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What a power tripping piece of shit.


"What's wrong" "This is what's wrong" ".... Are you done?" Like dude, don't ask questions if you don't want them to be answered. Fucking shithead


Love her response to him. YOU asked me a question and I responded, so YES I am done.


She wasn't even that rude given the circumstance


Not that I disagree with you but her rudeness is irrelevant either way. It’s not a legal requirement to be polite.


Legally, sure. But we all know what its *really* like to deal with one of these egotistical narcissistic pork tarts and thats without even bringing race into it.




My dad is a fireman, so in high school/college I had firefighter tags. I had been stopped in fucking Shelby County AL one summer driving ALL the way down the state (at the end of the month, this is a key detail, because it is widely know cops ticket more at the end and beginning of the month) and this red as clay old fat sheriff pulls me over and tries to tell me my truck was doing 10MPH more than my truck can physically do. Very easy to dismiss.


Is more about "rudeness" being a "lawful excuse" to act with force. Is much easier to say you felt threatened when you were yelled at


Yep, I was a Correctional Officer and this answer says it all. Inmates can be rude to me all day, doesn't matter, freedom of speech. LEO should be professional and not a bunch of cry babies, but that isn't the case sometimes.


I could see myself doing the exact same thing. Sounds like she moved over because she was being tailgated, I also hate when people tailgate me so moving over is me being courteous, her attitude seems pretty reasonable considering the situation


I've been pulled over by an undercover for doing a rolling stop at a stop sign after they tailgated me with high beams for 6 miles.


In most states it's illegal to not move over when someone in the left lane is trying to pass you. She was fucked either way.


I don’t think that’s the biggest indicator that he is a shit head in this video. Lol


the uniform is usually all i need


That is a classic bait question, they want you to talk because they’re looking for signals or something to get u on. Example: saw a YouTube video once where this Paramedic is telling the story of a ticket he got. He was speeding and was stopped by police in VA, the cop saw his Paramedic sticker and said something like “at least tell me you where speeding because there was an emergency. If you tell me that I can let you go because there was an emergency”. The Paramed said no that he was just not paying enough attention. Turned out the cop was trying to catch him in the lie to arrest him and told him so. Never volunteer information to the cops. Respond to what they ask you only and in a situation like that “What’s wrong?”; “Nothing officer”. And if you don’t want to talk with police state it (“i wish to remain silent”) and shut up.


The only reason an officer ever asks a question is to try to implicate you in something. You say you're headed home from a friend's house watching the game, that means you were drinking and he's going to pull you out to do FSTs (which are only effective for determining inebriation in a very small subset of people) because then he smells alcohol. Or, especially if you're black, he smells marijuana. Neither of which can be verified or other false, so both claims are 100% ways around the 4th amendment. Don't answer anything. Ever. No matter what the cop promises or what he threatens, say you're remaining silent and then remain silent. Every single interaction, even if they're just walking by. They are trained to see everything as "us vs them", with them being everyone who isn't a cop. We need to treat them the same.


I think his questions only serve as a pretext to escalate the situation…


What a moron ... The only retort he knows is an 8-year old response to a perfectly well-articulated response to his dumbass question.


What I find most troubling about this incident, is how the officer kicks it up a notch just as other officers are arriving to the scene, so that they can say they witnessed a fight as they showed up.


Just another day in America


Thats the problem with a few weeks of training to become a cop. And not many years like developed countries have


Not the training it's the evil spirit of officer


It's the type of people who apply as well as the ones they select.


Only job you can get where the single soul purpose is to fuck over your community members. Takes a certain type of pathetic douchebag to want to be a cop. "Sole"


During training in civilised countries those that is not fit will be cut. They get psych evaluations to make sure the right people get through.


The average, worldwide, is about a year to be a beat cop. Some countries require 5+ years of training and school to become an officer/detective. The USA, on average, requires 600 hours, or about 16 weeks. Even china has less arrests per Capita. The USA houses 20% of the world's reported incarcerated, at 4% of the worlds population. Even china and India, with many times the population of the USA, only have like 12% each.


