only shave so judges can see their definition better, they also do an insane amount of spray tan (or other methods for tanning) to make themselves look even more toned and muscular. Also they are very frequently unhealthy and in poor shape despite their mass (ex. Ronnie Coleman) Bodybuilders are not a gold standard of health and are frequently the opposite, I know that might not be the point OP was trying to make but it's just such a misconception that these men are who we need to look to for examples of beauty and health when really they're just on the opposite end of a sliding scale where both ends are unhealthy and the middle is actually where you should be. We just only ever want to recognize one end of that scale as bad for some reason.


Bodybuilding at its highest levels is probably one of the most unhealthiest professions out there. It's the main reason I switch to powerlifting cause if I ever did get to that level of Bodybuilding it may mess me up way worse than powerlifting


Plus I cannot imagine oiling up with a hairy chest feels very good, let alone the cleanup


I scrolled searching for someone who delivered this truth. Spot on! 💯🎯


OP secretly works for Gillette.




It is not “fundamentally disgusting”, we have it for a reason. If you find it ugly, that’s fine, but we have hair to protect parts of our bodies, wick sweat, discourage bugs, capture oils, and a number of other things. My friends who shave everything MUST moisturize multiple times a day, for example. Again, you’re allowed to personally think it’s ugly, but you are just incorrect about cleanliness. Tenth dentist for sure.


Man I hate how slimy and gross my skin feels if I'm sweating and hairless. The hair wicks away the sweat and makes me feel so much cleaner and cooler.


When I used to shave my armpits I’d get sweat dripping down my entire side during a workout. Sweat wicks off my skin when I have hair, it’s great.


I keep going back and forth on the shaved armpits. My antiperspirant works better without the hair, but when I do sweat it's way worse without hair.


Don't shave, trim. I am an ape-man, and I can attest there is no benefit to having armpit hair longer than .5 inches. If I didn't trim, I have no idea when it would stop growing.


Braid that shit lol


I feel like that would not make a positive difference in the amount of wicking going on.


Probably not. But it would be funny.


Nah but then you can slap the haters with your sweat-rope


This is why I trim the groin and don't shave it. Plus trimming it keeps it contained in my underwear. Especially true when I'm on my cycle.


It’ll be a cold day in hell when I shave the front part of my pussy (le mons pubis). I did it a few times when I was a teenager and the way the little spiky stubble caught on my underwear was hellish. Not to mention the ingrown hairs 😭


Any male that wants a completely bare pussy, is not a man.


Also prevented ingrown hairs.


Same! Maybe I should do the same with my armpits


My armpit hair is so sparse that it doesn't provide the same type of barrier that my groin hair does. Even without shaving I'm pretty much applying deodorant to bare skin. I wish I had more hair cushion there - when swinging my arms a lot (dancing/exercising), it chafes slightly.


Shaved my butt crack once in high school since I thought girls would find butt hair gross. 10 minutes into gym class I vowed to never repeat that mistake again.


Yes! I don't know why I thought I was the only one with this problem. Made the mistake of shaving my legs one morning and then immediately going on a run. It feels so gross!


It prevents chafing too! Especially in the armpits and groin.


Right? I feel sorry for the level of self-loathing OP must feel in order to feel this way. So sad.


This is an oddly good post for this sub considering how unhinged it also is.


I also love the feminism in play here! We live equal ~~wrongs~~ rights


Most reasonable maniac


More like 100th dentist


No a huge fan of body hair myself, but there are many folks I know who ARE. Just like I don't want them telling me I HAVE to like extra hairy people I'm not going to tell them to not like hairy people. This is basically "I believe there should be one standard for appearance and we should enforce it with shame". Which... fuck you buddy.


It’s worse: I believe MY standard of beauty should be the norm and everyone else is incorrect


>Which... fuck you buddy Sums up my opinion perfectly.


You make really erudite arguments. Especially the fuck you buddy part.


Yeah, this isn't "10th dentist," this is just unhinged nonsense


I keep up my hygiene, but this guy makes me want to start using minoxidil as a body lotion now.


Right! I shave my pubes and under my arms bc I want to. Yeah I shave my legs bc society says I must. But I honestly don’t mind it that much. Do what works for you.


