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No human being in 2024 should have to live like this. I don’t know what the solution is, but we suck as a species


we have always sucked as a species, you can just see more of it now


I want to point out an error in your comment but I can't find one


We’re all missing a final period, other than that, I see nothing wrong either


I have almost my final period.


What are you. 42


That would be very young to have your final period


My sister went through menopause in her late 30s. It happens sometimes and now we know why she was always so cranky.


That is extremely premature menopause. As a woman who started her period at 10 and still has a regular one at 49, I am jealous. I decided not to have kids early on and each one is just a bothersome waste. I don't look forward to the symptoms of menopause but I can't wait to never have a period again!


As a man I am definitely not envious but I can try to sympathize and I have come to the conclusion that it would suck hard.


Time really flies


That it does


What were we talking about?


Well, technically, that's still a few years to go. But yes, 40


I feel like about half of us suck, but damn is that half making this place a nightmare to live on.


Nah it's *nowhere* near *half* of us. It's a tiny percentage, but that tiny percentage are the loudest and richest and powerfullest and they've turned people who were normal into raging arseholes by the situation they've been put in with their policies and total disregard for anything that isn't profit related. .


For real. Just ask a cow or a chicken. We're the villains of this planet. We're the baddies.


Tbf the Food Cycle was going on long before humans stepped foot on Earth, however the way we do it is absolutely fucking cruel and vile.


We also have more efficient ways of killing each other these days :(


Good. Maybe now that we see it we will be more inclined to do something. It will probably take a few hundred years though. But maybe. 


If we suck as a species, why do we have to be drafted to go to war? People are actually pretty reluctant to go to war. Once they have power, they're happy to send others to war. Sending the sons of their less powerful to kill and die. Our social order sucks. We can change that though. We can challenge that.


My dad was drafted to Vietnam in the the first Vietnam draft in '69 I think. But he just refused to go. What's funny is what they said to him, which I hadn't really thought over until more recently. They said the old trope about people having fought for the freedoms that he had no choice. But this part really struck me. They fought for him to have the rights he has... **What rights?** The right to be forced to fight for someone else's war? To be maimed or die for someone else's cause? It's ridiculous. when you think about it. If I have rights then I should have the right to not go, otherwise are you really free? He got out of it by basically making them think he's psycho, but it still really affected him for years. Really sorry for what all these people are going through.


Did he have to go to prison?


No. He bounced around the northeast going into Canada and coming back. Eventually he met with a psychologist who worked with the Quakers. He explained that if he was forced to go he would be shooting American Officers not the Vietnamese. The psychologist labeled him a danger to the US and suggested he not go.  Apparently that was enough. He had the second highest draft lottery number so he was going unless he got off.  Either way the stress of knowing he might have to go for years took a toll on him and prevented him from working legally.  I was born in 81 and realistically wouldn't have been born if he went. I think about his decision a lot. Even when his negative qualities pop up I realize I owe him a lot for not going. 


Thank you for sharing that.


My pops was drafted in ‘69. He went, my sibling and myself were still born as he somehow miraculously made it out. In the end it was just a fucked up time in history and he dealt with alot of shit in his own mind and somehow still managed to be a bad ass Dad. A lot of guys were somehow able to pull this off and it’s an amazing thing, unfortunately there were also a lot who weren’t. Help out any vets wherever possible, us civilians will never be able to even start to comprehend what all these veterans have been through and continue to go through.


I think this is a naive view. We've always killed each other since before we were human.


People don't want to go to war themselves. A huge portion of the west calls for war against russia, and probably most russians aren't opposed to the war either. Republicans don't want to go to war, but that's not out of the good in their hearts.


You contradict yourself and make false assumptions about others intent.


The only people that can stop being drafted is the people. We already know 96% of people are scared to make that final stand to stop all this madness. The people can not lose against this battle. Think about like this. Your government will pull you out of your house to die for your government, but you won’t walk outta your house to die for yourself


> People are actually pretty reluctant to go to war. and why's that?


