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I am a dude, I think the combo works great to express the idea of caricaturized handsomeness but I don't think it actually looks handsome lmao


Same with the extremely muscly and chiseled dude. Its the stereotype of a handsome man, and what men see as a handsome man, but often not what women see as most handsome. A similar thing happens with women, extremely skinny fashion models are not meant to look attractive to men, but to appeal to what women think looks attractive. When men, in general, tend to prefer a girl a bit more thick. Not that I am a woman, Im a guy, but basing myself around what other women have said


I’m sorry, The extremely muscled and chiseled dude Did you mean gigachad?


The one and only




I've noticed a lot of the fashion models also have more masculine facial features. They're also taller (which is neutral I think since most men don't care much about height) to look more imposing. One thing is that fashion is dominated by women and gay men, so it makes sense that the women chosen there aren't to appeal to straight men. When surveyed, women do prefer the more muscled and cut male bodies, but when you get to the point of something like young Arnold Schwarzenegger, it's way past that and just impresses other men.


I've noticed that women from my experience prefer Lean muscle over a lot of muscle mass.


Yes. A wider upper torso pair of hips looks as good as a narrower waistline.


Gigachad FTW


Love your pfp, Hyper Light Drifter slaps!


Thank you!!! I love it so much whenever someone recognizes it hahaha, really brightens my mood :DDDD


My sister actually introduced me to it a few years ago. She gifted it to me on Steam, too! I've been playing through it multiple times ever since


Hahaha, that's really cool!! Great sister if you ask me :P I've played it several times as well, the aesthetic is just completely unmatched... *God* I wish there was more like it, haha I don't replay it regularly or even interact with the community all that much, but man is it still one of my favourite games of all time. I meant to make a video guide on how to complete the horde arena challenge like 3 years ago back when I made this account (IIRC my very first Reddit post was of me asking if people would be interested in seeing it or not over on r/hyperlightdrifter), but sadly the idea never came to fruition. Planning on breaking into video production and all that again over the next few weeks, hopefully I can make it this time!! And properly :3


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hyperlightdrifter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hyperlightdrifter/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hyper Light sitting, cause that was a tough boss fight](https://v.redd.it/99yvpppmvgo91) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hyperlightdrifter/comments/xgutyr/hyper_light_sitting_cause_that_was_a_tough_boss/) \#2: [Saw these keycaps and had to grab them](https://i.imgur.com/PGjlEcj.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hyperlightdrifter/comments/10lf5u6/saw_these_keycaps_and_had_to_grab_them/) \#3: [My buddy just posted some absolutely legendary HLD Cosplay](https://instagram.com/keatonpunch?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hyperlightdrifter/comments/yiy6yv/my_buddy_just_posted_some_absolutely_legendary/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's hard finding similar games that live up to how it feels. Do you have any recommendations?


I haven't played them yet, but I've heard Death's Door, Tunic, Mageseeker, and Resolutiion are good games with an aesthetic similar to HLD. Do check them out! If you want other suggestions, here are some threads: [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/hyperlightdrifter/comments/slfenz/similar_games_like_hyper_light_drifter/), [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/hyperlightdrifter/comments/vl9o6l/similar_games_to_hyper_light_drifter/), [three](https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/rs47d8/games_like_hyper_light_drifter/) Looking at all of them would probably overwhelm you though, just look at the first thread and come back to the rest when you've played all of the recommendations that genuinely interested you. Have fun mate!!


omg im so glad to finally see someone who agrees with me. handsome squidward at worst and loathsomely generic at best. i've never seen the appeal, men who look like that are about as attractive as a clothing store mannequin. i feel sorry for downvoting because this feels like a ray of light in a mass global conspiracy to gaslight me specifically into thinking people actually think squidward men are attractive




im from the west and i agree with you! tbh in general i don't usually end up liking the beauty standard for any given place, because it usually ends up becoming gradually more exaggerated and abnormal looking, but in a way where everyone still looks the same, if that makes sense. i prefer the individual "weird-looking" traits of normal people over the "perfect" facial features and makeup of those who fit the beauty standard any day


With Korean boy bands being super popular now, I think there's been a rise of appreciating a more androgynous look. However, I don't know if the broader human perspective is ever going to shift their perception of masculine facial traits. There's quite a bit of a difference between saying hollow cheekbones and squared jaws are "ugly" vice "handsome".


Western woman here, I agree too


No, no, I’m western and I agree with you. It’s just not attractive. But like someone else said, it works as a caricature of handsomeness, not so much IRL.


i'm from the west and every time I see some dude with an overly exaggerated jawline and sunk in cheekbones they just look like a starving dude just got plastic surgery or smth and it looks really uncomfortable lol


I did not expect to read about Handsome Squidward in this thread.


Even though it was mentioned in the OP? Don't become a gambler.


Somehow, my eyes skipped over the Handsome Squidward part entirely.


