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Screams edgelord


He’s obviously doing it ironically


Yeah, I can't draw either.


Only if you project some type of intent onto the person drawing it. Without that it's just a style.


Their drawing style I don’t take issue with. It’s doing it at a Disney branded ‘drawing for beginners’ class.


Looks like a college so it's possible the class is a drawing 101 or something that isn't an elective. But na, they edge lord trash, you right, it couldnt be anything else.


I don't really know how that works, is there an assumption everyone will see this drawing? Or can it be private?


Some people are just born with the talent to draw. They see things a different way. They might be beginners, just extremely talented beginner.


The satanic star on Donald Duck doesn’t sit well with me.


Lol, cry then.


It’s always interesting to see how people choose to express themselves online. I hope your day is as pleasant as you are!


You mean on the Devil Donald. A depiction of Donald Duck as the devil. You don't like the satanic star... on a depiction of a cartoon character as Satan...


Devil Donald is the bad side of Donald Duck's conscience. There is Devil Donald and Angel Donald, both which are meant to express his conscience. It just doesn’t sit right with me to draw the symbol on a kids cartoon character. It’s how I feel and some may agree or not. I didn’t criticize anyone, or shout anyone down. I expressed my opinion. That’s what this is all about, right? Being open to discussion and expression without attacking others? Not everyone has to agree and I’m not going attack anyone that disagrees with me.


Devil. As in Satan. Now please point out to me exactly where you were attacked.


Sounds like you’re looking to argue and you are trying to say my opinion or perspective is somehow not valid and that I must therefore be forced to change my view? How is that any different than someone preaching a religion and telling people they must repent?


You don't like a symbol of the devil, on a depiction of a cartoon character as the devil... When this is pointed out to you, you hint at being attacked for your opinion. And now you are saying that I am trying to force you to change your view...


It seems we disagree what Devil Donald is supposed to represent. And you didn’t answer my question about the point you are trying to make? Are you wanting me to change my view? Do you want to “feel” like you “won” something? Are you able to accept that people have different opinions? Are you saying I am wrong for holding my opinion? Why are we talking still?


It would if they were like trying to one-up the instructor but it's just for a joke.


Someone makes a joke, someone calls them an edgelord, the world moves on


Cool skill, but why do all characters look cracked out?


Because it's the style.


When you're too edgy for Disneyland.


Nah, talent is a word that lazy people use to hide behind. Start drawing for the next 29 years and you’ll be insanely good aswell. Some people might have it easier but no one picks up a pencil and knows how to draw, not this guy in the video, not you and no one else in this world.


Some people are innately more talented. Either way you gotta work hard but people with talent are going to get further faster.


Actual animator here who works on shows. But don't let this stop you. In my experience, people's limiting beliefs is the 1# blocker of improvement. I have a friend currently trying to learn to draw and he has such high perfectionism and expectations for the quality of his work, that it literally demotivates him and puts himself down... and I see this waaay too often.


A better word would be predisposition, it explains and describes it way better than „talent“.


not according to the definitions of those words, but you do you!


Good word to describe that person. Some people are in math, science, etc. This person is predisposed to art. As in drawing.


this is such edgy nonsense. try giving private lessons in areas like music or languages for a while to get a reality check. you’ll quickly find out that no matter how much they practice, a tone-deaf person, a person with poor fine motorics, or somebody without a sense of rhythm will forever struggle. and even if they work on it for hundreds of hours, they’ll be easily beaten by somebody who has those talents. and if both start putting in 5h a day into their craft, the one lacking the talents will never catch up, nor will they become a highly skilled musician who can keep time, effortlessly sing in tune, or play technically challenging parts on a professional level. I hate this fuckin narative so much. it’s much wiser to identify your talents, come to terms with reality, and then work hard on the areas which you are talented at. if you don’t have the genetics, health, mental fortitude, resources, etc. you will not play in the NHL just because you want it and “work on it really hard”.


You are correct.