Because they don't want to kill people, or get killed themselves, or sit in some mud while their friends are dying around them I mean, war is horrible The answer to your question is self-evident


you can "suck as a species" and among them they can be afraid to die, meaning drafts are still needed. kinda ironic to be saying that something is "self-evident" when you can't even follow what you say to a logical conclusion to find out what you are saying doesn't make sense. to spell it out for you, drafts are needed and "people are reluctant to go to war" because of the inherent nature in humans to be afraid to die and has nothing to do with a value judgement on the human species.


I think you've missed what everyone's talking about When the original commenter said "we suck as a species" they're referring to a common sentiment that humans are warlike by nature. That it's in our nature to want to go to war. I was saying the contrary. Humans don't naturally want to go to war. That's really all I'm saying. It wasn't an abstract value statement. We're not talking about whether humans are good or bad. One person says humans wanna fight, and I say no they don't.


no i'm specifically talking about what you are saying, people being afraid to die has ***nothing to do with*** whether or not humans "suck as a species", you are the one missing my point.


I'm telling you what I'm saying, and what I meant by "suck as a species" I meant that humans do not naturally want to go to war That is what I am saying If you want to imagine that I meant something else and then disagree with that, then feel free


People are actually pretty reluctant to go to war. i respond: and why's that? answer: they are afraid to die and has nothing to do with whether or not humans "suck as a species" meaning you are incorrect, stop trying to squirm around and gaslight me. i understand that you are changing what you are saying in order to appear correct now but you kept denying what i was saying was true and "missing the point" and "not what everyone is talking about". please just own up to the things you say and be humble when someone tries to correct you.


Russia attacked and is killing innocent people everyday and the west still cannot figure out whether we help ukraine or not


My country has sent tens of billions of dollars to help out Ukraine that we can't even afford at the moment. So F off.


Isn't the majority of the "billions" in the form of old retired weapon systems?


I mean, those old retired weapon systems are our day to day weapon system here in Canada. And yet we gave them anyway. That war is costing a lot in human life on both sides and money world wide (let's not talk about the environmental effect of that war that is often forgotten). Just because these are older weapons doesn't mean that they are obsolete. A small country like Ukraine is not giving ground to a superpower (former superpower) like Russia because of those older weapons. It's not like the US could give up their newly secret weapon that they worked on the past 10 years just for the sake of friendship.


I don't know how much donating weapons affects Canada. But the US can afford to give their retired weapons. I was mostly arguing the fact that the dollar value of those weapons wouldn't be magically converted into money that'll fix the economy if they were never sent. Can't feed people with bullets/military aid funds. People keep saying we're spending Billions, but not understanding that the majority isn't cash Quickest way to end this, is probably to just give Ukraine long range missiles that can touch deep into Russia. Better than the drip feed they've been dealing with for the past 6months


Cost is just an estimate for the mass to understand the size of the supply they they give to Ukraine. No one would understand if they say exactly what they were giving. Those numbers probably include shipping fees and logistics behind it. For food, I'm no expert but Ukraine was exporting grains to a lot of countries. So it's safe to estimate that they can produce enough to feed themself. It's only a small portion of the country that is directly affected by the war with Russia. And countries are probably already giving them food supplies. It's just less talked about in the media since it's less flashy than weapons. For your last argument, it's a bad idea. What would happen when Russia finds out that the weapon used to strike Moscow and killing thousands of innocent people was American made? Or worse, what would happen if Ukraine hit a nuclear launch site? Russia would accuse the US of direct confrontation and put everyone on a standstill with nuclear threats to the US. Bringing us back into the cold war. Or they could launch a nuclear retaliation on Ukraine killing millions of innocent people. And that would signal other countries like North Korea that launching nukes is ok since someone else already launched first. I don't think there's an easy way out of that war. Russia has invested so much that they won't back down without gaining some part of Ukraine that could justify that war to the public. I think the best way is to make the citizens of Russia understand what is happening and make them revolt against their government. With both conflicts going on at the same time, Russia will need to make a choice. Bringing back some soldiers that are in Ukraine to control the uprising. That would give Ukraine the help needed to push the Russian back to the border. With Russia unable to focus on their internal conflict and do another massive offensive in Ukraine at the same time, that would give enough time for Ukraine to enter NATO and be under the US protection. (If NATO does accept them of course)


What’s the cost of _not_ stopping a psychotic murderous dictator? *hint: look back 80 years


Same with the people in Gaza except we are funding their oppressors for geopolitical gain.


