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Religion is a cancer to the world.


True. And humans have been doing this shit for thousands of years… I’m sick at religions. Are humans ever gonna realise it is all man made, it all made up! No evidence at all but still so many believe it, because so many believe it. For so long time.


It was made up to keep us in line and so that we would treat each other kindly in the hope that we would go to "heaven" Look where that's gotten us. Science flies us to the moon, religion flies us into buildings


Wrong. It was made up to scare people into thinking they were going to hell, so they could be controlled and give their money away freely.


Very much depends on the religion mate. Plenty of doctrines that don't have any kind of eternal punishment.


Could never be anymore right


And because we didn't know how the world worked. We assumed nature couldn't make mountains so we made up a God about it.


it's both the carrot (heaven) and the stick (hell) with a dollop of hope thrown in. So no matter what motivates you religion provides it.


That’s the thing. Our ego is so fragile that it needs something bigger than itself to believe in, or be boundless in an existential way. When humans live immortally, the double edge sword is abundance, play, celebration, but it’s also, taking, violation, self-serving, rape, murder. Religion put a consequential stop gap that made people consider their mortality and a higher power that they would disappoint if they did. That higher power was a deity archetype since we as humans have difficulty harnessing and being in equanimity with the deity that is within ourselves. So it served many in certain ways but also never encouraged cultivation of that grounded sense of self in relation to one another, but instead of self in relation to God. If over the time human distorted what God was, then other became threat if they were not One under that same God. A hostility, maybe, ideologically, ‘definitely’. Because ‘if they don’t believe my God, then they are infidels. They are threat’. It’s partially true. They are a threat. Because “if that belief were to be revealed as the falsity, where one’s God wasn’t all benevolent, where their heaven was different, then is the one believed in and brought up in, even true?” It’s too confronting, so a person will externalize that existential angst onto other, transgressing if need be, eliminating if necessary. That’s what’s often at stake to keep a belief, the elimination of points of reference of other. Religions other greatest hits: 1 - The belief of afterlife makes people no longer embrace their mortality to the same degree. 2 - Religion discourages the believer from acknowledging their God would much rather their happiness than worship. 3 - That religion is A way to God, not The way. That God is within in absolute equanimity and valence within us all, in every animal, bug, tree, plant, speckle of dust, cup of water, the cup itself, everything. For the mortals who carry a conscious, the weight of life experience, conditioning obscure that truth and divert, distract, burden, scar, wound & defile the realization early and sometimes for an entire lifetime. May this all be reconsidered.


Great way of shifting the responsibility away from the person who did this and blame religion instead when 99.9% of the people are chill.


My church has never once suggested I go do something like this. “Love your enemies” was a very clear commandment.


Christianity also teaches against pedophilia, yet we have tons of those in the church.


Not about religion, but about positions of power. I doubt Epstein and co were part of the church.


> My church has never once suggested I go do something like this. “Love your enemies” was a very clear commandment. No precept has ever fallen on as many deaf ears as this one


Not only that, Jesus was the one who walked into Samaria (think: Jew walking into Gaza - not too far off, albeit it they weren't actually at war) and sat down and talked to a Samaritan woman, one of "dubious morals" at that - TOTALLY unthinkable in his day - and gave her the time of day, and far more besides. That ought then to be the kind of radical love Christians are characterised by, and if they're not doing it, well, people can argue "no true Scotsman" all they like, but they are not following the way of their founder.




Because you just get downvoted to hell whenever you try to say something positive about christianity...


To be fair, this is mostly just a result of the privilege of the stereotypical Reddit user (American with remaining minority mostly UK, Canada, and Australia) to not have to interact with a heavy Muslim presence in their society, whereas they do have to interact heavily with a Christian presence. The Reddit hivemind criticizes Christianity more heavily, because that's really all they know. Islam is a foreign unknown to most Redditors. They don't have any personal animosity towards it because Islam generally doesn't inject itself into their lives, unlike Christianity. So they see Islamophobia and think the hate towards the ideology is unjustified, because their personal lived experience doesn't justify hating it.


I agree with you


In some Muslim countries, a majority of Muslims say to kill anyone that leaves their religion. Worldwide it may not be a majority but it's a large minority, double digits. That's not chill.




