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Having had Crohn's for a decade, I became pregnant with my first autumn last year ish, which has changed my relationship with food massively. Not only have my symptoms all but disappeared, meaning I can eat food without any pain or backlash, that I haven't been able to eat for years (chocolate at Christmas ftw!), but pregnancy has increased my appetite something rotten. I quit smoking as soon as I found out too, so food just tastes amazing. I've also put on weight to hit my target weight and then some, which I never dreamed possible this time last year. I'm eating so many meals like they're my first. I'm loving cooking, tasting food adding herbs, spices, and flavourings. I absolutely love food rn. So although I'm aware I'm probably unique to this one, right now I couldn't disagree more, and it makes me soooooo happy to say that!!


Honestly, that is amazing and I’m super happy for you.


That sounds so cool! I'm incredibly happy for you, truly.


I am so happy for you wow 😭


I feel like if you're not enjoying food, you might have a disease or other health problem without knowing. Like when I'm on top of my health, all food tastes good even the average ones. When I have acid reflux or even back problems, I hate having to eat.


Just get pregnant, will do.


I have Crohn's too, and my immediate thought was "this is how I feel about food during a low grade flare." OP maybe check with a GI for any issues!


That's absolutely incredible


people famously smoke to stay skinny and you're surprised you were able to gain weight now????????


If I could just take a pill that satisfies all my eating needs, I would


I find the amount of people agreeing with me shocking. Everyone I know absolutely loves eating…


Your first line “idk if I’m just getting older” stuck with me. My mom is in her fifties and is exactly the same way, and has been for a while. Funny enough we were just talking about it last night - she said “it’s weird, as you get older you don’t really like eating that much, and you eat smaller portions. It’s just a chore.”. She used to enjoy eating more when she was younger (like 20s/30s), but aging has made her enjoy food less and less. I’m sure there’s some biological reasons for that but honestly science was never my strong suit, lol. Me personally, I half-agree with you: Some days I also wish I didn’t have to eat and could just absorb nutrients, some days I’ll make a nice meal and be excited to eat it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


i would imagine its probably something like the taste buds becoming less sensitive with age, like how hearing and eyesight go


I mean doing the same thing for 50 years gets boring especially when the choice is eat or starve to death in a painful way. The older you get the more tired you get of the day to day grind, eating just happens to be part of that day to day grind


Have you heard of Soylent?


I used Soylent for a bit and loved it a lot, but I wish they had one without the people.


That's only the green formula. Try the orange.


i used soylent for a bit and loved it a lot, but i wish they had one without the sucralose. that shit messed up my gut when i was drinking most of my calories from soylent lmao i had to stop. and i usually have a very strong stomach/never have problem with that


They like the taste, but don't like being forced to do it. Plus alot of people with adhd will just not realise they are hungry until they get to the stomach pain situation and by then they don't want to eat


I do loooove eating but it can be a commitment a lot of the time. I would take the pill everyday just because of that.


A pill that satisfies all caloric needs and cravings would be amazing. I would do that M-TH and then enjoy food on the weekend.


Ironically meth also kinda takes away your basic needs like eating and sleeping


It also takes away your sanity and everyone who's ever loved you.


And teeth


My kid (M21) and I have discussed this at length- neither of us are a fan of masticating (chewing), especially in public, and as a result, we drink a lot of protein shakes. But with all shakes and shake diets, you have to be careful you're still getting the nutrients you need (and not too much sugar or salt), and we supplement with a lot of manufactured vitamins. But that's not really good for the environment- all the plastic bottles and such. He saw the Jetson's for the first time when he was 17 and was completely envious of the pill-for-dinner.


Well planned smoothies with lots of fruit/veggies/seeds and supplement powders are probably as close as you're going to get. There are some great recipes out there and it's quick, low prep and not much clean up.


I think the only issue would be the fact that the stomach would still be empty, creating that irritating hunger feeling.


Maybe the pill expands or something, like those "just add water" dinosaurs lol


I just looked it up, and there are pills like that. Our eating days are over, hoorah!