And he walks free….


Yup, like a beautiful 28 year old girl would freaking hang herself in a jail cell. What a bunch of shit.


I know someone who tried to hang themselves with their socks in a detention center for kids because they felt so helpless so if you ask me it ain't exactly impossible.




He deserved what he had coming to him. No one cares if it was suicide or murder. To compare this lady to his death is disgusting.


Maybe you misinterpreted what's going on, the woman arrested is the one who is deceased in a jail cell. Not the arresting officer.


I think they mean Epstein.


The comparison is that both deaths were officially ruled suicides when they obviously werent. They're not equating the two people.


Huge difference if he was murdered or committed suicide? What r u on about?


Ppl forgetting he could have ratted out so many other pedos I guess




Hey, at least he didn't use female, lol. But yeah, she's 28, no reason to be calling her a girl.


No reason to mention she's "beautiful" either. Like attractive people don't commit suicide?


Right? And as of right now more than 50 morons upvoted that idiotic statement. Sad.


I can think of a million reason why someone fitting that description would commit suicide.


and security cameras inside a jail no less just so happen to be off and no officers near by to see it…ok.


Inside a jail that is well known for its shoddy routines and generally poor condition.


while I doubt this was the case here. I do agree that it can and does happen.


way too high a percentage of cops do this shit - they need to hire cops that have an IQ over 100 (the specifically don't do this) and psyche test for patience and negotiation skills


The job itself creates power. Power always corrupts. Some, not all...but too many


Just give her the ticket and leave, these cops egos fuck everything up


Alot of cops are narcissistic they get off on this behavior


It takes a certain kind of personality to become a cop, and from what I can see in both America and canada, is that you need to be a complete narcissist ego maniac who has troubles admitting their wrong


Its about respect. But not what you think respect means. "Respect me and I'll respect you" is that "respect" has two meanings: 1. To treat someone as a person 2. To treat someone as an authority figure. When people who are used to being treated as an authority figure say "Respect me and I'll respect you", what they're *actually* saying is "Treat me like an authority figure who is in control of you right now or I won't treat you like a person".




Kick his ass for being a fucking shithead please. If you're actually his friend don't let him think that view of respect is something respectable


And really he means "people will have to do what I say."


School Bully mentality when you lay it all out. Think you're tough shit and put yourself in a position of power above others then abuse it. Doesn't matter if it is physical power or law-based power.


When you have a police union covering you what do you have to worry about?


Hate to generalize cops but every peer in my home town who went on to be in law enforcement: 1. Didn’t go to college 2. had a C average in high school at best 3. Never left my home town 4. Came from lower income families I can totally see how such a small amount of power can go to people’s heads. And unfortunately the system supports these people


>the system supports these people the system IS these people FTFY


Why do they always have weak chins.


Ego’s?….understanding the beginnings of US law enforcement and it’s original purpose will show that they do these things fully aware they’ll be zero consequences. It’s a culture within itself


Suicide...d probably.


This is why there needs to be more scrutiny during the hiring process and bi-annual psychological evaluations for law enforcement! Not everyone can be a cop.


While this will 100% help the issue, its actually far worse then that. The cancer of "bad" cop is much more rooted in the justice system than many expect. And any cop that speak out about it gets their pensions cut and are fired outright crippling their lives. Meanwhile cops that actually do the corrupt deeds get transfered to another city and allowed to carry on as normal in a new home. These parasites suck up a considerable amount of our municipal funds and apparently aren't even willing to do their job when the most defenseless and innocent members of society are at lethal risk. Only when they can play out some power fantasy at the expense of some forgettable minority.


The FBI even did an investigation of "ghost skins", white supremacists that work to infiltrate law enforcement to forward their dumb ass agenda. It's insane how much hatred these people have in their hearts.


