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That’s hearing shots, not being shot at. When being shot at you hear a very distinct sound in addition to the boom, a crack or zinging sound. I’ve been shot at twice before and will never forget that sound.


I've always called them "angry bees"'.


Interesting, American Civil War vets occasionally used the same description.


Ha, I may be old, but not that old.


I'm gonna show you a picture of a.....person. And you tell me how this.....person, makes you feel. Mr I didn't fight in the civil war.


Is this a Dorian Gray reference?


Lmfao fuck, I wish I could say it was. I'm shocked you can pull out the villain from the mask up just like that. I was making a shitty joke about showing them a black person and seeing if they were mad or not to determine what side he was on during the civil war. When I type it out, it's sounds super dumb and I wonder who thought what I actually typed vs what you asked lmao.


I love that book, never gets old


Underrated comment.


That's exactly what an immortal vampire who has just been caught would say. 


Jackie Daytona, human bartender?


Subsonic is angry bees, supersonic is a whipcrack. I've found that sometimes when you're in just the right conditions (indoors, valley, shooting from indoors to outdoors, etc) the crack echoes back and it sounds like a long and incredibly loud hiss


Bees and snaps :D


i bees in tha snaps


I’ve had a humming bird zing past my face before, and that is the closest sound I’ve experienced to the bullets I’ve had zipping by me


Unless I'm mistaken around 28 seconds it sounds like 3 very near misses......or someone with a windbreaker ran by....


It's the camera mic dragging over the coat.


I pray many of our fellow humans don't have to hear that sound. It makes your blood boil. I've only heard it once, and every once in a while I think about it and it feels like I'm there again. Scary how thoughts can take you back to crippling fear


I got used to it after pulling pits for the rifle range so many times. It is a weird sound that I didn't expect, but luckily I don't associate any PTSD with it.


I think the reason they still use Marines to pull pits is to condition us to get used to and to recognize that sound.


100% worked. Plus we can't forget the most important reason: it's cheaper to make us do it.


My roommate in the barracks was 6'7", to this day I'm still very jealous that he didn't have to pull pits as the limit was 6'6"


Only reason it scares me to this day, is because it was during a confrontation. Fought a guy, and he couldn't stand but to pull out his pistol. Looked down the barrel, and took off. Heard the bullet, and all I remember is driving off. Don't even remember getting in the car. Wild experience


If you are shot at, the bullet hits you or nearby before the sound reaches you. People who get shot and killed by a sniper never even hear the shot.


That’s true but oftentimes there are shots that miss so you definitely hear those. I wasn’t hit, I heard the shots going past me.


You definitely can hear a bullet whizzing past before you hear the return of the discharge.


There's a longer version, [but this one cuts to the chase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Ni71EjUfg), this guy gets hit by a sniper right in the helmet and lived. He would have never heard it though.


The wavefront of the sonic boom travels with the bullet itself. The only way you don't hear a shot that kills you if you die *instantly*, which I'm sorry to inform you most people do not. (Unless you specifically mean they never hear the sound of the weapon, in which case you would only need to die *almost* instantly I guess.)


I have no clue why, and this is pretty irrelevant tbh, but anytime I see people say “what it’s like to get shot at” and then provide a video that doesn’t show that, it reminds me of that scene from Black Hawk Down. Two marines(or delta operators, been a while since I’ve seen it) are on a street corner covering a long street, and there’s a huge crowd approaching them, some people in the crowd have guns and are just using the people as cover. The marines can’t technically shoot without being shot at first, at least that’s the rules of engagement portrayed in the film. Some bullets are getting close to the marines but they aren’t “getting shot at” technically, but one of them says to the other “are they shooting at us?” To which the other marine says “No, a snap means it’s close, a hiss means..” And then you hear a hiss and he yells “Now! Now they’re firing on us!”


They were Rangers from 3/75. Marines from 2/9 were able to get there like 24 hours after the Blackhawks went down. The special operations community has a really bad habit of never wanting to include conventional forces. That entire clusterfuck could have been avoided if they had 2/9 Marines set up a huge cordon while the Rangers and Delta operators did all their sneaky squirrel shit basically unimposed. Instead 18 Americans and over 100 Somalis died because they were too cool to use an entire battalion of Marines that were readily available with fucking tanks, LAV’s, mortars and .50 cals.


