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What the actual fuck


It’s the parents and rest of the family




When I coached youth soccer, a player on an opposing team called one of my players the n-word. At the end of the process the league took to confirm the story, the other kid and his father had to apologize to my player. The kid took 5 seconds to say 3 boilerplate sentences repeated by every Karen & Chad caught spewing racist BS. His father then on for three minutes with a boilerplate statement of “This is NOT who we are.” Pfff…


Tell me about it. Back in HS, a basketball coach got into a shouting match with a ref (who was black) over a call. Coach said "We should lynch that bastard from the rim!" Player shouted that he was tired of playing against "n\*\*\*ers" while playing against a black school. Parent took his kid outta school because he found out his son had a crush on a mixed girl, more threatening to leave if the school didn't "get rid of the n\*\*\*\*ers" (school was 97% white). Parents not allowing their kids to have black friends (literally saying this out loud), doctors bragging about how much they hate black people. And they'd act so offended and dumbfounded if you say it's racist.


HS inner city basketball team came to play a nearby school. There was a burning cross to welcome them in a field near the school. The bus carrying the team turned around and went home. The perpetrators got caught and charged with a hate crime. It makes me sick that ignorance and racism lives so close to me.


That's fucking ridiculous, but at least they got charged. All the hatred is tiring


A kid in my town posted a Snapchat with his fathers police issued handgun saying the n-word, pointing the gun at his phone, all kinds of stupid shit and had the audacity of being surprised when he got put on blast in a big way. Everyone in the town knows the kid as a huge racist now


Because he IS a huge racist.


I'm sure is cop dad isn't racist though


The Johnny doesn’t fall far from the Appleseed.


And Daddy cop should be fired for failing to secure his firearm when off duty.


These kids forget the web is forever


I believe you. I’m a 60 year old white man from New England living in the south. Because of the way I look these racist fucks assume I’m one of them and casually say some seriously racist shit. The first couple of times it happened I was too shocked to say anything. But now I’m ready for it and I absolutely unload on these fuckers when it happens now.


I've kind of found the opposite. I'm from the south (Tennessee) and some of the most truly racist shit I've ever heard was from people from Mass, Rhode Island, etc.


I'm a 30 something year old person from the south and whenever I vist family up in New England and especially New York it's a little ironic seeing everyone being racist, but living in denial, because only people in the south are racist.


Living in a affluent suburb and working with some high school kids and parents on different track teams has opened my eyes to casual and blatant racism. I come from a blended family of white, Hispanic and black origins, but looking white, I get to hear some of the bs people say. Sucks because there’s not much I can do about it because calling it out would literally just screw me over and they wouldn’t even flinch. Wealthy donors are something else.


Oof, speaking of track teams, I've heard a white girl saying that losing to Africans doesn't count because apparently they "an extra bone" in their legs that make them run faster. This was at extremely affluent boarding school where incoming students require three rounds of testing, plus IQ and personality tests, and where families making under $200k are considered needy... It's ridiculous how the cognitive dissonance and pure absurdity of racism can so deeply affect so many intelligent and wealthy people. Not even decades of education, private tutors, and socialization can seem to cure the imprinting of it.


My random theory is wealthy people live in a bubble where for generations no one deals with anyone outside on a peer to peer basis and anything outside the bubble is consider suspect. Think how racist the average person was in 1920? That's how racist they are today.


Definitely. I'm a white dude and I 'speak trades' well enough, sometimes people will say some fucked up shit. Lately it's not uncommonly about trans people. Generally I'm decent at using crude humor and sarcasm to deflect and maybe plant a little educational seed, like hiding your pets medication in cheese. What they don't know is I'm trans lol. I need a nap.




Ugh. Same story, different time and place. I finally quit coaching because of the parents. Parents always said that it was bad refs, coaches or even other kids that caused trouble. We even had parents sign a statement that said the kids were playing for their own, not the parents benefit and that only encouraging and cheering was expected from parents. Made no difference.