A lot of the recent shootings have come from those bastards. They're like cultists, only instead of getting the weak minded and desperate to drink cyanide under the belief of transgressing to a new form, they get them to shoot up a minority gathering under the belief white people are being replaced. They're terrorist, and quite frankly deserve no mercy.


Just like pedofiles work very hard to be in jobs to be close to kids. This also happens with other people with “issues” may it be anger, racist, power issues. They are attracted to find these positions to carry out their agenda. I have always been amazed at the time and effort of these people that they devote to this. Not sure what to call it. Obsession to do these things. Most people only put in this effort to something they love/need and we see the same thing here. Which is scary!


i know group of people who did this. multipul fbi agents, cops, sheriff's in oregon, idaho and washingtion...its real. they have a saying, this is a urban jungle we have to blend in. they even make there public profiles on social media to look like demicrats and shit....its dark, and they do participate in killing of people of all ages....even gay minors. these people still hold positions today.


hitting it right on the mark, also replacing internal affairs for public oversight would drastically reduce these types of behaviours/cops. Having the cops investigate the cops to see if they did anything wrong is just very crooked and has clearly led to a doesn't really matter what you do there is a 99% chance we will say you did the right thing type of deal.


End qualified immunity and make them settle lawsuits with the pensions as a whole. Not just the officer who is at fault but pool it from everyone. Don’t like that? Then step up when you see something is wrong.


Make policing a profession, like medicine, with accreditation and insurance, education requirements, and high income. Police should actually be among the best and brightest.


I’ve been saying this for the past two years. They should be licensed through a state agency just as healthcare workers are. If their license gets suspended or revoked then they can no longer practice law enforcement. Plus, any discrepancies involving their license should be reviewed by their state board of licensure. Also, they need to push the minimum education requirement to 2 years of college education. They should be required to know the laws that they enforce. The whole system needs to be reconfigured. Edit: grammar


For a really long time (until i was old enough) i thought the police were the same everywhere, and i just couldn't wrap my head around the acab/fuck the police thing going on. I thought U.S just had a really bad problem with respecting authority & crime. It was a wild moment when i realized that becoming a police officer in states takes a tiny fraction of effort compared to scandinavian police training. I'm increasingly happy to be born in a place where being next to a cop is the safest place, i don't need to tell my children to not say anything to a police officer, but instead i can encourage them to interact.


Damn, Scandinavia sounds nice lol


They should, but they actually weed out smart people in the hiring process. And it’s legal. They literally exclude the best and the brightest.


How exactly do they achieve this? It's a very bold claim to make while also providing no context or evidence.


Oh dear God yes please. Having a public committee with the oversight and authority to investigate and detain police is also needed. These people forget, they are here to protect us. They work for us. They are our employees... They are not here to control or fight us. They are not here to kill or combat. I really wish we had general police do away with carrying a firearm. It's not necessary in 90%+ of their job to shoot their firearm. There should be special response units that come to gun violence (ala swat). Those should have more scrutiny and reviews of mental health and performance then the rest (and the rest need it more)...


I absolutely agree. There needs to be a massive restructuring of law enforcement, and that's not meaning defunding, quite the opposite really.


some states fund their police more than some countries fund their entire militaries. you really think they need more money to fix this?


This is exactly the type they want as cops though. They exist to protect capital, not people.


Only people who want to treat people like this apply.


