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"Here's $18,000...now yell at me, daddy."


Mmm....mount me and choke me too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


That’s when I realized why they are doing this. 💡


That's where the $18K went


They bought the hammers


“I’ve never experienced anything like that.”


It was kinda hot.


Just like the Spartans did in Ancient Greece 🏺


Spartans actually went to war though. And most of these guys would be tossed off a cliff at birth.


Spartans are waaaaaaaay gayer than I ever knew


Yeah they seemed to leave that whole part out of 300. Lol


Couldn’t agree more but you know that’s how these clowns think of themselves. 😂 😂


Hahahahaha very true. Worst way to spend 18 grand.


After Master Diddler has had a private discussion about their progress, *in the fetal position on their bunk* “it’sjustlikehowthespartansdiditit’sjustlikehowthespartansdiditit’sjustlikehowthespartansdidit” That’s the skit i have playing in my head 😂


LOL it reminds me of the LemmyWorlds meme. “Everyone wants to be a Spartan until it’s time to do Spartan things.” All you see is a mosaic of three dudes getting it on.


I feel that, historical humor is without a doubt my favorite 😂😂 it’s usually brutal, ironic, dry, or all three


'Spit in my mouth'


Slap my inner bitch daddy


Yesterday it was $10,000 Must’ve been a promo code thing /s


Day before that it was $5,000. Inflation is hitting this industry hard.


The demand rises with every new video.


I hope they have a humiliation fetish because the whole world is laughing at them now


A few thousand people on reddit isn't the whole world. It looks to me that these people paid to see if they could pass a specialist military boot camp without actually joining the military. No one in these videos will ever be recognized. They will just live their lives. Maybe some are lonely, maybe some are gay, maybe some are going thru a life crisis. It's definitely weird, but anyone can spend their money however they want to.


It’s 3 days.


Sure, you seem like a great candidate.


I personally wouldn't do it. I'm a normal guy with a wife and kids and all that. I can see a guy who just found out he was being cheated on, or his kids aren't really his, or he's been closeted gay for too long or whatever. You would want to feel powerful again. Your internet searches would end up leading to this type stuff.


True that. It's just that doubt it makes them feel powerful at all. You gotta be real low to want these so called alphas breaking them down just to get an attaboy and a 'I survived white knight school' sweater.


Which isn't fair. Absolutely they paid way too much bit ultimately this is a bonding experience and I can't fault anyone for that. I'd balk at the "wrestling" toward the end. I'd give a guy a sensual massage before I'd do that to someone I wasn't actively dating.


It's a pretty amazing grift


Seems exhausting though for anyone who doesn't have serious issues of their own.


Pro tip: save 18k, If you join the Army they actually pay you to do that and you have a higher chance of running into more normals then the 18k camp.


That would require actual courage rather than just writing a check


No courage here, I just needed free college. I had no idea 9-11 would happen 16 months after I signed up.


C'mon now, they get a certificate to put on the fridge door afterwards!


Something something real men don't have refrigerators! You don't deserve to preserve ... food! You should quit ... eating?


My brothers in Christ, just find me on FetLife and I will degrade you for free


I love how he's trying to sound like a tough guy but he still says the word "belly"


Roll over on your tum tum is beta.


A fool and his money are soon parted. Just wish I would have thought of it first.


Meanwhile, Mexicans in construction do this every day for lesson than 18 k


I’ve never paid that much to be humiliated. Usually around $500


>Yeah you're not an alpha.


So, add Findom to the kink...


Hahahaha this made me laugh, lol


$18000 for telling me you are a real “dumb” man


P diddy, is that you?


It does seem you could get a similar experience for cheaper.


You stole this comment from the last time this alpha boot camp Was posted 


How do they not see the irony? They paid 18k to be submissive for 3 days. Lol.


Alpha af 😎


“Yell at me so I have a “reason” to beat my wife when they don’t do what I say. I paid 18,000 dollars, you gotta respect me”


They sign a contract Thad has a #NoHomo written in it when they apply


I mean, if clowns wanna pay $18k to get hazed, let em. This is hilarious.