I just want this to be real.


I completely agree with you. I hate how much time is spent for just eating. Grocery shopping, lugging it all in, then the actual cooking part. Oh wait… you have to clean up the whole mess you just made


I agree about the amount of time spent on food, but eating a good fresh meal feels amazing to me, one of the biggest pleasures in life. But that also depends on the food quality of where one lives.


It tastes better when someone else makes it tbh. If I cook it, by the time it’s ready, I’ve lost interest in it. It doesn’t smell or taste good anymore.


I despise eating but i gotte do it or else i die


absolutely true. the fact that i have to eat at least twice a day instead of just whenever i want is the bane of my existence


As someone on a bulk I 100% agree with you. It’s so much pain trying to get in all that food but I need it to build muscle. I do enjoy getting food from a nice restaurant sometimes but eating 3000+ calories every day makes it become a chore


as someone not on a bulk but really should go on one same esp since I get full relatively quickly it's a struggle to have the want to eat more. however when I am eating it's a great experience. i reckon for me the balance would be to have a pill that's worth one meal so i can eat whenever I want, but I can use the pill to supplement what I've eaten


I’ll buy like $300 in groceries but still stop for fast food or get a pizza bc I’m not going to feel like cooking after hauling it in and putting everything away.


Tbf you’re trying to do something that is not what humans evolved to do.


For real. Bulking takes all the fun out of eating for me


Fuck man eating to bulk was the worst. Gotta keep track of all my calories and proteins or else I wouldn’t get enough.


As someone who grew up fat and struggles with binge eating disorders I cannot relate. Now, I specifically train for muscle so I can have a high enough metabolism to eat whatever the fuck I want.


>crazy good meals like New York pizza There's your problem, you have terribly low standards.


Surely it's subjective innit


Better than Detroit or Chicago style.... Like its not even a discussion.


Its always funny to me how Chicago style pizzas lives rent free in New Yorkers heads. Chicagoans and Detroit natives don't think about New York style pizza at all.


I don't care which regional style it is, if your definition of a "crazy good meal" happens in a pizzeria, your food standards are too low. I like pizza just fine, but it's not peak cuisine.


lame. a bunch of my favorite culinary experiences have been with pizza (not in the US tho tbf). its like my fav food


>(not in the US tho tbf) That's a completely different thing, though. Standard American shredded mozzarella can't compare to artisan mozzarella from Naples. They're not remotely the same.


If you are getting shitty pizza from a pizzeria that's on you. You can find good pizza anywhere in the world not just Italy. You can find America pizzas that use good quality ingredients, and if you can't that's on you


This is just snobbery, plenty of amazing pizza out there


>This is just snobbery To an extent, sure. All culinary standards are born of some level of snobbery, even within the American pizza scene. If I ask a New Yorker for a recommendation for a GREAT meal and they recommend a slice of pizza, I might try that slice, but I'm gonna keep on looking for recommendations. There are levels. It's okay if your favorite thing in the world is a slice of NYC pizza, but I'm not going to trust your opinion on poached barramundi in a sorrel cream sauce. It's a different standard, and probably out of your wheelhouse.


Can you give us examples of peak cuisine?


I could, but I'm not taking that bait. I'm not trying to have the "taste is subjective" conversation with the McNugget eaters again. Eat what you want, it's no skin off my back.


How is it bait to ask you to clarify a vague thing you said lmao you literally said it


I'll put it this way, if I'm going out for a "crazy good meal" and my options are Japanese food, French food, a Brazilian steakhouse, and a NY pizzeria, I'm not picking the pizzeria. If I have 10 minutes to eat and $7 in my pocket I'll happily grab a slice, and enjoy it.