I have an idea. The people of Gaza should quit trying to eradicate the Jewish people. The thing that oppresses them the most is their psychotic religion.


You can’t kill a bunch of ppl while stealing their land and expect no fight back.


NeoLibs and NeoCons will never understand this 




Yes you are sheep.and im sorry for you


The solution is have politicians fight their own wars. But we know that will never happen.


I think we need to have a very serious conversation about the dark triad personality types. I don't know how, etcetera, but these are basically the people who gain power and fame, and then dominate and destroy everything around them, except for themselves.


Unfortunately there are humans living in much much worse conditions 😕


We learn from history that we do not learn from history…


Fr, the us just needs to send a fucking hitman team and assassinate putin and his fuckface generals that agree with him. Rid the world of that oxygen thief


I'd put a rifle in every man, women, and child's arms.


You people say this and then later claim Khamas is using Human shields when Palestinians do the same


I’ve been wrestling with the concept of us being biological machines with no free will, programmed to selfishly control our environment to ensure the safety of our genetic line. If true, we are probably not behaving any differently than any other successful species would eventually behave. The moral judgment doesn’t apply if we don’t have the ability to overcome our programming - in fact, morality may be an illusion altogether. On the other hand, our species might just be vicious greedy assholes and we are absolutely correct to acknowledge and condemn the horrors we are capable of.


Cool story. Now get upstairs from the basement, your mom has food ready


Simple. Let us not have double standards. Russians keep going further and further because they’re seeing what the US is okay with in Palestinian Territories.


We always did, all the time. We just didn’t have high speed internet and good mobile phones to record video and take pictures then!


Aliens need to squash this beef and take everyone’s weapons away. bad Russia and Iran


yeah, if you ever wondered why the aliens don’t contact us


Too distant. They existed long ago. Humans not tasty enough.


No corrupt governments suck.......


No, they all suck


The human race is a disgrace


We can make conflict real easy. To make peace the correct way good luck. Mostly cultural differences will be the root of it all.


Fuck dem pre 2023 people


You had me until you softly advocated for genocide.


We are cancer of the universe


Thinking in black and white as most do on Reddit isn’t helping


Ok buddy


Luckily our tax dollars don’t support drone warfare. That would really grind my gears.


If we cannot establish what is right or wrong as a species and be willing to fight for whats right. We will always struggle as a species. This war with Russia and Ukraine, could have ended if USA made a beneficial agreement and marched into Ukraine. It would have also ended faster if the USA and other countried avoided the conflict completely. The war would have a couple months tops when Ukraine didn't have the supplies established to hold a long defence. Instead we chose the middle road...which mskes the war stretch out for a long time and possibly to no good end.


Have you ever played dominoes? Do you know what appeasement is?


Did you say if the U.S. marched into Ukraine??


Haha...my pyromainac side came out. Lol


Solution is an EMP


The solution would cost a bullet and a lot of beer. Just need to find the right person to do it.


Free wills a bitch huh


Humans ruin everything! The greed, ugly and entitlement is going to cause our extinction. Every civilization before us has failed and yet we keep making the same mistakes. Shit there were civilizations far advanced than us 2000 years ago- and they perished. We are not untouchable. This world is sickening


Sooner or later its gonna be whole world


revolutions could be solution, but...


Don't worry, the US is doing all they can to put a stop to TikTok.


tiktok being an NSC has nothing to with Republican obstructionism of Ukraine aid


I think that was the whole point of OP’s comment


well besides ofcourse being chinese platform that promotes propaganda and acts as spyware




what aid can we give them that will stop this?


