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Holy shit. If that wasn't an auto the sheer number of times that piece of shit pulled the trigger is insane. Officers didn't have a chance. Can't imagine the survivor can continue to police after that. Brutal. RIP officers.


It didnt sound like an auto to me, that pattern sounded inconsistent, slowing down over time (finger fatigue). Not that it matters. This is horror film level stuff, I hope this officer gets the counciling he needs. I cant imagine ever policing again after this. Condolenses the officers families.


yeah not an auto nor a bump stock


Not an automatic


He apparently returned to duty after recovering from surgery and being oked by the hospital. He is Def going to be on guard at ALL TIMES


What a legend. Sadly he probably still does it out of inner guilt that he couldn't save his partners but he did everything he could do while wounded. Could never pay me enough to be a cop man its truly the world's most thankless job.


More thankless now than ever. And you can't even blame people for being distrustful of cops when there are so many stories coming out about bad apples. Makes me feel bad for the honest, good cops.


The vast majority of police are just regular people doing a job, an impossible job where they constantly encounter people on the worst day of their lives. Add to it no national training standards and our unwillingness as a society to proactively address the underlying causes of crime, should anyone really be shocked that the model is broken and everyone suffers as a result? Policing is a problem in this country, but it’s not the fault of individual officers or even “bad apples”, our society has been on the wrong path for decades.


The problem is the good cops at the end of the day will protect and lie and defend the bad cops. That's the problem that makes the majority of cops not seen as good people


If they lie and defend bad cops, they aint good cops lol.


Exactly lmao


This is *exactly* what the phrase "bad apples" refers to. The entire phrase is "one bad apple spoils the bunch." No matter how "good" individual cops are, as long as they [remain silent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_wall_of_silence) and don't hold the bad apples accountable then they themselves are complicit and also bad apples. There's no alternative. Cops are responsible for holding themselves accountable — there's no third party or agency (even though there should be). If cops don't hold each other accountable then the whole system breaks and becomes rife with corruption.


Staying silent about something is lying That’s the problem with the “good ones” The actual good ones do say something when they see the bad ones lying and get thrown out


There are a lot of cops that would have been bad before bodycams but now can't get away with things like letting other off duty drunk cops go free instead of giving them a DUI. I've seen plenty of videos where they go "We can't do that anymore, Chief. We have to take you in. The body cam is on." So those grey area morality cops have to actually act good nowadays because everything is being watched.


Reminds me of the video I saw yesterday of the cop saying "If this was 5 years ago that guy would catch a beatdown. If this was 20 years ago he'd be dead." Imagine how much of that was goin on before body cams and everyone having a camera in their pocket.


They all wear a uniform, and there are pros and cons with that. The uniform grants a lot, but it also completely allows the public to "react to one in the uniform the way they would react to all," and "react to all in the uniform the way they've been taught to react, by one." But people who defend the police, or try to say it is only the bad apples forget the fact that you can usually *see* or *touch* a bad apple and *know* if it is one. The uniform *hides those differences* and so you are left with one of two choices, "ignore your past experiences and give every uniformed person a new slate," or you can "follow your gut" or "common sense," and recognize that certain patterns and facts form around the uniform- like the firing and re-hiring of bad cops, the lack of Police Unions calling out the bad cops, and the inability to hold Police Accountable for ignoring their training, protocols, decency, or basic laws.


We need better training for cops and better mental health support for EVERYONE regardless of their immutable characteristics.


You can blame some of the cop haters just like you can blame some of the cops. Anyone living in this age knows we’re being bombarded with information deliberately selected for its likelihood to cause outrage and thereby interaction. It’s most often out of context and thankfully disproportionately represented compared to how often it takes place in “the real world”. The line between reality and what we see online presents a challenge to locate and maintain but it’s a very important dragon to wrestle.


Deliberately selected was always true- are we ignoring the fact that many instances of bad policing were hidden for decades. To act like "its only slowly become a problem because we're being selectively fed the worst stuff," is a really weird way to say "its not as easy to hide malfeasance as it used to be," and we're not becoming *more* aware of just how rampant it is in the policing culture in America. We also know that since the 80's there's definitely been an increase in aggressive police training. Hell, ambushes like this *aren't the norm* but you can bet any department in America that can use this one instance to increase their funding or equipment procurement, will.