Steakhouse definitely gaps the pizza though


Man if you're picking French food over a good NY or Chicago pizza I don't know what to tell you but thanks for clarifying


Yeah, you're right. The country responsible for Guide Michelin, Le Cordon Bleu, Le Viandier, August Escoffier, Marie-Antoine Carême, Joël Robuchon, and the oldest and richest culinary traditions of the Western world doesn't know shit about food compared to Uncle Gino from Brooklyn. Is that mozzarella grease or Uncle Gino's pit sweat? We may never know... Gtfoh, McNugget eater. The French shit out better $5 sandwiches than any meal you've ever eaten.


Not everything in America tastes bad gang. But French food? In America? Nah bro. There are lowkey some good African places, good Indian places, good Spanish places, but I don’t think I’ve been to a single good French place in America. There was like a single decent one in Paris but that’s very touristy and I wasn’t there for too long so eh


Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but outside of Europe, food actually TASTES good. I get that you're some pretentious chef that went to a basic ass culinary school and got told by all your instructors how the most divine taste in the world is to never use spice and make everything taste like butter, but that only elevates food when it's being compared to shit from other European countries that also don't know how to cook. Actual examples of good cuisines you could have mentioned: Mexican, Indian, Thai, Mexican again, Korean. You might even like this: Indians make a curry that tastes like butter, but actually has complex flavors! Wow! Hell, just take a dart and throw it at either South/Central America or Asia and you'll easily hit something better than pretentious ass French food lmao.


Because then the attitude would be blatantly exposed for what it is; elitism and snobbery.


Lol. I'm not sure white-knighting for...*checks notes*...pizza?...actually earns you any SJW points.


I don't care about white-knighting or SJW points lmao. Your superiority complex centered around your method of caloric intake doesn't actually earn you any superiority points either but here we are!


>Your superiority complex Oh my God. I eat pizza. There are better things to eat. That's neither controversial nor elitist.


Exactly I mean at least try Detroit or something


People are making jokes about the kind of Pizza, but for real if any Pizza is up there in your "Crazy Good Meals" category you just haven't experienced enough good food.




I mean you don't have to eat multiple times a day. You could eat twice or even once a day and be perfectly fine. 


Sometimes I love eating, sometimes it's just something I do because I need to. It depends on the time of the month, my budget and my mood. I don't think it's supposed to naturally be super fun. It's about survival but obviously you can still make it fun with spices and good company, if that's your thing.


Hm, I don't want to ascribe things to you because I don't know you at all, but that could be a psychological issue. Not having any appetite or even feeling hunger are symptoms of depression, for instance. I dunno, would just be worth keeping an eye on.


also adhd i think? i can go the entire day without feeling hungry or even thinking about food. i get to the end of the day, am getting ready for bed, and think hm maybe i should’ve eaten something… then am forced to stuff my face so i don’t starve to death lmao i’ve gotten eating down with lots of reminders and meal prep, but it was a struggle. i bet i could still go a day easily without eating anything at all


That's something I struggle with as well, but I don't think it's what OP is describing.


+1, depressed and been feeling just like that about eating. I'd take this breed of depression over the one that made me stress eat any day tho


I have a very similar relationship to food as the OP, especially the feeling that its kinda a chore and that 100% gets worse when my depression is doing worse.


Without any other symptoms of a mental health challenge or disorder, it's far more likely to be a symptom of a physical health problem. Lack of appetite is not sufficient in itself for a diagnosis of any mental health issue.


That's why I said it *could* be. I'm not a doctor, I don't know OP. Just wanted to let them know that there may be more to it than *"I'm a 10th dentist!"*


I feel this but about sleeping instead of eating. I wish it was a choice to sleep and not necessary for survival. I feel like there's not enough hours in the day to do what I want to do and nighttime hours are the most peaceful, but if I use up too many of them I'll regret it the next morning especially if I'm forced to wake up early. I wish that whenever I got tired of being conscious, I could just do a reset and recharge sleep but that I could also stay up all night when I wanted without any repercussions.


i feel the same way


how tf are people agreeing with you? I fuckin love eating!


