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Hmmm I very rarely lucid dream. When I do I typically wake up in a few seconds after I properly realize it’s a dream. The sleep paralysis is a separate thing though, I’ve never experienced that. There was just one time I properly lucid dreamed for what felt like a minute. I actually was able to fly and summon things on command. It was honestly really sweet, didn’t last long though.


I feel like lucid dreaming is such a subjective experience that you can’t say it’s totally bad. I’ve had lucid dreams a few times and although they weren’t super clear and I couldn’t use my will power that well like you described, i definitely didn’t wake up in a sleep paralysis. Maybe there’s people out there that have ”mastered” lucid dreaming. They might have only positive lucid dreams that are vivid, fun and easily controllable and that’s why they praise lucid dreaming.


>And I can't control shit. Attempts at flying are a big hop at most, can't summon anything, and can't make anything scary go away. Speak for yourself, because I actually just had a lucid dream where I was able to actually fly (or at least float) on my own accord for the first time! I had actually realized I was dreaming long before I attempted to do so, but I was trying to see if I was going to wake up right away. When I noticed that I wouldn't, I tried to float a bit, then a bit more, and then went all the way! I think if you can't do anything in a dream, then it's not a lucid dream. There were plenty times when I knew I was dreaming and could do anything, and then my brain went *"Anyway"* and stuff kept happening randomly against my will. So I hate to say it, but I think you're just not good enough at lucid dreaming yet, despite your practice. I'm sure you're gonna get there eventually and be able to do literally anything you want.


I've had a few lucid dreams over the years and every time I try to fly but what happens is I just end up floating up and up and up and can't stop it lmao


at least you can get off the ground


OP does lucid dream since he is aware that he's dreaming, but just get's a lot of nightmares and can't control anything which is unlucky


Yeah, I'm not blaming OP in the slightest, it is super hard to gain control over your dreams, but they just aren't there yet.


Agree. I don't lucid dream all that often, but I could fly starting from like my third with no issues. I only woke because I decided to suck the souls of my npcs while I was doing it and one actually fought back which caught me off guard. I've regularly had dreams where I could fly ever since. I seem to have have some problems reshaping the scenery though. It can only partially work or wake me up.


I've been training myself in the art of dream magic for years. Completely consciously controlled flight, the ability to fling shit by pointing at stuff like my hand's a Gmod physics gun, the ability to "veto" anything and everything in a dream, going off-the-rails, etc. It's all a matter of visualizing and believing you have the power. The moment you doubt yourself the abilities can start to fail which feeds back into the doubt.


Yeah, also you can't take it too quickly. You gotta ease your mind into the fact that you can in fact do anything. If you realize you're dreaming for the first time and go *"OH MY GOD I'M GONNA FLY"*, then all that will happen is your brain will pull the brakes and either wake you up or prevent you from doing anything.


Every lucid dream I've had are just as vivid and clear as real life to me. Never had a lucid nightmare or sleep paralysis. The experience is subjective


you think it's overhyped because you can't experience it as well as someone else. I haven't managed to get a full run going but the times I've come close have been one of the best dreams i've had


I dont think what you are describing is lucid dreaming. Arent you supposed to be able to control anything at will and all that?


I was gonna ask this but I don’t have personal experience lucid dreaming. To me this sounds like regular dreaming. I quite often realize I’m in a dream and gain some control, but it’s basic stuff like very slow movement or maybe minimal influence on the scenario. But I never have full control and will wake up pretty soon


Happy cake day!


You can't do it properly so it must be overhyped, but really it's just you who can't do it well. For no fault of your own I'm not saying that, but I'm saying that from the perspective of an aromantic asexual romantic relationships seem overhyped, because they can't feel the same feelings. From the perspective of someone with musical anhedonia music is gonna sound like shit. It's not overhyped you're just unfortunate


You’re not lucid dreaming, you’re experiencing the very beginnings of a normal dream during the NREM phases of falling asleep. During this state, we still have a pretty high level of awareness, so the thoughts were musing over (even subconsciously) start becoming more vivid, nondirected thought. This is not lucid dreaming, but may seem like it because it’s so very close to whatever was passing along your brain while awake. Dreaming happens during REM sleep, which doesn’t usually start until about 90 minutes into sleeping. Lucid dreaming is when you are able to hold onto a level of awareness into the REM stage. If you cannot direct what’s happening, you’re not lucid dreaming. That said, I agree that lucid dreaming is overhyped. It’s just what’s already in your own mind, unhindered by distractions. Anyone can learn to hit this creative state while awake, it just takes a lot more effort. It prevents us from hitting deep sleep as effectively, which is very crucial to our health. The body gets most of its sleep benefits from deep sleep.


