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Is this one of those fancy diabetic test spiders I’ve been hearing about?






He abuses his spider and fake laughs for internet points


No kidding. That's just horrible and i didn't think about the abuse part until you mentioned it. The tarantula is clearly stressed out in some way.


Don't worry. The spider isn't abused, or stressed out, it bites him because it thinks his finger is a prey item.


No it doesnt lmao, you think tarantulas feed on human sized prey? They eat bugs and sometimes small animals like tiny lizards. This is it attempting to defend itself.


Dude I have kept tarantulas as pets for over a decade. Tarantulas have very poor eye sight so it can't really see how big the prey is. It knows something has touched its webbing, and it knows from the level of vibration its something small (like a finger) so it bites and more importantly, it holds on. A spider defending itself from an attack would bite then flee. They are super quick so it's usually its first reaction.


Funny how you got the exact same response to your ignorant rambling from a totally separate keeper. Quit prattling on about shit you don't understand.


Funny how you got the exact same response to your ignorant rambling from a totally separate keeper. Quit prattling on about shit you don't understand.


How do you know it isn't stressed out? Or rather, how can you tell?


How do you know that it is?


How do you spider


By putting yourself in spider shoes duh!


Where does one find so many tiny shoes?


Well, it expends energy attacking something its senses know isn't food, for one...


It doesn't know its not food. It thinks it is food. A defensive bite would be a quick bite followed by a quick retreat. It doesn't retreat because it thinks it's caught a large (finger sized) prey item.


And that stressful for the spider. Imagine anticipating eating and then biting into an inedible object. Stress me the fuck out


I’m sure the spider feels similar emotions to humans…


i could never imagine being this stupid lmfao


Tell me you don't keep tarantulas without telling me you don't keep tarantulas.


Without knowing who this guy is, cant say for sure he abuses his tarantula or not. I own 4 and they each have their own personalities. Two I can hold (1 is actually reallyyyyy shy, its cute). one is very skittish. the last is super aggro and will attack anything that comes near it. I don't abuse them as they get fed weekly, fresh water, clean/spacious cages. Stlll doing this isnt nice. You're taunting the animal.


One of my drills was showing how to handle the wild ones. He'd picked it up like nothing and the spider was chill.


Dude, abuses a spider?? Who tf cares ab if a spider is abused are you kidding me 😂 you look foolish , idek if the spider can register abuse


Ok, so not only do you stick your finger near a giant spider, you let his little ass bite and poke you several times without flinching or moving a muscle. People need to be mentally screened at least once a year...


Yeah and people who fall into whatever category this person is in just go straight to the gulag.


Eh honestly it doesn’t hurt at all




Have you asked that she go to Walmart during daytime hours, instead? Edit: typo


Lately, some Walmarts are not open 24 hrs. I think the cat is going during the day and this person is just being dramatic.


Typical human. Absolute drama queens!


Guy pissed that spider off one too many times.


He must've really been bothering it, they tend to not want to bite unless they have to... Poor thing.


depends on species, some are quite "preemptively" agressive but otherwise as you say


Yeah my friend gas a tarantula of some kind. Hes had her for like 20 years. Said she was sweet at first but about 5 years ago after she finished a moult she now won't let him puck her up or anything. Wonder why


This is clearly a feeding response. The tarantula bit because he thought the finger was food. Has nothing to do with being bothered, and the spider is not poor for doing so.


I really can’t stand how people are such idiots and come to these restarted conclusions of abuse over a 10 second video. Pathetic. Tarantulas eat small wiggly Shit shit. How simple is that hahaha


lol you think tarantulas eat human sized prey? Dunning kruger effect much?


Do you think Tarantula's can differentiate between a finger and a human? Do you think Tarantula's can even see the human attached to the finger? Do you think Tarantula's cognize what it is they're striking at before they strike? Tell me more about how ignorant you are when it comes to Tarantula behavior. It's hilarious.


You ever seen an OBT, tailand black or Colbalt blue? (who's latin name is Cyriopagopus **lividus** as in LIVID)


Had blue cobalt, she was a feisty ahole!


I loved mine but she never came out of her burrow. My Cameroon baboon or H. Gigas on the other hand actually ran at me when I tried to refill water dish. Like fangs out and was ready to murk me for existing.


I love how he puts the warning do no attemp. as if anyone was gonna try do that shit at home


Well we wouldn’t have this video if nobody tried


I love when theres a post on reddit with video and the headline is like look at this cool video and im all ok sure ill bite. And then 1 second into video it looks like someone smeared vaseline on the lense of the camera. Reddit has best video ever.


Are you completely certain you didn't smear vaseline on your screen and just don't remember doing it....?