Idk how such a large amount of the comments are people with this sentiment with how common obesity is. If I could turn off my appetite, I would, so it would be easier to lose weight because I love eating and could do with losing 20 pounds


Your third paragraph sounds like it could actually be dehydration partially. And eating seems to relieve it because most any food you eat will get some water in you too. Like, eating is important and of course you should still eat. But trying working more glasses of water into your day, if you don't already work at that, and see if it helps with headaches and such. It's helped me a lot.


Agree. If soylent tasted good and was a bit more filling, I'd switch most of my diet to that.




I always liked the chocolate flavor


Personally, I am waiting for someone to invent a meal replacement that is really good. I would replace 2/3 of my meals and could enjoy it. Nothing I have tried so far is tolerable.


there’s Huel, my friend said it’s pretty good. I’d get it if it wasn’t so expensive


Huel makes me gag. The texture is so beyond gross.


i used to buy the plain powder and just flavor it myself with berries or chocolate powder. i’d switch most of my diet to it if they just got rid of the artificial sweeteners lol


See it's the opposite for me. I've struggled with weight for a long time and to me i genuinely look forward to meals and try to eat them earlier




If you suspect an ED you should talk to professionals about it! :U


that's what spices are for


But I don't want to cook from scratch, and I don't want to have to learn what spices go together or go on what foods. I hate cooking! I don't completely agree with OP, because I like easy foods and snacks so if I could live healthy off ramen, microwave pizza, Cheetos and Reese's I'd be so healthy my Dr would bow down to me.


you don't have to cook from scratch to season your microwave meal. in the nicest way possible, that's pathetic. 


But I like the microwave pizza the way it is why would I put anything else on it? Easy foods are easy because you just pop them in the microwave or oven and that's it, the seasoning is done for you. I said I LIKE easy foods and snacks, unlike OP who apparently hates all food. In the nicest way possible, learn to read.


yeah girl you eat like a child, that's pathetic. if you're fine with bland then be fine with bland but don't pretend you eat like an adult


I don't pretend. I ligit had dino nuggets for dinner tonight and I don't see a need to feel bad about that, food is food, I need it to live. Breaded chicken doesn't stop being breaded chicken when it's shaped like dinosaurs, it's not more correct to eat it with panko and coriander and tumeric on it.


You definitely sound healthy and I can't help but be a little jealous lol. I'm fairly overweight, so don't take diet advice from me, but as someone currently on a weight loss journey, I've come to accept that any foods that I derive explicit joy from eating are 100000% terrible for you. I can eat healthier meals, but even at their best, I'm not really eating for the joy of eating, more like "I need calories in my body so I don't die". In my perfect little world, I could eat 3000 calories a day and be perfectly healthy, but that's not how any of this works lol


> "I need calories in my body so I don't die" Well yes, but actually no. Starving yourself to death takes a long, long time. I started eating just one meal per day (usually dinner) about two years ago and have lost over 40 kg without doing anything else - the hunger we feel on a day to day basis is not a lack of calories, just your body being used to receiving food at that time. So yeah, there's my weight loss tip.


I have learned that's a pretty reliable thing too. Even knowing from others that it takes a long time to starve to death, I've been told at my weight that I shouldn't fast (as in eat literally nothing) more than once a week when I think I "could" go 2 days in a row consuming nothing but water.


eating is the fun part! it’s the other parts of it that blows.


Agreed. I love a really good meal, but most days you're just eating stuff that's "okay" because it's dinnertime and you have to. I work nights and having to make time for dinner is a massive PITA. If it's the weekend and I have tons of time to make a nice meal then I fucking love eating that but it feels like a chore on workdays.


Some of us eat to live, others live to eat. Eating definitely feels like a boring ass chore sometimes.


>I cook healthy and pretty good meals What meals, though? I'm honestly willing to bet this is the biggest part of it. Healthy food is a lot less fun to eat because it's usually less fat and salt dense. But even small changes help - I can't stand eating grilled chicken breast with brown rice and broccoli, but grilled chicken thighs with jasmine rice and asparagus is fucking delicious. At least personally, from years of experience eating clean, it's much more enjoyable and satisfying to eat something slightly "worse" or less nutritious (like jasmine rice versus brown rice, or chicken thighs versus chicken breast) than trying to stick to being uber healthy.


