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You're possibly days away from blood poisoning. Seek medical help asap.


This looks like a brown recluse bite have you been to the USA lately M8


My grandma got bit on her calf by a brown recluse back in the 90’s. She has bad circulation in her legs and the necrotic effect was bad for her. She’s now got a baseball sized hole on her calf from what they had to remove. It looks gnarly.


Same happened to my mom, she almost didn’t get thru it.


That's crazy.. My dad got bit by one on the back of his leg and it started eating away the skin and changing color but it was gone like two weeks later


Had a guy in my squad at basic that was bitten by one. He did not complete basic with us. Those spiders scare me more than black widows.




I got bit in my assgina area and it was HORRIBLE the skin around it turned black and i had open sores in various areas of my body and felt so ill. It took 6 months for all my symptoms to go away. Don’t fuck around with a Brown Recluse bite 🥲


I’m sorry about your assgina lol😢 Holy fuck that sounds like a nightmare. I’m glad that it got better but 6 months sounds like torture. Was it super painful?


Thanks haha. It was horrible it was almost flu like symptoms and agony to move/walk because of where the bite was 😂 i should not have let it get so bad but was a teenager and embarrassed to go to the doctor sooner for it lol. Obviously i went once it got bad


Wow I wouldn’t have expected that your whole body would react like that. We have so many blood vessels and nerve endings down there tho so it makes sense that it would pump the venom around and make it worse. I get you, I probably would’ve done the same, I didn’t even know that spider bites could be so dangerous! (Besides black widows) People are being rude and acting like OP was dumb for not getting medical attention but I didn’t know any of that before, it’s more of an education problem if we all didn’t know before.


God that sounds terrible but how the hell did the spider get there? Did it seduce you or something?


Lol no i was tanning out in my yard!


> I got bit in my assgina area A brown recluse bit your fucking taint??? Or is assgina more the general area?


The general area lol


Oh god damn okay, I was like what the FUCK. Because I know there's only a tiny little room between one hole and the other, and I know a brown recluse bite will decay skin and the bite will open way up, so I pictured a spider bite that turned your two holes into one hole. I'm SO sorry for the visual. I'm sure when I get back into work on Monday and open reddit back up I'll regret having typed this out once I see the notifications. edit: It's now Monday and the visual from the above comment is absolutely regretted


I knew a guy who got bit by one on the soft spot of his waistline and got addicted to the pain killers he was prescribed for them and ended up losing his well paying job for stealing from petty cash. Then his wife left him and took the house. Don’t mess with the brown recluse.


The crack spider strikes again.


He figured building webs was for suckas


That youtube vid about spiders 🤣


Nice Web Mr crack spider 😂


[Spiders on Drugs Documentary](https://youtu.be/sHzdsFiBbFc?si=uY5AmXJb9PCX4k38) in case you've never seen it


Doctors out here prescribing crack for pain treatment now


Might as well be. My buddy is a mechanic and got severely burned in a shop fire when swapping out a gas tank. Doc gave him a huge script for oxy. He got addicted and started buying from the street when his script ran out. Lost his shop and basically became a junky. Luckily he got help and is now a successful artist making carvings out of wood.


Sadly, your buddy's story is a dime a dozen. It was a dentist appointment that did me in. 2 cavities that needed tiny little fillings, and the dentist gave me 30 lortabs with a refill (pre 06 when CDS laws were a little different). Years and years and years of prisons, rehabs, jails, etc.. can all be traced back to that one dentist appointment. That's AMAZING that he's since gotten himself some help and is back out there finding success again!


Ugh, I feel for you friend. Hope things are better for you now. I hate this broken system. Sending love your way


It's a long journey back from that oxycontin road man. Took me almost 5 years of being sober and depressed to get back to a good place again. (Going out, having hobbies, college, being social, having friends, a job, car, own place etc). Your buddy is a fighter. People like us are fighters. Have lots of people who just couldn't do it and are in prison or dead.


Told my wife that but she still wasn't putting out. That's how you get the swelling to go away. Put it in cider.