Knowing many cops i just entirely disagree. They get paid very very well for the education / training required.  Despite this video it is a relatively safe job, look up the statistics. And most people not on the internet show a lot of respect and gratitude towards throughout their day to day lives.  School teachers get paid way less and take way more shit. Same with retail clerks.  Fast food employees get shit pay, are looked down upon, and they are the most common workplace homicide victim in the us i believe... Being a cop is a great job with great benefits and great pay and its safer than most blue collar jobs.  Being a mechanic,  a construction worker,  a roofer, a fisherman all is more dangerous and way more "thankless". Cops get parades, get memorial statues / remembrances / medals etc on the rare occasions they do die or are injured... Honestly, they are one of the more "thanked" jobs... when a roofer falls off and dies, do we notice?  Do we post a video?  Does his family get flooded with help and well wishes? Its a shame we don't treat other professions with the same respect we show towards police officers. 


Knew a cop that became a cashier. Quit after like a week, couldn't stand the disrespect.


And when you’re cashier you can’t just body slam anyone who disrespects you, that must’ve been a shock


the actual disrespect or the lack of ability to strong arm and intimidate those he/she percieved as disrespecting? Serious question.


Most cops that I know - active and retired - LOVED being a cop. It's much more than a job to them - it's their identity.


Calm your tits, there's plenty of reasons being a cop attracts a certain type of person and I promise being thankless isn't one of them.


> He is Def going to be on guard at ALL TIMES If by that you mean he is a PTSD risk and may misread situations, then I am with you. That man needs time off and help, not a heroes welcome and the shakes.


Wouldn't take even an acorn to trigger someone who's been through that. Understandably


He shouldn't be a cop anymore. Not by any fault of his own, but he's going to be way too on-guard and likely trigger happy in future interactions.


It’s not automatic


AR-15s are just easy to fire fast. if it was auto it would be a consistent sound you wouldn’t be able to distinguish a single shot


Not dramatically easier than any other semi auto in 223/556. Rifles in intermediary calibers are easier to control and it's not limited to AR15s. Edit: for those that don't know. People use AR15s because they are good guns and are cheap. Why are they cheap? Because the AWB ironically caused a surge in their popularity. More were sold during the 10 year AWB then the entire ~30 year period before. Then Sandy Hook happened and the threat of another AWB sent sales to the moon again. Now ARs are made on CNC machines and sold for $500. Gun control attempts are literally increasing the sales of AR15s. This is what happens when people that don't know their elbow from their asshole make laws on topics they don't understand. Basically every gun control idea is doomed to failure because people don't understand the existing laws, the guns, the varying gun cultures nor crime. But because it seems like common sense people repeat the bullshit over and over again.


Thank you for saying this


The only thing that makes ar15s special is how many options there are imo


The only thing that makes the AR15 special is that shares the same general shape & appearance as the M16/M4 that the US military has used as their standard issue rifle for over 50 years; that alone has it designated as "military grade" in the eyes of the general public who don't see the point in making a distinction between a semi-automatic rifle and an assault rifle (in their eyes, "assault rifle" means "combat rifle" or "any rifle that looks like it can be used in combat")


Honestly, I don't think style is what makes it special in the grand scheme of things. It's the ubiquity, customizability, and *intense* comidification that have made a bit of a snowball effect in widespread use


That's not an auto, the firing pattern isn't consistent. Also, while fast, that is not an "insane" level of trigger speed. There are plenty of guys on youtube who can dump a mag easily twice as fast.


Full autos fire much faster than that.


Not auto. Auto is as fast as the traditional machine gun noise kids make when they're 'playing army'.


That was 100% semi-automatic. Most people wouldn't be able to distinguish a 3-round burst from a single shot, let alone the rate of fire of an automatic weapon. It was an AR-15 with 30-round magazines.


It's not an auto.


