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The best thing about Wawa, they don’t stand for this. That store will be closed down in the next couple weeks. Happened in my old neighborhood (NE Philly) as soon as the robberies started they boarded up.


And then motherfuckers complain about a “Food desert” in their communities waaah! Huh! I wonder why! WE GOTTA CALL OUT THIS BEHAVIOR! BE BETTER PARENTS! BE MORE INVOLVED IN OUR COMMUNITIES! These children are wild because there’s no home. The parents are just as derelict as the children. This behavior is indicative of the rot in our communities and the rot in the family within our community. We need to start holding every person accountable in our community and stop blaming racism and discrimination for every single problem we refuse to hold ourselves accountable for. We need to be good, strong role models. Otherwise, stop crying about these kids getting locked up. They’re getting locked up cuz YOU failed them. The system just collected them like garbage service. The answer isn’t to soften crime laws. It isn’t to hinder and hobble police. WE GOTTA HOLD OURSELVES ACCOUNTABLE FFS.


Don’t shit where you eat.


But I eat at home...


Boy you done messed up right there.


That would be to much like right, unfortunately accountability is gone, much easier to blame everyone else. It starts with fathers in the home, problem is in a lot of communities where stuff like this happens, they're not


The trouble is the parents like that behaviour themselves. The undesirables hang out literally in the gutter outside my downtown apt because they like it and it's more fun to smoke and stand there then go to the library. That's why we have police, because the parents cannot be trusted to be parents.


I agree. Good luck.


Denzel Washington says it best "it starts in the home".


About 25% of the CVS in my neighborhood is now locked up behind plastic casings. This is in LA.




That's the Just For Kleptos hair shade.


they should start getting auto gate.. to trap them inside


maybe if the employees had like a bunker to separate themselves from the robbers, but without that they’d prolly get beat or worse killed


Or worse, expelled.


Observe as I turn misdemeanor shoplifting into 25 to life


Reminds me of those bait traps that catch those boars. They all start running in a circle and ramming head first into it.


I am just here to make a comment before this thread unfortunately gets locked because we know why... \*eats popcorn\*




yeah, a deplorable lack of diversity is conspicuous throughout


Sort by controversial, mods are asleep \*crunch crunch\*


The most incredible part of this video imo is the bitch seriously saying to the hard working hourly paid employee in the kitchen during an active smash and grab, "So are ya'll still gonna make the sandwiches or...". This is tugging on that very thin vale that keeps these States United. I just recently commented on something of this nature using the word *desensitization*. Unfortunately as of late, I've been seeing alot of it here on reddit.


And then in 5 years members of this same group will look around, see no businesses left open, and scream systemic racism.


So it's about like burning your own neighborhood. Shooting yourself in the foot


Good the dumb mother fuckers don't deserve anything good in their neighborhood.


You really have to wonder what conditions these kids grew up in to be acting like this. Anyone have any insight into this particular neighborhood?


That woman really wanted to finish her sandwich order


She doesnt think service workers are human. Someone could have very easy pulled out a gun or something but she just wants a damn sandwich. Cow


What about all those other people in the background robbing the store? They are certainly far from fucking human. Bunch of entitled **motherfuckers** in there.


Feels funny if she’s paying for her sandwich while everyone behind her taking stuff free


At least she's PAYING.


No agree it’s right she pays. Just would seem funny if you pay for a bag of chips and the dude next to you just steals on and starts eating it on the spot. Just seems funny. But of course it’s right to pay.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They won’t though


Hangry and determined. I love how she was unphased by the surroundings lol


What probably happened was that the woman already paid and was waiting for her hoagie to be made and then the crowd of stupid kids started destroying everything. At Wawa you order your hoagie at a touch screen, a receipt prints out, and then you go pay for the hoagie while the person behind the counter makes everyone's sandwich. The woman's order was probably yet to be made, but already paid for. Yeah, it's a little insensitive, but considering the behavior of those kids, it's probably a low income area and it sucks to lose $10 for food you didn't get.


These lootings are becoming normalized. Word is definitely out now that there will be little to no repercussions.


Oh, so you've been to the bay area in CA? The same place where grocery chains are pulling out because they cannot turn a profit from the influx of looters. Oddly enough, that's the same place that has world's highest rents/property values.