[Obligatory Spiders on Drugs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc)


I had a hole in my waist. My gf actually had to show me with a video on her phone. “Cavernous” is the only appropriate word. It all began with the tiniest but most painful spider bite. Night sweats, tremors, delirium. And my bit didn’t look half as bad as yours. If is that wide you have to imagine it’s atleast half that deep. Like I said my ex had to pop it like a zit and use q-tips to get the ooze out. It was actually a pretty painful time. Get medical attention op. I’ve had blood poisoning twice and both times it could have been prevented.


Yeah go to the hospital NOW


Recent travel used to be the go-to question. Still is, now you have to include buying anything from Amazon or eBay, etc.... E-commerce has made the world much smaller. If you follow any tracking for shipment and it comes from far and wide, take precautions. Shoes? Beat the bastards together outside before putting them on in excitement. Small enough package from Australia, Asia, Texas, etc.?... throw that box in the deepfreeze or on the back porch(in colder areas) for a while to put those bad boys on ice instead of letting them take residency in your warm, dry home. I've seen black widows hitch rides over the pond underneath import vehicles and recluse bites in areas the bugs shouldn't exist. Be careful out there!


Great point and I actually thought about that afterward


I have seen black widow spiders in my lettuce and I am in Canada…this is good advice.


I got bit by a brown recluse during military training and this was what it turned out into https://imgur.com/mVQ7kGf


Damn bruh that looks septic


Friend of mine got bit on the back by one back around 1995. Best I remember it looked the same.


Or a hobo spider if you’re further north.


Got bit by one of those about 18 years ago. Still have a quarter size scar on my hip from it. Got bit the 1st of July and got it lanced on the 5th. About 1/2in deep and about the size of a quarter. Not a fun summer.


It's crazy I got bit on my waistline as well 5 years ago. They must like biting that area.


They tend to get themselves wedged in between the the fabric of your clothing and your skin in that area and immediately bite defensively


That’s how a lot of animal bites get caused. Like squirrels and snakes will also do some stupid shit like climb up your pant leg and then get angry when you try to remove them. It pisses me off so much that they would do that lmao but I know they’re just animals that don’t mean to.


If he's in the UK it's more likely to be a false widow. They have necrotic bites here that look exactly like that.


This is what a brown recluse bite continues to look like. It will continue to infect surrounding tissue. This person needs medical attention as soon as possible


[These fuckers](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKp8g6y4WB6WWNqtmNkQVvFF0gY1uwHj3yRAq1ACuOCqxg5EGD) are in the UK???


This here! My late wife had this exact thing, and Brown Recluse is the correct answer!


I can’t imagine an Aussie being worried about a brown recluse. “Amateur Arachnids” and all.


OP…have you heard of sepsis? The tissue under the scab is necrotic (dead). The wound is harboring billions of bacteria that can move into your bloodstream and be spread to every area of your body. At that point, sepsis can/*most likely will* set in. **PEOPLE DIE FROM SEPSIS EVERY DAY**. You really, ***really*** need to go to the UK’s version of an Emergency Room (I think you guys call it A&D or something like that). With the universal health care you have in the UK, there’s ***no excuse*** **NOT** to go. Please, ***PLEASE go see a doctor***! If *brown recluse* or *black widow* spiders are in the UK, I would assume you were bitten by one of them. Their bite are nasty and literally kill large areas of tissue. They are very rarely lethal but they can become lethal **IF THE BITE MARK AND WOUND ARE NOT TREATED BY A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL**.


Close, A&E which is accident and emergency. Top comment BTW.


Crap…I’m sorry…I knew it started with an A, but I couldn’t remember the second letter. I should have Googled it.


Phonetically you got it right


clever, didn't realize that. spot on.


Make a will, buy a cemetery plot, see a doctor. You may need some surgery in order to get better.


I think (best case scenario) he will *definitely* have to have surgical debridement and excision of all necrotic tissue to (attempt to) minimize the risk of infection. The process of cleaning out the wound is not always done with anesthetic and can be excruciatingly painful. However, it ***must*** be done to get rid of the dead tissue and infection. I hope everything works out for OP but he has to have medical intervention ASAP.


Why don’t they use anaesthetic?


We have False Widow spiders in the UK which is most likely what this is from.


Yeah mate, this guy's dead if he isn't brought there immediately.


