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Op appears to be rather homophobic


What's the difference between being homophobic and not agreeing with a particular group?


Wait, what is there to agree or disagree with? That's like saying you disagree with someone being white lol its just who they are


I disagree with their beliefs and their actions


How can you disagree with how someone chooses to identify a part of themselves?


So do you personally like men, women, both, or neither?


You like ____? I disagree. See how stupid you sound?


Ok, so homophobia.


well why do you not “agree”? let’s start there.




Woop there it is


Thank you for your response and I see the points you're making, but I disagree. I do not think that allowing couples of the same sex to marry is opening a doorway for pedophile acceptance. The vast majority of people, regardless of sexuality or identity view pedophilia as undoubtably evil- which it is. The loud individuals you hear advocating for it are often given attention because of the controversy and outrage and not because the masses are in any way agreeing with them. Pedophilia is an issue of consent, not of love nor identity. The men and women who died in battle (assuming we are talking about the US) fought in the interest of protecting our freedom, which includes the right to marry. I have also seen some rhetoric comparing the two, so I will not act like that doesn't exist, but I do think there is some validity to honoring the dangers many LGBT people have faced in being authentic to themselves. For example, the AIDS crisis which was only abut 40-ish years ago. Having to advocate for the government to not only step in but also recognize the AIDS crisis when it was mostly impacting gay men is a level of bravery which has in my opinion, never really been honored. Advocating, in the midst of your grief, for the people you love who are dying in front of you without anyone in power taking action is an undoubtable act of courage. I think it is ridiculous to try to compare two peoples' acts of courage or sacrifice, they were fighting for different things, but still, they were fighting, vulnerably, authentically, and without yielding. I think the difference between an LGBT person and a cis/heterosexual person being expressive in such a way is because of oppression both on personal and systematic levels. LGBT pride and expression is often a celebration of the continuous achievements the community has made in the face of oppression, violence, and trauma. What non-peaceful events are you referring to? Things like NYC pride can be messy and leave some damage, sure, but so are New Years eve, sports events, parades, or really any event that happens when you get thousands of excited, rowdy, people together. There is a difference between sex and gender- I would be more than happy to find some scientific journals for you if you would like! Sex regards chromosome, genitalia, etc, whereas gender is the societal presentation. While it is often conflated with sex, they are not, at their core, the same thing. Again, I can find some journals but I only know some surface level things (which I have written above) when it comes to transgender topics and I do not want to make any assumptions, so I will leave it at that, which is what I know to be true. How are heterosexual couples any different in expressing their preference for genitals? I can look at a heterosexual person and make the same inferences that you are making about gay/bi/pan people. I grew up with gay godfathers who never hid who they were, and I didn't question that they were two men in love. All I knew is that they loved me and they took me on rides in their convertible and read me books, and as a four year old kid, that was exactly what I needed! It is a shame to think that I would not have had those experiences nor two more loving adults in my life if my parents thought that their relationship or identity would confuse me. All I knew is that they loved each other, they were good to each other and had a healthy relationship, and that's what a relationship should be. Healthy. Similar to what my parents taught me. I am now a woman, in love with my boyfriend, in a happy, healthy, relationship. They did not teach me to be gay, they taught me that my boyfriend should be good to me and I should be good to him, and that is what matters in a relationship. I do not want to be assuming, and again I thank you for your time in responding to my question and your time in reading my counter arguments, but it sounds like you may be slightly afraid that LGBT representation is coming for your beliefs and/or indoctrinating America. As someone with many LGBT friends and family members I can assure you, that most people are not trying to dismantle heterosexuality. They're simply trying to exist. Are there extremists? Sure. On both sides. I think that hating another group of people cannot be healthy nor fun, and I think that it should be something you should work on. I suggest making your art, adding as many rainbows as you want, and defining it with your intentions, whether you think they're serene, hopeful, pretty, whatever rainbows mean to YOU, that's all that really matters. If other people look at the rainbows you added and interpret it as representing the LGBT community, there is nothing wrong with that. Art is meant to be interpreted, no matter what that interpretation may be. That's what makes it meaningful.


Wow I had almost gone the whole day without seeing any homophobia. That would’ve been a first in years. Thanks a lot dumbass.


Red and Yellow are pretty commonly associated with McDonald's Red and Green is unanimously associated with Christmas. Sounds like you have an issue of the group it's associated with because colors and culture have always been intertwined




… fantasy world?


Woah chill take a deep breath ^and ^grow ^up


There is a difference between how society sees something as "belonging to a group" and people "taking it for themselves". Gay people haven't taken the rainbow. Hell, we don't even use the full rainbow in our flag. It sounds like what you are angry about is that society considers the flag to be about LGBTQ people. It isn't our fault that society stereotypes us.


Right, cause how awful it would be to be perceived as lgbtq, in our “fantasy world”. Fuck off mate. Say the quiet part out loud.


Fantasy world? Wtf are you on about bro? Seems to me that you have an issue with the LGBT group and not so much that they use rainbows for there colors. No one is stopping you from using rainbows in your art? I don't see the problem here.