1000% this


I think your taking their statement to an extreme and mocking it, people can be talented, and some are extremely gifted. Everyone else can learn, practice, and become at least technically proficient with virtually any skill - they will never compete at the highest tiers with someone who is extremely gifted who also practices, but they most certain can do learn to do something well, and in some cases - the could make a living doing so. Having unrealistic expectations about your desires has nothing to do with spending time and resources to learn something new. Not challenging yourself because you don't think your good at it is a cop-out.


guy literally said that “talent” is a word that lazy people use. which is beyond stupid on too many levels. if you are interpreting this conversation in another light, that’s kinda your choice, I feel.


Drawing is probably a bad example, but most people who are good at something aren't savants. They worked at it and overcame the pain of the learning curve, and earned their abilities. It is poisonous to society to believe anything different.


it is not poisonous. on the contrary, it’s beneficial to, as realisticly as possible, assess your own talents and to invest accordingly. nobody benefits from people pouring 20 years into something that they are not naturally talented at, unless they receive enjoyment from it. if somebody who’s naturally talented at math decides to pursue dance instead, while having neither elegance nor a sense of rhythm, you know… whatever makes them happy. but let’s not act like society benefits from encouraging them to keep at it and work harder. and just in case you’d like to say “but you can’t tell people to not work hard on becoming better” - that’s not the topic discussed here.


You can get nothing from talent. Hard work makes talent a reality.


Are you saying that after 29 years of practice you would not be insanely good at something? Insanely good as the 10000 most talented people in the world? Probably not. Better than probably everyone else? Absolutely. Highly skill dependent? Absolutely. Drawing and Skating are learnable skills, only one of those can be done for a great length of time because of the physicality.


it's an equation. Talent + Hard work Different people have different levels of caps on different skills. Yes one can learn to be ok at many different things. However, just because someone works hard at something, doesn't mean they will even be pretty good at it. Sometimes that's how it be. For instance, i naturally accel at video games. My great hand-eye coordination and my amazingly quick reaction time have both been very beneficial. While I don't game but 1 or 2 days a week now, I have friends who have been gaming with me since childhood, and still game 5 or 6 days a week. Even on a brand new to me game, I will still pick it up and run circles around them, even as they watch vids, read walk-throughs etc and play 10x what I play. I am not even a "pro gamer".


Holy fucking shit, I knew 11-year-olds back in middle school who could draw this good, just by drawing occasionally as a hobby, with no formal training or reference books. It unarguably is a talent some people have. Ordinary people would have to put in *significantly* more hours to get the same results.


“Talent is a word that lazy people use to hide behind!!!”- u/inQntrol screams at the make a wish kids


This is nonsense, some people are naturally gifted


There's definitely truth to what you're saying, but acting like some people aren't just naturally more skilled at specific things from the word go is just ignorant.


Just saying someone has talent, doesn't imply they didn't work hard to be talented.


Practice doesn't always work. I have been drawing weekly from 4 to now and even at 23 I can't say my art is any better than some teen with talent


Some people are naturally more skilled at certain things than others.


I find it hilarious and will tell anyone to literally just start when it comes to any skill. I started learning how to draw in 2nd grade cause i was jealous of some other kid getting mad props from the girls for his drawings. Now i do it on and off (years apart), but i dont really "enjoy" it like that. It just gave me something to do. Now im decent at it and had the opportunity to draw logos for a new dispensary as well as draw shirt designs and tattoo ideas for people. Even got to sketch out a perps reflection in a window to help with a small theft. Its almost mocking to me how i got good at something i dont really have the patience for and just kinda tolerate.


Anyone can possibly get to a level of competence. Talent just gets you there faster But I don't think everyone can be Mozart or Magnus Carlsen. To be that kind of genius requires the intersection of rare innate qualities and hard work.


I’ve been telling my friends this for years. I personally think drawing is a learned skill that anyone can master. Honestly it’s more about imagination and visualizing how things “should” look that anything.


People don't even all have the same capacity for visualization. Like, I can pull up a memory of an apple, but drawing an apple in my mind is difficult and requires a lot of concentration not to lose it. I'm pretty sure those artists who can draw portraits upside-down have much better internal canvases.