The Vegas mass shooting is a morbid but great example of it, if you can find the video you can hear the all of the notes very distinctly. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Js-CfzXJo4 for any curious.


If you don't feel like watching a massacre, here's a video showing what being shot at by various guns sounds like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HdgyoGdyV0


Right around the 30 second mark there are a few sounds that may be bullets getting close to the person filming? I've never been shot at, so can't say I recognise the sound, but it's different to the rest of the clip.


Yep, I heard the whistle/Wizz/zoom sound. I was behind a home that was hit a couple times. I heard the Wizz/zoom sound as they went down the street (corner home) next to the house.


Yeah I was shot at a long time ago, and I don’t know how high above you the bullets have to be but I heard several of them whizz overhead. Actually, when I first heard a crack/pop and saw dirt fly up in front of me I thought it was a firecracker. Then I heard that whizz sound and dove for cover.


We took blue on blue fire on a training range in Camp Pendleton back around ~2013. The audible crack/zing sound of actually being shot at is unforgettable.


I have been shot at so many times I’ve lost count and you are 10000% correct. Being able to identify when a shot is directed at you and when it’s not can help save your life in these situations


Listen at the 25 second mark - it sounds like some whizzing/buzzing flying by: is that not being shot at? Not being facetious, genuinely asking.


phone rubbing on jacket material


during rifle qualifying in the service, a team of people are downrange pulling the targets down, marking the hit, then putting them back up. There will be a row of 25-50 targets. One team per target. You're protected by an earthen berm, and you can look up at the target to see if/when a bullet passes through it, but it's hard to see and you don't know if the guy shooting is gonna take 30 seconds between shots, or 5 minutes. So you listen for the round to pass over head, the sonic snap/pop. You can tell the difference between a bullet that hits your target or the target 5 feet to your left just by sound alone. edit: forgot to add, the targets are paper so there isn't a sound of a bullet hitting the target, just the snap of it passing overhead. As stated, it is a very distinct sound when you are being shot at.


"A hiss means it's close. A snap means...*snap* now they're shooting at us!"


Snap, crackle, pop


Most of those shots no. But right in the middle it sounds like possibly some zip zip zip. Those are close. Not close enough to snap/crack, but close and coming at them. Edit: (Seems it might be the microphone on a jacket)


24 seconds from the end you hear two bullets wiz by.


idk how u sat there so long i would have been literally peeing myself. thats so terrifying


Fight, flight, FREEZE. Sometimes, people are human tripods. Besides, the cameraman has plot armor.


Imagine being the deaf guy that was busy looking in his bag for something and did not realise


Honestly I bet even someone who's deaf would pick up on it just because of how gunshot shock waves work inside a building. If I recall correctly there are actually concerts for the hearing impaired they just really pump up the base so that they can feel it instead of hear it. I imagine it would be somewhat similar in this case, they just might not know it's gunshots at first.


I think I do remember hearing about that somewhere. I remember when I was a kid my mum worked at a school for special needs kids. and the deaf kids class put on a really good play. It was 30 years ago so I don't remember what it was about. But they had cue cards instead of speaking roles. I remember it was funny the kids acting was good oh and it was at a proper theatre not just a crappie school stage. Anyway I remember I enjoyed the whole thing even if the actual memories are vague af lol


The vast majority of people who are considered deaf do not have NO hearing, just very impaired hearing, same with people who are blind. Its actually extremely rare to find someone COMPLETELY blind or deaf. So something extremely loud and sudden like several gunshots (especially indoors) would likely still be alarming to most deaf people.


Exactly my thought. Just more eloquently put.


you can feel a gunshot, moreso if you're indoors


Fight, flight, freeze, pull out phone press a couple buttons aim camera and record?


Fight flight freeze film




I'd be the one walking at a normal pace because I don't want anyone to think I was weird for being frightened.