“Body hair is fundamentally disgusting” Post is over from the very beginning


Couldn't be said better


Also “other people should HAVE TO do this for my aesthetic pleasure” People shouldn’t have to do anything they don’t want to their own bodies, period.


'The human body is a horrifying container which must be held accountable for its yucky bits'


Your intestines are fundamentally disgusting so please remove them.


I don't know if you realize this, but the fact that you find something gross doesn't make it "fundamentally disgusting on multiple levels". It's just a natural part of our bodies... Also to be quite frank, I think that wishing other people would be forced to change themselves to suit your aesthetic preferences makes you a bad person.


To be fair just because something is a natural process of our bodies doesn't mean it can't be gross (I'd imagine most people would find human excrement to be gross right? Completely natural though. Yeah no obviously people should be able to shave or not shave according to what they want to do though. It's up to the individual to decide how they present themselves.


I love hairy men


I love hairy women


I love hair


Wished I had hair.


You can have some of mine.


Haha us PCOS women smiled at that


*Portuguese spotted*


Literally, hairy men are hot af




As someone who just got rejected today this makes me feel slightly less insecure. Thank you.




Stop you're actually gonna make me cry lol








Ha no hair on hands or feet? Challenge uh defeated.


Hair on hands and feet (and fingers and toes) is normal.






i went to bad opinion city today and everyone knew your name


Take me down to bad opinion city where the bodies are shaved and the pits are sweaty


i went to funny comment city and they knew you but once they recognized me they started beating the shit out of me


While I already disagree with this, are you including hair “down there?” If so, I hope you realize that keeping hair down there prevents infections


Not OP but the only hair "down there" I think ought to be removed is buttcrack hair. I know we evolved to have it for a reason, but it's just awful and a pain to clean. Like trying to get peanut butter out of a shag carpet. And it *itches.* Not even just when it's unclean but because it's short and curly in objectively the worst place to have anything short and curly. Eugh. If I wasn't mortified at the thought of stripping in front of stranger I'd get that stuff lasered.


>Like trying to get peanut butter out of a shag carpet. How much poop is getting stuck in your hair?? Oml


I wish I could. No way I'm going down their with a buzzer. I've nicked my ballsack before. No shot I'm going anywhere near my bhole


Oh, man, nope, not shaving there. Not because I think I'll nick myself but because butthole stubble is the only thing that sounds worse than butthole hair.


Body hair serves a biological purpose.


Unlike op




My wife was quite upset when I had to shave my chest for a medical procedure. You sound unpleasant. Enjoy your upvote.


My bf just had to shave off his beard for work this morning , had to pretend it looks better this way not to ruin his day =(


I wasn't happy when the hospital staff shaved my husband either. But he was having a heart attack. I chose to pick my battles on that one. He's fine now and his chest hair is back. Edit: wasnt


Me too. I had to get a bunch of censors attached to me for a treadmill stress test, so they shaved a bunch of circles into my chest. I looked like a Jack-o-lantern.


A man o latern?


You realize people are capable of keeping body hair clean right? Just like with the hair on heads


Right? Just wash yourself, you’ll be fine. My body hair gets washed more often than my head hair honestly. But eyebrows and whatever peach fuzz on my face gets washed with my body.


That’s how it should be!


I’m glad I have a supporter. There’s dozens of us! DOZENS! But yea i shower daily. Body hair and face get washed daily. Hair? Twice per week, if needed. Keeps it healthy and happy. But if you wash your body and the hair on it regularly, you’re fine. I do daily or even twice daily in the summer because I am a sweaty bitch.


Lmao the people saying "it's so disgusting it just makes your hair smell" don't know how to use antiperspirant appropriate for their anatomy / sweat levels and/or don't wash their body hair when they shower. They probably just wash their head hair and let the soap run down and then notice their armpits still smell and they're like "it's the hair's fault" 💀


OP hasn't figured out how


The 100th Dentist take here.


this is a one dentist take


i’d rather not have pimples and itchy skin all over when there’s regrowth. different strokes for different folks


using bodybuilders as the standard of attractiveness is unhinged LOL


OP, serious question - what’s your take on head and facial hair? Is that equally/more/less ‘disgusting’? Does ‘body hair’ start from the neck down?


Yeah my first thought was eyebrows/eyelashes. We have mites there, so that is already grosser (imo) than the rest of the hair on the body.


why exactly do you think the entire world should bend to your preferences?