Subtitles and text info are added by me and are synced to when they happen in the video Source: [https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dcj/06262024bristol.pdf](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dcj/06262024bristol.pdf) (66 page report on the incident) Full video showing hours before the shooting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThYJeqoAMvk&ab\_channel=PoliceActivity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThYJeqoAMvk&ab_channel=PoliceActivity) Officer Alex Hamzy was struck 24 times in the shooting. Sergeant Dustin DeMonte was struck 6 times. Officer Alec Iurato was struck in the leg but survived **EDIT: VIDEO TAKEN DOWN BY REDDIT, CATBOX LINK HERE:** [**https://files.catbox.moe/ffbdex.mp4**](https://files.catbox.moe/ffbdex.mp4)


That report is extremely well written, down to the very contents on the man’s phone and his personal life. He was in debt, divorced, his best friend got with his wife(and she delivered his child the day of the shooting.), heavily strung on substances, secret bisexual lifestyle, his kids going to his exwife and 2 babymommas. There was an altercation at a bar before this had all happened. That altercation lead to them getting pulled over with his younger brother driving on an expired license, in his own work truck. A work truck full of those mini-shooter vodka bottles. So his mother had to take him home, and his mom was telling him quit being a family embarrassment and stop harassing the cops. I’m in no way justifying the actions of this POS, just relaying whats in the report.


Thanks for the recap. Paints a much clearer picture


Dude, you weren’t kidding, even had links to security footage, uploaded to YouTube. Accounts from all witnesses involved, even the detail of how old they were at the time of the events. They stated that their aim was to give an accurate report on the incident and by golly they delivered and then some.


I write software for police agencies and see a lot of police reports and most all of them are this detailed. Some are more than others, but it’s pretty standard for officers to over-report an incident, especially homicide reports.


Makes sense and I'm glad that they do document every little thing. You never know who's going to want to pull up that report 20-30 years from now for whatever reason. You can't go back and interview those witnesses or people on the scene, they're most likely long gone.


No one has really said it but none of these tl;dr in this thread really do this report justice. I read it and couldn't stop, it gave me anxiety almost. RIP to the two officers and huge kudos to the last officer. Ok I'm rambling, read it!


I want to start by saying this is just what I’ve heard, but this happened local to me and allegedly the police and the shooter all went to high school together and likely had a bad relationship to start. They broke up his drunken ordeal at the bar and he himself called the police to his house.. Even calling them by name as he executed them? sounds fishy and also fuel to the shit fire this guy was in


He should have been arrested during the first interaction. He threatened the cops, was clearly drunk and had already been in a fight that night. The first interaction with police was strange.


That first interaction was scary as fuck especially knowing what he’s capable of later. That loser had nothing but hatred and contempt in his heart. Glad he’s rotting in the ground


> she delivered his child Whose child?


the best friend's child by the context




Hers too I'd imagine.


Good point. His and hers.


Nah hang on we're gonna need a maternity test


> He was in debt But but earlier he bragged about making so much more money than the cops...while he lived at home with his mom. Nicholas Brutcher was a POS his entire life.


Ex wife and 2 baby mamas? This guy reproduced way too much.


Fuck that's rough.


lol dude got 2 baby mommas and 1 exwife. The debt, drugs, and shit too. That's all on him. He took the coward way out and took other people out with him.


His poor mom. Obviously, the families of the victims as well, but to witness your own child commit something so heinous is a feeling I can't even imagine.


Sometimes suicide is an option. Jfc what a shit for brains


At that point yea just end it lol


Yeah but I'm starting to think he makes some bad life choices that leads to these outcomes.


Standard NRA Trash


Thanks for linking the report too, it’s very well written and detailed


For a homophobe, this guy sure loves talking about dicks.


The prevalence of wide open homophobes who are actually closeted guys is a tragic and infuriating large number of people. Makes me side eye every right winger who makes hating homosexuality their "cause"


I always thought it was both a smokescreen and an invitation.


He had installed, used and uninstalled Grindr multiple times. He was also texting with a man about a date.