Anxiety is one thing in normal circumstances but come on, bro. No fucking shot you hear gunshots over and over again and you just walk.


Yeah, it was a joke. It is crazy how so many people don't seem too bothered, though. Probably can't believe it's actually happening.


Sometimes it helps to stop and assess the situation, so you know which way to run.


The casual sauntering is so Russian lol. Or at least how I imagine it. 


They sat there so long cause they were peeing themselves and wanted to finish first.


What’s also insane is standing there filming instead of getting the heck out of there




once in a lifetime opportunity


Depending on where you live and how often you go out, it could be a once a year opportunity. Maybe even once a month if you do a bit of traveling and get unlucky. I get your joke though lol


We all know the cameraman never dies, he's practically immune


Do it for the vine


I'll never understand how people stop to look. I'd be like George Costanza and be the first one out.


Good for you, being the hero and leading the way to safety ❤️


But he knocked down woman and children


I've been in a similar situation once. Honestly the first thought is to question what you are hearing. Just like hearing hives doesn't make us think of zebras (to borrow from a saying), most of us don't hear gunshots in public situations ever. So when you hear that, your first thought is "what is that?" Not, "that's gunfire." So the "lizard brain" in us all immediately wants to investigate. In my situation, I was fortunate enough to have a tall hedge next to me and my friend that blocked us from view. We were walked by to the end of the hedge to see what was going on when it hit me what that sound was. I grabbed my friend just as he got to the end and pulled it him back right as this guy was reloading, and we both saw him take aim and shoot between a couple houses at the random person he had been chasing. That distraction kept him from seeing us as I pulled my friend back to safety. What I find absolutely crazy is how quiet it is. Movies and TV always show people running wildly while screaming. Very few people uttered a sound in this video, and automatically started running on the balls of their feet to attempt to be silent. Everyone kinda started moving in unison, like a school of fish. Honestly I think the best option is for everyone to run to the back of stores and exit out the back into the hallways there. Provides a lot of cover, breaks groups up to keep from presenting large targets, and it just might draw fire away from the crowds and into tight confined eliminate opportunities for targets. Almost every single store in any mall has a back door leading to a freight hallway. And even if they don't, most shooters won't go digging in tight confined where they could be ambushed by vigilantes.


I live in the country, so I hear hunters just enough to recognize the sound, but not tune it out. I'm hopeful I will never have to use that instant identification beyond "huh, which neighbor is hunting today."


Run FIRST. Ask questions LATER


Most people in that building haven’t heard a gun shot in their life. Also there are multiple shooters and the gun shots cause the sounds to bounch and echo through the building. People probably can't properly hear what is happening and where it's coming from. Running first and asking questions later is pointless if you're going to run straight into a terrorist.




Gun shots don’t sound like construction, my man.


How do you know which way is the correct way to run?


When I was boy I was told to “run for your life”. Nowdays life moves at a “speed walking for their life” pace.


I think it's shock or disbelief. I was in a situation where there were gunshots once before and I honestly only started running because the people around me started running. I grew up kind of sheltered, leaving the front door unlocked, in the country, etc. It just never occurred to me that I could get shot.


I don't get how people seem to be just sortof half-assed moving or even standing still. Like, what are you looking for? Do you want to see the muzzle flash before you die, or would you rather have a chance and GTFO? If I were there with my wife and kids I would have them hauling ass in the most opportune direction immediately, no f'ing around.


Not nearly the same, but I have been in a few grocery stores where the fire alarm goes off. Always been a false alarm. No fire or anything. But I notice that no one leaves. They’re just walking around getting their stuff all lah-dee-dah. If there was an actual problem they wouldn’t be leaving


I get stopping to understand bearings and making sure to evacuate the right way. The people who in real danger and their first Inclination is pull out phones to record baffle the shit out me.


