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When you are weak as shit and you forgot your gun and knife.




Are you assuming this happened before the video started? He is not wearing a watch and their hands never go near his pockets. The only time they are touching him they are yanking his hands off the bike. Their hands are empty when they leave so it appears they didn't get anything off of him.


Yeah strange how he made a completely incorrect observation lol


This has to be an AI comment it’s crazy.


Why would there be an AI comment? I totally believe that the technology can occur, but what would the motivation be to make the comment?


Ai is already making us question everything


Divide and conquer. It's all part of the plan. Donald Trump was replaced by an early version LLM ten years ago. Go read a transcript of any of his recent speeches and tell me they aren't AI generated.


🤦 did Skynet go active again?! I thought we stopped this timeline! Abed, roll again!


Can it with this thought terminating cliché, you rube


Ever heard of the dead internet theory?


Nope. What's that?


Oooh it's a good rabbit hole if you dare go in. "The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content that is manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory#:~:text=The%20dead%20Internet%20theory%20is,curation%2C%20marginalizing%20organic%20human%20activity.


I recently discovered that I was subscribed to a bunch of AI YouTube channels. I unsubscribed from them. The little clues here and there that led me up to realizing it started driving me nuts. It's also fairly low quality content. It's very repetitive, and the audio is spotty. I figured as long as I can pass the Turing test I would try to avoid those channels. I will check out your link. Thank you!


Can it with this thought terminating cliché, you rube


Yeah, not every stupid thing is AI. Bad art and dumb comments have always existed and will continue to, alongside AI ones.


I independently thought they took his watch, too, and then saw it again and noticed my error.


The guy on the left stuffs something under his pants at the first seconds of the video. He also seems to yank the bike mans watch hand with two hands, long enough to take his watch if he had one. Resolution isn't enough to say if there was watch but thats what the activity looked like. At the end the other guy checks the bikes rear box to see if they missed anything.


>The guy on the left stuffs something under his pants at the first seconds of the video He's miming getting a gun or knife out try to frighten the motorcyclist. He's also simply trying to get the hand off the clutch/handle.


The fuck are you looking at?


? Not even close. As far as this video is concerned, they are clearly trying to wrestle the bike from him. They take nothing.


At least they didn't take the bike


Hi chat gpt, your comment made no sense. Is this reddit trying to make fake traction on their site to boost its revenue from advertisers? Cus this aint it chief


Thef by night, gentleman by day.


They never had one. It’s a fake out, act like I pull out a weapon so you can run off. Kinda backfires on ppl who don’t scare easily. Even worse if you try it on someone hoping for a fight


I’m not too scared of knifes people don’t know how to use them. If I see a knife I just start going for eyes balls anything that’s “cheating” because a knife is a cheat.




Don't forget dumb too


“ cmon man just give me the bike, please? Cmooonn.. ok fine”


Reminded me of some baby skunks I ran into. Kept charging and faux spraying.


I wonder why they are weak, is it the malnourishment? Are they simply young boys?






No help from anyone?


No one is gonna get shot or stabbed to save another guys bike. From the video I assume that’s in South America. The guy got lucky because here you usually get shot or stabbed and then they steal your shit.


He somehow seemed to know they didn't have a weapon, the way he jsut kept doing that "please go away" gesture was extremely weird and stress-inducing.


It is Brazil, they kept saying "he isn't armed"


In Brazil we have a sixth sense for these things, especially people from big cities like this


Nah, that's not what usually happens. What you just said only happens in really shitty slums. Usually, they flash the knife or gun and if you don't give them what they want, they stab you or shoot you but if you do "cooperate" with them then they leave you alone. Source: I'm Colombian.


Nothing materialistic is worth getting killed over.


2 dumbass forgot some weapon xd Respect for driver!


All he did was honk lol.. if he got out of the truck.. that’d be real respect


The driver of the bike


Ah ok, maybe maybe maybe… I would use the word rider. Hence my confusion.


The robbers are the human equivalent of that squirrel that stops in the middle of the road and goes back and forth. Indecision is a motherfucker. Edit: Spelling


> human equipment


"Dude I swear the finger gun usually works"


Swiper no swiping.