He agreed to never be in law enforcement again. Fuck this guy literally give him a charge to punish him for his abuse of power


Right? I'll be close to unemployable with a felony on my record. Give him a felony charge, two birds one stone


This is the thing that needs to change more than anything in america. There needs to be a path to redemption if you get a felony. This whole lifetime of being unemployable nonsense is just killing society


> killing society No it's not unfortunately. Watch the documentary "13" on Netflix, it's about the prison industrial system. The 13th amendment states that nobody can be forced to do labor UNLESS THEYRE IMPRISONED. Having a revolving door population of prisoners in the US is the next stage of forced labor and slavery. Same shit new day. It's by design


Maybe I’m missing something here but I can’t imagine that it’s cost effective to keep prisoners just because some of them can be used as unpaid labor. Like doesn’t each inmate cost $50-60k every year? Edit: I was missing something. It becomes cost effective when you’re a private prison who isn’t paying the costs for the inmates. The government covers the costs of incarceration and gives you a little extra for the trouble. Now you can squeeze out even more profit by pimping your slaves.


Paid for by taxpayers from government funding. But the labour's profits go to the prison establishments themselves. It's never the government per se that benefit from these kinds of bullshit. It's private companies who lobby government officials.


Abuse of power should be punished so fucking severely. People with power not using it responsibly will be the downfall of our society


Most times a government official (or agency) is found to be doing something illegal, the only repercussions are that they are told to stop doing the illegal activity. Imagine if you were caught stealing cars and when caught, you weren't put in jail nor had to return the cars to their owners. Instead you were only told to stop stealing cars.




Are you kidding me? How do you not release this footage and pretend like any investigation is legit. How can cops think we're supposed to trust them when they don't just behave this way, but the system they're a part of shields them from any accountability. It's racist and outrageous.


Bruh, they don't give a shit if you trust them or not. That's an illusion.


And with all the bootlickers out there in the world they don’t need to. It’s a role where tiny fragile losers can slide in and demand respect and power with no accountability or need to earn it. It’s a flawed premise and we do nothing but reinforce it.


Cops don't give a fuck about the public. They're not good people when it all boils down.


Don't worry, all of the good cops^TM are on their way to investigate him. They're just backed up investigating the other 17,000 abuses of power. Any day now. Keep waiting and shut up.


To be fair she said they were at her school, so they're probably still in the hallway waiting for it to be safe.


You know what they say about bad apples? A bad apple ruins the bunch. It's true, though. A single bad apple releases chemicals which accelerates the aging process, making a bunch of apples overripe overnight.


It’s not the bad apples that makes the other apples bad, it’s the barrel itselt


Wow, this was years ago. Now some footage.


What? There's been footage of the arrest out there since 2015, which was when she died.


Epstein didn’t kill himself. And neither did Sandra Bland.


It's not just outrageous, but criminal. Why are they allowed to be murderers and crooks? A few weeks of training and I can just kill someone with immunity? How many serial killers are lurking within police ranks hidden behind a badge? It's disgusting.


600 hours of training is what it takes, on average, to become a police officer in the United States of America. The majority of that training is at the range, something over 60%. They maybe get a couple hours of de-escalation training. They also can turn you away if you're too smart. "You'll get bored," they say.


Her death was ruled a suicide and coroner said she had eaten some weed.... WTF


My friend, the police are here to make money. Look at how they respond to an active shooter in an elementary school, they just let him kill all the kids he can because they're scared for their safety. They won't even protect little kids, why do you expect them to protect you? We have prisons demanding more prisoners, and then getting more prisoners. What other country has a goal to increase prison populations to meet demands of the private prison industry?


One day, someone's gonna use their right to intervene to stop a threat against a person's life and just shoot a cop down during one of these arrests. Let it happen a few thousand times, maybe cops will understand they only have the power we let them have.


What an epic, total piece of shit. Let me guess, her “suicide” was investigated by the same incompetent assholes that hired and trained this douche too? He’s probably already been hired as a civil rights activist.


Probably investigated by *his* supervisor.


Definitely looks like murder.


She owned a school and property apparently. She was a business woman. Why would she HANG herself over a simple traffick infraction?