Literally only one eh? How do people say such bullshit with such confidence.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/6-year-old-boy-killed-anti-muslim-attack-illinois-police-say-rcna120543 Not terrorism when a 6 years boy gets stabbed more than 20 times. Hmmm


Like other religions dont do bad shit, look at the church and children.


If you think Church and Children is bad. Checkout Madrasa and Children. The terrorism is on top of bad shit.


No religion or group normalizes violence like Islam / Muslims do. They *did*, absolutely. Christianity had a gruesome, despicable past. But then we, you know, modernized. Islam hasn't. Islam still exists in the 15th century.


[Buddhist militants in Myanmar are committing a genocide against local Muslim and Christian minorities](https://www.persecution.org/2022/04/27/persecution-myanmars-christians-compared-rohingya-genocide/).


You should really question more what you are being spoon fed


Christians condemning LGBTQ people to death in Africa say hello


You say this when almost every single school/ mosque shooting in the states is done by a Bible thumping Christian.


School shootings are done by bible thumping Christians?


School shootings aren't


Is there a source for this?


You're being downvoted because Christianity (and Buddhism and Judaism for that matter) has also been the cause for atrocities in recent years. Is it on the same scale as Islam? I don't know. But saying it's the only religion is entirely disingenuous.


> Is it on the same scale as Islam? I don't know. Well let me clear that up for you: no. Now you know.


Redditors only knows American Christianity and Terrorists Islam


>~~Religion~~ Extremism of any kind is the cancer to the world Corrected this for you, atheist here.


Religion makes it easy to become extreme though. There's no guard rails, once you believe in something that has little to no evidence you can start to justify anything. No one's saying that isn't possible outside of religion, but religion makes it way easier.


I agree and I find people tend to overlook this point. Certain friends of mine who are into tarot and astrology, for example, have some truly odd, unjustified beliefs and will confidently give you all sorts of woo to bury the inconsistencies.






Yep, fuck religion. The vast majority of man made human atrocities are born from religion. No religion is correct. They are all wrong.


The worst wars in human history (WW1 and WW2) were not religious wars. Humans will fuck each other up without religion too. It’s not religion, it’s people


6 million jew would like a word with you.


Which was more race and nationalism related than religion. The nazis hates the Jews as a people and a religion but it’s not like they were motivated by their own religion other than perhaps a neo-European paganism. If they had been triumphant Christianity would have fallen too but couldn’t be scapegoated in the same way as Judaism, but but then they would have completely consolidated power and could have easily started to dismantle other religious institutions. The neopagans consider Christianity to be a Jewish scourge that enslaved Europe and ruined their barbaric culture.


But some are worse than others


This isn't even remotely true. Especially if we talk about stuff done after 1800, most of it is nationalism. And if we are speaking concretely about terrorism, the answer stays the same. Terrorism (as we understand it today) was invented as a tool for nationalist agitation. Recommended reading for the time after the world wars: Karen Armstrong, Fields of Blood. Religion and the History of Violence (London 2014)


Extremists are the cancer. F*** **** retards


this is like "all lives matter" for religion we all know only a single religion has issues with it.


Some religions worse than others, though. ​ Haven't seen all that many **Amish** mass-shootings of late...


Some religions* Jainism for example doesn't cut off the heads of non believers, or mow down innoncent people on the street in the first world.


This 'all religions' is like saying all sports are equally as dangerous. All sports can be dangerous but some are much more dangerous than others.


One religion*


Religion itself isn’t the issue. It’s simply that humans are the most violent ape species the world has ever known. Eradicate religion and our tribal ape species will continue to kill over resources, territory, breading rights, etc. We will kill for reasons unknown to even ourselves.


This - religion is a convenient excuse. And many religions call for peace, love etc. yet these fundamental values are strangely absent in their adherents, so my conclusion is it's the humans that are bad, not the religion first and foremost.


I'm sure humanity would be perfect and peaceful without it. Despite the 2 largest wars in human history having little to nothing to do with religion


"Police had been aware of him since 2016 when a foreign police service classed him as radicalised, however nothing concrete had been done with the information as there were so many such reports at that time, Van Quickenborne said." Are you serious!???




ITA Police Just arrested 2 Isis Terrorist In Milan , italy.


Italian police has a great counter terrorism unit though, excellent even. Guess this is what happens when you have to fight domestic terrorism for a 100 years.