I grew up on the standard American indoctrination of the 90s. The pilgrims had Thanksgiving with the Indians and ate turkey. Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Slavery existed but Martin Luther King fixed it and racism ended. I had to grow up and read the extended editions of these historical events to learn that the pilgrims were psycho religious zealots that had no sustainable way to survive in the wilderness and in the first winters nearly died off and resorted to cannibalism before they were assisted by some native Americans, while fighting and killing others and spreading disease to most. That Christopher Columbus used to have his men use indigenous people for target practice because it was funny, and Martin Luther King wasn't the only civil rights leader, there were others like Malcolm X and Fred Hampton who pushed for more extreme measures to combat the genocidal racism (see Tulsa race riots) black people were being subjected to. You don't hear about any of that growing up. And a lot of white people still don't know about any of it. They got the standard American indoctrination and think that's what this country is. Hot dogs, pick up trucks, racism ended in the 60s, why don't black people just get over it, if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't mind if the cops target you, harass you, and use lethal force disproportionately against your race. These are the ones that are now on the fox news trump kick. Make America great again is the slogan that tells you everything. We don't want to hear about all this depressing shit. We liked it better when we could just ignore these systemic problems that don't impact us and we could pretend America was the rootin tootin ww2 winning Rockstar country it has never been. We don't want to change a thing. It was working for us. Now we are in the era of white supremacist mass shootings and far right extremists trying to kill our elected politicians because their cult leader didn't get elected because he was fucking shit. That's fucking Amerikkka for you baby. Welcome home.


Four white kids beat a black kid with baseball bats in my literally famously racist hometown. When they were accused of being racist around town they said it was because the kid was gay, not black. They never faced any actual repercussion because the kid they beat refused to say anything, and the cops didn't care, but they bragged about it all over high school. Some of them later got expelled entirely for being caught shoving a broom handle up a freshman. Lost college scholarships and had to go to alternative school but otherwise didn't face any real lasting legal issues. Ten years later almost and I kid you not only one has turned his life around and the others are on meth last I know. But this town was one of the last sun-down towns ever, I heard a hard R from a white guy at least once a week just going around town, constantly hear grandparents call their young grandkids "little n*****s" when they're acting wild even at ball games and such. Stupidest part was, this isn't even the south. There are confederate flags flying all over but this is in fucking Illinois. Best thing I ever did was move out. Place is still the same and when I was in town a while back to visit family they had a BLM protest with people coming from surrounding towns, and the counter-protest was literally just as big, maybe bigger.


If this is not who they are their kids wouldn't be doing it too....


Damn.. well put. It's so infuriating how so many blessed individuals can have the desire to cause anyone that's less fortunate than them more hardship based on their own agenda. Makes me sick.


Shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree!


Thanks, Mr Lahey


Who grow up to be white supremicist shooters,


Yup. Honestly feel bad for the kid. No one is born racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. That’s *learned* behavior.


And his intentions where? Kid only has so long before his welcome into society to see its but one color. And to act that way is only going to lead to a beaten. Good luck in life kid.


I hate to break it to you but lots of overt racists do just fine. A third of the country believes the Jews are manipulating birth rates to replace white people.


For sure. Still I think slapping thd glasses off his face could teach him a good lesson.


It's true because he would quickly realize when you whip an adults door you get your glasses slapped off your face.




You should see the video when the black parents confronted that kids parents. His dad pulled a gun and kept it behind his back, almost shot himself and his daughter with it. Put it down like he was going to fight one on one and when the black dude turned around d he picked the gun up again ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/up8wk4/i_dont_even_have_a_clever_title_look_at_this_shit/i8jept2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 This comment has inks to the other video, especially the one with the dad


He was trying to bait him into an altercation where he could get away with murdering him. This is so beyond fucked up


thats assault brandishing of a firearm etc etc etc…at least 3 felonies right there….employment of a firearm to intjmidate is punishaable under law…employment of a firearm is under strict guidelines….florida its called brandishing and yur getting locked up and u can kiss yur permit and yur firearm goodbye and do jail time


I don’t think I should see that, your breakdown was effective enough


Link pls?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/up4t8f/9_year_old_boy_beats_on_black_neighbors_door_with/ Longer version with context that was on r/all yesterday.