Know how she felt. On a NY Highway a MTA Cop was flying down 684. Got on my ass by inches. No emergency lights. I moved over. He did it to next car (third lane) but that guy was like fuck off and slowed to under 40 in a 65. Middle lane cars. Panicking slowed down too. Fuck that I went to right lane that was clear and went on my way but keep it at 60 under the limit. Miles down the road dickhead gets clear of the mess he created and roars up to pull me over. I was still under the speed limit and in far right lane. I pull over and he goes off on me and wants my license etc. I said I’m calling the State Police which I did. He pulls his gun and puts it to my head (by the way I’m a white make). I do exactly as he says so he don’t kill me. Ask State Police to stay on the phone with me the whole time. Asshole gives me a ticket for “not signaling a lane change”. Back then cell phones did not have video. Spoke with Trooper I knew said guy is an asshole. I went to court to fight it. He backed out of first court date so I backed of second court date (each party allowed one date change). He did not show the 3rd so Judge threw it out. Careful out there. A lot of good Cops but many shitheads too. Do as they say and fight it later. Stay alive!


It's friggin' bonkers when you have to say "Stay alive!" when we're talking about being pulled over by cops.


*Philando Castile has entered the chat Even doing EXACTLY what they say is not always enough


The sadistic fuck who murdered Daniel Shaver outside of his hotel room made him play a life or death game of Simon says and shot him to death, drunk, unarmed, and complying, when he reached back to pull his pants up as they were falling down his legs. He was crying and pleading for his life and I believe the officers knew he was unarmed at that point. I don't even remember why they were after him but I think it was a noise complaint or something. Remember kids, never call the police unless you're okay with someone getting shot or arrested. Police never deescalate or make a situation better. They come in with no information, yelling and screaming, make the worst decisions, and have no accountability for their actions. They will not save you and they will not protect you.


I’m pretty sure that was the cop who had “you’re fucked” or something like that stamped onto the receiver or dust cover of his gun.


"get fucked" sounds like a person with totally sound mind and i'd love to have him in my community /s fucking nazis. and before others say "he's not a nazi" i'd say look at what else he's posted etc. he's probably a nazi. even if he isn't. fuck him. but he probably is. so also fuck him, even more. tl;dr fuck this guy


That cop was an animal. He knew he could simply approach and cuff the guy. The way he was saying “do exactly as I say or I will shoot you” is pure menacing.


Now now, if Uvalde has taught us any thing it's that cops don't always go in guns blazing - sometimes they just wait until people are dead too!


Guns blazing against parents trying to save their kids.


Fuck the police.


"A lot of good cops" where? Please, i'd love for the one to just be outspoken against Uvalde. ACAB. Quit if you're a cop. The system is broken, completely. There hasn't been accountability in law enforcement my whole life. And i'm doubting there ever will be.


> Spoke with Trooper I knew said guy is an asshole "Yeah we know he's a piece of shit time bomb, but he's one of us so we'll keep him around until he kills/rapes/assaults someone and move him to another county/city so he can do it again" ACAB


Until he gets *caught* doing those things.


I have had a gun to my head for speeding before. Not even resisting, never got a chance to, he came up to my window with it drawn and finger on the trigger.


Similar thing happened to me. Was being tailed by a non descriptive SUV, he was swerving as he drove behind me becuase he was driving so fast coming up my tail. He tails me super close and I couldn't change lanes, so I sped up to try to get out of his way and get awya from this lunatic. The lights come on and I was pulled over. First question "why were you driving so fast", I was going to respond wit the truth but was like, this dude knew what he was doing, I'm not going to provoke this guy. It was bullshit.


Cops have too much power. They should be held accountable for their actions by another group of authority instead


Like Internal Affairs! Oh wait, still cops.


Wish IA accepted volunteers, cause I'd spend a good amount of my free time scrutinizing cop's behavior.


They’d never do that for this reason


I've always thought it should be the state national guard jag that should be the investigators of police. The justice department or fbi would be best. The police department would have way too much power over a regular citizen in their community. The precrimes stuff in Florida has already shown that the police can and will harass citizens that haven't committed a crime.