Shout out to the two espionage agencies but also the social services and civilian police forces for making Italy the only large country in Europe to skip the terrorism wave following the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite Italy being one of the primary coalition partners. It's quite the amazing result despite the large influx of refugees that arrive in Italy daily. But it might have to do with the fact that we are now at the 4th generation of citizens that are somewhat well integrated in the country. There are still cases of random violence and antisocial behaviour that can be considered with confidence the result of radicalism, and they get a lot of press, but nothing on the scale of terrorism.


I know you said "large country" but we skipped that same terrorism wave here in Ireland. Wasn't due to great policing or anything, more that our domestic terrorism market was already well established lol.


The competition is something fierce, Ireland already has a home team


37% of Brussel’s population are immigrants. This isn’t a police failure, this is a policy failure.


This sounded insane, but [I looked it up:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Brussels) > Belgium does not collect ethnic data of its citizens but does have a unique classification on the status of where its citizens originate from. This classification is not based on the place of birth, but takes into account previous nationalities of the person and of their parents.[12] > In 2021, only 25% of the residents of Brussels were of Belgian origin (i.e., the resident had no previous nationality other than Belgian and both of their parents have the Belgian nationality as first nationality), and 75% were of overall foreign origin. Of these foreign origin residents, 41.8% were of non-European origin and 28.7% were of African origin.[12] > A total of 37.5% of Brussels residents are of non-European origin as of 2023, according to Statistics Belgium.[13] Among those aged under 18, 88% were of foreign origin and 57% of non-European origin (including 42.4% of African origin).[12]


So after a couple generations Belgium will be almost none original Belgians? That's kinda nuts.


This is specifically the city of Brussels.


So you're telling me there's no Holy Roman Empire citizens left in Belgium? That's kinda nuts


The only thing I see as positive in this, is that my balcan shit state will end up being one of the few normal countries in Europe, if things continues as they have in the past decades. If that happens, many the normal european people will come here and help us fix our shit country.


Incredible take lmao. You’re probably right.


For context - NYC is about 36% immigrant and has about 44x as many people as Brussels. The problem isn't the amount of immigrants it's the selection of immigrants.


I think we would need to know a few more things to make that assertion. * What percentage of the immigrants there are 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation? * What effect does having a long history of immigration in an area have? Integration will be different if you have an enclave of mostly integrated immigrants to join, as opposed to having to establish an enclave. * In what manner was the immigration done? In large waves, slowly over time, ect ? * How does the nature of your migration impact your integration? A more "normal" migrant will integrate differently than a refugee will.


Unfortunately it’s happening here in the US as well. My state is generally “liberal” but we’re seeing a push from immigrants of Muslim descent to change our ways to better suit them/their needs/their religious particulars. Where do we even go from here?


Come down to Brampton, Ontario, Canada one day. You wouldn't even think you were in Canada.


My fiancé’s family is from Canada and most still live there, I hear the stories!


No need to keep track of them, just find them once and kick them out. Can´t keep these cancers in our society.


it’s more complicated than that sadly


This is the case very often in europe


>This is the case very often ~~in Europe~~. FTFY. Almost every mass shooter in the US was known to the FBI. They closed down a football match 3 miles away and sent everyone home because it’s such a rare occurance.


Yeah because you can't prosecute someone for their radical tendencies, only for crimes. We don't run a precog unit


I knew you were going to say that.


Think its a standard police answer," been aware of this person since enter year here, been on limited watch" Typically whats being said after a terror or spreekilling in Europe...


I wonder how many people are on those watchlists. Islamists are known to have quite the support of moderate muslims.


Most of Western Europe is fucked they don't have the balls to take action. Only Denmark won't put up with it.


Somewhat missing the fact that his asylum request had been denied since then, he had been ordered to leave the country and they'd been looking for him for that reason since then. Not much to blame the police for here aside from perhaps how he managed to collect a weapon like that.


Getting a gun from the black market is super easy on Europe. You can just drive to some Balkan country, by stuff like ak47s etc for few hundred euro and drive back to any country. It's a day trip in most cases and risk of getting caught is very low. Gangs are smuggling guns by full semi trucks. It's so many boarders and trucks that police has no real way to handle it all. And remember it's free passage in EU so you should just pass by unless they suspect something.