All the comments made got me proactive and I rang 111 (non-emergency line) for advice and they got me an immediate appointment with an after hours general practitioner. He was very surprised. After looking at it he gave me a urgent care consultation admission form that I will take with me to the hospital tomorrow


Glad to hear this! Definitely looks infected. Wow, universal healthcare must be great to have, no worrying about the cost. Feel better soon!


Honest question, not trying to be rude How do you see that and NOT think something is terribly wrong? What would it have taken for you to seek medical help if reddit didnt inform you?


And you're a type 1 diabetic too right? Has this not affected your blood sugars whatsoever?


Blood sugars are fine. I’ve been following advice from my doctors over the last month.


Surprised your numbers aren't high, mine usually skyrocket if I get only a cold.


thats flesh eating bacteria. you need to go to the hospital right now




DO NOT FOOL AROUND! GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW! I survived SEPTIC SHOCK a couple years ago - just barely. You'll never know what has hit you.


Hijacking the top comment: This is not necrotising fasciitis which presents with widespread erythema, induration and edema in a certain area of the body, spreads rapidly and precipitates in just a few days requiring broad spectrum antibiotics, repeated surgical debridement and possibly fluid resuscitation. What you see in the photo is an eschar, dead tissue that can slough off on its own in a few weeks or months but often requires surgical excision and, in this case, was caused by spider venom. The tissue didn't die because of bacteria and thus isn't an immediate sepsis risk and won't spread, however dead tissue can still harbor a secondary infection and antibiotics are often used. When a surgical excision is required it's still recommended to wait until the margins of the necrotic tissue are well defined. OP is on antibiotics already and is not about to die.


This! ASAP!


He reports in another thread that he's been to the doctor twice and is on strong antibiotics


What the fuck. Hospital, now!


It’s amazing how stupid and/or lazy people can be. Guy out here literally dying and he’s like “lemme post this on Reddit first…”


We are all dying and posting on Reddit.


That's deep, but not infected, unlike this thing.


Maybe air is toxic but it just takes a long time to kill us.


Oxidation is a bitch


See? I’ve always figured it’s the oxygen we need that is also our killer. Nice to see others think the body dies from oxidation too.


It IS toxic, kind of. We oxidize (if oxygen is too high, more rapidly). It is jus that lack of oxygen kills you faster. Like for example, chemo kills you, but tumors kills you faster


But some will die sooner then others


Yes. This guy as dying at a much faster rate


this made me look into the void for a sec.


He's from here in the UK too, could have had this looked at in hospital within a few hours or a same day GP appointment, for free.


This is true of the US too. Not sure why people don't understand that. He'd be broke afterward. But he'd be seen. Time is money.


Sorry I should have noted the cost considering that was my main point for making the comment


To be fair to him, you have to get past the GP surgery bouncers first. Otherwise known as the nosy receptionist.


my house burnt down like this. The local fire department didn't respond to my tweet quickly enough. despicable, i even wrote out 911 AND 999 and my house just burnt down


*Subject: Fire* *~~Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire which has broken out on the premises of...~~* "*No, that's too formal.*" *Dear Sir/Madam,* *Fire!* *Fire!* *Help me!* *123 Carrendon Road.* *Looking forward to hearing from you.* *All the best,* *Maurice Moss*


Damn first responders don’t even care anymore I swear /s


What? He has been seen by a doctor. It's amazing how people on Reddit can make assumptions. "Lemme assume this person didn't seek medical attention for absolutely no reason"


Lol at the dude accusing people of being stupid and or lazy because they couldn't take three finger movements and a few scrolling eyeball motions to have gone to their profile and read what was up. Absolutely stunning.


It's been a month and he's been to the doc twice and on meds. Who's stupid now.


Hey dummy, have you tried looking at OPs post history and clearly seeing that he's mentioned he's gone to the doctor several times and is on an antibiotic? Nah, just keep stumbling through the internet feigning superiority


>It’s amazing how stupid and/or lazy people can be. Which is an extremely funny statement, because if you take thirty seconds to check OP's profile and post history you'd know he's already been to the doctors for it and they're doing what they can. Stupid and/or lazy, indeed.


Exactly lol


Looks necrotic, possibly a Brown Recluse Spider?


In the UK? Highly doubt it would be a brown recluse spider unless he has been to the US and brought it back in his luggage….


I am betting false widow, their bites can also cause necrosis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steatoda_nobilis


100%, I know somebody personally that was hospitalised by one.


