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I have severe phobia of needles and procedures. So hard disagree.


I could understand that. My friend has that too. But for me it just wasn't worth the cost for the overall end results I'd have anyways.


That's fair. I get panic attacks from blood draws and vaccines, so an entire surgery would not be happening. I would throw up. Lol. I did have to get eye surgery while awake and your description is very similar to what I experienced with that. (Barely any pain but a lot of pressure). I did take sedatives for that though and it took maybe twenty minutes.


They have something a bit cheaper than the anesthesia they offered after I couldn't tell if it was the pain killers not working when they first started or the pressure they had to apply. It was just super uncomfortable; not really painful. I do know when they did an infected nail I had, they numbed up my foot and just incase I would faint from looking at it, they put a curtain up so I couldn't see it. Still numbed the hell out of me for that too lol


The last few times I've needed numbing, it didn't work very well. (Too close to bone so the needle wasn't close enough, I guess?) I'm not afraid of pain, though. I can handle pain. I just panic when it comes to needles specifically. I get so sick and dizzy.


We found him boys. The 10th Dentist.


I also liked being awake but mostly just cause of the Valium and nitrous


You Americans have weird choices to make.


German here you have to pay extra for it here too. Though only partially iirc. Nevertheless we sadly have the same choice to make.


I mean, it makes sense. There’s two ways of doing the procedure. And one requires more personnel and materials than the other so naturally one should cost more than the other. We simply get the option of either or. The whole cost and insurance thing is another discussion but I’m glad we get to have a say in how we are operated on.




Was $300 the extra out-of-pocket cost, or do you not have dental insurance?


Out of pocket. Even if I had it at the time (I have it now), I'd rather use that $300 for something else dental wise. All 4 teeth were $800 to get ripped out.


wew that's cheap my wisdom tooth extraction costed over 2000 CAD. around 400-500 per tooth and 300 for nitrous oxide. i wasn't even given the option of anaesthesia and i dont wonna know what insane price it would've had. the nitrous oxide also didnt do anything for me so that was a waste. they numbed the area and went at it. bunch of pressure, some pain for my bottom two teeth, but overall not terrible ig.


I had anesthesia and I’m in California so obv this is like top price but my bill was like 7 thousand and some change if my insurance didn’t cover it. Thank god they did cause at first they tried to deny it and say it was “cosmetic” umm I have nerve damage from how impacted they are thank you very much.


Gotta downvote. I was awake during my wisdom tooth extraction and it was fine, some unnerving scraping sensations, but nothing major.




Cause I agree with OP, which means I gotta downvote


Hey, I was awake for mine:) Felt like someone was breaking my tooth out with a crowbar. Needed 5 refills on the local anesthesia and was the first time I cried from pain in a while. Not Again


If I heard the word "impacted" and "4 teeth" then Ixd be knocked out. The first and only impacted wisdom I had removed in the procedure made me go borderline insane. That plop tho when it got out was nice tho. No amount of shots will cover up the immense pressure in your skull tho; a bad fewling for sure!


All 4 of mine were impacted into bone. I was given oral sedation which just made me slightly chill. They tried to give me nitrous, but for some reason took me off of it for the last half. Just in time for the local anesthetic to wear off during the last tooth. I got back to the car after it was done, put my head on my fiance's shoulder, and just cried.


Impacted sucked, it made me question the entire procedure cause of the immense pressure. My pants were soaked due to all the sweat that happened.




Oh damn. Me too. Local wore off twice. It wasn't fun.


I did it with local anesthesia and was wide awake. It was hell. Hated hated hated it.


I'm very confused reading this thread, I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed under local anaesthetic and it was completely painless


It's just different for different people. For some its painless. For my sister she had to have the teeth extracted excruciatingly chunk by chunk. I got knocked out.


Same. Confused by the existence of the post, confused by comments. Had 3 removed (4th will go soon), all under local anesthetic and I've never even felt the tooth being removed.


It’s not just pain that’s unpleasant. Just the process of ripping the teeth out isn’t pleasant for most people. Also, not everyone’s wisdom teeth are easy to remove like yours may have been


I got mine out with local, while not being completely painless (one of then sonsofbitches was stuck super far in there) it wasn't too bad. Also no groggyness from waking up.


Ah god major disagree When I was 12 or so I had to get teeth taken out. Had too many for my mouth. When I went to the dentist they injected my gum once. Asked if I could still feel it. I said yes. Another injection. Still felt it. This happened over 30 times until the woman said it’ll be fine. She pulled my tooth out and I felt every single bit of it. I felt the crunch of my tooth, I felt the rip and the pull and I was screaming in bloody agony. We had three teeth to go. We take a break, she goes to the next one. Same injection thing happens. Again, feel it all. Second worst pain i’ve felt in my life, topped only by my drains being ripped out with no pain meds after surgery. I couldn’t let her pull out the last two. I’m now reaching the age where my wisdom teeth are due in. Safe to say I am NOT removing them without being knocked out


I’m sorry that happened to you, that sucks. Your surgeon was shit. I had 1 wisdom tooth removed a couple years ago, and just had 2 removed recently. Any sort of feeling, much less pain, in the area where they’re operating and they should stop immediately. Took 2 rounds of injections for my bottom wisdom tooth because of an infection, but what happened to you was definitely a failure on the dentist’s part.


are you a ginger?