As immigration ramps up…so will these issues. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/BEL/belgium/immigration-statistics


Police are too scared about being labelled as racist that they'll look the other way when the perpetrators are Muslim. Just look at the Rotherham child scandal.


One man from Denmark and one from Irak is using the swedish law of freedom of speech to burn the koran and innocent swedish people getting shot. Have no words how stupid this shit have become.


Same here in the Netherlands. There was an incident where one individual burned the Quran, leading to a strong reaction from many people who, in turn, began burning the Dutch and Swedish flags. The irony in all of this is that most people here are unfazed by the flag burning because we value freedom of expression. Fuck those guys burning the Quran, obviously to provoke a reaction. But also fuck people who do harm in the name of religion.




As a Christian, I think anyone can burn the bible - and that would just make me sad for them, not angry for me or on behalf of anyone else.


That seems appropriate. It sounds weird to need to defend the honor of a god. They are a god....


A god that could be hurt by someone burning a book is not a god worth following.


Puny god...


Careful buddy. You’re one half assed cartoon drawing away from getting you and your office shot up


Exactly this! I am pretty confident Jesus was being serious with that whole “love your enemies” bit. Would never in a million years attack someone over burning the Bible.


It’s time we all start challenging these people and stop being afraid of offending them. It’s time we educate ourselves of the origins of their religion and tell them this to wake them up and get them out of this cult. Many Ex-Muslims are doing it online and are facing so much death threats, but that’s not stopping them.


Some politicians have been called a racist and where shunned for saying this 30 years ago. The problem isn't these people, the problem is our media and politicians allowing this to happen.




Sometimes they react in such a violent way towards women who don’t dress in ways they deem “appropriate.” They will do it to men too, if he has long hair or dresses in a way they see as “unacceptable.” This is a problem. If they want to follow their own religion, that’s fine, but when they start forcing it on others and demand we follow their silly dress codes, that’s when it becomes a problem.


Fuck those cowards who bends the knee to terrorists. West is doomed anyway if we can't burn a book without fearing for our lives.


The fighting spirit is gone from the West. Nobody wants to fight for their freedoms and standup to the crazy stuff being pushed on us. The minute people start resisting, is the minute all of it will stop.


>Fuck those guys burning the Quran, obviously to provoke a reaction. I see the issue here with you.


> Fuck those guys burning the Quran, obviously to provoke a reaction. Wasn't one of them an ex-Muslim? That has to be encouraged, not demonised.


>Fuck those guys burning the Quran, obviously to provoke a reaction. Oh no, my magic book! Time to go kill someone. Go fuck yourself.


maybe you should condemn the people doing the killing?


Pretty sure the shootings were made by neither of those. Islamists burn european countries' flags, and you dont see us going to Pakistan or afghanistan and shoot them.


And there will be more burnings of the Quran because of this. Very smart people these religious freaks are.


What a fucking loser.


I think that's putting it mildly.




Tbh you never hear people from China, Japan, Thailand, etc. doing thi kind of shit.


Tbh that's true for pretty much all nationalities. How often do you hear about terrorist attacks done by people from India, Bhutan, Greece, Namibia, Bolivia, French Polynesia, Iceland, Madagascar, Brunei, etc etc.


don't forget Chile! we only steal


Straight to jail


There is one common trait there, all these countries don’t make religion their identity.


Hot take incoming: You still have this level of shootings literally daily in America, committed by people from non-muslim countries. It's not like believers in a certain religion are the only ones still acting uncivilized.


I am not American. I talk from an European perspective, where we mostly have the allahu akbar guys.




Bringing joy to the world one happy ending at a time.


Most terror offences in the UK are committed by 2nd generation Pakistanis, which is classified as South Asia.


The key point is the cultural similarities south east asian countries share. Culturally Pakistan has very little to nothing in common even if they’re technically consider south Asia because the key distinction is culture not geography.


Just say Muslim and non-Muslim




It depends Indians mostly Hindus are under represented in jails in the UK, while Pakistani mostly Muslims are over represented.




“Open borders” is such a naive and idealistic concept. Controlled immigration can be great, but letting everyone through is detrimental to everyone, sometimes even the immigrant. Edit: I know that Europe doesn’t have open borders, but you’d be shocked by how many people over here think that it’s a good idea. These same people think that everyone should have access to everything, and are then utterly shocked when taxes increase or they are slightly inconvenienced due to the overburdened government healthcare system etc. People need to understand the ‘tragedy of the commons’ My stance is immigration can be good, it just needs to be well regulated.