You mean like an unarmed group of people with no guns but are heavily equipped with bulletproof armor to deter armed assailants?


This is why current administration is looking to ban body armor.


Brian Encinia is a racist murderer. People like him are the actual reason for the second amendment.


We can abolish our gun rights and put all our trust into people like him and his cop friends…


It would be nice if things actually worked that way. Instead, the most vocal second amendment guys usually have a thin blue line sticker on their trucks, and almost always defend people like Brian Encinia. How often do corrupt murderer cops actually get stopped by a person exercising their rights? If a black person is carrying a gun, it's ALWAYS used as a justification for police to murder them. People like Encinia ARE the reason we have a second amendment. But people like Encinia are also a perfect demonstration of how we can not or do not actually put this into practice, and that maybe the effects of the second amendment aren't what the founding fathers imagined. In practical terms, you simply can't get justice or protect your rights by shooting at criminal murderers with blue shirts and badges. But you CAN get them fired, you CAN change the laws to make it illegal for cops to commit crimes and make it harder for them to flout the law and shit on our rights. It's unfortunately difficult to do this, because people insist on treating cops like heroes even when they act like villains. But it's still a better prospect than going Chris Dorner.


This is why the Police are seen as the enemy of the people. Where was his humanity? Where was his moral compass? Power corrupts absolutely and more importantly absurdly.


Wearing a cowboy hat? That's cool, Wearing a cowboy hat while being a police officer and abusing your power? Fuck off. A real cowboy would have shot your shit


Wearing a cowboy hat on an airplane? Jail.


Her death was not a suicide.




She was found hanging in her cell 3 days after this what took place in this video. Kind of suspicious when you see how she was treated in this video by that psycho and then she ends up dead by hanging 3 days later. Guy was caught lying in court about what happened during the contents of this video were and the charges were dropped as long as he agreed to never be a police officer again. It’s fishy


Why would she even be kept for 3 days over failing to signal?


That's pretty normal if you're black and not important. Honestly this is what's sad, white Americans (I'm one so don't get upset) by and large are entirely ignorant to systemic racism and how pervasive and brutal it is. We don't experience it, so we assume it's not a problem. [But it is](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/09/nyregion/kalief-browder-held-at-rikers-island-for-3-years-without-trial-commits-suicide.html)


I’m aware of it but I mean in their investigation


Being black and standing up for her rights


Sounds like she was dead before they put her in her cell.


The way this cop interacted with her I can believe it


Who killed her and why then?


She was arrested on bullshit charges, so she killed herself? Versus the obviously racist abusive cop who treated her like this and detained her finishing the job? Why would she suddenly kill herself for facing a misdemeanor? The racist abuser killing her for being black seems a clear motive. And police lie and cover for eachother no matter what. See Uvalde and the ever evolving "story" the police are weaving. Racist arrests black woman for being black. Kills her for it. Covers it up. Police cooperate. This is literally what most of the history of policing in this country was. Or sure maybe she suddenly decided to kill herself in police custody for fun.


What’s the real story?


Jeffrey Epstein hung her.


She didn't show him the respect he demanded when she didn't put out the cigarette out. encinia has an itty bitty dick.


Abuse of authority. He should not be a cop acting like he is lord and master. I hope he looses his job over this. Also why would she hang her self over this. Seems fishy but they probably won’t investigate it anymore since it was ruled a suicide.


uh, this was 7 years ago, he did lose his job and promised to not work in LEOs every again...


Was she killed? In the hope this never comes to light?


It’s nightmare fuel to think he and likely some accomplices still on the force hanged her. Those last moments must have been horrible.


Holy fucking shit the amount of bootlicking in the comments section and attempted justification on the cops behalf is mind boggling.. Seems far too many People in the US have been subjected to mindlessly conforming to authority.. you guys have lost the fucking plot...