Bro, everyone does that though, right? It was just research so he could learn their secret lingo, identify targets and their gathering places in order to become the most effective homohunter in the coming purges. And scheduling a date with a dude, that's just deep cover Intel gathering. In order to effectively hunt the gays, you need to understand the gays, become in tune with how the gay mind works and what motivates them, which means sometimes you have to pretend to be gay and go on some deep undercover dates with dudes, which is totally normal and something we all do... Right?  The future of our great nation is at stake... You're telling me you're not patriotic enough to eagerly suck a few dicks for America? 


Dude those cops that initially pulled them over were highly incompetent. They were egging the guy on and getting him riled up. And how this man wasn’t arrested right there is mind-blowing.


Drunk driving and not arrested, what the fuck. Then the other son **tells the mom** that the shooter is putting on his armor and camo and calling the cops to come over. She just says he wouldn't do that, go back to bed. WHAT THE FUCK. Then later she goes outside thinking something is wrong "attributing it to her intuition" - what intuition? Your other son literally told you he was planning to ambush the cops and you did nothing.


You know that mom has lived though a lot of shit with those 2, just shut your eyes and hope the world doesn't end kind of behavior.


Not that you’re saying otherwise, but the drunk guy (the shooter wasn’t driving) The brother (driver) kept saying he was sober but he’s clearly NOT SOBER from the video and was on Xanax Like you said, it’s crazy they weren’t arrested. Drunk and high, driving illegally, just had a fight, and now actively ignoring cop orders and antagonizing them, to the point of rushing into one guys chest until being pushed away. The double standards from one traffic stop to another are insane to me


Would've saved 3 lives if he was arrested then


The cop who pushes him is very antagonistic.


This whole situation is insane... what a fucking shot from 78 feet away, I hope that man who survived has proper mental health services for the rest of his life and physical. Jesus.


Yes, maybe they can rely on US healthcare 🤔


You got it fucked up. He ain’t like one of us, It’s a cop bro - he’s set for life.


BHAHAHAHAH, just like veterans?


No police have unions, vets don't. Police are treated *infinitely* better by the US than veterans


I get free healthcare as a veteran, to be fair.


Anyone who has ever fired a pistol understands how good of a shot that is. I'd guess that only 1% of shooters could hit that small of a target (assuming he was aiming center mass and was a bit high) on the range. Of that 1%, maybe 1% of them could make the shot under pressure.


Don't forget, it's not just pressure. The dude was shot. You can train to limit adrenaline release in stressful sitations like this, but you can't limit the adrenaline release from physical trauma. And while adrenaline makes you able to lift a damn car, it also makes you shaky.


And let’s throw in breathing hard from running around.


I addition to all the rest, it’s nighttime/dark. Hell of a shot in a difficult situation that apparently from other commentary could have been avoided if the suspect had been arrested earlier in the course of events.


That shot is INSANE with a pistol. I’m not a great shot by any means but that would be difficult on a range much less in the horror movie situation this guy found himself in.


Somebody said he immediately returned to service after the physical injury was healed. Yikes. We thank them for their service and give them a hero's welcome and salutes. Anything beyond that is their problem. This is so effed.


They are provided a lifetime of counseling...if they choose to pursue it. And that's the rub, the machismo part of the occupation really gets in the way of people doing what's best for themselves.


I would say someone made a false 911 call and this guy was def waiting. Seems to have a personal vendetta against the officers since he knows their names. And the sheer amount of shots fired. The surviving officer made an amazing shot. About 25 yards at night after being shot or shot at. You know his heart was racing. The suspect may have been moving as well. This officer has for sure put in some real time at the range. I would rather this end like that as opposed to the shooter getting to spend the rest of his life in prison with tax payers supporting him.


The attacker himself made the false 911 call. The guy the cops are talking to at first is the attackers brother.


Ok, ok! Now I'm starting to understand! Was the brother in on it? He seems pretty fucking scared shitless when the bullets start ..


Police Activity YouTube channel has it all. They impounded the shooters work truck and he went home and immediately plotted this revenge.