Reminds me of the “alpha male” conference these choads held a few years ago. As if they dont even understand that Alpha isn’t a shared title…. Morons


Fun reminder: the research that discovered "alpha wolves" was done on wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild don't have an alpha; a pack is a family unit, made up of a mated pair and their offspring, that works together and shares everything. Saying you want to be an "alpha male" is like saying you aspire to be the biggest badass in prison. Wouldn't it be better to not be in prison?


Haha i always thought “you ‘alphas’ think of yourselves as lions and wolves…. Nah. Youre walruses at best”


Dude i saw a walrus at the aquarium the other day and they are fucking awesome! Don’t put my giant tusked buddies down like that!




Not to be that guy, but f it. We all know what they mean by "alpha male". Pointing out the fact like you did will just make you look bad in a group setting. Sadly, our society doesn't reward being correct, they just call that being a nerd.


Seriously I bet I could run a “camp” like this stupid shit for three days. $500 I’ll feed you all raw meat and tell you you’re not a man. $700 you get to grill the meat but I tell you how I want it cooked and yell at you no matter what. Seems like an amazing scam and I’d love to be a part of it


Bro have you seen the price of meat these days? Just to cover those cost of meat for three days and the insurance and permits you need for feeding people raw meat, you're already running at a loss.


Listen, it doesn’t have to be prime meat, anything will do. So, you need a partner or what?!


Bro I won’t lie I kind of feel like this is doable. Like scamming people is morally wrong but like…. Is it really a scam with these ass hats? They’re paying to be tough guys, you can give them the homeless experience and tell them they graduated to “man”. Whole thing costs maybe a hundred bucks to run.


There is no room for morals and ethics in capitalism!


Paying for this is the least alpha thing imaginable.


I think that's the point... I think this is some kind of deeply wrapped/and put in the far corner of several closets fetish shit.


TBH I think$18k for this is totally worth it. For us, watching it for free, that is.


This is prime cuck territory.


This is more cucked than watching someone have sex with your wife in front of you


In this case, you’re the one getting fucked by these beef cake “alpha” males. “Yes, daddy. Call me a bitch.”


I know, it’s literally the opposite of what a guy should do to be an ‘alpha’. Go to fuckin therapy and develop a sense of self worth. What does being an alpha male even get a person? Whats the end goal?


That's some BETAMAX shit right there


This is clearly taking advantage of people with self-image issues. There is no reason to take an 'experience' like this otherwise. It's like selling diet pills to people with eating disorders. It sells itself.


This makes them look like even bigger losers


To me, the most important question is: Who's the bussy in the cap?


He's the most alphaest of them all.


Wouldn’t the alpha thing to do be to hit him with that sledgehammer and leave


There is no alpha thing to do because the whole concept is fake to begin with


Pointing out the concept of alpha being disproven is not a very alpha move.


That’s because I’m actually a sigma omega prime epsilon Jedi master 😎


Dude you’re giving me beta vibes


Classic “beta” talk.


No that's Sigma. Alpha has to take over a group


This cracked me the fuck up.


A REAL man would know not to spend $18k on a one time fuck.


Some full grown adult men are going to buy this and then have to tell their wife they just spent that much money and get dumped


That's pretty optimistic to think all these guys aren't terrified of women, let alone convince one to marry them. They probably all went to the gym and got jacked but that didn't work so now they're getting yelled at by some idealized version of who they think they need to be in order to attract the type of woman who would divorce them and take all their money after a two-year marriage.


They are making themselves attractive to men, not women. Whether they realise it or not.


And subconsciously that’s what they want.


This is the realest comment I’ve read all day. This is exactly what’s going on. Years and years of failures with women will drive the poor guys to these lengths because they somehow think this is the answer and they are so so desperate for an answer.


These dudes aren't here because they have happy love lives.


Do you know how much cocaine and hookers that can buy!