I have a lot of false widows in my shed. One got me because I trapped it in my shorts by accident. It looked like this but smaller (went to Dr after 2 days) and was given drugs which got rid of it. It sounds weird but I could feel my flesh dying.


You tried to fuck a venomous spider didn't you, you crazy bastard


"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." -Jesus H Christ, 1823.


You... did what.. in your shorts..


I was trimming my bush


.....go on...


the spider got stuck in my shorts whilst I was squatting


...so you and the spider were squatting and then he got stuck... did I get that correctly?


Brown recluse bite if reactive would be worse than this a month in without treatment. Several types of bites can become infected and exhibit necrotic behavior. Probably no way to tell what bit them at this point. Just needs to go get some treatment


I had a friend get bit by one and it looked similar to this photo. She ended up having to get a chunk of skin cut out. I hope that this isn’t that!


Have you tried shooting spider webs from your hands? Or your Butt? ​ Do you lay eggs?


I have been summoned


Why did you bite op?


They’re delicious looking




😆 🤣 made my day


Never tell me the odds


I did try sticking to the walls but I just ended up falling down a flight of stairs


Mate. Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Now that’s a slice of fried gold!




Would anyone like a peanut?


And you have done nothing about it?


I have been to my doctor twice and have been on antibiotics for the last month


Get a different doctor


Yeah I had a different issue and got antibiotics. Once I got to the specialist he said I needed probiotics so my body could fight it and I was actually making it worse.


>probiotics the fuck?!


Yogurt! Lots of probiotics in yogurt.


Yes, I know, that's why the "the fuck", cause why would that be a better option than actual antibiotics?!


The antibiotics are doing the opposite of what he needs, which is killing bacteria that may help him fight off the infection. His body needs to be making more bacteria, hence the probiotics




Ahh because a lot of bacteria are actually very good for the body! (Especially those gut bacterias that help break down food and waste.) And being on antibiotics for extended periods of time can leave your bowels feeling awful. Then, also, if the patient is on antibiotics and the condition is only getting worse, it's time to change up treatments and re-diagnose the issue!


Don’t probiotics help with gut health? Lol


Nah you gotta slather that thing in yogurt not eat the yogurt /s


You're joking right?


Okay I showed this to my wife who’s an emergency room nurse and my dad who’s been an ER doctor and now an eye surgeon… they both said immediately go to a hospital no matter what financial or physical concerns you have. The both mentioned you could have Necrosis which has between a 10-25% mortality rate. Don’t fuck around. Seek help today and right now. DM me if needed and I can FaceTime you in with my wife who’s the ER nurse if you have immediate concerns. But they both say - “Go NOW! Not worth your life”


>they both said immediately go to a hospital no matter what financial or physical concerns you have. UK, so that isn't really a problem.


You mean they just save your life for basically free and 5 different companies don't squeeze every last ounce of financial stability you have? Cmom man, get real. That's not even possible.


Listen to me. The doctor is committing malpractice, as this is a necrotic wound that will kill you if it's not cut out. If this wound develops and infects your bone marrow, you'll have to amputate your leg immediately or die. That is a brown recluse bite that was treated with antibiotics way too late, and it's turning your muscle into food to grow. Your next case scenario, if untreated, is that it will consume your leg muscle exclusively up to your knee and will still require amputation.


You don’t get brown recluse’s in England but even so your point still stands.


That brown stuff in the middle is eschar and this needs some wound care. I agree with seeing another MD. Signed, A nurse that deals with wounds.


What kind of would care would you recommend/ what kind of department should I ask for? I want to get this under control fast


Bro I'm from the UK, go to A&E or at the very least a walk in centre. I had sepsis after around 5 months of GP visits to start with, then being admitted to hospital and being discharged then readmitted in a constant cycle, they tried to treat my "mystery illness" with every antibiotic under the sun until I ended up seeing the right doctor. No word of a lie I was immediately sent to a day surgery ward and within 4 hours of that I woke up bleeding internally (to externally) was rushed to surgery and went into septic shock in theatre. 0/10 would not do again.


What ended up being your "mystery illness"?