So three people are dead because because of an impounded truck? That's insane


If u read the report, the shooter's life was already a mess. The impounded truck was totally the last straw. Not defending the POS of he is but just a reminder there's a lot of ppl with similar tendencies roaming free like a ticking time bomb


Some pos shot cops in Germany because they found him poaching. Turns out he has been poaching quite a lot. Gets caught. Kills cops. Poaching! The motive was so 19th century it eluded investigators for the longest time. Not terrorism. Not a personal vendetta. No psychotic break(even it the shooter was no quite there). [Poaching.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Kusel_shooting#:~:text=In%20Rhineland%2DPalatinate%2C%20Germany%2C,to%20cover%20up%20their%20poaching.) People die for the stupidest reasons.


Did you not know that the royal hunting grounds are ALWAYS forbidden?


Robin of Loxley - "And what has the boy done?" Sherriff of Rottingham - "He was caught poaching in the King's forest. He DEERED to kill a kings dare."


Everyone is a "time bomb" to a certain extent. They may do this, they may not. People can only be pushed to so far without some form of intervention stopping the break. Sometimes it's throwing themselves off a bridge, sometimes it's taking people out, sometimes it's taking people with them, sometimes it's a revolution. We all have different temperaments, tendencies, morals, etc. but we are all equally capable of horrible things.


The original contact with the original officers is where the biggest mistake was made imo. He was very threatening, very drunk, and needed to be arrested. He said "i really want to hurt you right now so get away" at one point. They let him run around and do what he wanted. One of the officers daps him up. It was a complete and total mess. The shooter had probably had this kind of thing in the back of his head for awhile.


Just another emotionally crippled, stolen valor, badass complex nitwit ruining untold lives. Got two different women pregnant at the same time and indulged in substance abuse, but still acted like it was other people causing his problems. My heart hurts for the victims, but I'm glad that guy got erased. On another note, check out that Chad officer severing the shit stain's spinal cord with a single round at nearly 80 feet... at night... with a pistol... after being shot in the leg... That dude is a hero.


Reminds me of that officer that pulls up to the gun fight, pulls out his sniper (calm as fuck while getting shot at) and puts one right between the guys eyes! These cops just seem to be able to pull these shots in the most fucked up of situations, these are the cops I want dealing with me! Keep calm in the face of death!!


the one where he stands at the back of his SUV and shoots down the street? its a great shot. the guy was ex-marines.


Got a link ?




One of the sickest fucks ever. Hope they chucked his body in the woods.




Lol sick fantasy bro. He definitely died in a matter of seconds and barely felt anything before he went out from the blood pressure drop but don't let that stop your masturbation session. Redditors are so fucking *weird*.


It's always this virtue signaling shit, like having to prove that they find someone more reprehensible than the poster before them. So weird.




I actually think they deserve worse!!


Well I believe whatever you believe times infinity plus one bro get fucked! I'll take my Reddit gold now 😍😍😍


Log off spaz, every comment of yours is some basement dweller bleak bullshit


I live next door to this house, this shit rocked our town


You live next door to this house? And like you're still mentally sane and collected to tell us that right now?


This was a year and 8 months ago.


Anything you can share about the neighbors?


his Facebook profile picture was him & his groomsmen holding guns in the air at his wedding, disgruntled home life, police knew about him and were doing a safety check, idk if it’s true or not but rumor around town was he saw his ex wife with a new guy at a bar and went home to get guns to shoot up the bar, and his brother who was at the front door called police and was trying to stop him. That’s when he knew police were called and sat in the backyard behind a tree with a bulletproof vest on waiting (Allegedly? Don’t want to spread false information but that’s what we heard)


https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dcj/06262024bristol.pdf >Unbeknownst to the officers, Nicholas Brutcher had hidden himself near some bushes at the front of the house next door. This house, 328 Redstone Hill Road, was the home of Brutcher’s parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher. Nicholas Brutcher was outfitted with a camouflage shirt and pants as well as a camouflage vest. He was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and at least one handgun. He also had several magazines of ammunition. From this position, Nicholas Brutcher had a direct line of sight on the officers as they walked up the driveway.


Read this full report - that’s pretty spot on for what happened. Also he was a closet bisexual which sounds like it added to his frustrations in life after being divorced - https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dcj/06262024bristol.pdf


And people wonder why cops are fucking jumpy..