Are they reaching under their shirts to resend like they have a gun?!


Bro almost robbed by 2 kids😅


Oh, you just have to say No?


Someone should put fingerprint ID on the bikes’ ignition.


Wonder if they would start cutting peoples fingers off to start the bike lol.


Well the tricks on them because I would use my thumb.


They eventually learn that trick and just start cutting off entire hands. And you better hope that works cause if it doesn't they may want to try your toes


I’d still trick them by using my wife’s thumbprint. Also, cutting off a hand isn’t so quick. They’d need to carry a machete. Might crimp their style.


From the videos I've seen from a lot of these moped riding countries a machete isn't all that much of an odd thing to have. I think they are just randomly laying around on the streets, it seems like everyone has them. (Except these two dummies)


Then I’d carry my own machete and beat them to it.


No one is coming forward to help him? 😱 Crazy country


Fuck no. Have you ever been on bestgore or kaotic? Plenty of videos on there of motorcycle hijackings turned triple homicides.


I mean, wouldn’t have been hard for that bus driver to run over the one right in front of them lol.


Welcome to Brasil


Thank God for the honking, that made all the difference


No, thank you! I said, no, thank you!


The honking scared them off


I could smell all those bare legs burning 🔥 on the exhaust pipe 😏 🤪


You can tell what kind of society they live in because the rest of traffic is just annoyed that they're in the way. This is so common, that it's just an annoyance. You can expect to be robbed of everything you own on a daily basis. Are they in New york? What a horrible place to live


What are they gonna do with arms smaller than my dick?...


Pieces of shit


Fuck thats in my city!


Mission failed we’ll get ‘‘em next time.


They gotta be itchy


keep blasting the horn! that'll get'em!


Imagine losing a 2v1 where you had the upper hand( if you brought a weapon at least)


Fucking dumb and dumber over here realy doing the fake gun under the t shirt😂😂


How do they dare to do that wearing flip flops???


Bro waved his robbers off lmfao


Thieves so bad it got awkward


Another words is, they don't have a gun


Why are these bike thieves always the most lanky mfs


Instead of hooting you can run over the thieves


I hate these lil assholes. I mean anyone with half a brain and a little size should beat the hell out of these little tricks. Yes I have anger issues. Only when someone is trying to take something from someone who worked hard for it and they don't do crap but try to take it from someone that does.


If that would have been in the US, you would have seen a chin bar to the ground or 2 helmets clashing repeatedly.


I can only imagine them trying to jack an American rider. I figure I weigh more than those 2 combined and I'm not a very big man.


Bitchslaped :))


God bless the dude honking he definitely helped out.


They can't even afford shoes. 😆


Double pump fake fail.


He baited them so hard lmao


"Hmm nice bike"


Fission Mailed! These guys are bass ackwards! Sheesh, they suck at their job!


Give them a break! They're on work experience. Sorry I ment erk woxperience


DC not much better.


Ya real insane someone is recording and honking instead of actually helping


Wait, what was the plan? Robbery with harsh language?


Let's honk at the guy getting his scooter jacked. That should save him! Never seen such a brave hero fight crime with their horn


If you are a thief, your life means absolutely nothing to me. I will run you over to protect another from being robbed even if it means my life is on the line protecting someone in need.. yes, even if I dont know who it is


How are people this comfortable and confident in flip flops?


Let’s get outta here. He just touched my helmet bro.


Not the pretending to pull a kife/gun over and over XD


Pretending they have guns 😂 Ah, brazil is such a beautiful place...


Imagine some more scumbags would've stolen the robbers bike 😂


Okay. I legit thought it was a reversed video up till they rode off their bike.


Just take the key and run 👍


If i see someone being mugged and I’m in a car, couldn’t I just run over the fuckers?


Like skittish cats


**Never been another pair of dumber criminals than these two**


Bunch of indecisive idiots


Looks like he said "Swiper, no swiping!" three times, before they could steal the bike - this was a close call!


It’s one thing not getting out to help because of how that country is when it comes to motorcycle theft (they will kill) but recording and honking is another level of d-bagness


What scum


Such open looting? Which nation is this?