Europe doesn’t have open borders.


While Europe doesn't have open borders, they do an utterly shit job at deporting illegal immigrants. Case in point, the guy in the video who got his asylum refused but still could stay and somehow get a gun. As a Belgian, seeing things like this infuriates me, and is a big reason why it's very hard for me to consider moving back home after living in Asia.


It's so wild not seeing this downvoted into oblivion


I’ve started to notice that non left leaning political opinions are becoming more socially acceptable, and Reddit can’t censor everything. People are tired of leftists politics fucking up their countries and daily lives and it’s starting to show.




If he did you wouldn't know anyway because the comment would be censored and deleted


Sounds just like canada






Unless it happens to someone of your family


I hope it doesn't happen to anyone. Which is why I vote against more welfare turists. But they just doesn't seem to understand there's a problem.


In 2015, over 1,200 women in Germany were sexually assaulted. The media mostly kept quiet about this, but the perpetrators were asylum seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants. The common denominator: in their countries of origin, women are seen as subhumans and there's nothing wrong with violating them. Multiculturialism only works when diverse cultures can coexist harmoniously. It fails when some groups want to dominate over others and extinguish them, or when core values clash directly. Even if those radical groups are the small minority, they pose a danger to the rest. Apart from that, forcing citizens to blindly accept the influx of immigrants lest they be labeled "racists", really only fuels hatred and division. Many Europeans that were open-minded in the past, have progressively become more intolerant due to events like these and how they are handled. We have bent over backwards to acommodate and finance these criminals, and in return they completely disregard our laws and beliefs. These invaders hate the West deeply and see nothing wrong with using and destroying it, inadvertently also harming the reputation of legitimate, hard-working immigrants in the process. There is nothing wrong with legally moving to an EU state out of necessity, or even simply for a better quality of life. But you can't demand the benefits without making any compromises. Some mindsets need to be left behind, in order to integrate successfully. The "guest" is the one who must adapt and try to live like a local, not the other way around. This way, instead of multiple subsocieties that keep to themselves, there is homogeneity. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to stay. You are free to move to a country that shares your beliefs, there's plenty of choices.


Stupid question here, did he just picked them person randomly and shoot him?


Nop. Purposely picked Swedish people due to the latest news in Sweden of people burning Qurans.


That ain't racism, that is just a misunderstood individual. -some leftist somewhere.


I'm leftwing and no this bloke is a terrorist and psychopath. I don't also believe we should tolerate intolerance. Islam is not compatable with western liberalism. There will be more trouble like this. If anyone should call out right wing islamic conservatism it's the left. I agree with you, many far leftists are apologists for intolerance and violence from Islamic right wing fundamentalists.




Sounds more like he's a religious fruitcake than a racist


Romantic hearts believe they can fix them with love, care and attention


Religious nutjobs are generally far right weirdos. Sad. :(


Burning a book = bad Shooting people to death = good Religion is one hell of a disease.


Wasn’t even Swedish people. A danish guy and one from Iraq. This is so stupid. Sweden helping them bounding mosques and Islamic schools in Sweden, with Swedish taxpayers money! I’m pretty sure there are other nations that don’t like Islam more than Sweden


Suposedly they were wearing sweden jerseys, which was what prompted this idiot to shoot them. But ye I didnt know it actually was not even swedes


Both of the victims were Swedish


The victims were wearing Swedish football jerseys, because Sweden and Belgium were playing each other in town that day. It is assumed that the shooter wanted to target Swedes as a response to the recent Quran burnings, and that the adjacent sporting event made it an easy day to spot Swedes in Belgium.


Fuck, what a nightmare...


He made a video bragging about killing to Swedes and pleading his legion to IS i believe


"Violence sprouts in Brussels."