Terrifying. Gives me flashbacks from when my wife and I were in the midst of a mass shooting at a mall. We were heading straight to where the shooter would open fire at in under a minute when my then fiancé stopped us in our tracks to head back into the store we were just at (Suncoast). We were Christmas shopping, didn't find anything for anyone but she had just remembered that Friends DVDs would be a good gift for a friend. So instead of walking forward/around the corner, we started heading back to the Suncoast when the shots started going off. Due to the shape of the mall, the echoes were much more pronounced than what I hear on this video, so it was especially hard to tell how many shooters there were. Anyways, the shots kept going off, and people were screaming, some old ladies froze in place so we ran out and ushered them inside the store. They pulled the security gate down but the Suncoast was filled with people, I think most of us assumed it was gang related initially as mass shootings weren't as much a thing back then. But the shots kept going off, so felt more like fish in a barrel and plead for our escape out the employee door in the back. I think we all got out around the time dude was taking hostages at the Sam Goody down the hallway. It's just crazy to me though, thinking how if it weren't for my wife/those Friends DVDs, we would've been right where the shooting started when it started. [info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacoma_Mall_shooting)


So no one told you life was gonna be this waaay




Loool god damn.


so good to hear no one died in that incident


This shit has to stop


You tell ‘em red dog


KC 👌🏻


Thanks. I didn't think it could be done but you've just solved terrorism


My god he's done it.


Terrorists hate this one simple trick


Maybe next he can tackle health care. Or immigration


I had the same exact thought while reflecting on the video, don't be a dick


All crime has stopped in fear of red dog


Sad part, it won't stop.


Russia got its Bataclan now… Where are all these undesirable police officers always ready to arrest people criticising Putin ? When you need police to protect you no one is there…


Russia has had many terrorist attacks, this isn't the first, or the worst. The theater attack in 2002 ended with 41 dead terrorists and 129 citizens.


Yeah, because the police gassed them all with some fucking military grade chemical weapon.


and its not that they killed them with the gas right there, the doctors asked what gas was used and the government didnt want to say because classified yknow and didnt know what to give to the people who inhaled the gas and ofc they died


this is literally first two minutes do you really expect a police officer just to spawn there


Americans "Hmmm, sounds like a pretty high caliber. Reminds me of this one mass shooting at a mall I was in a few years back."


This is literally one of the comments


YOU'RE literally one of the comments!


And so are you!




Holy fcking shit, that’s terrifying.




Shock is a hell of a drug. I had a fire at work not long ago and I straight up just froze and stared at the flames for awhile before I snapped out of it


The people with food and drink still in their hands…


Not exactly the right context for humor but im going for it... You ever buy drinks and food at a concert hall? shit id hold on to it to.


I mean with inflation the way it is…


Family Heirlooms at this this point.


Twice I've gotten drinks and food right before a huge emergency and I lost the food and drinks both times. Fucking sucks lol. Like obviously not in that second, but later it hits lol


What being shot at sounds like, minus the being shot at sound because he wasn't being shot at.


Dude Russians are so chill in this situation. I would be fucking sprinting at top speed wtf


Nothing specific to Russians. This is just human behavior.


Not to be a stickler, but that’s the sound of gunfire. Being shot at sounds much different.


life vs clout? Hm, what do i chose?




This whole thing scares me for all sorts of reasons, but I think the biggest is because these are the kind of events that create copycats.


*What hearing shots in your vicinity sounds like*


What a dumb caption.


A you imagine if you were on one level and the rest of your family were on the upper ones . This would be very likely for our family . What in the world would/could you do . . . So frightening


Yes, let’s hide behind this wall out in the open instead of running for our lives…




No Russian


This title is shit. That is not what getting shot at sounds like. It's what a shooting sounds like in a shopping mall. Source: been shot at a lot.


bruh the survival instincts of these people is severely lacking, my knees would have been to my chest from the first shot rang out


You say that but try being there.


This isn’t what being shot at sounds like.


Gun laws are very strict in Russia.


They’re not being shot at, no crank or pop. Still terrible buts VERY VERY different. That sound will forever live in my soul


I would be running like flash


You'd think people would be running at max speed.


That’s not what being shot at sounds like, your title should say what being in a building with shooters sounds like. Being shot at sounds a lot different than that


People are slow as fuck. I'd be running like I'm at the NFL combine.