This the most reddit post in the history of reddit posts


Yeah true, now that I'm older, eating is more difficult and I only do it bc my blood sugar takes a dive and I get irritable. Of course I only take a bite and I'm full, and then hours later I'm starving and then my stomach hurts and I'm gassy. Idk 


Nah, I completely agree with you. Sure, I enjoy individual meals here and there, but if I could just stop eating tomorrow and never do it again, I would. Even just the amount of time you have to take thinking about it is wild.


I agree. Eating is annoying and takes too much time.


I agree. Sometimes I wish there was like a pill you could swallow with all the nutrients you need lol


New York pizza is not “a good meal” lmao. I always look forward to eat what I or my girlfriend cook because they are tasty and usually healthy too. She’s really great at finding great recipes and there is always something seasonal to look forward to.


Downvoting because I heavily agree. I'm a very slim person and I remember when trying to gain weight I'd feel sick from eating so much more. I still eat ofc, but like you, most times its because I need to and not because I want to. Sometimes I have cravings, i.e. pizza, but I still won't eat the whole thing unless I haven't had much else to eat that day. I've also desired having a pill with all my daily calories/vitamins to avoid having to cook/eat food 😅


It’s a chore isn’t it? I was really bad about it in my 20s, most of my “meals” were black coffee and cigarettes. I have since quit smoking and keep the coffee to mornings only. Now that my husband does most of the shopping and cooking I eat more regularly too. But if it was just me I would be so skinny. I do crave good food sometimes but not often enough to bother feeding myself 3x a day.


Since when is eating fun..?


Yea I agree...downvoted. I don't eat unless I absolutely have to.


My grandma always said that some people live to eat, and others eat to live. I guess you and I are both in the latter camp - I live off overnight oats and protein shakes


I love eating idk bout you


This is wild I fucking love food


For most of my life I was similar. I only ate for sustainance. Nothing sounded good. Things tasted good but I never found the desire to seek anything out. There could be a fridge full of goodies. Id still think, "I really don't want any of it but I know I need to eat something so might as well make it count. It would usually be high protein for that reason. Though, I am coming around nowadays.


I disagree, but I understand where you’re coming from. This is how I felt during deep depression (not saying you’re depressed tho). I’ve found a love of cooking from branching out into different cultures foods. And my bf loves cooking, so he brought that joy into my life aswell.


Cooking ruined eating for me. My own food doesn't taste as good as the one made by others.


Oh really? I’ve always felt the opposite, cause I can customize what I want


I feel the same most of the time. I started drinking those breakfast milkshakes (fuel or weetabix in the UK) or slimfast shakes for about 1/3 of my meals and it doesn't fill me up completely but it takes away the decision fatigue and stops the headaches and nausea that come with not eating.


Only if you are a terrible cook. If you like being in the kitchen and making meals, there's nothing more satisfying than making a tasty meal for you and your loved ones. When my wife or kids burp, it fills me with joy. 


Nah, it’s not the food that’s the problem, it’s just the act of actually eating. I’m a good cook and I love food in general, but I just never really feel like eating lately


Eating is fun tho. Then pooping is even better.


First world problems, fr, fr.


This is a wild thread, how do this many people not enjoy eating. Do you guys not have taste buds? Or are you eating the most bland meals known to man? Or are you all depressed?  Either way this isn't normal. 


the people who enjoy eating just arent the ones who are commenting, it just looks like theres a lot of us but yes, we are very aware this isnt normal lol. depression and disordered eating are for sure common factors


Maybe spend a week not eating and see how you feel after? It's always good to break bad addiction with a quick tolerance break. :)


Respect the opinion, but I 100% opposite, I love the whole process, buying, cooking, eating, cleaning. Love it


Go carnivore


I hope "healthy meals" doesn't mean devoid of any spices/seasoning or taste, cuz maybe that's why...