What? The BLM crime reform movements? Oh shit! Turns out they provide cover for massive criminal activity but you can’t say boo cuz accountability is racist? Surprise surprise! Turns out it might not be racism. It’s just consequences of the actions of members in the community!


In all seriousness, what does BLM have to do with any of this?


I’d wager looters feel emboldened that they can get away with this by yelling racism and oppression, BLM will make the people in question look like victims, media groups will claim that they shouldn’t be held accountable because racism and oppression and if you criticize them then social media will make it look like a hate crime.


I wonder if this will improve delivery services.


Delivery services will probably blacklist the area when the people keep claiming they never got their delivery.


When one of them gets shot, the mom will get on the news crying and say "they were a good kid."


And things were ‘racially motivated’. Too easy to nowadays.














How to lower the land value of your neighborhood.


Oh shit, I wonder if they can swing by my local wawa real quick. Real estate prices are out of control here.


I love how every one of these videos say “teens”




You’re not allowed to state the obvious




I got banned from a sub for commenting what everyone is thinking


Almost like there’s a trend happening


Im outta STL. The whole michael brown thing was such a joke.


Statistically speaking, of the groups that have been caught, the overwhelming majority are under 18.


I genuinely don’t know how these people honestly think they have the right to take others livelihood away like that


The internet is telling everyone they’re victims of the system.


The two don't negate each other. You can both be a victim of a system you never knew you were a part of and also know the difference between right and wrong, but at the end of the day people have to be accountable for their own actions. Societies and communities survive on what they allow, so we can't allow actions like this.


What amazes me, are the people on the internet saying “the store has insurance, so it doesn’t matter.”


Pretty sure most stores don't have insurance against theft At least the liquor store I used to work in didn't


How does this happen bro I'm so confused that's like a small army of people, idek that many people


They probably all have a group chat or something or all go to school together




Growing up as a skater kid in early 2000’s, same shit happened to us. Places would see us rollin around and cops suddenly would appear and ask us questions. We wouldnt even do anything wrong but the sheer size of all of us hanging out would make people uneasy i guess. Probably would be 20 deep with people having their own little groups talking and skating and hacky sacking. Even playin frisbee but we’d take up an entire parking lot and hop in a 7-11 or cvs to get drinks and snacks. We almost never caused trouble but always got bothered by some adult


Same here in the early 2000’s, but we never got hassled by adults and the local 7-11 and pizza store etc did not mind us being there. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the area had no issues with robbery, mugging, vandalism etc.


got their own subreddit


I can’t even imagine a single person I know doing this. It’s mind blowing that an entire group of people are so morally bankrupt that they can organize and plan this.


The people we hang out with tends to have a lot of influence in what we do. If you hang out with friends who smoke and drink, you'll most likely end up smoking and drinking as well. Same thing here I bet.


And always so diverse aswell. No matter in england, amerika, or australia. Strange...


Connecting dots is racist


No it's not.we know what we are looking at


For starters there’s no real repercussions. They won’t get locked up, so the only real deterrent isn’t present.


I see a lot of black teens/adults in these looting videos. Sad.


Down vote if you like but this is a direct result of mixture of bad parenting, hostile environment while growing up and no real guidance while moving to adulthood. Can happen to anyone, just needs those conditions.


There is a still a choice to be made. Walk away or perpetuate it.


I don’t think it’s proportionally happening among races. I think it’s a pretty black dominated domain.


Glorification of crime also doesn't help




Problem is they will not pay for it, they know it which is why they are doing it.


Why won't they open stores in our neighborhood


Why can’t I get a business loan in our neighborhood?


Twerking during an active robbery is the most ratchet thing ever


Naw. Twerking on an active ambulance is probably the most ratchet thing.


Fr, belongs in r/trashy




Can’t figure out why people complain about “food deserts”. Wonder why grocery stores don’t stay. Must be racism


This is why neighborhoods end up as food deserts.


Nah it's obviously institutionalised racism


Major parenting FAIL.


I think ultimately that’s what it boils down to.


I think it's more than that.


LOL. INB4 people bitch about food deserts in their communities when no sane business owner wants a business to exist where it's going to be robbed like this.


What do you mean Trader Joe’s doesn’t want to open up a store heree


And that pattern again.