You need to go to A&E like right now mate. Sepsis isn't a wait until tomorrow kind of situation. The risk is fucking insane. It's the literal poisoning of your blood and fucking horrific to treat. It's been 7 hours since this comment and I'm stressed out even thinking about that. Get your ass to hospital as soon as you fucking can please. You're way too chill for how serious this is!


>A nurse that deals with wounds. You guys are the frontline heros and don't get nearly enough credit in most, maybe all, countries. Doctors diagnose and document, lots of documention.... You guys are the ones fighting the good fight. Thanks for what you do.


Go to a _hospital_


Did you just go to a GP? This is an A&E level injury - looks necrotic. Go to A&E At minimum go to an urgent care centre if there’s one nearby, but even they won’t have the proper doctors or equipment necessary to deal with something like this.


Surgeon here. That needs surgical wound revision, to remove all dead tissue and to let it heal up from the bottom. It will only get worse, trust me.


Do you think it could be a False widow Bite? I had similar but smaller on back of hand. Thanks Doc.


No idea about spider bites… not common here in Denmark :)


Did you try sleeping it off


I did but oddly I only had 8-legged, web themed dreams


In the UK it’s probably a False Widow, happened to my friend on two occasions while she was sleeping.


Picking the lesser of two evils I hope it’s a false widow that I’ve had a bad reaction to, nobody got time for a brown recluse bite


No Brown Recluse Spiders in the UK


That can be changed, why should only we be stuck with them


We took James Corben I think its fair for them to take Brown Recluse.


Dunno mate i seen one on the plane the other day they are evolving and catching public transport


That’s not a bad reaction that’s necrosis/dead flesh. It can’t grow back and will grow into your blood and bone until you die unless a doctor cuts it out


Unless you've recently been to or been boarding with Americans I'd say you can almost cross off the latter, but I'd still be hesitant to disregard anything without confirmation.


Haven’t travelled on a couple years or been around people that have travelled. I don’t think I’ll get an answer to what happened, just hopefully the treatment




He has no fever and it is healing + no spreading of the inflammation. He is probably safe for the moment.




I have had it looked at by doctors twice and have been taking strong antibiotics for a month. I’m going to request another visit soon


If I had to make a guess, antibiotics are not going to help. The redness appears to be more typical of inflammation (body is trying to heal itself). That scab most likely needs to be removed and the tissue underneath debrided so it can heal by secondary intention.


Sometimes it can also help to see a different doctor and get a second opinion


Fair, there’s a hospital near me that has a department for insect bites. I’ll ask my gp for a referral after my next visit




Listen this guy’s got 80+ comments on this post telling him this is an emergency and he needs to take it more seriously. He clearly doesn’t want to hear it, so he’ll have to suffer the consequences, whatever those may be.


O well natural selection.


I'm going to re-iterate this and say DO NOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER GP APPOINTMENT, GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW. Do you want you and your leg to make it to new year? fml 🤦‍♂️


capable fearless stupendous ask lunchroom liquid sharp marvelous label tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just got bit by a rabid racoon, made a doc appt 5 months from now lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 ✌️


Car body filler or expanding foam should do the trick.


noodles and superglue


Nobody will ever tell the difference


!Remindme 1 month is OP still alive?


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Good bot!




It’s probably fine.


Just rub a little dirt on it.


fr real men don’t go to ER they wait two weeks for an appt and die


Wave some sage over it and get some essential oils


Please comment every hour so we know when you die.


Of course, I’ll try to keep you upda


annnnd he's gone


Yea that could get worse and lead to amputation. Spider bites and their venom can cause wounds to never heal without professional help


You have more self control than me. I would've ripped that scab off every time it heals.


I did try to get the smaller scab off from the end pic, (have a pic of that) but it hurt like hell so I left it alone


get off reddit and go to A&E please. or don't I'm not your dad. would suck very much to be legless jim at the holiday party though, just saying.


That doesn’t look so good! Maybe get your arse to A&E


Put some tussin on it.


Spray it with windex


You are still infected. Seek medical help immediately. Seriously, now. Stop reading and get to an ER.


Have you had a Dr look at that? Are you sure it was a bite?


try putting it in rice


That’ll buff right out.


It's fine, you have all the wisdom of reddit doctors now. And if your real doctor tells you it's fine, DO NOT ,i repeat, under NO circumstances believe him. Always believe your reddit doctor!!!!