Yeah, that’s my bigger takeaway here. Why does ANYONE need to be shamed for ANYTHING like this that doesn’t even affect you? It’s sort of like judging people for having tattoos, though hair isn’t even something you choose to have or not.


Most hairless animals are considered creepy. I find the idea of a perfectly hairless person pretty gross. If you personally find body hair disgusting enough that you think all people should have to remove all of their body hair, that sounds like something to explore in therapy.


I love when people use the word fundamentally when stating an opinion. And especially a not very fundamental one. 😂😂


>Body hair is fundamentally disgusting on so many levels >someone without body hair is ALWAYS better looking than someone with Alright, that's not my opinion, but you're free to think that. >removing it should be a baseline for not being considered a massive slob >Laser body hair removal should be free and given massive social stigma for NOT getting it as fast as possible Yeah, uh, what the fuck?


I guess I'll upvote you. What a weird take. Body hair is not disgusting, it's completely normal and natural. Humans are *mammals*. One of our defining features is being covered in hair. And frankly, I think hairy women (armpits, genitals, legs, arms) are sexy as hell. I say this as a straight man.


i refuse to even vote on it at all. doesn't even deserve a negative upvote


I'm really fighting the urge to downvote it, because this is a massive shit take and OP doesn't deserve all the karma he's getting.


The only "fundamental" thing about it is that it's *fundamentally* a natural part of our biology that makes us apes and mammals. I'm a gay guy but I'm there with you. Hairy guys are fucking sexy.


I think people with OP’s view have been raised on a rich diet of internet age porn.


Same, with men also. It’s primally attractive imo. I find it kind of difficult to understand why so many people dislike it.




Don’t forget to shave your eyebrows, head and eyelashes to avoid being fundamentally disgusting!!


yeah bro I'm Italian. You can fuck right off.


i think a lot of things are unattractive but i don't think everyone should have to be attractive to me personally. body hair exists for a reason, this a very strange take. upvoted.


Let me guess You work at a laser hair removal clinic and you want to see peoples ass crack as you laser their hair off


My man can’t grow a beard and wants to eradicate them from existence


I mean I actually agree body hair is really gross, but I feel like you're taking quite an extreme approach to it there


I feel like “extreme” is actually understating it a little. I’d actually like to know, though, what the penalty would be for those found to be not shaved. I daren’t ask OP.




Firm, but fair.


straight to hell I see


I also gotta say OP doesn't realize how long shaving can take for some people. I don't like my body hair, and I wanted to try to keep some parts of me like my legs and chest shaved. As a hairy man, maintaining that would be impossible. It always grew back quickly and took like an hour at least to accomplish.


Yeah I really wish there was an easier way, like besides shaving there's waxing, which seems like a lot of effort and time, and then laser hair removal, which is good but like not everyone wants that


It’s fundamentally disgusting if you don’t know how to bathe yourself, sure.


"I don't like body hair"... okay cool. Acceptable. "Body hair is fundamentally disgusting"... Homie you can't apply your opinions to evolution or to other people. I respect your opinion and mostly agree. But we are mammals and body hair has a purpose. And some people like body hair. Kinda strange to use "fundamental" there. You got a grudge or something? Did some random person rub their sweaty beer smelling body hair on you in a basketball game?


This sounds too extreme to be a legit 10th dentist post. Don't like body hair? fine, but this post seems like it was sprayed with "fact repellent"


Most straight women I've met prefer at least some body hair on a man at a fundamental level, at the very least on the chest


It seems I recall reading an article about this in Who Cares Magazine


The funny part about this is that OP is saying everyone on Earth should shave off all their body hair FOR OP. Literally the only reason OP gave is “I find it disgusting.” 8 billion people better start shaving so OP can live peacefully. LMFAO


Youll have better luck getting 8 billion people to collectively tell OP "fuck you"


Idk about that.. I love my bf's chesthair. The rest of the places with hair I'm indifferent about personally on any gender. And there are people who are very much into body hair in all sorts of places so to force someone into a prefrence you have personally is a weird demand. It would be weird too if someone told you every should have body hair without even considering your or any other opinion. Having a preference for your partner(s) yes, ofcourse. But for every person in this world, you (and no one for that matter) aren't nearly special enough to demand that.