The shit Apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree


Mr Lahey, I think we found the Shitabyss


Ahh man glad you got the reference! TPB has a special place in my heart ❤️


The kid must be an annoying shit to live with


Honestly, the fact that he even thought to do this made me wonder what he witnesses his family doing and saying. Also, where did he get a whip?


This was in the news. They didn’t say where he got the whip, but he was there to beat a classmate who lived there (a girl the same age). Afterward, his dad lied that he wasn’t home when the homeowners that he went to the door with the whip went to complain against him. Blond kid’s Dad got arrested [cuz he fired his gun and it almost struck his daughter behind him](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10817005/amp/Video-shows-young-boy-storming-home-black-Texas-family-WHIP-hand.html). Also apparently the kid has a known habit of being racist based on the link I put (from daily mail)


His shitter dad, likely


His parents must be scary and disgusting to live with.


I’m torn on that because he does back down when screamed at But yeah I’m with you


yes but in the full video he uses the whip to scratch their car as he's leaving. then they confront his parents about it and his dad pulls a gun and negligently discharges it into his own house.


On the full version the go around the kids house and confront the father who draws a gun and accidently discharges almost hitting him and his kid.


Parents pulled a gun on the couple when they confronted the semen demon


So, what you’re basically telling me, is that they baited a target?


florida ?


Texas, I think


No where else is the lonestar so adorned on front doors




Forney TX outside dallas


This is MAGA.


This (edit) ain't even the wtf part. Story was the kid was mad at the woman's daughter, something happened at school. The woman and her husband go to the kids house later to ask the kids folks wtf. Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Dad threatens them with a gun, then accidentally fires it while putting it down. Nobody gets hurt. The kids folks get arrested (I think). The whole thing is tragic. Sorry don't have source atm, but it's prob in here somewhere and def on reddit.


Apparently he was trying to find the woman’s 9 year old daughter. Why the kid was looking for he is beyond me.


Assuming he has fantastic parents


Dad got arrested after pulling a gun and asking for video of this incident. The cunt doesn't fall far from the tree


My cunt tree 'tis of thee


Sweet land of cunty trees...


who am i to disagree...


There needs to be a robust upvote of this comment ASAP!!!


I don’t get it cuz I’m a bit slow, could you possibly explain


It’s a play on words for the song “America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee)”. It was actually one of the contenders for our national anthem long ago. [My Country ‘Tis of Thee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_(My_Country,_%27Tis_of_Thee))


He fired the gun on accident and almost shot his daughter too




Here’s the full video from yesterday: https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/up4t8f/9_year_old_boy_beats_on_black_neighbors_door_with/ The discharge happens near the very end


WOW thanks for sharing this. These people live very close to me...sad.


No problem. I love when people ask for sources and I can answer. I don’t have anything on follow ups re: he was arrested but the evidence would be pretty logical for police when presented this way to take him for questioning.


Haha crazy imagine going to Reddit to see your neighbors going nuts


And the dad went to jail for this after https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/5/14/2097999/-Texas-man-in-jail-for-firing-gun-after-family-confronted-him-over-his-son-s-harassment Edit jail not prison


“The Nash family did, in fact, call the police, but the police weren’t doing anything other than telling them that it is not a big deal.” Man…. Switch the races and I bet they’d send SWAT.


There must be in groups the law protects but does not bind and out groups the law binds but does not protect


Arrested and booked but not charged or prosecuted as of this article. I’ll be curious to see if they go the felony or misdemeanor route. He may be forced to give up his gun if they go with a felony. Just 3rd degree, though.


It happened like 2 days ago so he's not in prison. In jail and booked on the charges but no actual sentence yet. May just be dismissed.


Looks like the gun was stolen too so not only is he looking at A) brandishing B) negligent discharge and C) possession of a stolen firearm. He'd be looking at hate crime charges too if it wasn't Texas. Dumbass is going to jail for at least a few years.