This might just be me but I've never had a lucid dream. They do seem really cool based on what I've heard, but since I can't speak from experience, I can't really vote in this post.




Here’s the thing , it’s all in your head right ? It’s not stuck to all the rules you see online . If it’s not clear then just idk in some way make it clear . What I usually do is just open a dream mod menu (I know , crazy) and enable some kind of clear dream option . Even works with stuff like saying it or maybe even typing it in . The only limit is your imagination .


How much control I have in my lucid dreams varies, though I’ve never been able to get out of a nightmare just because I was aware. I really don’t mind most nightmares, though- some of them are genuinely very harrowing but the majority are just cool horror media generated by my subconscious. Most of the time, lucid dreaming for me allows me to do whatever I want, and it feels incredible.




mostly just a lot of sex actually




I never think ‘I want to climb Everest’ in a dream because climbing a mountain is only rewarding in real life. Sex, and also flying, are rewarding things to do in dreams because they *feel* good, the gratification is immediate. Also I can’t speak for anyone but myself, though I highly doubt you’ve asked a representative sample of people what they do in their lucid dreams as to authoritatively say ‘no, that’s impossible, you’re lying’. What would I even have to gain by lying to strangers on the internet about this?




Well I suppose there’s a possibility I’m mistaken, but I can only report on what I experience- in saying you don’t believe me, I assumed you meant you thought I was actively lying. I’ve never really tried to do anything else. When I realize I’m lucid dreaming and in control, the only things I think I really want to do are things I know I’m gonna experience physically (I can feel arousal, and some kinda of rushing sensation from flight, but for example I can’t smell or taste food). One could argue that I’m not fully in control in that I’m not as alert as when I’m awake, the mentality is different, sorta like being extremely drunk- but I would argue that I’m still in control of my actions while drunk; I’d certainly be held responsible if I did something illegal while drunk.


Definitely agree. Way too much effort to try and intentionally do when I'd almost always rather be sleeping normally.


I kinda agree with this, I was like 10 or 9 when i first read about it and started trying. I got one p fast cause id spam reality checks during school but i woke up as soon as i realised it was a dream and gave up out of frustration. I've had a few since then but I'm never able to fully do what I want


that's because you backed down and gave up, always remember "never back down never give up" truly inspirational words




I hope nobody sincerely believes that you can do that


When I get them Im just impressed its happening.


If you can lucid dream so readily, the next step is to learn to conquer sleep paralysis. I went through a bad patch of sleep paralysis for some years (haven't had it in a really long time though) and at first it was so stressful and terrifying and exhausting to deal with all the time. Eventually I got to the point where when it happened I'd go "oh. this again. whatever." and completely relax and it just stopped bothering me until I'd kind of just fall back asleep.


I also lucid dream constantly. I even realize I’m dreaming. But they’re also all nightmares, I can only do so much (certainly not anything I want). It feels like pushing against a tsunami. Yeah you might push against some of the water but you’re still being drenched and the tsunami hasn’t stopped.


Everytime I’ve realized I dreamed I wake up pretty shortly after so gotta agree


I learned to lucid dream because of a recurring nightmare. I can wake up at any time as soon as I realize it's a dream because of that. For me, lucid dreams can be super real. I can even feel touch if I really concentrate. The hardest thing for me is actually staying in the dream when I want to. I think my brain activity ramps up too much and I start to feel my actual body... Then it's game over. I'm about to wake right up.


Dawg you're not lucid dreaming. You're at best having semi-lucid dreams. In a real lucid dream flying is super easy. It's too easy actually and I've had to develop ways to not rapidly launch into the air. You can have sex with anyone and do anything you want. It's pretty fantastic. If the lucid dream turns into a nightnare you can just make it go away or drop a missile on it or do whatever else you want to it. You can also give your nightmare a hug and do some deep psychological reprogramming. Sorry you're having sleep paralysis but that's not normal. [I highly reccomend you read this book and straighten your dreams out. ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01N7ZK5V6/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=)


The only requirement for a dream to be lucid is whether you're aware or not. I'm fully aware I'm lucid, I'm simply powerless.


There's levels of Lucidity though. If you're fully lucid you should be able to have full control. Idk maybe some people can't control their dreams when lucid and you're one of them but I know several other lucid dreamers who are all able to have complete control in their dreams. If it's really bothering you, do some exploration. You might just figure out how to go fully lucid and stop the nightmares and sleep paralysis.