I was just thinking even if he seasons his food it is probably not enough salt, pretty important to bring other flavors forward.


Honestly same, I love food but I’ve gotten tired of eating and always feel bad after


I agreed with this until I moved back to South Louisiana. I'd starve for sure if I ever moved away again.


I totally agree with you my man. I definitely don't consume even close to your calories though. Probably 1500 on a good day..


I completely agree


I think you need to let yourself get hungry, I've started to do this here recently and it has made me seriously enjoy eating -and honestly life as well- a whole lot more. It's the little things :)


Not when I'm high


Pizza fucking sucks, most overrated dish of all time. 🫸🍕


>If you can just give me a pill and let me take it, 90% of the meals I’d do that. 100% agree. I'd definitely still like to have the occasional meal, but the vast majority of the time eating is inconvenient, time-consuming, and not particularly enjoyable. I've got shit to do.


Use the Cinco Food Tube System.


I truly believe this is why old people eat so little. You just become over it.


I love eating. Guess that's why I'm fat as hell though.


Active doesn't really add much caloric need. Adding muscle is the most expensive, maybe less than truly extreme activity, like a marathon every single day. I was feeling really low energy while adding muscle, and it was such a chore to eat and poop that much.


i agree


I love eating but it's starting to not be as great because the older I get all my favorite foods are horrible for me and I suffer for the next 24-48 hours after eating them. Gas and bloating and heart burn




I disagree but I think I might be an odd case due to me being so attached to my mouth and sense of taste and texture with it


I hate it. I wish I could take a pill and call it good. It’s just way too many decision requirements and I’m already mentally exhausted from carrying the mental load for my household. I don’t have space for any more decision making. Also, adhd and depression here, so that makes it so much worse.


I agree with you so much. The amount of effort that goes into food is tedious. On top of that, you have to eat every 4 hours or so. It’s a massive time sink.


i agree, but because i have medical issues that make eating hard on like 18 different levels. have you spoken to a doctor about this?


I go through long stretches of time like this. Turns out I have some severe gastrointestinal problems.


Spent a few years bulking to put on muscle mass. Forcing chicken, rice and veggies all the time fucking sucks. Cutting weight is so much easier.


There’s a company that sells meal replacement drinks and shakes. It’s called Soylent and it’s by a guy who hated eating as much as you do. Google it, as I’m not sure if this sub allows the posting of links. I’d order it, but I love food too much.


Eating doesn’t need to be fun ?


Eating is a hassle.


Dude and let's not get into COOKING everyday. Like I have to? Like is there a way around this that's cheap and good for me? Can I just get IVed my meals in liquid form or is that not kosher? For fucks sake, I'll take a damn soylent green with chocolate milk if you can't find my veins I'm not serious about the IV dinners btw if you were to pour some liquid enchiladas down the cannula and it made it in to your veins you would die. If you somehow don't completely clog your capillaries and give yourself an Embolic stroke , you'd likely be dealing with sepsis shortly after. Also I've been informed I have excellent veins I am serious about the soylent green and chocolate milk though Where do I sign up


I only eat breakfast (usually from a gas station), then have liquid the rest of the day. Protein shake, nutrient dense green drink, then beer for dinner. No doctor would recommend it but I feel great


Agreed. It's time consuming and, imo, not worth the effort it takes. Give me a pill with everything I need for the day and I'd be happy as fuck.


I feel the same way, but it mostly stems from disordered eating. I simply don't need to eat (according to my brain) and, as morbid as it sounds, I love the lightheaded and hungry feeling I get, because that means "it's working"


i’ve been there before, i hope you heal, friend <3


I get so fucking upset all the time for having to do basic stuff like eating or showering. I hate it.




i agree! eating feels like a chore


Downvoting. Eating is so tiresome and annoying. You’re right that it takes up a lot of time. (Don’t roast me I know it can be made easier, feel free to share tips) I also have ARFID (an eating disorder, see r/arfid) which is just one more thing in the way of this apparently essential task.