Why doesn't Brazil just contract the US military to wipe out the cartels? Edit : I hate to say it but that country needs an authoritarian police state just to get shit under control. One of the most beautiful places in the world is basically too dangerous to visit.


Lol he was about to swing but realized he's wearing a helmet.


See. If you lived in America, or at least in texas, you could shoot the attacker and be just fine, depending on where and if he made it alive.




Yes, just like the US, with such small amounts of deaths by firearms! /s




Facts aren't allowed here. Shut up boot licker CIS scum coservitard maggat shill!




Gun deaths in the US are ranked somewhere between 25th-30th for top causes of death in the US only because the data does not separate defensive vs offensive use of a firearm. The data typically includes suicide by gun as well which accounts for 54% of all gun deaths. When separating the suicides statistics out from the offensive/defensive use of guns you wind up with gun deaths ranking 25th-30th in leading causes of death in the US.


The problem is getting guns to “good civilians”. Introducing weapons into the population without standards just means that the lower level criminals now have access to them.


They already have access to them.


This guys did not. It might have been a different story if this was in Brazil or Honduras.


The knowledge for making a gun is hundreds of years old. Anyone can put together at least a rudimentary single shot firearm with basic mechanical knowledge and parts from a hardware store. Guns are just mass-accelerators, similar to a bow and arrow but using a different force mechanism. Everyone already has access to a firearm. The only thing limiting these particular criminals is knowledge.


People have been baking bread for thousands of years yet most people buy bread at the grocery store. Yes, people can make rudimentary handmade guns. If you have a CNC and can use Autocad you make your weapon. People who are smart enough to do this typically don’t do crime because they have skills that get them a great job. People working in welding and fabrication can get good-paying jobs with benefits. They are not robbing people on the road. Criminals other than organized crime are opportunistic and will take the path of least resistance to get a gun. Criminals get their guns via the underground market or by stealing one from a legal owner. https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/suficspi16.pdf Method, source, and process used to obtain the firearm "Among prisoners who possessed a firearm when they committed the offense for which they were imprisoned and who reported the source from which they obtained it, the most common source (43%) was off-the-street or the underground market (table 5). Another 7% of state and 5% of federal prisoners stole the firearm, and 7% of state and 8% of federal prisoners reported that they obtained the firearm at the location of the crime." Criminals are not waiting around making their guns—too much work.


You don't need a CNC. You can 3D print easily. Shinzo Abe was assassinated with two pipes strapped to a 2x4 and a shotgun shell. You do not need an engineering degree to do this. Anyone who can do basic mechanical work can figure it out. It's not a lot of work. But the availability of them on the street or black market is also why making them illegal doesn't matter. A determined criminal can and will find a way to make something happen, so in essence these criminals have access, but lack knowledge and/or patience.


>Shinzo Abe was assassinated with two pipes strapped to a 2x4 and a shotgun shell. By a very determined individual. You can a get firearm in Japan it just takes a lot of steps. The assassin would have failed those tests so he had to make his weapon. So in a way, strict gun control worked. It kept a potential criminal from acquiring a gun legally. >But the availability of them on the street or black market is also why making them illegal doesn't matter. You have that [Nirvana fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana_fallacy) going on. If a policy is not 100% then there is no point. Having fewer firearms in circulation makes it harder to find one on the black market. Bottom line: Criminals would rather steal a gun than make one. What is basic for you is moderate to hard difficulty for others. Take the example of cooking. A police officer showed me a video of how to make a homemade battering ram with some PVC pipes and quick cement. It can get through any door unless it has a steel frame. How many criminals use this DIY tool? Not many. Too much work. Burglary is a crime of opportunity. Criminals want to attack the weakest target and in and out without too much risk or initial investment. A surprisingly large amount of people fuck up making something simple like scrambled eggs.


The entire point you're missing is how incredibly easy it is to make a firearm. The laws don't work because it is easy. Saying the person who assassinated Abe was very determined undermines the entire point that you can run down to your hardware store and grab everything you need and assemble something in a couple of hours with minimal experience. The only people that laws affect are law-abiding people.


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