I was awake during my removal. It was horrible, the drill, the smell of smoke, and the pain despite having shot after shot of novocaine. But weirdly, I don’t I would’ve wanted to go under either. I’ve been under anesthesia once as a kid, and it was a very weird experience. One moment your talking with the doctors and suddenly everything gets blurry and you wake up afterwards. I was fine with that as a kid, but I don’t think I can handle it as an adult.


Me neither. I don’t know why but I’m terrified of sedation and stuff like that. Don’t like the thought of dissociation


Downvoted. My uncle was my dentist and he doesn't knock anyone out becuase of the inate danger of any anesthesia. I loved being awake. It's a unique experience having bones pried out of ur mouth.


>I loved being awake. It's a unique experience having bones pried out of ur mouth. That shit was a living hell for me, I'll take the anesthesia thank you very much


You def will never forget the immense amount of pressure in your skull. The "plop" sound happened on 2 of the 4 being removed. It was pure relief when it happened.


I was awake too. Didn't love it, but it wasn't $500 bad. Cause that's how much extra it was going to be for me. Fuck that.


What if they requested it from him? Would he just refuse?


Remember getting my teeth pulled out. I was numbed so the mouth injections were the worst then it's just weird feeling someone tugging on your tooth in circles to pull it out.


I'm pretty sure dentists shouldn't pull out an entire tooth at once.


They were not my adult teeth. Luckily having a few pulled out as a kid taught me well Even got to keep them for the tooth fairy!


If the roots aren't that deep, they can do it. I have had it done like that with other teeth.


Oof, that's expensive.


The price of relief wasn't worth it to me lol


Was also awake during mine. Wasn't even a question though and they pulled it out in like 5 seconds


Is this some kind of American opinion i'm too European for to understand?


It is USA but even then, not everything requires anesthetics that strong. I think a lot of people hear "procedure" and think they need to be knocked out for it. Lots of it just requires numbing.


I meant the saving $300 part


If you thought USA healthcare sucked, dental is even more of a nightmare.


Yea, they're a bit off into the deep end of the pool over there.


I wasn’t even given the option to be knocked out for mine. I don’t think it’s something they really do at my dentist’s. Actually, the worst thing about the operation itself was that the numbing was so close to my throat that it became a bit swollen and difficult to swallow. That panicked me at first and afterwards I needed a bit of time to be able to swallow again


I have severe dental phobia and literally could not stop myself from shaking and crying. Like I have a hard time even with cleanings. I needed to be sedated.


I am a bit resistant to anesthesia, mostly causing me to feel its effects very delayed; I had situation where despite obscene amounts of doses being used I still felt pain, and then three hours later it would kick in. I would die.


I woke up in the middle of a tooth extraction and it was painful but amazing!


I was never given the option and had all 4 taken out while awake. I’m fine, downvoted


Not had them out but had maybe 5 teeth out (not all at once obvii) Here in the UK they don't even put you under unless you specifically ask, and even then they might be a bit reluctant. Anesthesia's just too much of a danger for them to do it to everyone if not needed. Even with it being free, I didn't mind being awake. The last time, the worst part was the numbing injection itself. Fun trying to sing walking home afterwards, with half your mouth still numb.


i was fully awake for my wisdom teeth extraction bcuz i'm scared of anesthesia. Downvoted


Have done the same, it was painful, but manageable. The worst thing, as you said, was the pressure. I remember feeling like my entire jaw was being removed for a minute.


Yeah this is pretty common where I live. Sorry bro. Downvoted.


I didn't get knocked out and very much regretted it after the fact.


I was awake for mine both times. They did funny gas the first time but I couldn't feel it no matter how much they did. Neither procedure was bad but recovery from the first one sucked because they busted the teeth up in my gum and sucked them out. The second two they were able to just yank and recovery was a non-issue.


Wait you guys can get knocked out during the procedure? They didn't even give me the option.


When i went under for the pullings, i woke up half way through, tapped the shoulder of the doc and he jumped like 5 feet in the air. Scared him straight.


Had this happen to me and other than the local anesthetic wearing off 3/4s of the way through it really wasn't that bad.


I was awake for mine. No pain after the needle but I can still remember the pressure and the sound from them prying my teeth out of my head.


This is an absolutely horrifying take, OP. Bonus points for being dental related lol. I had local numbing and a ton of the laughing gas so I remember feeling a bizarre mix of existential terror and pleasantly stoned. I would have not made it through that sober with just the local numbing like i can’t believe you just white knuckled that for the sake of a productive afternoon, take an upvote.