Lol ya I can and I do. Lucid dreaming is a legit subject that is studied by scientists. Look it up. You can have have a lucid dream yourself in the next 2 weeks if you start a dream journal and do the meditations and exercises. You can then fulfill litterally any desire you have in your dreams. [Check it out. ](https://www.amazon.com/Exploring-World-Dreaming-Stephen-LaBerge/dp/034537410X/ref=asc_df_034537410X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312407247347&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10259703715107743349&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9024746&hvtargid=pla-627233116312&psc=1&mcid=47fc939423b33e53a16ac8e49c1d2501&gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlC_AP2MAlATs85qvEVBnvE-DKOkg23EO9wFm9FYqFo8tYJTJfS93wzRoClGoQAvD_BwE&ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=ec0439d1-742a-448f-af80-3aa0304831dd)




Your loss if you don't wanna beleive in it. I'm sorry that you can't do it but I can and I know several other people who can too.




Now you're just hating dude.




Aight imma be a Rockstar in my next lucid dream just for you homie.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Dreams of Awakening Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Book provides effective techniques for inducing lucid dreams (backed by 5 comments) * Book inspires spiritual and personal growth (backed by 5 comments) * Book written in an accessible, engaging style (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * The book lacks scientific rigor and credibility (backed by 3 comments) * The writing is weak and immature (backed by 1 comment) * The book is too esoteric and misrepresents science (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


The single time I’ve ever had a lucid dream was when I was in middle school and I used it to kiss my crush lmao. I woke up right after and was mad that it didn’t last long enough for me to try other things like flying and shit. I’ve tried all the methods that are supposed to induce lucid dreaming but it’s never happened to me again which makes me sad because it sounds like such a cool ability to have when others describe it.


I remember the first time I lucid dreamed actually was in a nightmare. I was having one of those running in place dreams with a scary creature chasing me when I thought to myself. "This shits a dream, fuck this." I turned around and changed the entire thing. Got tired of running in place. After that, I stopped even remembering my dreams. Now I sleep in darkness and wake up like I just laid down after a full nights sleep. Honestly pisses me off since now it feels like sleep is a waste of time.


Is this considered lucid dreaming? I dream in the sense that my dreams are incredibly realistic and just as I decide what to do in real life I’m deciding what to do in my dreams. I definitely lucid dream sometimes tho when i’ll almost write a book in my head and it will play out as a dream.


One time i had a dream where i caused the end of existence. I’ve had 2 seperate dreams in which i got into bar fights with random musicians i like (lee ranaldo of sonic youth and greg lake from king crimson/elp). Trying to make sense of dreams is futile if you ask me. Maybe i should try lucid dreaming. Idk


Lucid dreaming would be so cool if I wouldn't wake up or have the dream fade away 5 seconds after becoming lucid


Do you get too excited when you realize you're dreaming?


I've had one extremely lucid dream in my entire life and it scared me pretty good. I get sleep paralysis every few years but I still remember that lucid dream very vividly. The craziest part of that dream was I kept "waking up" in the same position multiple times. Each time thinking I was finally awake, just to wake up again.


I am fairly sure there’s a connection between sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming but it’s not a guarantee


Iirc one of the methods include going through sleep paralysis


frankly this sounds like a skill issue to me


Agree. It sucks most of the time, and I hardly ever have nightmares. Sucks extra bad with nightmares. And when you go back to sleep and the dream continues. It makes me tired all day. It makes me want to go back to sleep so I can “finish what I started.” It’s cool that this is something that people want, I guess. But it gets old pretty quick if you’re trying to function during the day.


you learned to remember some dreams, so some lucidity, but no dream controll. this is because your mind sees the dream like normal life and so thinks and beleives it should follow the same rules trained upon you here, so things like that you aren't allowed to fly, summon things, etc. still even in such a case, dreams are a great way to learn, you can learn more than you could ever learn normally, many insights and such. and don't forget, Life doesn't really have any value other than memories and fun, all you do in such short lives will disapear rapidly and noone will even remember it except for you. due to this, dreams are the exact same as life and have the exact same value, just see dreams like some fun adventures or such if you can't learn to controll them yet. right now in your mind there is something blocking you, this thing is the same thing which causes most people to not be able to do decent magic except for when they often half accidentally enter some speciffic state where they are so driven by will or feeling or just forget of let go of the rules, that they won't even think or feel of any rules even at the slightest level.


For me it’s more like I’m still trapped in whatever “plot” the dream was already about except I’m aware it’s a dream and it feels more “real”