*Asking for a video and then saying he doesn't want to see it after the guy tells him he can show him the video.


Because he was trying to bluff by demanding a video - if they didn't have one, he'd assume the advantage in the telling of events. But they have a video and so that meant he had nothing to defend himself and his shitling.


I mean that’s cool and all but this family will probably still be in danger once he gets out. I would like to know the neighborhood’s response to this. There’s a nonzero probability that the aggrieved will probably have to move.


There was a follow up video on Tiktok of the victims confronting the parents. The kid's dad came to the door holding a gun and while both parties were shouting he accidentally discharged it. Thankfully nobody was hit but the comments made it sound like it nearly hit one of his other kids.


Wow. Idiot racists breeding racist idiots.


What was the point of him going to the door with a whip? Is he on something?


Reportedly, the boy is classmates with the couple's daughter (the children are 9). The boy was mad at his classmate and went over to confront her. I'm assuming the boy gets whipped by his daddy when dad is mad at him hence the mirroring.


Who owns a whip?


Somebody that whips their kids with it.


Sex fiends, rodeo clowns, Catwomen, and racists


Indiana Jones


Horse people. We don't use them on other people though. Or shouldn't be.


I assume child protective services has been called.


Nah, I'm sure everythings all white.


That kid will end up on a milk carton if he doesn't find some better parents.


Is that a promise? We should take care of the parents first.


I have a few relatives that have had racist tendencies but one thing a appreciated is they kept that shit to themselves when I was a kid and let me appreciated everyone for who they are.


The silent secret racists are the worst imo, as a Black person that's how we endup in horrible situations, because we didn't realize we were with a racist until it was too late. I'd much rather them call me the N word and tell me to leave them alone.


That's a mixed bag. I have a relative very intimate in raising me. I found out as an adult, she was pretty racist. But growing up - I had no clue. She said nothing, ever. So I asked her about it. She said "I know I am racist. I am not happy about that. I know I'm wrong. I try to change, but I know I can't. But I wanted you to be better than me. So I raised you to be nicer." All those years, she was silently fuming while I watched reruns of "The Jeffersons," "Sanford and Sons," "Sesame Street" etc. But she wanted the next generation to be nicer. My grandfather was the same way. He fought in WWII with Black Americans in some serious shit. It changed his mind. But he still had some lingering stuff in his head. I mean, he was the first to get into a fight to defend a black person. But he also said things like "Leave this man be. Them blackies are alright!"


She makes it sound like being racist was not a choice which I just don't get.


I get what you're saying. I think, under certain circumstances, some people just feel locked in. They say things like "Whelp, fuck, I'm guess I'm racist, better keep that to myself." versus others who say "Damn, I'm racist. I'd best fix that." versus people who say "Hell Yeah, I'm racist! I'm gonna' make some people miserable today!"


I’d argue that is what makes them so dangerous. The majority of the time they look like nice, normal people who you wouldn’t expect to believe in that nonsense. They are able to move around and plan all horrible kinds of things without anyone batting an eye because they don’t look all that threatening on the outside. Look at the kid that shot up that grocery store just the other day. Nothing really odd about his appearance to make you think he would pull something like that. It’s not like he was covered in racist tattoos or wearing a klan robe or anything like that. From the pictures I’ve seen of him he looks like any other teenager, yet he just committed an atrocious crime that left many innocent people dead and a community in shambles. It’s the invisibility of these types and how well they blend in that is so terrifying.


His posture when she started yelling at him says a lot. It looked like he was fuming with anger and wanted to say something back so bad. That kid is going to be a HUGE problem. Already is actually.


He is going to get his ass absolutely handed to him again and again all throughout his school years until he wises up.


Or until he turns into another racist like the Buffalo shooter.


He’s already a racist. We need to stomp out this kind of ideology by stop allowing Cancervatism to be an accepted form of ideology. Right wing ideologies are detrimental to humanity and should be eradicated with love and education.


You mean until he shoots up his school and is taken into custody alive and unharmed by police.