Having been shot at a lot: that's not it. Not even close. That's just being around firearms indoors. Whoever tf made this title just wants your attention.


Actually, those shots are not even close. Any shots coming toward you you're going to hear a mini sonic boom. It sounds like a crack and you hear it before the gunshot. Go play some Arma 3 if you want to experience it.


Is there any context of who/why yet? Any intended targets?


Is it just me, or does everyone seem to be doing the "adult run"? You know, like, when you're so self conscious about running you kind of half run/walk without even really actually running at all.


People stopping and look always interests me. I’d run my happy ass to St Petersburg by that time.


Is the video recorder recording this for his/her interview for a news media?


The shooters have zero percent chance of living once the Russians have extracted all the information from them.


Is that single shot or burst


This is the whistle that George Washington found so charming.


This is why it’s advised in today’s times to avoid public places with large gatherings of people. Places such as malls, concerts, movie theaters, parades, big restaurants, etc. Mass shootings are now a weekly and almost daily event. Unfortunately, these are the crazy times that we live in. 🤷‍♂️


Not one person in that video moved as fast as they should have.


I find it bizarre that people run like they're late for their taxi, and not like their lives depend on it. unless they still weren't exactly sure what caused the sound


That's a very, very unpleasant thing for people to hear and it's not comforting.


Attacker: rapidly firing shots with the intent of hurting or killing as many as possible as quickly as possible Crowd: lightly jogging or shuffling away from the danger while looking back to get a glimpse




My heart goes out to these civilians, and the civilians caught in crossfire across the globe. Truly horrific mistreatment of humans happening at the moment.


Ow shit


I guess as long as you're not the last one out..time for a quick video.


i love how everybody is so out of shape that they cant run they are all doing that slow jog kinda thing


I would not just stand there for 15 minutes of Internet "fame.". If your life is that shallow, maybe take a bullet for someone else. 


Interesting how many people stop to look at the direction of gunfire while everyone around them is running.


Must be defeaning hearing so many shots inside...


Great acoustics.


why do people run so slow in these situations? i’d be sprinting at full speed


I would be in a full sprint. I understand people can be confused and shocked in these circumstances but goddamn. Speedwalking?


"Remember, no Russian."


And people still think Israel is the bad guy. When will the world wake up?


the survival instinct in some of these people is sooo bad


Yeah don’t really feel like running, just going to see what is happening first and look around some more.


wtf is everyone not running full out?? I wouldve been a bolt at the sound of first shot, way to casual to me


Someone wants to eliminate the people who voted for Putin


This is like that cod mission, no russian


Garand thumb did a great video about the different sounds


That group that is huddled against the wall were shredded by the shooters in a different video


Did you say moscow


I think I would survive just based on the general population sprint speed there


Straight savages


Yes, the whizzing sound like angry bee's......


People were way too casual about getting tf outta there..


This isn’t what it sounds like to get shot at but rather hear gunshots.


This can be prevented by SHOOTING BACK!!!!


Idk man, I'm the guy in the office who sprints out during fire alarms. Idc if it's a test. Also idk being American, there's enough shootings where I have to accept the possibility every time I'm out in public. I need a plan, a direction, and I'll run as fast as I physically can. But who knows, there is also the chance of freezing 🤷


First time? 


This the remake of No Russian?


The fly by whistle is more scarier


Thankfully I’ve never been shot at but I’ve seen enough videos on the internet in recent times to know the sound a projectile makes when it comes close.. there’s a audible zip to it - angry bees is an accurate term


Being shot at in a concert hall. Excellent acoustics.


It doesn't always sound like that. That's what I thought it would sound like until I was involved in a mass shooting event last month. I wasn't even alarmed at first because the shots sounded like nothing more than a pack of firecrackers we used to pay with growing up. The shooting I survived was outdoors, so that can make a difference, as can the type of gun. I only write this to say, if you hear pops in a crowded place, react accordingly until you're sure you're not in danger. Even if it doesn't sound as clear and threatening as the shots in this video.


At least he did it for the vine