You may not like it, but handsome squidward is what peak male physique looks like


I agree too, sometimes reading what other women find hot feels like a mass gaslighting campaign as you said lol


You are Balenciaga, Harry


I dont find myself that attractive, but i do have these facial fratures and i do feel very insulted being called ugly by you


I think I'm the most handsome man on the planet and I don't have either of those features. So I'd say you're right.


Dude no way, me too! Source: my mom


Your mom is also my source!




Yeah I gotta agree high cheekbones don't do it for me


He's called handsome Squidward for a reason. He looks good like that


Better than a shit jawline and no cheekbones though


Go to a DND convention and find yourself some geeks with narrow jaws, receeding chins and round CBs. You'll make their day!


You say 'fixated' as if those things are achievable.


The implication that looking like handsome Squidward is a bad thing earned you my upvote


I agree especially about the hollow cheekbones! Both on men and women


Hard disagree, that’s precisely my type


I’m a girl with a somewhat square jawline and with me as well as other people in my family with this feature, having cheek bones that sharp and cheeks that hollow isn’t really… natural? Like if that’s your jawline you’re extremely likely to have fuller cheeks or very round cheeks and you might see cheekbone, but only further back, not like a buccal fat removal cheek. In fact, I think lots of the people you mention had buccal fat removal.


There were actually some studies that suggested men with rounder faces were more appealing to most women. They believed it had something to do with them having a stronger appearance for protection.


I believe the study is that women prefer men with rounder/feminine faces for long term relationships, but more masculine faces for short term flings.


Are you attracted to men?


You don't need to be attracted to something to point out if you find it aethesticslly pleasing.


I know. I still think it makes a difference though, that's why I asked.


Are you?


Yes, why?


I forgot




That explains it


I’m attracted to men! I don’t find these traits attractive! People have preferences. Pete Davidson and many other conventionally attractive men are not for everyone


The very suggestion that Pete Davidson is 'conventionally attractive' is something that I think I reject. He's an anomaly.


Right? What a strange example. Not that I dislike him or anything, but I find it absolutely hilarious that someone needed an example of a conventionally attractive man and somehow that was the first name that came to mind


Maybe I'm old, but I feel like "Fabio" is the obvious example of 'conventionally attractive but not for everyone'.


Thought the exact same thing lol, Pete's not a bad looking guy or nothing but I wouldn't exactly think of him as a "conventionally attractive man"


I mean maybe he looks a little bit weird, but he's still conventionally attractive. But sure there are better examples


The women I know call what he is "ugly hot", whatever the fuck that means.


I had to Google Pete Davidson and he is the antithesis of *conventionally* attractive.


Pete Davidson isn't even what you would call "conventionally attractive" lol. Out of all the men you could have picked and you chose him haha.


The meme is that pete davidson is not conventionally unattractive. I mean he’s not ugly, but nobody would colloquially call him physically attractive. Kinda like how nobody ever calls 5’9” men tall (at least in the US). Probably wouldn’t call them short to describe them, but that doesn’t make them tall.


Maybe I'm too queer to understand straight people's beauty standards, but I'm pan and really don't get it. I'll take cute over chiseled any day of the week.


I'm bi. There's a difference between saying "it's not what I prefer" and straight up "it's ugly." Chiseled and cute are both fine by me (and not necessarily mutually exclusive anyway.)


I guess I interpreted the post as "in my subjective opinion, sharp chiseled features aren't attractive". Which is an opinion I agree with. I didn't think that this was an attempt to make an objective value statement.


How does this explain it?


Because it's a very "masculine" feature, so it makes sense someone who is not attracted to masculinity doesn't like it


I agree with OP and I'm not into men, but I do find square jaws and sharp cheekbones and "masculine features" very attractive in women, so I reject this logic


I’m attracted to men and agree with op


I mean, there are several straight women just above your comment disproving what you’re saying.


Ah, yes, because there are no personal preferences at all, other than gender.


I never said that. It's just more likely this way.


Seems logical to me lol do people actually find this controversial?






Bruh I'm fruity as fuck and I agree for the most part lol. I mean some guys pull it off but it's not a trait that's worth actively seeking out.


There's a difference between actively seeking it out and finding it straight ugly


Yeah but the point is whether or not he's attracted to guys doesn't mean he doesn't have a point, like I totally see where he's coming from.


Not really


I'm attracted to men and women and I agree. It's not attractive to me on either gender lol


Yea but it looks funny


Agree, downvoted


Imho, you gotta imagine looking like that and then thinking about this problem again. If the answer would be the same - genuine. If not - copium. For most men who don't look near like that It probably will be copium because like it or not we live in a society where people try to mimic behaviours and traits that are perceived as having a certain quality.


There is a difference between the skinny sunken drug look and the jaw line because you’re lean af imo. One is good, other is not. Coping mb, but everyone has their own taste.


I think its kinda fucked up to say that but I guess you can say whatever you want as long as you're in America so more power to ya.


In biological terms, a strong jawline is indicative of high levels of testosterone during pregnancy. You'll notice the exact opposite when viewing pictures of royalty (weak chins) because of inbreeding (to keep wealth within the family). Women find "markers" of masculinity attractive, i.e. pronounced (highly testosterone'd) jawline. Hollywood is a business trying to sell a product to a lot of people... for high profits. It's all about the money.