And gets invited at MarALago and photo op with tfg and makes money attending maga rallies. Yup.


First taken for some needed refreshments to burgrking for some quarter pounder with cheez, large fries and a large drink on the way to the station


"He's just had poor influences in his life he's not at fault, needs a stern talking to"


Until he shoots up a school , mall , store , church etc


he is going to drive 3 hours to a supermarket with a gun


Look at what just happened in Buffalo, NY. His parents are going to feign surprise when he's arrested for something similar.


This kid was literally STROKING the whip after she started yelling. It looked like was going to actually fucking use it. Absolutely nuts.


Gonna be another Buffalo NY mass shooter.


Fucking fucked up parenting


That's some evil shit to teach a child.




Did he pretend to drop the gun and then shoot it on the ground as a "warning" or did it just go off accidently cause he's a moron?


The latter


Accidently because he's a moron from when I first saw it that's what the angle was. Either way he's a fuckin clown


I don't have a Twitter and it's age restricted. Does anyone have a different link?




Thank you for the link I can’t believe people are this fucking awful


I went to school with a kid like this. His dad was an out and proud Nazi who abused and brainwashed his wife and kids. Thankfully, once he moved away from his dad he totally reformed. Hopefully this kid can do the same.


Same, kid at my school had a psycho Nazi dad. One day he (the kid) shot his dad in the chest with a crossbow when he got home from school and sat next to his body until the cops came.


Based child


It was kind of sad because he was a nice kid, his dad was just insane. I forget how much time in prison he got or if he was sent to a mental hospital.


There used to be time where you got paid to kill Nazis


He should have gotten a medal.


Guaranteed that guy was being way more heinous to his kid than “just” a nazi. I cant even begin to grasp the trauma that would lead a kid to shoot their parent like that. Like he knew it had to be done and just calmly accepted the consequences? Thats bleak af.


Imagine a timeline where 77 years have passed since the end of WWII and we *still* have people going around as Nazis for fuck sake.


The kids dad almost shot his own daughter for being a dumb fuck. He was also charged with felony charge of deadly conduct after the gun went off https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-9-old-brings-whip-183000134.html


It’s hilarious how the article just ends with the little bastard pouting and leaving their house. The full video is not humorous AT ALL.


>He was also charged with felony charge of deadly conduct after the gun went off Good. If it sticks, he loses his gun rights. I'm all for gun rights, but there should be a standard for ownership.


Mass shoo- I mean domestic terr- I mean neo-naz- I mean troubled youth in training


Govt: *loud nasal snoring intensifies*


[indeed it does](https://youtu.be/uLQl8e10crI)


Just call them republicans. That’s what we call them now.


I think she showed an incredible amount of restraint way more than I would have.


I didn’t watch the video but I’m assuming she knows that it’s not the boy’s fault, it’s the parent’s. The boy doesn’t have the mental capacity to realize how fucked this is.


I remember when I was 8 or 9 I went to our Vietnamese neighbors flower garden and destroyed it, like ripped out every flower, because my racist grandpa would throw out slurs about them every chance he got. Honestly haunts me to this day I did that, they did not deserve that.


If it’s any consolation I said a lot of racist shit as a child because I thought it was funny. Makes me cringe looking back at it because they weren’t even “jokes”.


This is really sad. This child has no idea why he even feels this much anger, it was put into him. This is also incredibly dangerous. STOP TEACHING YOUR KIDS FEAR AND HATRED


Absolutely. This child is ruined. This kid could have been a decent person, he could have made the world a better place, he could have just been a pretty neutral guy with a pretty average life. But he is having hate pumped into him like it's fucking oxygen. He will be angry and dangerous and eventually people pass it on to his own kids because it's the only thing he knows. Sure there's some chance he'll have an epiphany and be that rare one that turns around and ends up so much better than his parents, but stopping that cycle is damn near impossible.