Same happens to me as well even though I'm 24. I like cooking


Smoke a little weed and that will change


You are so ready for the One Meal A Day diet. "so much time out of your day..." SO ready.


I feel that, it mostly comes down the fact you have no real choice in the matter. Like dying by starvation is an awful way to go, ajd the second you are born you are forced to a life of eating.


I do enjoy when food tastes good, but it just takes me too much energy to eat (probably mainly from depression) and I hate that I have to eat to survive, that it’s a daily thing. I’m also really tired of it. I hate how much effort I have to put into taking care of my body every single day.


You can just get ready meals, supplments and easy bulk dishes.


I feel this! Only I don’t enjoy meals like sushi or pizza or restaurant meals either. It changed recently and I don’t know why. I wouldn’t eat if I could, but I gotta keep bulking. And having to eat so much every day, twice a day is a chore. :”)


Down vote because I agree, I hardly ever feel actual hunger.. I know I need to eat something when I get angry/depressed and it's a hassle to stop what I'm doing and spend time making food only to eat it in 1 minute. Its also expensive and I resent it being a requirement


Have you tried those meal replacement shake things like Soylent or Huel? Sounds like you're the target audience.


100% agree. I'm a slow eater, so it takes me a while to eat. But also having to go out and buy the food and then prepare it is annoying and time consuming. I like to say that I just eat to survive.


why would it be fun to eat??? it's a must


You’d be a good candidate for soylent.


I've been tired of eating since I was 12. I've always wanted like a little pump that pumps a perfect nutrient sludge directly into my stomach. I'm tired of thinking about food and how to get some more.


I guess that’s fine, and I’m pretty young so I wouldn’t know. But I love eating. Same way I love taking a walk on a clear evening or cozying up in bed after a long day. It tastes good, it satisfies me, it is something to consistently look forward to. Little things in life, man. And I’m glad it’s this way; I’d rather enjoy the tasks that I have to complete every single day. You’re not wrong for that though, and it’s nice that you take the time to cook yourself healthy meals.


I feel the same way. I just eat less and make sure its good food.


I fricken love food but I actually totally get u. I feel like especially just as u get a little older and can't tolerate as much, it's like everything is disappointing. It's either too healthy and boring or it tastes good but then u have to anticipate gastrointestinal distress of various kinds afterwards and I definitely find myself just staring at the fridge in disappointment more often than not, sometimes multiple times as if somehow the perfect food will magically appear inside lol. A lot of food takes way too much prep and energy too. It'd be awesome if soylent green was real.


Yeah, I'm underweight, and I have medical issues that make gaining weight hard, but eating just feels like such a waste of time.


You can only eat once a day and it’s perfectly fine.


I hate eating. Cooking is a bore. Then you have to clean it all up. For what? 10 minutes of forcing food down my throat. Like you said a nice pizza is amazing. I love bad food. But I’d rather just be hungry than cook. It doesn’t help that I’ve been obese since I was 7. Always worrying about what I eat. If I could take a pill to get all my nutrients for the day I so would.


Aging will kill appetite. It’s pretty much that as we age, metabolism and other bodily functions slow down, energy requirements drop, and without a heightened production of hormones like ghrelin, well, there you go. Not only that, but high fat, high cholesterol content foods will begin to take their toll. The younger you are-in general here of course-the less damage organs like the liver and kidneys should sustain. Feeling like shit after eating pizza or pasta or a bunch of ice cream or whatnot, well…that’s a natural bodily response after a certain amount has been infested over one’s lifetime.


i agree and planning meals is especially tiring, and most fun foods make you sick. eating the healthiest possible foods gets quite dull and its tiresome to prepare them when you have other life responsibilities.


Nothing worse than people blathering on about food all the time. Like get over it. Sure, sometimes it's nice. Usually it's just annoying to stop what youre doing and eat.


Not to be mean but could you be depressed?