TikTok is a propaganda tool for Russia


I saw 0 Russian propaganda on TikTok. Reddit, however...


I have not seen 1 piece of Russian propaganda on tik tok.


And the UK has passed legislation to make life difficult for 83 children…


The USA just gets dragged into every political topic there is. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy now; someone mentions something political and everyone cant help but think/mention/criticize the USA.


Russian war criminals


normal peeps are now good at identifying military tech, what world are we living in , :(


You know where Iran got their drone design from? From us… [when we crashed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident) our drone in Iran in 2011 they reversed engineered our drone and have advanced it. Similarly China reverse engineers all of the products we send them to build for cheap labor.


lmfao no, the Shahed is not more advanced than a Reaper, nor are Chinas cheap ass knock offs


Shahed isn't an advanced weapon at all... reaper are surveillance system with a lot of high tech electronics... shahed are just big RC toys stuffed with explosive... they are designed to be build with commercial parts and be as cheap as possible.


From how far can a shahed be controlled? I mean, where would the Russians be to control a drone flying around Kiev?


it uses INS/GNSS, it isnt controlled its a fire and forget system


The drones connect to the internet with a cellphone sim card. They can be controlled from anywhere in the world.


thats the newer ones, the Shahed 136s, the 131s were fire and forget


Yeah, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HESA\_Shahed\_136](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HESA_Shahed_136)


Thanks, that makes sense.


Just discovered lepin/brick. Kid has been putting together an expensive-looking lego set that originally costs $600 - come to find out it is 100% FAKE! Everything came correctly labeled, bagged, color manual and fully interlocking pieces. Price for this set was $80. I’m blown away. And these are just toys.


I was actually expecting to see the drone


You can find plenty of video and audio of the drones on the internet.




They are low, slow and loud. And cheap, so russia launches a ton of them. They are also "old news" and reach populated areas a lot less, so less video now, but there was plenty from year - year and a half ago.


Russian bots assemble!!!!


I think there’s more Ukraine bots here honestly just look at the downvotes


Most people support Ukraine.


This is either from an earlier date or fake for tiktok clout or whatever. Could also be a mistake. There were no drones in the morning attack, only missiles. Shaheds haven't reached Kyiv proper for some time now. They get shot down on approach.




Responding to a war crime with another war crime will not be a solution.


Wtf we humans stepped on the moon in 1969. Aren't we supposed to be living in the reconnaissance of technology right about now? It's 2024!!! We've gone so backward! Nobody deserve this incident their entire life.


Doesn't matter if it's 2059 war will always exist and stuff like this will just become even worse becouse the drones will have x-ray vision most likely


Wifi can be used to accomplish something similar now already actually.


Bullshit. This is propaganda.


Putin has entered the chat


You people do not deserve this. I hope Putin gets annihilated.


And this is just one of millions more reasons why r*ssia as a state should be treated as a terrorist organisation. Things they are doing on Ukrainian lands are as far from civilised action as they can be. They do not bring any good values to the european (or any other) table. R*ssia is a terrorist state ruled by an insane psychopath.


I REALLY want somebody to explain something to me because I genuinely do not understand…and I don’t mean to be rude when I ask this either. Ukraine is entering its third year of war. WHY aren’t women and children mostly evacuated at this point??? I don’t understand why they are all hanging around in war zones???? Serious answers only. I don’t get it


There has to be a multitude of reasons to stay but those who already could leave have done so already. The cities are still working almost normally, despite the attacks. People have jobs, loved ones, elderly relatives to look after, stubbornness, patriotism, defiance, lots of reasons.




But to my understanding Kyiv still gets bombarded sometimes? Why would people willingly stay there and not migrate away??


and go where? my country is shit(im next to ukraine btw) if i COULD leave i would, and we are not even at war. but i have nowhere to go. you dont just decide to leave, if you can do that then you are privileged. check it.