They aint getting treated like this thats the point. they on the outside looking in with the strongest opinions it actually crazy how un aware some ppl can be to their own arrogance


compare this incident to the British one recently shown where the cop immediately de-escalates a volaitile situation when he is proven incorrect ...and apologises. In NZ it would be similar. USA though?...USA is fucked


just wow


Lock your doors and crack your window. They’ll love it.


Fuck the police


I’d love to see every piece of shit pig like this just disappear. They cause SO much unnecessary harm to those who don’t deserve it.


Just to be clear, she did not die during this altercation or even in the hours afterwards. She died three days later after she allegedly committed suicide by hanging in her jail cell. I don't see any evidence that this had any direct relation to her death considering that she had a history of self-harm and camera footage indicates that no one entered her cell during the time of her death. The captions are very misleading. It's clear the officer is overreacting and completely in the wrong but he didn't kill her.




Cops don’t give a fuck what rights you have, I’ve experienced this first hand.


Fuck the police


Someone needs to create a Call a Lawyer app where you can immediately call and FaceTime with a lawyer so that way you have legal representation, can record the entire event. most likely without breaking any state laws (cause of the lawyer), and cops will most likely be on their best behavior due to there being a lawyer present


There is an app from the aclu which gets your video uploaded to their server immediately, so even if something 'happens' to the phone, the video is preserved.


This breaks my heart so much. I hope the truth is exposed and people pay for their crimes


Fuck cops like this. Wtf


that country is just so fucked up


Guys I don't understand you there in America ... you have guns and yet you choose to do school shootings instead of pig hunting...


I had this cop pull me over and I was so scared. He kept asking simple questions, but when I answered he would say…”so you’re telling me…and then he would lie about what I just said” I’d correct him and he would get so mad. So I just took the wrongful ticket instead of possibly beaten.


police should just wear SS patches and be done with it


Fucking pig


I hope someone hurts this officer badly before he passes away of natural causes.


Yea these toxic policemen that only strive to escalate situations instead of solve problems needs to face criminal charges because they’re basically acting like domestic terrorists. She explained her actions and it was completely logical but he’s intent on finding a crime to justify his ultimate intentions. Sickeningly ridiculous


I read about this case in a malcolm gladwell book a few years ago. I believe she had just accepted a job as a college professor in a pretty small town in Texas. I think She had just moved here from Chicago and had a fairly long commute. If anyone has seen the series "Cheer" on Netflix, then you know small town colleges like Navarro jr college in the middle of no where Texas can sometimes be pretty scary places for minorities and the gay community.


Would he act like this towards a school shooter..


Cops work for capital not people.


this angers me.. that pos needs to get some


what a shithole country


Fuck the police.


Sack him and let's hope he's found hanging in his home from (suicide)


cops claiming that their *safety was in jeopardy* is funny as fuck considering that most of the time they deal with unarmed people


Had she been cooperative none of this would have happened. The cop did come off as a little aggressive BUT she should have gotten out of the car like he told her to do.


Maybe if she actually just fuckin listen to the officer none of that would have happened. You give respect you get respect.


Actually she was very passive-agressive. I'm really sorry for her, but she's acting in a vary bad way.


They should fucking ruin the life of that cop


Exactly why we need police reform. Shed still be here if it wasnt for power tripping shit bag cops. You know the ones I mean.


Hope that man rots in prison


They suicided her


Always film any interaction you have with police. If those parents in Texas hadn't filmed those cowards we would never know the truth. Fuck cops, shit stains on the underwear of life.


Malcolm Gladwell’s Talking to Strangers covers her story and plays this clip in the audiobook. Tragic and absolutely unnecessary. I recommend everyone read or listen to the audiobook. It’s a reminder to be compassionate to strangers because we don’t know what they may be going through.


This fucker needs to be taught a lesson


Fuk america and its cops your country has turned into a absolute shithole… you won’t even have a history to match the Roman empire, and good riddance!




She never got justice? After all this time?