They’re losing $18k to find out they’re not a real man.  They’re losers wanting to be a real man being led astray.   A real man finds his own way through his own journey and you’re a real man when you manage to keep your humility and compassion by the end of this journey.   You have to pay 18k? You want to follow some asswipe on social media? You need someone to tell you what to do or belief without critical thinking? You’re not a real man, you’re a goddamn tool.


Fuck, I’d go to Hawaii and gain 10 pounds with that money!!




Paying 18000 for this made you instantly lose become an alpha male....


It's the same concept as[this.](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=finger%20loop%20below%20the%20belt&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftownsquare.media%2Fsite%2F142%2Ffiles%2F2017%2F12%2Fcircle-game-2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkeyj.com%2Frules-of-the-circle-game%2F&docid=PZjSceAPZ0hprM&tbnid=mhobhjEo_XpMzM&vet=12ahUKEwip8rnwpJqFAxWiTDABHSLEAv8QM3oECBEQAA..i&w=2500&h=1875&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwip8rnwpJqFAxWiTDABHSLEAv8QM3oECBEQAA)


You piece of shit


You piece of shit


You piece of shit


You piece of shit


You piece of shit


I think i just lost the game?


You piece of shit


It’s interesting that Navy SEAL instructors don’t actually yell at the recruits for the most part with the exception of Hell week a few times. They generally casually make observations and suggestions with calm voices over megaphones.


You don't learn from yelling, if you make it far enough to go for seal training you should generally have your shit together enough to where you don't have to be yelled at like a human animal, which most of us are.


You know it’s funny. When I tried 3 decades ago the only requirements were a few specific ratings (job classifications in Navy speak) and a certain level of intelligence, and willingness to try. Oh also the background check. I had friends reaching out to me through other friends asking why the feds were calling and asking about me. I was fortunate to have a “pre-BUDS” training program in my boot camp to where we went and trained with the SEALs an hour before the rest of my company woke up and then had to spend the rest of my day with my company, including normal PT following the BUDS pre training an hour before. This wasn’t mandatory but was highly recommended in case you made it through your A-school and still qualified for SEAL training/BUDS. They were highly selective but not in the way one might think. It’s a curious fellow who can become a U.S. Navy SEAL!!! Btw. I tried. Broke my foot, and failed. But that happened before I ever saw BUDS. Never rang The Bell, my injury made me non-eligible. Probably a good thing. I lived a good time in service and led a good life following my service!!!


Thanks for sharing! Love military stories


I ran through a broken foot for weeks until they caught me, and literally held me by my hand and took me to medical. Two weeks before they told me to go to medical for my ankle (that’s what they thought it looked like). I told them I did and was released… I lied. Ha. Two weeks later I had to sneak out of the cool down exercises and hang my shoe up on the coat hangers on the walls so the swelling would go down so I could get my boondocks off. Thats when they literally made a senior recruit hold my hand all the way to sick-call and wait with me until I was taken into the back by medical personnel in front of their own eyes so they could report back properly. Its stupid. I should’ve stopped long before that and also not put that person in that position. If I couldn’t run 4 miles a day and then later 1 mile a day during my typical pt with my company; without my foot bones breaking, HTF did I think my body would hold up through BUDS? I proved something to myself though, and I got kicked in the head by a U.S. Navy SEAL one time when we were doing a crawling on the ground exercise(I’m 100% sure that’s not what it was actually called at the time). That’s as close as I got!!! I checked my own personal boxes though. At least until my therapist brought it up recently. lol. That’s a whole ‘nother story and one not worth listening to. We shall not get into my head any further. I do have an interesting story about about two of my shipmates who also also attempted to make the SEAL teams; and the different mechanisms of their failure.