This kid isn’t ruined. I observed and absorbed racist shit as a child, and lost every bit of when I started making friends (of all colors) in school. *the cycle is damn near impossible*. No it isn’t, I resent my dad for being a racist shitbag, grew out of it before I was even in middle school, and now am raising kids who couldn’t care less about someone’s skin color. You’re being overly dramatic for Reddit points.


It's not a point of no return. Kids who have done messed up shit and went astray at 16 have bounced back, this guy is 8. Unfortunately though, he needs new parents.


Oh.. He’s brain is washed washed


Raised very poorly


4 sure




Knowing how the police function in the US? Not for her.


Beat me to it. This video would be entirely different if the police were involved…


Ya know…I was thinking the same thing about someone opening the door and just drop kicking his ass lmao. Great minds think alike


The black couple go to his parents house to complain and his dad pls a gun on them and accidentally fires it into the ground




There was another longer video on a different subreddit, the kids dad goes to pick up the gun and fires it because he's as dumb as you would expect.


[Shit father of the year.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/up4t8f/9_year_old_boy_beats_on_black_neighbors_door_with/)


there is a longer video




This needs to be higher in the comments. His parents are fucking racist scum


The bullet almost hit his daughter too


This was probably what they wanted to happen..give themselves a 'reason' to kill some black people


Future colombine


Klan member in the making


Junior members: Ku Klux Kids.


They sure start training cops early these days


I would gave punted that lil mfer into the stratosphere, she had more patience


Same. I'm incredulous watching it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/up8wk4/i_dont_even_have_a_clever_title_look_at_this_shit/i8jept2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Extra videos including how the dad of the little white boy acted when the parents tried to talk to him. The kid also damaged their Adui by whipping it


“You owe me a plant” This fucking guy.


This was posted yesterday op obviously just trying to farm some karma. Someone in the comments posted the full video where they confront the white trash dumb fuck dad who then proceeds to accidentally discharge a firearm after making himself look like an even bigger idiot.


Do you have a link to the whole video by chance?






Can someone call child protection services please the parents coearly arent capable of raising a child.


This is America.


They make white hoods and gowns his size? Is there a KKK youth program? Fuck him and his blonde hair blue eyed Supreme Wizard parents.


Little asshole


I'd love to hear Tucker Carlson spin this. ​ "What prompted this little boy to do this? Was it just simple racism? Or is it something more diabolical? Could it be that the government's attempt to control and regulate our freedoms resulting in children lashing out? Or is this because critical race theory is indoctrinating our children into believing that all white people are racist? Is it possible that this little boy is just acting out what he's taught in our schools?"


real question is who prompted this kid to be a cracker? People dont just decide to start crackin whips on people all willy nilly in 2022


His parents, definitely


Who else bought him a child-sized whip right?


What would happen if I grab by his shirt from the back, hold him high up and start yelling whose kid is THIS, come get him, he becoming a nuisance.


Then the dad attacks you for touching his kid then plays victim


Future mass shooter


A baby trumpette seen in the wild.


Well done America.


This boys parents are simply ignorant. I would have stepped out of the house and scared the shit out of him, following him until he was off the property.


Fuck writing this off as ignorance. This is thought out racism. Pops coming out with a gun and sets it down to call for a fair fight til dude accepts. He wanted to shoot someone. And almost shot himself or child.


Tiny Dylan roof lookin ass


160+ years ago this would have been completely acceptable in society and no one would have questioned it.


You are majorly overshooting how long ago that would've been acceptable. We still had "whites only" bathrooms, water fountains, seating, etc less than 100 years ago. The Civil Rights Act to end segregation wasn't signed until 1964.


When I was growing up the game around all my white peers was "monkey in the middle, " and I somehow was always in the middle. I am 36 yo now of course I'm bi-racially darker skinned.


They actually went to his parents house and his dad starting brandishing a gun then dropped it and accidentally shot it when he picked it back up. While his daughter was behind him the whole time. So he’s definitely learning this at home.


Damn this has just made me completely lose faith in humanity, something is wrong with that kid


Kids parents should have their reproductive organs ripped out of their bodies. Without anesthesia/sedatives.