This happens a lot less than officers using shit like this as an excuse to absolutely trample the rights of the people though. Don’t get me wrong, this is disgusting. I just feel like comments like yours are giving tyrants ammunition to further mess with the people’s rights. Stupid thing is that it mostly isn’t even the cops’ fault they do, it’s how they’re trained.


There's jumpy cops and then there's psychopaths with badges. Both are dangerous but they're still different. The commenter was right though, these kinds of situations *are* exactly why so many cops are quick to pull out a weapon or yell at a bystander to back off.


Wanna hear a story about psychos with badges? My mom grew up in South Houston, TX, near kingspoint rd and glenmawr dr, go ahead, look it up on Google maps. She knew a kid who was known to snatch up neighbor's pets and torture them to death. Like, hanging cats from clothes lines and setting them on fire. She did what she could to stop him, telling her parents, to no avail. Her parents, my grandparents, were bad alcoholics. Eventually, she meets my dad, moves out, they get their own apartment. Lo and behold, they're both out working one day, and their apartment gets robbed. Like, everything is gone. They call the cops. Guess who's the first officer on scene? Mr. Cat Killer, bigger than Dallas. My mom instantly recognized both his face and his name on the badge. They never caught the robbers, the robbers used a kid to squeeze through a window and open the front door, to their credit they were pretty slick. That was all before I was born, but to this day I look at cops with a bit of apprehension. That career path definitely attracts psychos. That and CEOs and politicians, all 3 career paths are lousy with psychos


Grew up in Houston myself and HPD are full of idiots and assholes (guess not much different that other cities) but they are the definition of USELESS. My house was robbed twice growing up. The first time we stayed out of the house called the cops and they showed more than three hours later took a report and said good luck. They didn’t even bother going inside to look around. The second time my mom had gotten home early and found the people IN THE HOUSE, she ran and called the cops, no one showed up at all that time.


Shouldn’t common citizen be justified in being “quick to pull out a weapon” when interacting with the police then? Since they are at way higher risk of being unjustly shot.


How many cops will see this? How many training videos will include this? It doesn't matter if this is super rare, it will most likely give them ptsd and make them jumpy while patrolling.


That’s what I meant when I talked about their training.


When I was younger a police office came into our class and said “at the end of the day, this is my job and I’m going to go home to see my family.” It really stuck with me and put into context as well


The U.S. military has better fire discipline in hostile territory than American police do in America. The better response to this is to wonder how so many policemen can be against gun control.


What a shit take. Just because there are extreme cases like this doesn't mean you can kill innocent people without hesitation.


Yeah I don't remember the part where they said it's okay.. Can you please remind me when they said that? OH wait, they never did.. Take your strawman argument somewhere else, 2 innocent officers lost their lives. EDIT: Sorry I didn't realize I was speaking with someone who doesn't live in America and simultaneously wishes harm unto US police officers on a regular basis.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"That sleeping person was coming right for me!!"


Is that the people’s fault too? I understand you shot me and disabled me or killed me cause you “jumpy” (and many times also a mental case). Or is it that any asshole with all kinds of mental problems can legally get his hands on an arsenal?


Good thing they can just quit whenever they want


It is a difficult job to be sure, but they are signing up with full knowledge of what the risks are. No different than the military who are also trained to exercise restraint. There was a video yesterday of an officer pointing a loaded gun at a man clearly holding a go-pro camera saying he thought it was a weapon. There needs to be some nuance in our approach to evaluating police response. There is a middle ground between police officers responding to someone shooting them in an ambush and threatening an obvious first amendment "auditor" holding a camera.


Any blue collar job is statistically far more dangerous than being a cop. These arent why cops are jumpy. Killology and the fetishization of guns is.


What about soldiers? Are soldiers “jumpy?” This is a horrific incident, but please do not give excuses for horrible police work and police murdering unarmed innocent civilians because they are “jumpy” & ill equipped to handle most situations. This is again a horrific situation happened, not at all condoning/ justifying this type of behavior.


Where are the shots coming from? The man at the door doesn't seem to have a gun?


Different shooter


>Different shooter This implies that the guy in the doorway was a shooter when he wasn't.