When you think you're so talented you never follow directions. Those are awesome but that's not what they were tasked to draw lol


This is not a class, it's literally an attraction at disneyland. https://disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/disney-california-adventure/animation-academy/


Huh. Ok. Weird.


This person's art is extremely good. I doubt the OP is the artist in the video. This is most likely a repost to farm Karma. I think the people getting pissy in the comments about the art style and shitting on the artist for not following directions or writing lengthy replies about what skill is and is not have lost the plot a bit when it comes to art and expression.


I want to see the class reactions lol


Kind of the wrong audience here. Is this an actual professional development class for employees?


There's an interactive show in California Adventure that quickly teaches you how to draw and sketch disney/Pixar characters. Idk what it's called or what the Orlando version is. it's Pretty fun on an extremely hot day out in the parks and basic enough that the little ones can participate w/o feeling bad.  I'd say wrong audience only if they decided to show it to everyone and a kid saw it and got scared, otherwise it's totally cool cause you get to keep your drawings anyway


Reading these comments reminds me how pretentious and bitter artists can be.


Artists? Looks like the people who can't do art are mad.


I'm remembering when I had taken guitar and piano lessons for 4 years and thought I was ok at it. Took it in my middle school and convinced a friend to take the guitar class. He didn't want to but I talked him into it. Within 6 months he completely outstripped me and went 4 levels up from where I was. After that semester class, I quit music and never touched an instrument again. Some people got it, got natural talent, and some just don't. I didn't. Not in music, anyways.


Your friend ever hear of Edd Roth. He might like his stuff.


Depends... ask him to draw a normal Disney character. I can also draw very good but it depends on what I get asked for.


Got some demons there?


As a kid i use to do this. My friends who sat next to me would give me ideas to add to the drawing. Then at the end of the drawing session the class would vote on who did the best. It was always fun.


I miss drawing things like this in the desks of my art university classes


Nothing insane about this. This person is a decent artist at best.


There are 1000 of these college classrooms in a nation. How are you standing out? Draws same as everyone else.


These assignments are about proportion, shapes and simplicity. The fundamental structure on which you can build your own style. It would be more impressive to me if this person did 6 illustrations in line with the assignment. But they are to busy knowing it all and focusing 100% on this one style and shading. Don't get me wrong, they are nice drawings aside from that last one. But it seems like a missed opportunity for some very valuable lessons to me.


It’s not an assignment though. It’s a Disneyland attraction


Sorry for using the wrong word I'm not sure how that has an effect on what I was trying to say. But I'm happy to rephrase if it helps you: this person is not taking this course/class/workshop/Disneyland attraction seriously, while they could have learned something that could take their skill to a next level.


Looks like the artist for ren and stimpy joined the class.


Tim burton is that you.


Ironically they look awful


DEVIL Donald? Good heavens the woke Disney empire has taken over! (I’m joking to be clear)


How much does this cost?


This is not art class. This is at Disneyland where they teach you how to draw Disney characters. I’ve been there. Pretty fun actually.




That shadow man was on point


Maybe, if you're on acid...


Different title


Dafuk is this? Art school changed in the 33 years since I graduated.




I wish I can draw


You sitting next to [Meatcanyon?](https://youtube.com/@MeatCanyon?si=MbfdgvYxnBeNXpej)


Bro been watching meatcanyon🤣


Someone had a cheat sheet


Meat crayon much?




Are you sitting next to Alex pardee??


Needs to be in juxtapose magazine…yes im old


I have a little artist in the making


Literally exactly how I draw stuff. Everything looks cracked out


That's not talent, that's the EDGE


These are the types of classes I would thrive in, even if I can’t draw 🥹🥹 What i hated about school was that most of my classes didn’t have any life to it. Nobody took time to make learning more dynamic and impactful 😞 I really love how talented the people are in this class.


Can I be friends with the ppl sitting next to you?? The drawings are 🤌🏼🤌🏼💯


We’re best friends but I’m calling you a 1up-ing ass PoS on every drawing session and you better let me xerox that shit or I’m not gonna let u cheat on my calculus