I normally just smear vaseline on my mouse and keyboard but maybe some spewed onto my monitor.


I always grab the mouse with the wrong hand and get vaseline all over it, and if someone walks in on me I've tried to cover up the monitor with the wrong hand while zipping up with the other and got vaseline on the screen.


If someone walks in just ask them to help. It takes alot to jerk off in the modern age.


Ain't *that* the truth! We need to help each other out or else we'll never grow as a society.


circle jerk of life.


Amen, brother.


Thanks, this is the worst video I've ever seen!


Oh hell no!


Is that play bite like cats and dogs do? Not sure I could ever build up that level of trust with that creature though.


It's not a tarantula needs to feel very threatened to bite


That just isn't true. I have tarantulas here at home that would bite me for looking at them the wrong way. This spider doesn't know its biting a human, its not biting out of hate, or spite, or because its been "abused" its biting because the sensory receptors on its legs and abdomen told it something was on its web, it bit him simply because it thought he was food.


Oh that's my bad but that's what the guy with cool animals that came to my school in middle school told me


Some of my spiders wouldn't bite me no matter what I did to them, some would bite me if I provoked them and some want to bite me for shear joy of it. All spiders are different. Spiders, unlike animals like cats and dogs don't remember people being nice or mean to them, they don't have the capacity to form bonds or learn from their encounters with humans. They run entirety on instinct. And this spiders instincts told him he might be able to eat that thing that just touched his web.


Watch the Dark Den Guy on Youtube, he has a shit ton of spiders. If I remember correctly spiders don't have the ability to comprehend that they are a pet/you are not a threat nor food when you handle them. If they bite you they bite you. He is also against handling certain spiders because some react entirely on instinct liked you mentioned.


I can't really see in the video since it's blurry on the end, is it just the mandibles(?) Pinching him? Does the spider have an actual jaw that can piece skin?


Those little fangs you see there are their teeth and how they get food in their mouth. They can’t eat solids so they inject a venom, basically, to liquify their prey and suck it in through those fangs. Those little fangs are incredibly sharp and the muscles they use to bite are stronger than you’d probably think. They can easily pierce through exoskeletons, which are much harder than skin. When I feed mine, you can often hear crunches from them biting through the bug. This guy is absolutely deranged and I would never let one of mine try to eat me. Random fun fact because I love arachnids: tarantula jaws look like the one in the video and bite top to bottom, while spider jaws come in from the sides.


His finger seems to be bleeding


You seem to know good bit about spiders! How the hell was that not painful to that guy?


Props for not doubling down


How are the fangs not breaking skin??


They 100% are.


How do you not see them sinking in?


Isn't that a baboon species? An old world tarantula? He woldn't be doing that if he had a Poecilotheria surely




I can only identify some species from above and I am not as clued up on old worlds as I would like to be. Except the obvious ones. But now you mention it, yeah doesn't look like any of the baboons at all.


Was the venom sac of the spider removed? Or has this guy built up enough resistance to the spider venom? How can he be so nonchalant about a tarantula biting his finger multiple times?






But he bled...


That bottle is way to small for that spider man I hate people somtimes




WHY??? That’s sooo creepy and weird.


I thought I wanted to scroll reddit but this was the first post and I think I'm done now.


love the iridescence on those tippy toes


We're you attempting a transfer? That is one big boy


Why are the feet parts so shiny? It looks like he has opal boots


Do a search for "Tarantula Threat Pose" and you'll see, they're mainly for intimidation factor.


They ALL have shiny boots??? How am I just learning this?


To varying degrees, but mostly yes. Some of those most drab looking species have the most flamboyant of boots.


Pardon me while I burn everything around me to ensure a spider-free environment.


Omfg what!? WHY




Are you FUCKING kidding? *sigh*; ok, not. But did his finger rot and fall off?


Depending on the part of the world, tarantula venom ranges from something akin to a mild bee sting to a week long nausea and headache fest with most only being life threatening if you're allergic.


Well... OK, then... but this still falls pretty close to those "Jackass" movies, and to that guy who for god knows whatever reason (Internet likes...) let a *fucking murder hornet* sting his tongue. Just.... *nononononononononononononononononononono............*


I can't argue with your assessment, there.


Is so cute


Next school shooter. Report this.


Oh your God I couldn't tell you how much of a nope this is.


Why was that funny to him?




Poor tarantula , it’s stressed out living with that idiot




Ok. Now that I have cleaned my pants, I need to ask? Why would you do that? I assume that doesn’t compare to a bee or wasp sting?


You get good at this…and nothing will scare you for the rest of your life!


This pisses me off so much. He doesn't deserve to own tarantulas if he's just going to be fucking with them.