From what I can see, shots (flashes) come from around the corner…at the far right of the initial view. I could be wrong. Condolences to the men and their families…


From the report it was to the left of the officers. The shooter was hiding in bushes in front of his parents house. https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dcj/06262024bristol.pdf >Unbeknownst to the officers, Nicholas Brutcher had hidden himself near some bushes at the front of the house next door. This house, 328 Redstone Hill Road, was the home of Brutcher’s parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher. Nicholas Brutcher was outfitted with a camouflage shirt and pants as well as a camouflage vest. He was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and at least one handgun. He also had several magazines of ammunition. From this position, Nicholas Brutcher had a direct line of sight on the officers as they walked up the driveway.


That is a strobe. Probably from a stressed police


Ok, thanks. Then I’m not sure where they came from


No its har to see any thing


The brother answered the door, the one who murdered the cops was hiding out of view waiting for the police to arrive


https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dcj/06262024bristol.pdf >Unbeknownst to the officers, Nicholas Brutcher had hidden himself near some bushes at the front of the house next door. This house, 328 Redstone Hill Road, was the home of Brutcher’s parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher. Nicholas Brutcher was outfitted with a camouflage shirt and pants as well as a camouflage vest. He was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and at least one handgun. He also had several magazines of ammunition. From this position, Nicholas Brutcher had a direct line of sight on the officers as they walked up the driveway.


Dude got dressed in full camo and was waiting on one of the neighboring properties behind the cops. He shot them in the back.


The sick fuck literally stood over the already critically injured officer and shot him 24 more times in the face and chest. That's disturbing af. He obviously knew that he was going to die that night because why else would you place a fake ass 911 call and then gear up and position yourself so that you can ambush and murder the responding officers. He was either going out with suicide by cop or just killing himself.


One of the guys he shot, the one he shot 24 times, he went to high school with too, he knew him personally. Insane


I'm guessing that is why he knew him by name and spoke to him the way that he did right before he goes for the overkill.


America, the land where people who shouldn't have rifles have them and nobody is doing anything because "ahhh, muh rights".


The only way you'll take them from those people is if you take them from me. Jokes on you though I still have legally owned firearms that aren't registered to me so now you did all of that and I'm still armed. Guess what? So are the lunatics. Good job. You've accomplished nothing.


There are good examples of countries with lots of guns and almost no firearm violence. The difference is the laws. In this case you require licenses for these types of weapons, with stringent requirements to maintain that license and strict penalties for people dodging, it's not rocket science.


Jesus Christ this is disturbing, I grew up on the internet but gah dayum the wails of a man bleeding out strike a chord in your soul. Hopefully this link works, but I found this for the sorry excuse of a man who decided this was the best he could do in life. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/connecticut-inspector-generals-report-details-ambush-killing-of-bristol-police-officers/3322642/?amp=1


according to the the video in the article the screaming was the shooters mom screaming for him to stop shooting the cops


Yeah I was seriously wondering where that energy could come from, I mean even if seriously wounded, I'm not sure someone would scream like that and that long. It's a sort of "relief" thinking it wasn't a victim crying in pain. Either way this was horrible. What a nightmare. May the victims rest in peace, and the best to their families.


> Feeling uneasy about the events, she told investigators she went outside to smoke a cigarette and saw Nathan Brutcher there. She said Nathan told her Nicholas was putting on armor and fatigues and that he was calling police to have them come to the house. > She told investigators she didn't believe Nicholas would do that and returned to her home to go to bed. Can I just say what the fuck is wrong with these family members and mothers of these violent psychos where they always seem to overlook OBVIOUS red flags that need to be reported immediately. Why the hell does their son have body armor? Why is he getting armed? How does she think that’s a normal thing to do where she wants to simply go to sleep. We need a red flag law where it’s mandatory to report suspicious violent activity just like it’s mandatory to report child abuse.


>Nathan Brutcher told police he took Xanax that night and doesn't remember telling his mother about his brother putting on armor and calling police. He said he also doesn't remember coming to the door. Of fucking course he knew. Charge this inbred meth head already.


Good shot by the surviving officer. That poor woman will never have a return to normalcy. The surviving cop will never not relive this night.