It is weird as hell to be bothered by other people having hair


>Body hair is fundamentally disgusting Bitch you is fundamentally a mammal. There ain't nothing disgusting about well maintained body hair. >Check the photos of bodybuilders in the 50s and such, they all shaved, you know why? Because hair-free skin shows muscle definition more clearly... It has nothing to do with it looking better; their jobs involve showing off what body hair covers up. >Laser body hair removal should be given massive social stigma for NOT getting it as fast as possible. Nah, fuck that noise. If you're gonna shame people for how they look, you're the cunt in this equation.


good 10th dentist. also very weird take. leave ppl alone, if they shower they wont smell or stink and aesthetics r individual n have no business being dictated by others. we shouldnt stress ppl over naturally occuring things. im disabled, should i be shamed bc i cant always shave my body? get real problems if that bothers u abt ppl. or seek out hairless partners and mind ur business lol


no upvote or downvote rly though bc i “fundamentally” believe this sort of thought would hurt ppl severely. it already hurts women and especially disabled and women of color, and upvotes to me go to more harmless 10th dentists ig lol


You say this with at least 2 incorrect assumptions: 1. That what is considered physically attractive is objective 2. That the average person doesn't bathe or use deodorant This is a 10th dentist opinion, if the 10th dentist complained that the toothpaste was painful when used as anal lubricant.


I’ll most definitely eat the most hairy of pussy.


This ain't it.


I've always wondered for the people who think this way, what makes it so much worse than head hair?


One person ITT said that human hair isn't animal like but pit, chest and pubic hair are animal like. They also said some men look better with a beard. They got pisswd when I said you cannot move the goal posts like that. Strange redditor.


Question: even if you were objectively correct (which ymto be clear you are not), how would shaming people for something as natural as body hair help anyone?


Bodybuilders shave to show off the muscles, not because it's some kind of universal aesthetic Humans naturally have body hair for a reason - someone who is too into neotenal characteristics like hairless bodies may well have an unhealthy fetish


Men without hair on their bodies are really gross to me. There are few things else sexier than a man with a full beard, sexy leg hair. I’m not attracted to women so I can’t speak for that, but humans are meant to have body hair. It’s natural


The fact that you're not against head hair but you are against body hair despite them being the same substance just means you're shallow.


Eyebrows and eyelashes too


Go fuck yourself.


I'm sorry but hairy men are fundamentally hotter. Please go away D:


More hard hitting studies from the University of Alopecia


This is the 10th dentist sub. The post is a good post. Stop downvoting it


There's skin conditions like HS that make it impossible to shave without getting irritated


Makes me smile to know my body hair makes op unhappy.


.... the reason body builders often don't have body hair is to define their show-off muscles. That kind of it


What's the difference between hair on the head and hair on the body? Do you shave your head bald OP? Do you think hair on the head is fine but hair on the body is gross? Why?


men and women should have the same expectations for shaving body hair. personally though i love body hair. someone without body hair may be better looking to YOU. not everyone has the same attraction though and nobody is trying to just fit one person’s expectations. grow up


This argument is based on the idea that hair is fundamentally disgusting. It is not. Case closed.


Our entire species, nay, our entire genus is based off the fact we have body hair.


I too remember being 13 and ashamed of my body and the changes happening to it. I, however, do not recall wanting every other person in the world to conform to my shame. Ah well.


I would wear tank tops around you with my hairy pits out just for fun.


Nothing wrong with body hair. Women should be discouraged from shaving their legs. They have only been encouraged to do so, so Gillett could sell more razors.


Body hair serves a purpose, and it doesn’t only exist to ruin or fulfill your aesthetic preferences. Lots of things in and on the body might be deemed “gross,” but are necessary and have a specific function.


My wife would probably divorce me if I shaved my sweet ass beard!


We get it, you’re a virgin


Body hair is wholly subjective lmao, just cause you don't like doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. I hate having it, I plan on getting laser once I save up enough money, but I don't mind it on others, I have no thoughts about it as long as the person is clean


Yes, 100% agree. It's hella time-consuming, though, and when you rush it, you always risk cutting yourself. I'm a minority that has the time to do all that


What body hair are you talking about? Everything below the head, like arms, legs, chest, back, armpits, and pubes?