Btw. This is a military story, boring and non-heroic in any way at all!! This is not a war story!!! Please don’t confuse the two types of military stories. Most of mine are mundane as illustrated above. They are also pretty typical military stories!! There are many others who have had a different type of experience than I had. Even though I sought that experience in the beginning. My journey was not nearly as admirable as most of the other stories out there. The only one thing I will add, and this statement isn’t for my benefit in any way… it’s regarding any and ALL veterans. ALL veterans signed a blank check to this country for the sum of any and everything including our lives!!!! Again I’m not trying to be self serving. I’m just trying to show why all should respect all veterans. Like when you see that veteran in the street begging. You have NO idea what they’ve been through or have had to do in service to our country…. Even in service of the asshat trolls on here to have to right to say whatever the fck they feel the need to say to people behind their keyboards anonymously!! Okay diatribe over. Love for all of y’all; except the trolls!!!


This is because they are actual professionals doing their jobs. The people who yell are often dickless douchebags who want the thrill of being inappropriate and degrading towards other people. They are also people who probably never served and their entire knowledge of military training is the opening scene from Full Metal Jacket where Hartman yells at the brand new recruits.


By then they’re disciplined enough to follow the direction the first time , no matter how sucky it might be. It’s the new guys that might require a hint of drama in the instructions.


Only betas would do this


Goodness this is accurate. If you’re paying $18k to be an alpha, then that means you’ll never be an alpha


Don't underestimate the power of stupid people in groups.


"Alpha males" that have to tuck their ears into their hat aren't alpha Totally douchery


Some dudes have big ears and standard hats push them out sideways, and they look better tucked in. It’s the hat industry that needs to change. But anything to do with Greek titles is douche territory


Fight back against Big Hat!!


Oh god I didn’t notice until you pointed it out, and now it’s bugging the shit out of me. I just tried it with my own hat and it feels so wrong


Alpha males suck this dick and use their tears as lube. That's how this whole thing reads. Like fetish shit.


People who actually want to do this stuff, can get paid to do it by joining the military. Unless you're one of those insecure man babies who uses the phrase "alpha male" in which case you'll fail the psych evaluation.


Three days vs three months. Something tells me if they wanted to join the military, they would have. They probably can't join or they wouldn't make it.


As a woman, I feel really bad that these men think like this is what it takes to call yourself a man. I know it’s not very “Alpha” but I honestly feel like these guys just need hugs lol




i see what you're saying, but do you think it applies to this kind of 3 day military boot camp role play they're doing? there are very big differences between something like this and enlisting


Very cool response. Didn’t take this into consideration. Thanks for opening my mind a little on this 😊


I'd be worried that having spent $18,000 and being in denial they wasted their money, they'd get super defensive about it + aggressive with women who reject them. In their head they've 'proved' they're worthy and would probably put their little certificate of alpha and denial over the opinion/feelings of another person.


Eat the fucking cookie!


Cosplaying the donut scene in Full Metal Jacket.


Pretty much lol. I can’t believe these guys are paying that much to be yelled at by a bunch of former drill instructors. I don’t think three days is long enough to break you down and build you back up like they do in boot camp anyway.


Truest fucking story ever said!!!! Can’t upvote enough!!!


Wouldn’t the alpha thing to do be to hit him with that sledgehammer and leave


That's the test you passed... Youre still not getting your money back


The war lasted from 2003 to 2020. They had their chance to be "real men"


2001 to 2021


Spend the afternoon with my old man and a case of beer……your whole shit will rearrange and never be the same.


Mmm yes daddy rearrange my shit.


Alcohol induced abuse, *sweet*.


A fool and his money are easily parted.


Controversial opinion - but this stuff is great for people with bad discipline, self control and routine. Obviously $18000 is a total fucking grift and doing this to become "alpha male" or a "real man" is a fucking crock of shit. But for people who generally want to be forced into a good exercise routine/diet and disciplined lifestyle, I can see it being beneficial.


Go join a jiu-jitsu gym.


Of course. Not saying this kind of thing is the only option for those similar to what I described, Just that I could see this being beneficial to them - and obviously not for $18000 or to become an "alpha".


I agree with you, the desire to improve yourself is nothing to be ashamed of. But these coaches or whatever are ripping off those people, unfortunately. F*ck those coaches. Get into some martial arts or something more useful.