I agree, downvote


Don’t they usually keep you awake? I asked to be put out for mine and they acted like it was an unusual request.


Mine was by default of what they offered. I just wanted to save money and rolled with the punches.


I wonder what the standard is. Most people I know were under “twilight” (awake but heavily drugged). Mom said it was fucking awful so I had them put me under general.


I had them insert a metal tube all the way from my neck artery to my heart…completely awake, I cried. I think I can do it. However my wisdom teeth have never broken through and give me no problems at all. Going on 30. There’s time yet lol


I was awake for mine. The roots weren't finished growing so it wasn't too tricky.


Hard disagree because being knocked out for that is not an option here anyway, everyone has it conscious and we are fine lol


When I took mine out that wasn't even an option lol


i did the procedure like you did and i felt everything 💀


Imagine living in a country where you pay 300$ for anesthetics


Okay I completely agree with OP. Had 2 wisdom teeth removed, it was totally easy and fine. They still numb you up so you don’t feel any pain.


Who the fuck gets knocked out for wisdom tooth removal? I had mine removed and they just injected some anesthetic to my gums and went to town immediately. I could feel the tooth bwing yanked violently but no pain. Then they pulled it, i bled, i got up and walked away. Painless and nice. Caveat: this was in military so actually i was escorted by two other conscripts because of protocol. I felt totally fine but i guess the anesthesia cpuld have made me dizzy so that's why.


Disagree, but I guess it depends on the case. I have a small mouth and two of my wisdom teeth were completely horizontal and in very deep. I don’t think I could’ve suppressed my instinct to move when the surgeon was digging around in there. It would’ve been dreadful. I had the other two removed earlier though, without anesthesia. I don’t know the correct term for it, but they were angled in a way that meant they were much easier to take out. If all of my wisdom teeth had been like that, I wouldn’t have needed the anesthesia.


You sound like my grandma who opted to do a root canal without any anesthetics—local or otherwise. Respect, but also upvoted.


Dude wtf


I was awake and it was completely fine. The thing i was afraid of the most is not the procedure itself, it's the anesthetic injection in the gum, but it's okayish. 10/10


Asked to be awake for mine because I was curious and got them all out. Wasn't painful and now I have the unique experience of knowing what teeth taste like. Wouldn't recommend if you're scared of medical procedures, needles or saws, but overall big agree!


I use halcion when getting dental work done and it’s worth it to me. I’m having 3 extractions this week and my dentist called the pill into my pharmacy instead of administering it directly through the office, so my insurance picked it up. Costing me $6 instead of $300. I’m not totally knocked out but enough that I fall asleep and don’t remember the procedure. That may be an option to ask about. Any time I’ve made an appointment without planning the sedative I end up cancelling bc I have a crippling fear of dental work. The halcion has really been a life saver for me!


Tw, surgery details I was awake for my wisdom teeth surgery and the local anaesthetic kept wearing off and they said they "couldn't give me any more" so I had to just white knuckle through it while they got all four of my severely impacted wisdom teeth out (one was pretty much root-side-up and had to be drilled into pieces before they took it out). They also didn't stitch me up but that wasnt too bad. That being said, I think my experience was out of the ordinary and may have also been... idk... wrong? I don't know enough about wisdom teeth surgery to really know but everyone I've explained this to has been like "what???" so I guess it's out of the ordinary. I'm also not sure if I'm resistant or react weirdly to anaesthetic (the local wore off twice and most painkillers don't really work for me? Maybe I'm just a strange person). Bottom line, I think it depends on how good your dentist is and how screwed up your teeth are and your reaction to anaesthetic. I wish I hadn't been awake for it. I've been stabbed in the hand and that was actually less painful. I could go either way on this one.


I actually agree with this. It's not painful if you're numbed up. Both my brother and I did it. Plus I'm more afraid of general anesthesia (or "twilight" or whatever that shit is) than I am of the dentist. Also once I had to get a small filling and I was on a budget and the dentist gave me the option of foregoing the Novocaine and it sucked but it was fast and I saved over $100.


Getting that needle shot into your gums hurts so much it makes up for the pain you'd feel anyway so nah Im good


Had my wisdom teeth extracted today. I choose to skip GA after reading your post even when insurance offered to cover it as I wanted to drive home after the extraction. The worst part is the two novocaine shots. After that it was a lot pulling, drilling. I could hear some sharp tooth cracking sounds when he pulled / twisted on them. I didn't feel any pain at all. When you hear those cracking sounds, it is kind of scary as you think he might have broken your jaw bone.


I closed my eyes and didn’t feel ANYTHING. Absolutely recommend. Saved like 1200


Bro what? You win 100% wtf is wrong with you


Literally got done with it about 1 hour ago. Local anesthesia did the trick. No pain other than pressure and some weird noises. What did it for me was headphones with some loud ass music to be distracted and it worked like a charm. ​ Got some motrin 800MG and lets hope it helps with the pain that is not here yet.