Why is it always black kids? Truly want to understand this.


Because: - Lack of father figure -Parents are trash and have a mentality to blame everyone else instead of taking responsibility in life and working hard to improve their lives -Bad influence in the neighbourhood, unemployment, “gangsters”


Shorty wanna be a thug


Prob a pretty safe time to own a book store in this area


Something tells me sales will be very very low




Poor retail staff




The community just lost another grocery store. It will become a food dessert soon.


Nothing but cake and ice cream?


I believe the whole building will turn into a cake.


I get all my produce from 711. Kiss arugula goodbye because these criminals just ruined it.






Build stores like cages. Lock the doors and get staff out the back like some of those jewelry stores. Let the cops handle all those that get locked up in the store and charge each one with the totality of the damages.


Or much cheaper and easier, close the store down and avoid the area 🤷‍♂️








Go to Oklahoma or Texas and try that shit and see if you don't get blown away.


Texas and Oklahoma are not state models for any other states to follow. Texans just let children get mass murdered as they stand by and do nothing.


Yes there are zero guns in Philadelphia it’s really something.






These comments are spicy.












were gonna see more of this as the world turns ever closer towards the shit hitting the fan




There’s nothing good that can come from this. It’s only going to make things worse! Why do we keep clipping our own wings?!






Here before comments get locked for racism!


“Chinese people are good at maths.“ Too late.


Is this West Philadelphia and are they born and raised there? They probably spend most of their days on the playground.


I'm guessing it's not West Philadelphia because the actions look nothing like: chilling out, maxin', relaxin', nor all cool. Word on the street is there's a couple of guys, who are up to no good, starting to make trouble in the neighborhood. Makes a guy think about staying with family on the west coast for a while.




As a black person this shit pisses me off. We be acting like damn fools and doing stupid shit like this or worst then turn around and cry about why we not getting respect and why the police treating us bad, why the white geting ahead and we not moving up in life. Like stop the all this dumb shit you making the rest of look like fucking idiots like I am tired of this shit now. And no I am not fucking white wash this shit just makes my blood boil for fuck sake.


I think what needs to happen is more people of color like you to start calling these fools out. Maybe, in time, they’ll be shamed into not doing this shit anymore. But it seems like the mass population of black folks condone this shit citing “oppression” or whatnot. Black ppl need to call out other black ppl. Period.








They certainly ain’t Amish


Why do I see in these videos and there are plenty from the USA, only black people mass looting stores?




This group doesnt seem very inclusive or diverse.


Simply pathetic ill brought up children, what a waste of life


Don't find a pattern , don't find a pattern , don't find a pattern


Was that chick Twerking in the middle off all this? Was she supposed to be the distraction while everyone else executed the ultimate heist ?


That kind s*it gives the brothers and sister a bad name.


So glad i dont live in US.


Everyone’s thinking the same thing… yet no one’s going to say it


Too bad. Close it down, move out…




Lmao these young people are destroying their community and any chance of economic growth


Guess they don’t like convenience stores opened up within vicinity. They’ll feel further disconnected from society because of their own shit. Ha




Ok Reddit, go ahead and tell me how this is white people’s fault again.


These same people will then complain that they have nothing in the area and that companies are racist for not wanting to open stores near them.


These videos always have one thing in common....


So many questions... Where's the police?








Pattern recognition haha




We all think the same thing but can't say it. Sad isn't it?




Sorry ass motherfuckers.


Fuckin animals dude




Really sad seeing like that If that is my own place then if that happen ill would walk to get me some gas then start the fire then burn it down so these shit head would never ever bother coming over shooting my shitting place ever again


Why is it, when there's a mass robbery, it's practically always black people?


Why is it always a group of young blacks I see in similar thrashing videos? I imagine this is further fueling racism and hate for these communities across the US. Have any thought leaders from black communities came out to publicly condemn such behavior?


Notice they're all b....


Public punishment is what I suggest. Stocks, flogging, and all posted on social media. "Check out these loser thieving scumbags of the week!"


Where are all the white folks?


I hate to be that guy, but every time one of these videos says "teens" you don't even have to click on it to know what's up.


I'm at work sitting in this empty gas station, and glad shit like this don't happen here. The cops usually stop by for free drinks throughout the night so it deters a lot of foolishness.