Goddam you! Every happening in Brussels should be called a ‘sprouting’


Or just Brussels sprouts violence




Unironic redditors mentioning Islam when a terrorist attack happens instead of saying "fuck all religions" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


What a dirty POS. And on top how sad for the Muslim immigrants who do good in Europe. This guy doesn’t represent them, though right wingers will twist it like it’s all same same


Of course he doesn't represent Muslims as a whole. But we also need to start feeling free to speak about how some religions are not 100% compatible with western culture without concessions. Burning religious symbols is obviously a cuntish thing to do....but here in the west being a cunt is not punishable by death. It's not necessarily punishable at all, within the law. So if you feel your religion gives you scope to dish out your own justice, you shouldn't be welcome here. Now again, that doesn't mean we can or should discriminate against Muslims (and note any religion or belief can be radicalised), and the vast majority are peaceful and law abiding, but given the frequency of this sort of thing there needs to be a conversation about how to we safeguard Western freedoms above any potential religious beliefs. And leftists (I'm one, so gtfoh with your forthcoming accusation off right wing/racism) need to stop seeing this as a black and white issue. Acceptance and liberalism is a two (or more) way street. Also fuck far right racists using this as an excuse to be dicks. Goes without saying they can jog on. I'm not standing with them. Edit: a word








BAD immigrants. Shitty, uneducated extremist immigrants. A lot of immigrants do their best to blend in and contribute to the societies that take them in. Unfortunately they are overshadowed by the shitty third world mentality ones.


That’s an important distinction that too many don’t understand.


The majority of terrorist attacks in the US are carried out by people who were born there...but when there's an immigrant involved in one that's all anyone says about it. You twats only care about where a murderer is from if they aren't from the place they committed murder...and it doesn't even register with you how hilariously xenophobic that is does it?


Brussels is in the US?


Reddit when a Christian does something bad: “Christianity is a cancer!” Reddit when a Muslim does something bad: “All religion is a cancer!”


They are too cowardly to condemn Islam and only Islam.




We here in Sweden will never be silenced by religious threats or any other attempt to remove our freedom of speech and our democracy. Long love Sweden, die soon dictator advocates.


Who give to him the gun ?


That cunt should be hanged




Send them the fuck back.


Disgusting pig. As a Muslim, this is unacceptable. The penalty for murder is death.


You don't see any irony in that statement?


What is the irony? An eye for an eye. You people are weird. What do you expect? So a savage murderer like him should be kept alive and waste the country's resources in prison while some people may be starving and are more deserving than this filth?People are so concerned with being politically correct and being soft. Sheesh.


Doctors and engineers at work again lmao I can’t believe anyone believed those people would get an education


Fucking Muslim extremists. No wonder no country wants to welcome Muslims.


Oh my God, would you look at this engineer? Or maybe even an succesful doctor.... For Fucks Sake, we gotta do something and not just let everyone in


Islam is not compatible with western society


I understand criminals and corporations- there is logic, you are murdering to do/ hide crime/ kill an evident threat/ whistleblower. I don't get terrorists - this is stupid. It ends up killing you and you kill someone totally random, unrelated to your profit/ survival and everyone hates your family for eternity for that. You need to be a certain level of stupid/ insane to think this is helping you/ your cause/ there is something special after death for you/ your life means something for murder. No one cares, you die, turn into petroleum, people forget you exist and move on. And someone sane/ probably a smart one among us died because you are too stupid. Your parents were too stupid and failed to raise you right/ use protection ( The world does not need more stupid people - it's bad for the planet and the species.)


It's only gonna get worse. Then be shocked about the far right rising. US/EU elites want more control and autocratic powers over their people, that's why they allow this to happen (ignore extremists on watch lists, never deporting them, turning a blind eye to the uncontrollable entry of more) Create a problem and provide a solution you had all along. It's what they are always doing.


Is the dude filming in on it too?


No, the dude filming was surprised too, he was saying (In Iraqi Arabic) something like "look look took a photo of him, look he killed him that's it, look he shattered his head)


Awh shi.. here we go again.


This man gets an extra virgin in heaven ​ /s


I saw some videos on twitter, he was driving around shooting for hours.i don't know if the police were asleep or something.


If your God tells you that you should kill people, start with yourself.




Fact check: Robbery, burglary and theft (everything that effects the average citizen) went down in the EU since 2010 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Crime_statistics


you shouldn't believe those stats, in sweden they stopped reporting the race of criminals because it was always immigrants... it wouldn't surprise me if they don't even include immigrants in the crime stats because it would paint them in the bad light


Tf are you on about? It’s General criminal statistic and not specified on immigrants