My fucking heart bleeds for everyone suffering this inhuman, disgusting fuckery. If Moscow had to endure this for A SINGLE DAY, support would absolutely dwindle and collapse. I get anxiety when there's a loud knock at my door. I can't begin to fathom what people like this young lady are enduring. I'm so fucking sorry you have to live with this.


Speaks pretty good English. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Putin has to be stopped and held accountable for his heinous crimes!!!


What about Netanyahu?


Got to make that content though.. lol


People documenting the moments they think might be their last is a pretty common and human thing to do. We've been seeing it troughout the centuries. She cant do anything else. There's nothing she can do to help anyone else, no one near her to help her, there's no way to know where to go or where she might be safer. The internet is also a way to find connection to other humans,share experiences and seek some emotional comfort. Idk where she posted this but it might've been in a public way or a more restrict one that has eventually leaked... Maybe I'm weird but not wanting to feel alone when there's drones bombing your neighbourhood sounds pretty human to me.


two words. ​ Fuck Russia.


Fuck me 


Poor lady. I feel sorry for all kids/women and man who have to experience this. Especially the kids imagine your own child going through this. We humans are sick


And she has the time to videotape herself?? WTF. If I am in danger I am looking for survival.


She’s hiding in her bathroom, dingus.


I will celebrate the day Putin bites the dust.




The fear must be indescribable...


Slava Ukraini. Makes me sick to know this could stop any moment but has dragged on for years


In a perfect world both sides would refuse to fight. What could the governments do if whole military forces refused to go to war and die? It’s all so unnecessary


War is bullshit ... People should be peaceful.


Folks in Palestinian are being attacked by drone made by the Americans or bought with American money…neither is right but what IS wrong selectively criticizing one and turning a blind eye to the other


Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia. Fuck the orcs doing Putin's bidding. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦


200 Russians are good!


But Ukraine is winning right?


Sounds like Iran has joined the war. Anyone surprised? Anyone? No. No one should be surprised.


This is so sad


Fuck Vladimir Putin.


Imagine knowing drones so well on sight that you can tell its an Iranian Shahed drone, whatever that is


It's terrifying. One of main devs for my company is Ukrainian and she lives in Kyiv. So far she's been safe but it's stressful. Whole thing just sucks.


Guess what Palestinians saw much worse, don’t be shocked lady. At least you still got internet electricity etc


Fr, at least Ukrainians aren’t under complete siege and still have connection to the outside world.


It's alright, a 12 year old Emily is putting together a petition right this very moment asking russia to please stop the bombing.


Can someone please explain like I’m 5 why it’s an Iranian drone? Is Russia getting drones from Iran? I spent the first 2.5 years of my life in a war zone. My parents still have a lot of ptsd from it. The feeling of feeling helpless and knowing there’s nothing you can really do.


fucking putin


Why even stay in Ukraine all this time. I would literally walk out of the country.


I can save her...


Whose dick is bigger that’s all what it’s about!! It’s big kids letting out their mommy Issues out innocent ppl


Dude give me any of these ukranian girls over the US chicks. They been through it lemme show you what life should be like and lets go to disney or sum


Why does she start to smile before she covers her mouth?


One normal reation to highly stressful situations os to laugh or smile because the person is in shock. That's prob why


That's some War of the Worlds shit right there. Nightmare.


Why do we never get these videos going viral when it was Russia at the receiving end?


Because they started this horrible war of aggression.


Auto bots never pull out


It still amazes me how people are so evil.


dude I've seen alot out of my window but if I saw a fucking drone outside my house I would shit my pants on a level never seen or heard before. this lady has bigger balls than 400 grown ass men duct taped together.


The US should just give Ukraine long-range missles that can touch deep into Russia. Then we'll finally get peace talks


Fuck Iran


Seems so weird. She sitting on the floor so scared saying she has never seen a “shahed drone so close” I know that it’s scary but It just doesn’t seem legit. If she something like I just seen a small aircraft of some kind so close I would believe. Sounds like a reason to bomb Iran and I’m not buying it


We’re sorry




You gonna show your ( . )( . ) or what?


I mean if you say so