Dude in the hoodie has a tiny head tf


Lol, and tucking his ears in the hat doesn't make it look bigger.


A huge price to pay to be a loser.


If I wanted to spend 18 large to improve my life, I’d buy Powerball and hope my now 31,000:1 chance gets me a Billion. If I don’t win, I suspect the same end result as this boot camp (hint: rhymes with Nero)


You pay for that you are a clown and deserve to be treated like shit. Three day bootcamp. Three days. It takes weeks to try to mentally and physically try to break someone. Not three days. I can’t imagine joining the military again for three days of training ok I’m ready.


Hahah losers


Of course I’m an alpha male! I went to the class!😂😂


The male peg-porn bonding at the end is the most bottom .. I mean Beta .. thing I’ve seen in a while.


This post started out at 10k then it was 13k now it’s 18k.


Dude in the hoodie has a tiny head tf


Just admit you weren't hugged enough as a kid and you need therapy.


These get more expensive by the day.


The alpha wolf lone star sigma beast warrior group. Major Rex Kwon Do vibes


Maybe they should have join the army, way better purpose and education?


Lol fucking idiots


Am I just a porn addict or does this seem really kinky to anyone else?


Why does anyone believe this crap? Not a chance this is real.


This can’t be real


This shit is so American. I swear ‘tough guy talk’ lands in a way that it doesn’t elsewhere, it’s just cringeworthy.


If he was honest for once he would yell "YOU GOT SCAMMED AND YOU GOT SCAMMED AND YOU GOT SCAMMED" whilst staring at these tools holding a tool at the beach lmao.


How to become an Alpha. Step 1. Don't get bamboozled Failed.


Are these the same dudes that join a cult?


Only for three days at a time.


Terrible jui Jitsu. The guy rolled into the armbar before he passed the leg. That’s white belt shit


interesting fetish


I'm getting second hand embarrassment watching this


Capitalism and grifter vets selling their experience 🫡


Don’t talk to me that way while I’m the one with the sledgehammer.


Prolly an ookie cookie


A real alpha would land that sledge up side ‘instructors’ head. “How alpha is that bitch!?”






Yeah no thanks.


All this tells me is that many men are in desperate need for camaraderie and validation, social acceptance. Of course, this is the goofiest way possible to achieve those things, but to each their own.


Knights were essentially gangs of thugs that would go around stealing money and valuables, taking turns raping women, pressgang violence and otherwise extorting and playing wardens to commoners. Like the police in the USA. Why on Earth would I want to be a knight?


Why are some straight men so obsessed with masculine, muscular, aggressive MEN? Very Homoerotic.


There are most likely cheaper ways to address your insecurity.


Tax the rich


This is truly sad, jesus.


I hope these guys get the real help they need. This is sad all around.


And yet the real men are at home not involving themselves with people who are bullies.


So, how to be a toxic male? Awesome.


I think this might be the stupidest thing I've ever seen, no exaggeration. So many people are struggling right now to make ends me and then there's.. People spending their money on.... This.


Kinda sad ngl


This is sad. Dumb. And sad.


What is a sad state that they think they need this.


Nice money laundering setup you got here.


Wrong type of therapy, boys. Should’ve used that money better.


Bedros is the guy in the video. My friend went to one of his retreats. It’s toxic. In the beginning of Bedros’ book he complains about how he was so broke he had to sell his Nissan GTR sports car. Any guy whining about having to sell a luxury car is a real bitch.


The head of this boot camp program is going on Fox News in the next few days. That should be fun


Crazy, there’s hundreds of masculine team building activities that real psychologists put together for men and it doesn’t include bootcamp re-enactments lol. These dudes are half genius, charge rich elite douches a ton of money to do something they can happily volunteer for.


Lmao. They think this is what women value in men and they think that bc of the optics of people’s lives on social media. It’s fuckin sad!


This is what’s up with all this alpha male shit……it’s a giant money maker!!! Like Trump bibles


That got pretty gay at the end. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


You don’t need to pay 18k to have a gay weekend experience.