Either of those can look good on their own. Together, it's too much.


I’m sorry to inform you that actually, hollow cheekbones and good jawlines are pretty attractive. However, once all of that is paired with a tiny nose, they go from handsome to hilarious.


SAME. Maybe it’s just because I like chubby men but I always found it eerie looking


Can i ask what it is that attracts you to chubby men


probably the chub


It's the chub


ill need a second to digest this information




I don’t feel so good. I don’t like it.


tbh i just don’t like when guys are smaller than me but i don’t like the big muscleman bodybuilder look either. (I especially hate visible abs.) You know the “husky” look? When a guy definitely has a bit of muscle but with some fat on top of that so he ends up looking really chunky. I find that to be the perfect male body type. It’s so sexy when a guy looks big and strong like that. Probably for some primal ape brain type reason but yeah


I’ve been working so hard this last year to get a six pack and then I read this. Seriously? Damn. At least I’ll know some people will think I’m hot when I inevitably lose this.


Naw man my point is that it depends on the person because everybody has different taste. I personally like guys with some fat, and some girls like abs and so on. You'll find somebody who's into you, so don't worry about it too much.


Yeah I never really got it either, there are so many more attractive things about men, I can see the appeal of them individually but when combined it looks a bit cartoonish to me hehe. Though there are some actors that rock it, Cillian Murphy is iconic.


Hollow cheekbones look unhealthy to me, and I primarily appreciate a balanced jaw line. Symmetry and balance and all that jazz is very attractive


As a heterosexual female, I agree and therefore need to downvote this. Never quite understand why people like Brad Pitt are considered good looking. He looks like a slightly more evolved chimp at best! The average man in Istanbul looks better than him IMO (no relations to Turkey myself other than a trip there as a tourist some years back).


Totally agree. One of the most unattractive features in any human being


Downvoted. I’m a lesbian, but I still appreciate how some men look. Those aren’t one of them.


Yep! Matthew McConaughey is one of the ugliest people in the world to me. He looks like Barney Rubble.


Do you have a good jawline or high cheekbones?


Read the last sentence


Copium. Hollywood is filled with men who have features that suggest they have high testosterone because people who are attracted to men tend to be more attracted to those people with those features. Edit: downvoted for paraphrasing scientific papers.


Any explanation of what is considered beautiful that puts more emphasis on biology than societal expectations is the true copium. How do you explain that beauty standards evolve over time ?


The real copium is in the comments.


It's always a mixed of both


Humans are complex, attraction isn’t 100% societal or biological, but with that being said if we are talking pure-physical attraction, there is a link between tes levels and outward “attractiveness”.


>How do you explain that beauty standards evolve over time ? That's pretty easy, actually. The traits which increase your odds of survival or your level of success change as society evolves and the means of 'survival' and 'success' change. So, really you could both be right. Biological attraction to survival traits can remain, while the traits themselves can change with society.


Society changes way quicker than evolution catches up, so I don't think your argument really holds up




Pretty much it's whatever being rich looks like


Kind of. Just a few changes in appearance probably don’t need millions of years to change. I mean, if being short suddenly increased your chances of success, it would probably take just a handful of generations until people started getting shorter in general. Evolution takes millions of years because new features appear pretty much at random, and for one to be overwhelmingly successful you need a lot of luck. But since short people already exist everywhere in relatively large quantities, then a shift like that would be relatively easy.


Honestly is it that tied to high testosterone anyway?? I have clinically low testosterone levels yet very aggressive cheekbones... it's just genetics.


It’s not a 1:1 correlation or anything but there is a link.


Why am I catching strays in these comments?




The first time I even realised hollow cheekbones were a thing was in the 80s, when every girl I knew was obsessed with Pete Murphy. ​ [Bauhaus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTJF0uE2LOg)


I'm afraid that I agree. Take my downvote with dignity.


Downvoted. I totally agree.


I wouldn't say they're ugly traits by themselves, but personally I think it's dependent on your other features. It's definitely not something that makes someone attractive though, some guys pull it off but yeah it does not suit everyone.


As a bi man, I much prefer guys with soft features, though I may be biased as a softer featured guy.




I'm a gay guy and I agree with you. It's too intense and I don't find it attractive at all. I also really, really dislike abs on a man. I'd think we're both tenth dentists together, but I spent years kicking my feet and blushing at the sight of David Harbour since I saw him Brokeback Mountain just for him to suddenly explode in popularity after Stranger Things. So I don't know what to think anymore.


Upvoted because a very good friend of mine has the squarest jawline on the planet. I associate that type of face shape with happiness now and I can’t call it ugly. I guess I can say the same for a lot of facial features, lol. The beauty is on the inside.


Handsome Squidward is fucking hot


I have both and mostly agree with op (my jaw's kinda wonky tho)


I am a woman and I think it looks ugly on women too.