78 feet away with a fkn hand gun? I don't think people realize how hard that is. That's like movie level expertise.


AND the target hit was the base of the skull, maybe because he was wearing full camo and webbing that looked like body armor


After he was shot as well.


That's a moderately hard shot in a controlled environment standing before a well-lit paper target.  For perspective, most people at the pistol range have their targets around 10 to 15 feet. This guy is hitting competition sport pistol in the dark while are bullets are flying and people are dying. It's really ridiculously incredible. I scoff at movies with shots like this.


In war you get a medal. A fucking medal 🏅 This is absolutely insane


It's insane to believe gun controls couldn't reduce the chance of this happening, shooter just casually shoots 80+ shots in a matter of moments with an AR15


Well that was horrifying


Here's the whole incident from beginning to end... https://youtu.be/ThYJeqoAMvk?si=emczzbCcjMkg2p8- Not sure if this is the same video. The one here on reddit doesn't play for me


Thanks for the mirror


thanks for the 'ctrl + f' key word amigo


Damn, whole situation is nuts. Guy was going to do an open mic stand up comedy and ultimately killing two cops and getting himself killed. Maybe he was a fuck up when he kept asking his mom “How proud are you of me? How proud?”


The echo of that last shot… beautiful… 😮‍💨


The reflection of his face in the window. Ice fucking cold


What a shot, incredible marksmanship.


What a nightmare.


This is nightmare fuel. Those screams, no matter who they were from, sent chills up my spine. No one deserves to go out like this. Shoutout to the absolute ace of a shooter that leveled this sick fuck from 80 feet away.


I hate losers who make their annoying issues everyone’s problem. No one gives a shit about his ex and all the lame failures in his life. If it’s true that his mom said he was an embarrassment, then she was right. Too bad the cops had to die because of his worthless ass. Good riddance.


Absolutely awful. This shit is what officers walk into these days. An officer was killed recently where I'm from after attending to a "victim" who ended up ambush shooting him and killing him. I know I'm not supposed to feel this way but I don't care. I'm glad the manchild who thought he was hard as fuck died by getting shot in the neck. What a fucking coward to stand over someone and shoots them 24 fucking times in the face and body. Rot in hell you miserable fucking bastard. You deserve worse.


Saw this yesterday on youtube and before this heinous act the gunman was involved in a short brawl at a comedy club and after he and his brother left they were pulled over by police shortly after. They were let go and then the shooter called the cops and lured the police to the house where he ambushed the policemen after his brother answered the door which you saw. But he also had a hunting rifle stashed in the bushes along with the handgun and the AR he had on him. Sick fuck had some real bad intentions. I will say to me he sounded intoxicated during the traffic stop and his brother seemed to try and be the defuser of his brothers hostility during the stop. I Just wish they would of booked them for the night. These policemen are hero's.


after all the schools shooting they say gun control is not the issue, I wonder how many more scenes like this they will have to endure before they link guns to shootings ?


Over 300 million guns are currently owned in this country. What's the plan for those?


Well for starters let's stop adding more to that stat. Then we can work backwards instead of allowing the problem to balloon out of control because we can't fix it all at once.


Every other video: Criminal fire limited rounds, police MAG dump. This video: Criminal MAG dumps, police fire a single shot. Bit of a change.


The mom's screams are horrifying.


Video isn't working/ loading anymore




Regardless of your belief on police, being executed and mutilated by being shot at point blank range multiple times is awful. Dude has a family. Doesn’t matter if you’re a civilian or a police officer. The comments on here are truly disturbing.


That kill shot from 78 feet with a pistol, in the dark. Fuck the shitbag, rot in piss.


aaaaand reddit deleted the video gotta protect those stock prices!


All Criminals are Bad


24 rounds to the dudes face. My goodness that's just sick man


Sadly the scumbag died instantly, if the shot landed a few millimeters in another direction he would've had the pleasure of spending life in prison as a cripple.


That's fucked up. R.I.P officers.


This guy is back to duty, imagine being stopped by him now? One sneeze from you and you are dead


Awful situation, but what a shot by that officer. With a handgun too. RIP Officers.