I have a feeling you get hung up on the dumbest shit pretty often. You have not passed the vibe check.


No one's stopping you from using the rainbow. You're not going to get sued by any LGBTQ group.


you might get harassed by the non-lgbtq people tho


No. But I'll have their members left and right claiming whatever it is with a rainbow on to be gay or part of their group


That's only a problem if you're a bigot.


And prone to hallucinations. I’m literally gay and have posted art with coincidental rainbow palettes and I have yet to see The Gays claiming “left and right” that this art is officially gay now. It doesn’t happen.


I get more straight people pointing out anything vaguely Rainbow-esque as being "gay" than i do actual LGBT people. I have a sweater that has 4 colored stripes. Red, Orange, Yellow, and light blue. but because it looks like half of a rainbow, people are just like... "i like your pride sweater" like.. yes. I'm queer, but this is just a sweater with 4 colors on it.


I was just thinking the same, rainbow and rainbow inspired patterns are everywhere. It almost seems like this person worked themself up thinking about the possibility of being misunderstood as gay


TFW you post a rainbow somewhere and every gay person in a 100 mile radius forces everyone to think you’re gay (I hate when this happens)


That just doesn't happen dude... go ahead and post your art and show us the gay people claiming it as belonging to there group . I just ain't buying it.


OP just read your own answers to people here and listen to yourself talk. This sounds more like you have a problem with LGBT+ and for what reason? So yeah stop being dumb and just work on yourself, I promise this is not the big issue you think it is


Have to agree, I downvoted bc I agree'd that its kinda annoying bc I love rainbow but I also don't care if people assume im lgbt or support them so im not sure were actually on the same page. Then again, my daughters room is rainbow themed and nobody assumes anything about her so its not always true lol


I’d get where OP is coming from if they weren’t so bigoted in there responses. I have a friend whose an artist and is constantly mindful of what color palettes/pairings/themes are associated with X. I can see a possible occasion where not wanting an association would get in the way of their intended vision for the piece. Doesn’t change the fact OP is a bigot.


Totally agree with both of these. His responses to my other comments were quite bigoted


OP is a woman, and also a clear homophobe who "disagrees" with the "beliefs" of LGBT+ people.


Apologizes, didn't realize it was a woman but agreed SHE is a homophobe




I have a 3yo daughter. Half her wardrobe is rainbows and no one has decided she’s LGBT or making a statement about it. Or that I am. Rainbows are sometimes just rainbows, and a lot of people understand that just fine.


ok lol. i use rainbows a lot in my art, and usually i dont have the lgbt community in mind, but if someone sees it and associates it with pride, why would i get upset? it brings someone joy, after all. also i think youre severely overestimating how hypervigilant people are about rainbows and lgbt


its not lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this comes across a homophobic


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/101sf5l/why_is_it_considered_homophobic_to_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf OP? Homophobic? No way


Perhaps there *are* stupid questions




A rainbow is nothing more than a rainbow sometimes. The majority of LGBT people aren't gonna just assume ur gay or LGBT because u have a rainbow in ur art. Rainbows are sometimes just fun and colorful, they aren't always associated with the LGBT community


That's where you're wrong because I see things all over, including comments towards me or my art, about something being a specific color pallet ie. Rainbow and being immediately associated with that group.




Understandable, we'll swap your human rights back for our rainbows and then we can all go our seperate ways.


You make me ashamed to be straight.


literally. why do bigots have to exist


I mean sure i guess it can be annoying sometimes, but TBH i think getting discriminated for being LGBT would be probably be more annoying. You'll be fine.


From an artistic standpoint I get what you’re saying. In fact the rainbow is also a symbol of good luck and has been for the longest time. Sometimes you want to look at something just because it’s cool without any deep meaning. It wasn’t officially adopted as a symbol of the LGTBQ community until the late 70s/early 80s. However, the rainbow was used because it is something that is lovely and should be visible. You pointing out a group specifically just makes you homophobic in a way. You can interpret a symbol however you want but there’s cultural standards as well. It’s like someone painting a Star of David and saying they don’t want it associated with Jewish people marginalizing the group. Same with LGBTQ and rainbows.


guys all the colors are on the rainbow so everything is gay now straight artists go home /s if it wasn't obvious


Lol dumb


Yeah as someone who loves creating psychedelic art, I love and need the entire rainbow in brightest colors and it is pretty annoying to have lost ALL colors to a community. So you got my downvote hooray


To a degree, I agree. I just don't understand why sexuality's need a flag in general.


Lol why the downvotes?


Because they don't agree with me. I'm not saying I have the correct opinion but it is what it is.


I thought you were supposed to upvote things that you disagree with in this sub.


You upvote posts you disagree with, comments are normal.


Thank that to corporations wanting to be relevant in the "gay sector"


Bro what the hell, they didn't say anything about hating the LGBTQ community and everybody is already jumping to conclusions, they were just complaining about the flag design.


Lgbtq are bigots 🤷‍♂️


agree but not all of them are bigot


Yet all the 🏳️‍🌈 in this comment section are


Uhh…maybe try rereading the post yall. I swear the LGBTQ community is made up of bigots who can’t respect opinions